Music rock & pop listings

Glasgow, Sat 13 cont


I Gomez (‘orn lischangc. .\'cw .\larkct Road. (iorgic. 443 3437. 7.30pm. £ l 5. 'l'hc thinking man‘s Supcrgrass. adding a liltiCs}' clcmcnt to their rctro rockin' and still pcrhaps most famous for picking up thc Mcrcur} .\|usic Pri/c hack in l‘)‘)8. Scc prcx'icw.

I Rollercone 'l'hc Bcat Ja// Bascmcnt. l (‘hamhcrs Strcct. 078] I 375374. 8pm. £7 (£5). Laid-hack lunk} housc and dccp groovcs' with an lmpt‘oVisCtl sct l'rom Swit/crland's Rollcrconc l‘caturing Jacoh liggay on \ocals.

I The Rich Hill, Redeye, Sempiternal Hoon and State Of Bliss 'J‘lic Mcrcat. 38 \\'cst Maitland Strcct. 335 3861. 7.30pm. £3. :\|tcrnati\ c countr} rock from 'l‘hc Rich Hill. onc timc Still |.itt|c liingcrs support act Rcdcyc. acid ja/I from thc lloon and gcntlc indic from Statc ()l' Bliss.

I Pilotcan and Namik 'I’hc Liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Strcct. 335 3564. 7.30pm. £3. |.oca| indic night with lidinhurgh alt.rock \‘ctcrans l’ilotcan

pla) ing tlicir lirst gig in what sccms likc hlccding agcs.


I Hugh Cornwell Tolhooth 'l‘hcairc. Jail \\'_\ nd. 0] 78h 374000. 7.30pm. £|3 (£8 l. 'l‘hc l'ormcr man in black and Stranglcrs' tronunan Hugh (’ornw all has hccn l'lying solo sincc l‘)‘)0.


I Ricky Ross (iaict) 'l‘hcatrc. ('arrick Strcct. 0|3‘)3 (i1 I333. 8pm. £13. That rcal gonc kid with a set of thouglitl'ul. solo matcrial.


I Six By Seven and British Sea Power King Tut's Wall \Vah lIut. 373a St Vinccnt Strccl. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £6.50 plus hooking l‘cc. Scc prc\ icw tor Six B} Sc\'cn. Brighton-hascd British Sca l’owcr haxc hccn dcscrihcd as ‘(’umhrian Kclto- \‘ikings in para-militar} unil‘orms' h} Julian (‘opc. \ththcr that's an insult or complcmcnt )ou haw to ask Mr ('opc. I Cannon, Dickson and Duke Raoul Nicc'n‘Slcal}. 43l Sauchichall Strcct. 33.3 ‘)(i37. ‘)pm.

I Texas Express (il'éllttl ()lc ()pr). l’aislc)' Road 'l‘oll. 43‘) 53‘)(i. 7.30pm. £3 l£3 mcmhcrst (’ountr}.

I The Cobramatics ’l‘lic Scotia. 1 l3 |34 Stock“ cll Strcct. 553 8681. 4pm. lircc. R&B rcsidcnc}.

I Steff’s Sunday Session t‘isgc Bcatha. 333 Woodlands Road. 5(34 |5‘)o. 5pm. l'i‘c‘c'. Bring )ottt' own instrumcnt.


I Parka, Frantic Chant and Invisible Sun l.a Bcllc Angclc. Ilasiic‘s (low. 335 7536. 8pm. £4 £5. 'l'riplc hill of local indic acts.

Glasgow I Fenix TX 'l'hc (iaragc. 4‘)0 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 l I30. 7pm. £8 pllls hooking l'cc. ()\ct‘- l4s show. More liiglll) polishcd corporatc shit masqucrading as cdgc) punk pop. Poor rchaslics ol' Still l.ittlc l‘ingcrs fills and Bti/lcocks‘ chomscs uguin. String ‘cm tip 1 sa}.

I Parva and Fragile King Tut‘s \Vah \Vah Hut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8pm. £4 plus hooking l‘cc. Rocking garagc guitars and lhundcring l‘ll}||lllls lrom l’ana.

I Rev Doc 8. The Congregation Studio ()nc. (il't)s\L‘ltUl' llotcl. (ii'os\ciloi' 'l‘crracc. 34l ()5 lo. ‘)pm. l-‘rcc. 'l‘rad R&B with dcmon harmonica cmhcllishmcnt.

I Acoustic Jam .\'ic~c‘ii‘SIca/}. 42l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i37. ‘)pm.

\Vcckl} opcn scssion with a l'rcc hcxcragc ol~ )our choicc l'or participants.

