Music folk & world listings

Nick Harper plays the Venue, Edinburgh, Fri 12 Apr


I Michael Marra lolhootli 'I‘hcatrc. Jail \\’_\nd. (11786 37411111). 7.3(1piii. £8 (£5.5(1i. Dundcc'x inuxical poct latii'catc.

East Kilbride

I Neil Thomson liaxl Kilhritlc :\t't\ ('cntrc.()1d('oacli Road. (11355 3(i11)(1l1. 8pm. £(i t£4i. (icntlc. c\ocati\ c \ongx wt to traditional and contcniporar} \crxc.

Saturday 20


I Skipinnish and Norman MacLean llcnr} \Vnotl llall. ('larcinont Strcct. ll1pin-3ani. £5.'1‘ic1\ct\ iii ad\ancc l‘i'oin tlic lxla} Inn. 334 11155. A \\ ild night ol' llighland tnuxic. dancing and tun l‘roin thc Tircc/l.ochahci' ccilidh hand atid tlic lcgcndat‘) (iaclic coincdian/pipcr/dngcr.


I Ceilidhs At The Caley ('alcdoiiian Brcuci‘). Slatcl‘ord Road. 033 81166. T'pni lain. £(i t£5i. 1.i\c Bandx.


I JAM Annual Concert \V} ntl .l‘llL‘illl‘C. Bttcclcuch Slt’L‘Cl. (11896 833854. 8pm. Bordch )oung cointntinit} lttll\lcl;tlt\ annual concci't.


I Lindisfarne chl‘i'cti 15crr_\. ('l}dc l’lacc. 387 551 1. 8pm. £13.'1'|ic(icoi'dic ho} \ hchind l-iig ()it 'I'lit' 'If\'/tt' conic hack [(1 111C ('l_\dc.

I Showpieces ('alc (‘oxxaclttik Ruxxian(‘u1tura| (critic. King Strcct. 553 ( l'lL'C.\'l(1lllll\l l.L‘\ .-\lltl\ and liricttdx.


I Acoustic Underground \Vlllxllclilllklt‘x, Sotitli Bridgc. 557 5114. 10pm. 1‘rcc. Scc Mon 15.


I Tomas Lynch Stirling l-‘olk (‘ltih.

'l‘L‘l'l'ilCL‘S llUlL'l. .\1L‘l\lllc ’l‘ct‘t‘acc. 111786 473368. Split. £51£41Ilttlcltlcd\ittgcl'.

guitarixt and uillcan pipci‘. 11(1111 lrcland. but non li\ing iii (ilaxgou.


Tuesday 23


I Susheela Raman ()ttccn'x Hall. ('lcrk Sti'cct, 608 301‘). 8pm. £8 t£(ii. 'l‘hc tic“ star of thc uorld llltl\lL' \ccttc L'UlllL‘S l‘roni a 'l'atiiiI-xpcaking hackground hut takcx Iicr lllllSlL‘ li‘oni Axian rootx through .r\l‘i'ican. _ia//. lolk arid pop inl'lucnccx

I The Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra t'xlicr llall. I.othian Road. 338 1155. 7.3l1pin.

£11 £15 t£‘) £131. Hungarian ltl;l\\L‘tl litltllc\.

Wednesday 24


I The Song’s The Thing Statt- Bar. 8pm. Song“ ritcrx Boh ('1icc\cr\. John llinxhcluood and 10111 ('lclland Icaii to countr} /lilucx and acouxtic guitar l'ollx.


I Jimmy Crowley lidinhtirgli 1‘ollt (‘1uli. (‘aharct Bar. 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. (i5() 334‘). 8pm. £(i (£4 £51. ll'lxll \ongx. \tk‘lilllSlll. lll\lt11'} and humour l'i‘oni thc gt'cat ('oi‘lx-haxcd “11:3.

I Black Cat Bone Banncrnian'x Bar. ('tmgatc. Upni. 15rcc. l‘ilc-haxcd acouxtic jug hand. including tca-clicxt haxx.


I Susheela Raman 't'olhtiotli

'l‘licalt'c. Jail \V) nd. (1178(i 37401 )(1. 7.3l1pin. £1(1t£(i.5l1i. Scc Mon 33.


I Adrian Byron Burns lltL‘ Star (‘lltll R1\L‘t'\itlc (311111. l'.t1\ Slt'L‘L‘l. 50‘) 7387. 7.3(1pni. £(i (£41. Stipci'h .'\ltlL‘l‘lC;lll liltim guitarixt and incinhcr ol' Bill \\'}iii;tii‘\ Rh)tlnn Klltgx.

I Catie Curtis St :\ndrc\\ 's In 'l‘hc Stiuai‘c. ()l‘l' Saltinarkct. St .-\ndrc\\ \ Sll‘ct‘l. 54800311. Split. £3.51). [KS pop- l‘olkxtcr arri\c\ to launch Big Big (‘ounti'_\ (ilil\:_‘(1\\‘\ annual lcxthal ot' .-\incricana.


