I Live Jazz 'l'he Supper ( 'luh txee lhut. 8pm. .\lu\ie \xhile )ou eat \\ ith \ariou\ pianists and singers pro\ idin; wme mellow ia/x arid eax} lixtening hooking; on the number ahm e.

I Live Jazz lilaeklriarx. 50 llell Street. 553 5024. ‘lfillpm. Sa\ophoni\t l.orna llrou it pro\ ides the ntodern ia/x on Sun l--l .v\pr. \\ ith Rena l)unhar dropping in on Sun 2] .\pr.

I Jazz DJ Bah} (ii‘and txee ‘l‘hui. ll)..‘\l)pm.


I Fionna Duncan with The Bonnie Rae Trio .\te(‘hutlt\. to High Street. 552 2 l 35. “pm. MairNream ia// tunes \\ ith this rentm ned singer.


I Live Jazz .l'llL‘ (.ltlL‘lettl'lx liL‘Ct‘ (at. ll53 ll55 (‘atheat'l Road. 04‘) lllS-l. Nil) l l.3llpm. .'\n old-\t} le erooner \\ ith hix hand 'l‘he Holt l)ale Sound on Tue lo .-\pr and traditional law on line 33 .v\pr hour the lan .lenkim ('omho.


I Ruth Lambert laat l)rinl\ .\lan \\'oman (\CL‘ 'l'hu l. 8pm. l’erlormx pure tan in the st} le olfllulte l.ondon.

I Danny Thompson Bah} (it‘and txee 'l'hul. lllfillpm. lounge pianist.



I Live Jazz llenderxon‘x. 25 'l'hixtle Street. 325 2 l 3|. "pm. 'l'xxo lortuightl} rexideneies on alternate \xeekx \\ ith ra/x l'rom (ied and Doug; and ltoxxattout lrom lX‘lttlllldle.


I Live Jazz llenderxon'x txee 'l'hu I. "pm. \arioux artistx drop in lrom the .la// (iuitar l)uo and (iraham High to the l.auehlan Trio and Ian (’harlton.

I Live Jazz 8. Blues \\'. .I. ('hrixtiex. 3' Fl \Vext l’ort. Ill lll‘l‘). ‘lpm. \arioux artixtx pro\ ide the \Ulllltl\.


I Toto And The Dexters llarr} ‘\ liar. Randolph l’laee. 53‘) hltlll.

3 5.3llpm. Mainxtream. \xith \oealx lrom In} [my


I Live Jazz 'l'lte Home liar and (irill. l4 (ieorge Street. (ill Roll, 1 5pm. \arioux at‘ti\t\ e\er_\ \eeond Sun. 3| .\pr tttll}.

I Mel Zebra’s Jazz Jam llarmerman'x. 213(‘oueate. 5503251.

5 lllptn. l).l Kaim hlL'h\ ol’l proeeedingx \piuning the ehoieext ia// eutx. l'ollou ed. at "pm. h} ati inlormal ia// iam \exxiott ltuxletl lt} .\ll\\ /.ehra llCl'u‘ll.

I Bill Kyle’s SHJQ Human Be In.

3 X \VQNI (.l't)\\e‘;tll\e‘\\;l_\. (lb: hhlill, ‘lpm. Sh t llol .la// Quartet put together h} drurmner K) le and leaturing a totalitth line up ot the hext ot ladinlturph‘s |a// pla_\er\ \ueh ax (‘olm Steele. Brian Shielx llrian Kelloelx. .limm} \\'ood and


I Diplomats Of Jazz lexlie'x liar. ~15 Ratelille 'l'erraee. oh“ 505". .\.3llpm. l'ree. 'l'raditronal ia//.

Tuesdays I Swing 2001 Malt Showl. ('oeldturn Street. 325 (to-13. ‘lpm. S\\ in}: at the loneext rexnlene_\ tn l'.dtnlturj:h.

I Live Jazz Human lie lu. 3/8 \Vext (’roweatrxeua). (m3 Shot). ‘1‘.*llrttti. \\tt|r l\\o ne\\ alternatinj.‘ rexidenerex: hluex. ran and will \oeal\ lrotn Rowena on 'l'ue lo .\pr. \\'ith l.;i/}|itirri'\. a tan \lattdat‘d\ trio on guitar. \a\ and \otalx on luel



I Live Jazz llenderxorrx txee 'l Int l. Npm, .Ia/x lrom the l.auehlan i No e\et‘_\ other lttl'lllllell.


Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk & World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 1 1

G asgow

I Rod Paterson and Pete Clark lhe Star ( 'luh. lx’i\et\ide (‘lulx l'o\ Street. 5N) "Is" _..§llrtrri. Lit (l i. Songs and guitar lrom .loek 'lamxon'x llau'nx \oe;rlr\t. and dualrt} tiddle trom the leader ol the ( io\\ enxemhle.


