TheFront .

Sight for saw eyes

The List’s column hits the small screen. Words: Vicki Shenkin

ver scanned the I Saw You columns just

wondering if per chance someone.

somewhere might have seen you? That little feeling that a stranger COuld have noticed you. and only you. is very flattering: not that you would necessarily reply . . . or even care . . . honest . . . But has it occmred to you that an i Saw You COuld change your life forever?

It has happened in Scotland thanks to The List. At least one c0uple has got married after being brought together Via an exchange of I Saw Yous. And there’s the other sooii-to-be~cour>le who arranged through the column to meet up in Borders. but keep missing each other: what a love stOry spectacular. And how about all those staff in the Tron. Cul de Sac. Traverse. City Cafe and the other places where we leave our l Saw You post- boxes. who receive twice as many adxances Just because their customers have nothing better to do than drink. stare and in/rite’?

The List isn't the only one to realise the fun and

function of an I Saw You column. The team behind ITV's (Jo/d

Feet has come together again to film a three-part series

ingeniously entitled / Saw You. It st; rs l'ay Ripley. also of Cold Feet. as the central character Grace Bingley. 'single mother. singer and Cynic'. The series kicks off with a chain of events leading to an I Saw You in the local maga/ine from someone

searching for Grace: they have her shoes.

It's a typical Cii'idei‘ella-estiue quirky speck in a script which is full of predictable screwball comic moments. most notably the spontaneous interiections of I Saw Yous. Yet. as it follo‘«.i'~.i romantic muddles of Grace. the men she meets and her friends

‘SA’C" seeks to support the Aly

ains of

4 THE LIST ll 1/“, AV

s the

7,“ \a‘ 3'»... ..

blunt honesty.

Fay Ripley (left) stars in ITV’s I Saw You, a series that has blossomed out of this very magazine

around and about Bristol. there is an element of genuine care and

[he List came across the idea in Seattle's The Stranger iitaga/ine and kicked off its own version in 1991"). Later Bristol's Venue also adopted the scheme. lhe spread of the (:()|tlll‘.ll to TV is further proof that it's doing something right. So. the next time

you see someone you're too shy to approach. find your nearest l

You is on page 7.32.).

You post box. and write then‘ a note. Who knows. they may have spotted you too. t could be the start of something beautiful. I / You, Scottish, starts Tue iti/lpi'il f)..’)‘()pm. Our own/

SAC prepares to rock out

End to music pigeonholing in sight. Words: Mark Fisher

:,r.:'.ar‘ Host popuai .()l.'“f>

r:‘ -"‘~..‘ESl(I stand to Hit" a proposer) sl‘ ft 1"- i:oli<:\,' at We ocettis‘ Ans (,.:i.'t<, goes a' eau. A

draft strategy to' ‘ne "ext five years.

ivnplernecttxl. ‘.'.oii :: 'ie'r: eo'reet tl‘e

i'ni>a’a".<:-i: 'l iiridi'tg pet‘sxeert fo'rns siic" as opera. c.ass:cal. sham/oer a":i fltl()f'£t‘ n‘usic. w'tic". 'iave fiad't ocally 'ece-yeu substa'it ai state support. and those suc" as ‘olk. ,a//. 'o :k Zt’t(t word music. e“. have beei‘ negtected.

Building on its policy of recei‘t years to ‘.'."(:’)li its funding to encompass Jazz. folk and contemporary popular music. the SAC is seeking to increase sappo't fr)" 'iess \.'.-::-ll established areas of music ‘.‘."‘I(Ii‘ 'ie\.'(>."t"‘.t:-ess demonstrate a." etiua. degree o‘ excellei‘ce'. It '.‘.'aiits to put f'i'tt<>"o‘.'.”s etiui‘.’ai(:-r‘ts ol Nb (2 lei‘iiex. .J;lii:t.~s Maclvl at‘. Ala, Hair‘. lorry“; Stiff}; t ‘.'e|\.." (“P'i'lltf t‘rl sa Milne on a" (:(ltlél‘ torztii‘g.

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fit'dlfrfl‘i states that we le neiitlt‘él 01"”

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He’s back

I It may not have quite crawled its way into British cinemas yet. but the sequel to Spider- Man will start filming early next year. Sam Raimi is back in the

dir >ctor's chair and Tobey Maguire will be spinning further tales alongside Kirsten Dunst. . . Bizarrely. bets are already being taken for this year's Christmas no i. Honestly. Favourites are Gareth Gates. Will Young and Westlife. A fiver on Sir Cliff at 50—1 seems pretty generous . . . He said he'd be back. And he is. After the calamity that is Coilatera/ Damage. Arnie is ster.)ping onto less nasty propaganda territory with Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines. Set ten years after the second movie. the indestructible robot is T— X. played by newcomer Kristanna Loken . . . S- Express founder Mark Moore is back under the moniker of Needledust with a new double-A single due out soon entitled 'Wuhl/ Speedfreek' . . . First the good news. Jon Bon Jovi is leaving Ally McBeal despite producers wanting to have his character marry the thin one. The bad news is that he is quitting to make another album . . . The once great Rowan Atkinson is set to play the lead role in Johnny English. a spy spool in the Bond stylee. John Malkovich plays a French lli(.?g}£li0lltétlll£t(?. With a cat. probably.