58 THE LIST ‘1 1'“


Actual Size


I Cyclefly, Dead Relative and Polar 'l'hc \‘cnuc. l7 3| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £0 £7. l-unk mctal li'oin this much toutcd Irish hand w ho managcd to talk Linkin l’ark's ('hcstcr Bcnnington into gucsting on thcir ncw' alhum ('ruw'. ()xcr los show. ll) mayhc rcquircd.

I Post Diluvian Bongo ('luh. l4 .\'cw Strcct. 558 7604. ‘)pm. £4 (£3 ). Pow crl‘ul alt.rock with an addcd liclping ol‘ r'iglitcotis polcmic from Post l)i|u\.‘ian. with morc acts to hc conlirmcd.

I Acoustic Underground \\'|il\llCl7lli|\'|L‘s. 4 () South Bridgc. 557

5| l4. 10pm. l’rcc. ()nc of the most popular opcn mic spots in town. hostcd h}- l’ctcr Michacl Rowan.

Tuesday 1 6


I Ricky Ross (‘oiiicr 'I'licatrc. [lyndland Strcct. 7.30pm. £|3.50 plus hooking l'cc. (‘ontinuing thc |0th hirthda} cclchrations with a sct l‘rom Ross,

rcVn il'icd al‘tcr thc rcccnt l)cacon Bluc rcunion shows.

I David Mead and Juliet Turner King 'l‘ut's \Vah \Vali llut. 373a St \‘inccnt Slrcct. 33] 537‘). 8.30pm. £5 plus hooking l’cc. .r\n cwning ol' singcr/ songwritcrl) action.

I Blechtum From Blechtom Nicc‘ii'Slcal}. 43l Sauchichall Strccl. 333 9637. ‘)pm. £7. .\'cw \\'a\ c punk l‘rom thc [S from two loopy ladiCs who w‘icld thosc hi/arrc kcyhoards that w crc imcntcd to takc mcr l'rom guitars in thc mid 80s hut ncxcr did. Howard Joncs tiscd onc a lot il~ mcmor} sCt'VCs. Supposcd to hc damn cntcrtaining slltll dcspitc or pcrhaps hccausc ol' all of this.

I Stuart’s Session l'isgc Bcatha. 333 Woodlands Road. 564 |5‘)(i. ‘)pm.

I 5 rc c


I Uncle Fester and Sushi Pills Thc .\|a|lings. 8| 85 St |.conards Strccl. (io7 5‘)4o. ‘)pm. l’rcc. Punk rock moh l'nclc l‘cstcl' drop in at thc liull Moon ('luh. l'caturing \arious cs-mcmhcrs ol' goth mcgagroup Alicn Scx liicnd.


I The Christians (inlcl) 'l‘licau-c. (‘arrick Strcct. 0| 3‘)3 ol I333. 8pm.

£ I450. 'l‘hc popular soul act. hcst known l'or thcir rcndition ol ‘llarvcst l‘or 'lihc World'. w clcomc l'ormcr nicmhct's hack into lhc fold for a scrics ol' li\ c datcs.

showcase their innovative hooky indie swagger at Tolbooth Stirling,

Tue 23 Apr and The Venue, Edinburgh Wed 24 Apr

Wednesday 1 7


I Simple Minds ('l_\dc .v\uditorium. Sli('('. l’innicston Qua}. 08700404000. S()l.|) ()l'l. 'l‘hc Minds arc hag with a ncw alhum ol' rcasonah|c cpic rock hut it will hc thc stadium-tillng oldics that thc fans want to hcar. 'I‘hcn oll to thc har/toilct during ‘Bcllast (‘hild'.

I The Christians ('otticr 'I‘llcatrc. llyndland Strcct. 7.30pm. £|o plus hooking l'cc. Scc 'l‘uc lo.

I Joseph Arthur, Requiem and Smokescreen King 'l‘ui's Walt with Jim. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33| 537‘). 8.30pm. £5 plus hooking l‘cc. ()hio- raiscd. Ncw York-hascd trouhadour signcd to l’ctcr (iahricl's Rcal World rccords. who has drawn comparisons with |)_\'|an. ('ohcn. \Vaits and ('ohain. So no prcssurc.

I Differentially Immoral, Soul Greed, Surge and Torquamada 'l‘hc ('athousc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 348 6606. 7.45pm. £3.50 (advanch £4 ldoorl. ()wr- |4s show. lixtrcmc mctal. I Rithamutha Brcl. Ashton |.anc. 343 4‘)(i(i. 8.30pm. l‘l‘L‘L‘. .\|i.\cd hag ol‘ contcmporary stylcs.

I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Bar. |()() \Voodltlnds Road. 564 I537. ‘)pm. lircc.


