Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:


Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. 332. 4400

Credit card bookings from: Ticket Link: 287 551 1.

Way Ahead: 339 8383.


Virgin Princes Street. 220 32:34. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 4349

Way Ahead 0141 3:39 8:383


I Nick Harper and Johnny Hill King Tut‘s Walt Walt Hut. 373a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 32l 537‘). 8.30pm. to plus hooking lcc. Son of respcctcd l‘olkstcr Ro} pcrl'orms his more titainstrcatn singer/song“ ritcr matcrial. Support comes from local singcr/ songwriter promoting his ncu alhum ol folksy blues rock ll'rim'n In Slum:


56 THE LIST t 1' 25 Apr 2002


I Capdown 'l‘hc ('athousc. l5 l'nion Slt'L‘L‘l. 343 (ihllh. 3pm. £5.50 pltls hooking lcc. ()\cr l-ls shim. lightning- paccd skatc and ska ptlttk.

I Freeview .\’icc'n‘SIca/_\. 42l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i37. 9pm.

I Halcyon 'l'indcrho\. In") B) rcs Road. 33‘) 3 ltlh’. 0pm. l-rcc. Acoustic pop.

I Scooby Snax Studio ()nc. (iros\cnor llotcl. (il'tts\L‘llUl’ 'l‘crt‘acc. 34] (i5l(i. 9pm. l'it‘cc. (‘m crs hand.

I The Vagabonds lltL‘ Scoua. l I:- l l4 Stockucll 511111553 308k ()pltl. l‘rcc. Popular co\crs.

I Jam Session Samucl l)o\s’s, o7— ‘)l Nilhsdalc Road. 433 ()l()7. 8.30pm. l'l'L‘L‘.

I Open Mic 'l‘chai ()\ na. 43 ()tago Lanc. 357 4534. 8pm. l‘rcc.

I Window Man Bar .lctli. 23‘) North Strcct. 304 lolo. 8pm. l‘rcc. Roots and duh.


I Demis Roussos l'csti\al ‘l‘licairc. l3 3‘) Nicnlsnlt Sll'L‘L‘t. 53‘) (i()()(l. 7.30pm. U850 £33.501L‘lo50 £30.50i. 'l’hc Icgcndar} rottmd singcr scr\ cs tip all thc hits lrom his 70s licylay


I Garlic, Pariah and The Silver Pill \icc‘n'SIca/y 43l Sauchichall Sll'L‘L‘l. 333 9037. ‘lpm. 'l't‘io til indic noiscniks lroni London. (ilasgots and lidinhurgh scr\ ing tip liig. crunch} guitarvlcd trips.

I Tippi, Snodgrass and Shakayla King 'l'ut's \Vah \\'ah lltit. 373a St \inccnt Strcct. 33] 537‘). 8.30pm. £5.50 pltis hooking lcc. local

singcr'/song\\ ritct'. \\ ho introduccd ltL‘l'sL‘ll l'L‘t‘L‘ttll} \\ illt :1 cm Cl' Ul' lltL‘ lilttL‘ Nilc‘s "linscltottn lll 'l'hc Rain'.

x’r issue * pril 9.5)

,' free

I MU330, No Comply, The Scarsoles and Diploidi 'l‘lic (‘atlioiisc. l5 l‘nion Slt’L‘L‘l. 343 (i000. 7pm. £5 ltthIItL‘L‘ l. U) ldotit'l. ()\ct‘— l4s sho\\. lltL' hcadlincrs arc a ska punk hand l'rom St l.ouis.

I Ripcord, Blind Nation and Soul Nine l-ur} Murry. 0o .\la\\\cll Strcct. 33l (i5! l. ‘lpm. £4. including cntr} to post- club.

I Selection 8, Uncle Ted 8. The Bundy Bunch and Years Of Frustration Stt'attlict‘t'} l-‘icltls. 5o ()stsald Strcct. 33l INTI. 7.30pm. £4. including cntr} to post-gig cluh. .\lctal.

I Cimarron (irand ()lc ()pt‘). l’aisIc) Road loll. 43‘) 53W». 7.30pm. £3 (£3 mcmhcrsi. ('ountr}.

I Steps Tribute Bourbon Sircct. ll).s' (icorgc Strcct. 553 0|4 l. 7pm. £5 lL' I450 \\ tllt dinncrl. 'l‘l‘ll‘lllk‘ [0 lltL‘ lttlL‘. gl'L‘ut disco pop suln ct‘si\ cs.

I Monkey Tribe fut-(hunts. 40 High SII'L‘CI. 553 3 l 35. lllplll. l'hl-L‘L‘.

I Independence Santucl l)tt\\ \, (i7-0l \itlisdalc Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. I Classic Clapton Magnum 'l‘licatrc. ll’tlllL‘. lll3tl4 378 3M. 7.30pm. U0.

\c“ casllc-liascd ('lapton sottttdalikc Mikc llttll lltts also “till it lookttlikL‘ L‘Utttltcttlittn at Madam ltlssulltls.

I Carson llatnish's lloosc. 43 ()Id Sncddon Strcct. l’aislc}. 5M 7 ll)". 8pm. l’ort \Villiatn-hascd quarth \\ ho ha\ c

It CL‘ltll} l'L‘lL‘dsL‘ 1| llll'L‘L‘~ll’;tL‘k l‘.l) L‘llllllL‘d 'limpt} Sci'cam'.


I Chas 8: Dave St Brides ('cntrc. lll ()l'\\L‘ll 'l'crracc. 34o I405. 8pm. 'l'hc irrcprcssihlc cocknc} duo trcat us to a night ol' storics and classic hits likc Rabbit and ‘(iL‘l'lL'lttt'.