I Ian Bruce l'.tll\ll'l\ l'olk (‘lulx 'l'he l’oli\lt (‘lulx .\rnot Street. lll ill pl “95. .\.3llpm. Uri-1.5M» l’o\|.erlul \oe.il\tr‘orn the popular eluh per tormer


I Nick Harper llie \‘i-nue. (Litton Road. L8 L5 i. lilkih\'l\ and mlormatton til: llltth. l)oot\ open 5pm, (ult guitar hero and \onjgm'iter. Support lrom trnpaxxtonetl aeouxtte [‘i‘[‘\lt‘l\ Splendid,


I MacAlias llt".‘.tle‘ll l’atl\ (it‘llllt‘. lloutlen.lll5lllt-1‘iltil.\pm. [5.551% (irll Bowman and lx'arme l’iti\‘..:ll m liarrnom v. rth mm etirtarx and hon/oula.

Saturday 13 '


I 10th Birthday Party ('otuer llteatre. ll}rtdlatid Street. ‘55 5C5. \pm. [Ill imeludex huttet i. Saixi ( 'eltiea help the (other eelehrate ll\ lllth hrrthda} \‘.tlll their lattn ('aledoman tuxron. \ee

[‘1 k'\ 2C“.


I Ceilidhs At The Caley ('aletlomau lilL‘\‘.'\‘l_\. Slalx'lt‘lxl l\)\'.t\l. (‘3; \llltlt.

“pm lam. to L5 I. lradrtronal \ertllhlt eerlrdh danee m the l.t\l \ retorran l‘l\'\‘.e'l:\ l.r\e mime eomex trom lhe l’rets


I Dick Lee And Friends (iotttet 'l'heatre. ll_\ndland Street. ‘5” ‘MW. .\prn. £39.51, lteleetx trom \ tl'f..'tll

Susheela Raman plays Queen‘s Hall, Edinburgh, Tue 23 Apr

.\le;:a\tore\ Hill 3 ‘3 lltltl ’l'he lllth hrrthda} eelehrationx eontinue \\ ith ati eeleetre lme tip leaturmgg reedsman l.ee \t. rth llrtan Kelloelx. Ha; ()i (Kits and Suing: :lllll.

Monday 15


I Acoustic Underground

\\ hrxtlehmktex. South Bridge. 55— 5| l-l. lllprrr l'ree. ()ne ol the moxt popular open- tme \poh tn tomt. hosted h_\ l’eter \liehael Roman.


I Ivan and Kris Drever Stirling l-olk ('luh. ’l'erraeex llotel. \lel\ rlle 'lert‘aee. lll~.\(l rl"3_‘tx\. .\pm. to t H l. l‘ormer \\oll\lotte \oealN jJtltldl'hl l\an l)re\er pet lormx in duo tormat \\ rth lll\ multi- lll\lllllllt‘lll.tll\l \ott lrom neu trio line

I rtda}.

Wednesday 1 7

Gast iow

I Kevin Mackenzie’s Vital Signs ('(' \. Sauehtehall Street. \pm. “A t UH ltelm‘h :13 itltlll. (irtted _\ttlillf_' guitarist l\'e\ ll‘. \l.:el\eit/ie\ new proreet l1;t\ll\ torth m the (team e Seotland .\\t.ard \xhieh he won la\l _\e.rr \laeken/rox totall_\ eeleetie tr‘etuot‘k l\ at home in all ol \e‘<ttl.:t1tl'\ lllll\te he It Seotttxlt trad \\llll Keep It I p and the \eottrxh Step l)auee

or i.'.// a\ in ltto .\ \l4 and the John lx’ae ( 'olleett'. or eontempotar} toekgroowrx Mahler. llete he put~

ill\"-‘- l‘and ‘\1tal Sign! \‘.llll top tolh lll\lt'ltltl\‘ltlalt\l\ \ulan (l'lx’out'he

'iTa/ur | tddlex. Sunlione} -and('hr1\ \torzt il addle:\ Hid» on tuldlex. and .lolm \omet \. ille »('rott \o 5 on .reeotdiou. \\ rtlt l’htl llanerott and \l.1tll!t Kt‘t\lt;r\\ on \.:\aipliorie\. ('htvh l._\all lptatto'. loin

l the ll‘.t\\t_ and loin llanerolt tdrumxt.

\llt "U.

ltlj,_"\‘lll\‘l .