I Session l-‘alkirk l-‘nllt (‘Iulx 'l‘lic l’olixli(‘1tih.:\rnot Sti'cct. (11334 013305. 8.3l1pin. £1. lnl'ornial music and

Classical .-

31 Opera

Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro)al ('oncci‘t Hall. 2 Saucliichall Strcct. 353 80011. 7.3l1pni. £7511 £13511. 1)}naniic )titiiig conductor (iart‘) \Vallxcr ix at tltc haton lor Brittcn‘x l'iuu' .St'u Iltlt'I'lut/t’x. Walton‘x (t’l/H ('mtt-t'rrn l\\llll gllt‘\l \oloixl 'l‘iin Hughi. and 'I’uriiagc\ [)1't11t'llt’t/ ()ut. Scc pi‘c\ icu. I Christopher Underwood and Julia LYDCh \lt‘t'clttllth lltitlw. \VL‘SI (it‘ttl‘g't‘ 811001.5541r57. 13.451311]. £4.50 t£1.5(1 £41. Baritonc l'ndcrixood pcrlornn 'Bcaxt-l} Stiiig\‘_\\tii'1\\ “1111 animal L'tHlllL‘L‘lltHh h) ('hahrici‘. Rax cl and l’oulciic. 1._\ iich acconipanicx on thc piatto.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Quccn'x 11a|1.(’1cr1\ Strcct. (io8 3(11‘). ~.-15Plll.£(1 £3l1t£3.5(1i. l)c\i1i\111} talcntcd )otiiig l’ttll\11]11;llll\l l’ioti' .v\ndcr\/c\\ \ki _l(1111\ conductor liininanucl Krii inc arid tlic ot'cltc\lt'a lor Ra\cl\ Pit/11o (innit/ti. l‘aut‘c'x l’t'llt'm t'l .1/('/l\(111(/(' and Stra\ lll\l\) \ l’u/t'int'l/ti .Sttilt' alxo lcaturc.


I Camerata Scotland Bonai' llall. Park l’lacc.1113.\3 3454(i(i_ ".3l1pni.’1"hc PFC-[1l't11t‘\\lt111;tl chanihcr Ult‘llt‘Sll'u pcrl'oi‘in \\t1l‘1\\11} Bccthmcn. lloncggcr and Braliinx in tlic prcwncc ol~ thc liarl and (.tttlttlcw ti1'\\t‘\\c\.


I NYOS Spring Concert Rotal (’onccrl Hall. 3 Sattchichall Strcct. 353 8111111. "pin. £8 £1ot£3 £81. 'l‘hc National (‘hildrcn‘x ()rchcxtra ol' Scotland and (.ttltlt‘l'altt Scotland 101” lilll'CL‘\ littl' lltt\ annual inuxical gatlicring oi‘ganixcd h} thc National Youth ()rchtwtrax ol' Scotland. .ltilian (’la} ton conductx and 15>-_\car-o|d

\ lttlitt [tl'ttlc‘gc‘ \lctila Bt‘llt‘tlt‘lll i\ lltt‘ gtlt‘Sl \ttlttl\l.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('it) llall. (‘andlcriggx 353 8111111, ".3l1pni. £(i £18 t£3.5l1i. Scc 11m 11.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xhcr llall. I.othian Road. 338 1155. ".3l1pni. £8.51) £33. ('onductoi‘ (Barr) \Vallxcr gcts llic RS.\'() l’opx \cric\ undcrua} \\ ith thix cclchi'ation ol' '1'chail\o\ \k}. lcalttring hix /\'/3 ()i t'I'lllI't'. .Siitm Iii/w. (‘tt/ii'it’t'io l/tI/lt'lI and. \\ illt gucxt \oloixt .\1aria-l{lixahclh \iu/in (‘Ullt'l'l'llk

I Lorna Leitch and Ruth Rowlands St (’uthhcrt'x ('hui'clt. 5 1.olliian Road. 33‘) 1143. 13.15pm. £4. .\ lunchtiinc conccrt lroin tlic lidinhurgh 1"i'icndx of tlic RS.\’(). l‘caturing light claxxicx l‘roni \ iolinixt l.citc|i and ccllixt Rt1\\lillltl\.


I Deutches Symphonie- Orchester Berlin Rti_\al (‘oncctt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8l1l1l1. ".3t1pni. £111.51) £33. l'innixh lllL‘//t1—\t1pl';lllt1 Monica (it'oop ioinx conductor Kcnt \agano atid tlic ot'chcxtra l’or .\1ahlcr\ li\c«\ong \\t1l'1\. Kiltt/t'rlult'n/it t/t'r. Schuhci't'x Sini/i/tmit um ‘I and Bi‘altnix' 'l'rttgit ()i tr/iirt' coinplctc tlic prograiiiinc. I Scottish Opera - Madama Butterfly lllL‘tlll'L' l{tt_\;tl. :3: “UPC Strcct. 333 0111111. 3.15pm. £550 £511. Scottnh (1pct'a tclchratc thcir 4t1th

hirtlida} \\ ith llll\l'L"-\lilglllg(11.1)il\ltl .\lc\'icar\ \ttcccxxl'til 3l1l1l1 production. l’ttcciiiiK clauic talc ol' a hcautil'ul gcixlia and hcr :\tncrican 1o\ cr \\;1\ thc coinpan) \ inaugural opcra hack in 1003. \\ licn Sir .r\1c\andcr ( iihxon “ax at tlic hclin.