I Live Sciences lllc Bcat .la/I liascmcnt. l (’hamhcrs Strcct. llTHll 335354. 8pm, [3 L4 llrcc liol'orc L'lllpmr Hip hop \x ith a tan inl'lucncc lrom this l'ls' act.

I Blowfeld, Dry Riser and Diaz ‘l‘hc .\lcrcat. 38 \Vcst .\laitland Strcct. 335 38M. ".3llpm. £3. l.ondon rockcrs

Blots l’cld Itcadlinc \\ ith a hit ol' hpr lrotti lidinhurgh‘s poxi cr rock loursomc l)r_\ RlsL‘t'.

I Nick Harper 'I'hc \cnuc. I7 3] ('alton Road. 557 3033. 7pm. F. Scc llttl l I.

I Non Jovi 'l‘hc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 3504. 7pm. U150. lrihutc to Bon .lo\ i. natural!) cnough.

I Black Rose ltclushi‘s. t) \lat‘kct Strcct. 33o l44(i. ‘lpni. l‘rcc. 'li‘ihtitc act pcrlorining classic thin {in} lllls.


I Bob Geldof Rolhcs Halls. Rotlu‘s Squarc. (H.593 (il 1 HM. Xpm. No.50. 'l‘hc lit ing lcgcnd pla) s an cmotionall} --chargcd sct l‘caturing songs lrom his ncts alhum. Sm. .‘lL’l' it" [Mir/i. alongsidc classics lrom his Boomtots n Rats da} s.


I Salsa Celtica (‘ouicr 'l‘licairc.

ll} ndland Strcct. 357 5335. 8pm. £30 including littl'l'ct. 'l'ickcts lor this opcning night ol'('otticr's ltlth hirthda} cclchrations arc a\ailalilc lrotn ('otticr's har. Latino big band Salsa (‘cltica arc old ltixotit'itcs at thc ('ottict' and should cats”). in lltc \utt'ds (ll l’ittkl. gL‘l lltL‘ part} stai'tcd. Scc prc\ icts.

I Suburban Knight .\t} \lacltincs. (ilttsgtm Sclttml ()l :\t‘l. l(i.\’ RCltl't'L‘“ Strch 353 4530. llpiii. L'h'. lickcts l'roni liranchcs ol Rub a—lhih. H “’1’ and Missing Rccords. lhc l‘ndcrground Rcsistancc inaintnan lk‘t'lttl‘ltls a spccial ll\L‘ \L'l til L‘lttsslc‘ l)L‘ll‘ttil lL‘L'ltttt).

I Seb Clarke King l'ut's Walt \Vah lltit. 373a St \inccnt Strch. 331 5377*). 3pm. £4 plus hooking lcc.

I Viva Stereo \ic-c‘ii'SIt-a/s. 42| Sauchichall Stt'cct. 333 0037. ‘lpm. Spritcl} local I) pcs \sho ctit thcir tccth \s ith thcir dchut on this \cr} stagc ottl} months carlicr rcturn to promotc thcir



‘25:: Cornershop The psychedelic— electro—reggae-tunk-soul-rock experiment that is Tjinder and Ben's day job makes a welcome return. OMU. Glasgow. Sun 27 Apr.

. . . And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead These Texan terrors have a taste for wild rock'n‘roll hedonism but can sling out some fine tunes into the musical maelstrom. See their excellent new LP SOurce. Tags And Codes for further evidence. QMU. Glasgow. Wed 24 Apr.

I” The Coral Don't let all this sea shanty chat put you off. This is : willfully unlashionable youthful rock that demands to be seen and heard live. Liquid Room. Edinburgh. Wed 24 Apr.

:‘55'13 Sophie Ellis-Bextor The newest pristine pop queen lpicturedl makes tentative steps into the live arena with this modest Scottish debut. Queen's Hall. Edinburgh. Mon 22 Apr.

f? Blechtum From Blechtom More extremely entertaining insane electro pop from two American ladies. Nice 'n' Sleazy. Glasgow. Tue 16 Apr.

ncu "l‘r_\ llardcr" lil’. 'l'hcir sound is :1 \cr} intcrcsting. pcculiar amalgam of samplcs. loops. clicks and MC guitar hand. Rccommcndcd.

I Azzuri, Lucid and Stone Whisper Stt'awhcrr} l‘iclds. 5o ()s\\;tltl Sti‘cct. 33! 787]. 7.30pm. £4. including cntr} to post-gig club. Mclodic rock.

I Panhandlers (irand ()lc ()pr). l);llle'}' Road 'l‘oll. 43‘) 53%». 7.30pm. £3 (£3 nicmhcrsi. ('ountr}.

I Abba Revival Tribute Bourbon SII'L‘L‘I. lllh’ (iL‘Ut'gL‘ Sll‘L‘L‘l. 553 (ll-l l. 7pm. £5 t£l(i.50 \\ ith dinncr).

I Coy Dogs .\lc('huills Way Out \Vcst. 10- I4 Kcls inliaugh Strcct. 57o SUIX. 0.30pm. l'hl'k‘L'.

I Open Stage 'l'lic llali Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 5(i4 I537. 4-8pm. l'il'L‘L'. \VL‘L‘kl) session lot” local musicians.

I Fez 'l‘hc llalt Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. .504 L537. 0pm. l‘lCL‘.

I Pretzel Logic Saintth l)o\\ 's. ()7— ‘ll Nitltsdttlc Road. 433 “NW. 8.30pm. l'lL‘L‘.

I Open stage Bar .lcdi. 33‘) North Strcct. 304 into. l-7pin. lircc. .r\l‘tcrnoon jam scsh \shcrc all kinds of music. poctr} and comcd) arc cncouragcd.