I John McCormick l dmhutph l-olk (lllll‘. (ul‘alcl l‘ial'. l llt' l)l\‘;t\.lll\\'. (\Sll .71l‘l.\ttttt.t;tw£-l L5 I. San l'rauetxeo l‘.‘.\'\'\l \meer j._'llll.tl'l\l pla_\ in); traditional. eontemporan and ttl'IL‘lllal tunex

Sfii'li.’ (t

I lt‘ll‘ittllll llt'dlit'. ,ldll lltl. li]".\(i 371i“ lll_ \pm, go i L31 r

Smyet \tlllf..'\‘.lll\‘l Karine l’oluart and \texe litrne share tlte \oeah m the top tonne l'dtnhureh hand.

l)t intern tline

I Donal Maguire l)llttlet'tt!lttte l-olk ('luh. lll|\llt‘ la\ern. HaltIrideehurn. til ‘53 "I‘m- ‘. \. ‘llpm. Ur! i t. Irish singer tenor hamo platet.

and Tollbooth, Stirling, Wed 24 Apr

folk & world listings Music

Susheela Raman H of Jo. and fresh from ‘-.'.'tn.'t no the Best Nt)‘.'.’(:()t‘t(}t‘ category lll the first

Radio (3 \"y/orld Musre Awards. hrrngs too percussionist Dianuno Daho ta regular with Carlos Santanz and Angel-true Krojo. and guitar star Sam lvlriis to Scotland for a fen'.’ gigs. The

sanders background in South Indian eiassioa. l“LlSl(3. :s fused ‘.'.’|ll‘ content;orarj, 'oiues. folk and ;a// hfuenees on her (re-hut album 851/? H521“. Queen's Hall. fE'r‘lirtr'X/Ign. Tue 2‘55 An": l:>.‘i)(>(:fl7. ‘.'/ed 24 5.? A1)”. 5:. Cottier Theatre Birthday The '.€2'\.<} "2 f’T'i} near”. o‘ G asgox'xs ‘.'."<;-st l "(l (:eiehi‘aies for. years 1':th z k ilél‘. oar . with dance and i is " 'a'.“ ;a//. o t;}t)l)(,‘) J

9' sax::;:"::'te:~s and a

“r " a" s:>";,r.'."<ter all n the F‘tIX. ;. See :x‘e. (Jeff/(:52. Sat .78 #1:": [Jon 1' (21) .‘ftt ."'.'e.t.‘(:'s. Sir/7 .7-1 fit; Am ..-":i Peafliod Faerxes. M 19 An".

Kevin Mackenzie’s Vital Signs Create Scotland ay'xard— Mame-owe puts together a :;"::,-::v::'. T'Téti {3"‘l)"-ElSIS(}S his open -r;"<:eo {il}l)"C)£‘:(I" to f‘lLASlCI

e, ., " '92: :v‘, .lJ'.{,-'E~.!f,. A star‘ninol‘. ahte 1::

we. at. St. 1, xi?) 1,1,1-. (1. Lib 2: \3ux/u 51\1(i' 1/5) t x; i(i// {lll\)\l\).'l If". i K i e. , '\ 1' e. (We, l1, L(,<l’ lS til) :5 ' A“ A I i' x; 0 {Il' .\) 5V! , ,. . it '\ “i, i \'\)A o (i nn(/(1JL '\/i ,.,..' , , H ,,.,\ M, “a,” \ (‘(‘ {7 . . e;1;.<. :e,(;. / x/‘t.


I Back of the Moon 'l‘he Star ('luh. lx’t\et\ide (‘luh l~’o\ Street. 50‘) "'25" "fillpm, to t {J t. l‘eaturing e\-\'oung_' \luxreran ot the Year trom .v\rran. (iillian l’rame.

I Rebcecca Hollweg 'l‘ron theatre. ’l'roneate. 553 430'. .\pm. in r L4 t, Quirk} \oneu rrter in the loothtllx ol the \lilehell \ega \oundu‘ape mould. See .la// listings panel.

I An Evening Of Decadence ('olttet‘ 'lheatre. ll_\ ndland Street. 35" fixes. 5pm. ll} lll\ rtation «hut a limited amount ot

rm rtattonx are a\ailahle li‘orn (‘ottier'x Bart. l)undee\ \lrehael \larra roinx Ill \\ rth the (others tenth hu'thda} eelehrauonx.

G asgow

I Peatbog Faeries ('otttet‘ 'l‘heatre. ll}r:dland Street. ‘5" ‘.\(i.\. .\pm. [5. 'ltelxetx trom \irem .\le;_'.t~tore\ (ll-ll 333 ill)”, lamed lltxton ot traditional tolk and danee heatx trout Slew. See pre\ re“.

I Barb Jungr 'l'ron 'l’heatre. 'lrongate. 55: tin“, .\pm, L” I [5L .\ tribute to lloh ll} lan trom the unique l.ondon hawd

\rneer. >

’.\i THE LIST 65