I The Needles and Severin Bongo (‘luh. l4 .\'cw Strcct. 558 7(i04. ‘)pm. £4 l£3). (iarai—‘c hunk from .-\hcrdccn's 'l’hc Nccdlcs with support from lidinhurgh's Scx'crin. all in aid ol .\|cdsin.

I Open Mic Southcrn Bar. 33 South (’lcrk Strcct. (m7 338‘). 8.30pm. lircc. :\l| st} lcs w clcomc. plcasc bring your own instrumcnts.

Thursday 18


I Simple Minds ('l}dc Auditorium. Sli('('. liinnicston Qua). 0870 040 4000. SOLD ()l "l'. Scc \Vcd I7.

I Gonzales King ‘l‘ui’s \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £7.50 plus hooking l‘cc. (‘olourl‘ul croto-clcctro macstro with thc look iii a was ward pimp and thc innsical scttsihilit} (ii a Studio 54 DJ.

I Martin Stephenson 'l‘lic Acoustic Lighthulh. 'l‘hc Statc Bar. |48 Holland Strch 333 3 | 5‘). 8.30pm. £3. Allahlc (icordic singcr/songw ritcr w ho has hccn ltitlllllg ltls \sttl'L‘s sillc‘L‘ lltL‘ 30s litll

maintains a corc l'ollow ing.

I Rebecca Hollweg Victorian Bar. 'l'ron 'l'hcatrc. o3 'I‘rongatc. 553 43o7. 8pm. £o l£4l. l-"olk-pop singcr/songwrilcr who has _iust rclcascd hcr dchul alhum .lum' [fa/Hrs.

I The Soul Collective 'l‘hc l-crr}. ('|)dc l’lacc. 43‘) |0l0. 8pm. £(i.

I Chain, Solus, Driverdown, Haywire and Rococo lltc‘ (‘aihonscx l5 l'nion Strcct. 348 oollo. 7.15pm. £3.50. ()\'cr-|4s show. .\|ainstrcam rock and pop linc-up.

I Miles Mclnnes 'l'indcrho\. 18‘) Byrcs Road. 33‘) 3108. ‘)pm. l‘rcc. AcoUstic pop l'rom thc trontman ol Barchack Ridcrs.

I The Medicine Room ‘l‘hc .\|cdicinc Room. (’athcdral Squarc. 553 35l‘). ‘)pm. l-‘rcc. l)ccks. guitars.

kc} hoards and trumpcts collidc in this lrcc l‘orm iniprm iscd jam iii an L‘lL‘L‘ll‘onlL‘a itL‘l.

I The Rhythm Rogues Studio ()nc. (il‘tisVCltot' llotcl. (iros\cnor 'l‘ci'l'acc. 34] 65%. ‘)pm. l‘rcc. Blucs and soul.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc Scotia. I 13-

l |~| Sl()L’|\'\\L‘l| SII‘L‘L‘I. 5.53 868 l. ‘)pm. lircc. Popular co\crs.

I Jam Session Suinucl |)()\\ ‘s, «7.91 .\'ith.sdalc Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. I‘l'cc. I Live MUSlC NlL'L‘3l1'SlCill}.-|2| Sauchicliall Strccl. 333 ‘)(i37. ‘)pm. Burning llaggis Rccords night.

I Window Man Bar chi. 33‘) .\'ortli Slt‘L‘L‘l. 3(l4 |()|(). 8pm. l'iliL'L‘. Roots illltl duh.


I Jump ’n’ Shout l'slicr llall. I.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7pm. £5. .\ poptastic night ol' cntcrtainnicnt spcciall) dcsigncd l‘or agcs Ill—lo.

I Silver Pill, Desc and Terra Diablo 'l‘hc \cnuc. l7 3| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £4 £5. Qualit} hill ol~ local indic acts and altcrnatn c l} pcs. |)csc hcing thc ncw hand l'ormcd l'rom lllL‘ ;l\llL‘s 0|. :18 Kli;l}tl ttlltl llit‘

.\lal‘\ cllous Mccllanical .\|ousc ()rgan. I Splendid and Travler llcrioi—Wau l'ni\crsit} l'nion. Riccarton. 45| 5333. ‘)pm. l‘rcc. Mclodic pop and harmonics l'rom Splcndid catch} inclodics and big choruscs from Tim lcr. Studcnts and tlici gllt‘sls old}.

I The Squalor Show Bongo (‘lulx l4 NC“ SII'L‘L‘I. 558 7604. llme. £5. lilippin‘ in association with lidinhurgli Ramp l’und prcscnt a li\ c scl l'rom 'l'hc Squalor Show. |).ls (\ast} l’ and \tra u.

\ idcos and a mini-ramp.