I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra RS:\.\11). 111(1 Rt‘ltli'c“ Strcct. 333 5057. 7.3(1pni. £8 t£| £41. lin Sliao conducts thc talcntcd _\oung\tci\ in Bruch‘x hugcl) popular \io/iit (.Ullt‘t'l'h’ no /. llolxt'x 'I'lit' Plain/x “1111 lidinhurgh Youth (lion. and \Valton'x ('mit'n l/ii/it'rittlj (invitation .1ltll't'll.

I Renfield Recitals chl'it-ltl St Stcphcn‘x ('Iiurch ('cntrc. 3(il1 Bath Sti'cct.

ltiiiclitinic conccrtx h) \lll'lt1lIS artixtx.


I The Garleton Singers St .\1;it'}‘\ lipixcoltal (‘athcdi'al 33 1’alincrxton l’Iacc. 335 (i303. 7.311pin. £3 £3.111t‘ \ingct'S lit‘cxcnt ‘l’xalinlcxll‘. lcatut'iitfl \torltx h} Ruttcr. BL‘l'lISIClll and Bach.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rt1}£ll ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sattcliicliall Strch 353 8111111. 7.3(1pnt. £111.51) £35.8L‘L‘1'Al'l 13.

I The Viennese Ensemble l’t'inccx Stiuarc. 48 Buchanan Strcct. 331 (1334.

3 3pm. 1‘rcc. .\ iiicdlc} ol' light clawical ltllhlL‘ l‘roin 1i;i\tcrii liui‘opc and lic}ond. I Keys 8: Strings (‘al'c (‘tixxacliolc Rll\\l;lll (‘ulttiral (‘cntrc. 10 King Strcct. 55311733. 8.3(1pni. l‘icc. (icorgic and .'\ndrca (iaiiic pcrtorni a \lt1l'lll} \clcclion ol' \ ll'lllthU lllll\lc on accordion and

\ iolitt.


I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra (‘)llCL‘ll.\ llltll. (‘lt‘l'lx Sll’L‘L‘l. (MN 3111‘). 7.45pm. £6 £111t£1 £51. Scc Sat 13.

I Spring Organ Recital St .\1ai‘_\ \ lipixcttltal ('athcdral. 33 l’alincrxton l’lacc. 335 (i303. 4.3l1pin. 1"i‘cc. .\ i'ccital on thc ('athcdi'al'x 1‘athci' \Villix organ 11'0111 SlL‘PllL‘ll \Vtitttl.


I Glasgow String Quartet ’1‘olhooth 'l‘licatrc. .lail \\'_\ iid. (11"80 3"4l1l1(1.".3l1pin. £8 t£5.5l1i. .\ \clcction o1 claxxicx and ncu lllll\1L‘ pla.\cd “1111 iii a t'rcxli and c\citing \t}1c.


I The Garleton Singers Sl .\1ar_\ \ l’tlt‘i\li ('htit'clt ‘l'hc Sidcgatc. (110311 833378. ".3l1pnt. £3 £8. Scc Sat 13.

Tuesday 1 6


I Scottish Opera - Der Rosenkavalier l’cxmal 'l‘hcattc.

l3 3‘) \tctilxtin .Slt’ct‘l. 5311(il1l1ll. (i.3(1pni. £111.45 £55 t£.".45 £531. 1)a\id .\1c\'icar rc\ i\c\ hix acclaiiiicd 10‘)” production ol~ Richard Strauxx’ \ocial L‘tittlt‘tl).

Wednesday 1 7


I ROSL Prizewinners Concert Rt1};tl ()wr-Scax llouxc. landingx (ittllt‘l‘). 11101)”!th .Slt'ct‘l. 33.5 15(11. (i.3l1pin. £750 t £51. .\1u1ti anard-it inning \ iolinixt Natalia I.oniciko ix accoinpanicd on piano |i_\ ()lga SilktHL‘Slx} loi' \\t1l'l\\ h} Brahinx. Saint Sacnx. Schuhcrt arid lartini.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra (‘aird llall. ('it) Stiuai'c. (11383 43411411. 7.3(1pni. £13 £15. 1<S.\'(1 Principal (‘ondtictor.-\1c\aiidcr1.;t/arc\ \\c1coinc\ hix dauglitcr '1'at_\aiia l.a/arc\a to thc \tagc. ax tltc talcntcd )oung pianixt pci'ltit'titx l’t’okolim \ I’t'tmu (‘riizt't'rlu no 3. Raclttttattiittn \ .Sini/ilium mi 3 coiiiplctcx tlic hill.