Glasgow Sundays '


GOC Cycling Group (‘tintact (tit) 5800. Sun I4 .-\pr. \lotitltl). ('all l‘or morc tlk‘lilllS.

Cinema Ignorant Fairies Wed 17. Sat 3n & Sttit 2l .r\pr. Scc Sat.

Glasgow Mondays


Holistic Healing Group l.(il$'l' (’cntrc. ll l)i\on Strcct. 22] 7203.

7.30 lllpin. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. (‘ontact 423 5052.

Performance Group l.(ill'l‘ (‘t-ntrc. ll l)i\on Strcct. 22l "2H3. 7.5(ll‘m. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hcatrc antl lltlhlc‘ \killx.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Bi-G-Les Youth Group l.(il$'l‘

(‘Cllll'Lfl ll l)l\0ll Slt’t‘t‘l. Ill all”. lllpin. l’i‘cc. \Vcckl}. lior l.( ili‘l' untlcr


Perfect Days Hm I 1 Sat 3t) .\pl'. Scc ’l'hu.

Singles Night (‘iti/citx' 'l‘licati'c. (iorhalx .St. 42‘) (ltl22. ".fillpin. fill) l Lil. 'l‘ttc 25 .-\pr Sat 4 .\la_\. Scc l‘ri.

Glasgow Wednesdays

Groups Speakeasy Milli (critic. ll l)i\on Strcct. 22| 5203. 7.30pm. \Vctl I" .~\pr. .\lonthl_\.


Perfect Days Hm I l Sal le .'\|ll'. Scc 'l‘hu.

Singles Night the 23 :\|ll' Sat 4 .\l;i_\. SL‘L‘ 'l‘uc.

Cinema Ignorant Fairies \\‘al I". Sat 2H & Sttn 2l .i\pr. Scc Sat.



Bennet’s ‘lll ( ilawlot'tl Strccl. 5.52 57m. llpnt .‘\.3ll;iiit. U il§2 £5». Dancc action “to to Sun and \llltlL‘lll night on 'l‘hu.

Cube 34 ()uccn Sum. :20 S‘Nll.

l 1.30pm Rain. U 1 £2 \\ith ll}cri. (i;t_\ niglttx on Mon ll’;l\\lttll;tlll_\ l and ’l'uc ilil‘..\'.i hotlt pla_\ iitg cltccx} chart. Polo Lounge at \Vilxon Strcct. 553 l22l. lllpnt Rain. ‘45. ('luh lliglllx l’rcxh. huh and (art) on l’olo iii to Sttit.


Candle Bar 2t) ( 'antllcriggx. 5(i4 I285. ()pnt. lircc. I.i\cl} har \\ itlt a tli\co l'laxour on \Vctl. Hi and Sal. \\ ith a llll\ ol‘ gowip. no la and kat‘aokc \\ ith .v\ngic() on Sun.

Court Bar (it) lltitcltcwn Slrccl. 553 24o}. (Lit) lllpin. l'ircc. 'l'ratlilional hat. Karaokc on Stilt.

Delmonica’s (is \‘ii-giiiia Strut-t, 553 4803. 0pm. l‘rcc. Mix on l‘ri. Sal. .\lon antl 'l'uc. a trim on lhu. karaokc on Sun and gaincx nigltt on \Vctl.

LGBT Centre It l)l\t)ll .Sll't't‘l. 23l 72ll3. llain l2ant. l-rcc. liar/calc \tilli karaokc limit [it to Sttii.

Polo Lounge at Wilmii Sli‘ccl. 553 l22l. lllpin lain. l'rcc. lantcrtainincnt lroiu Mon to 'l'hu \\ ith t'\t‘l'}llllllf2 lrom laitl hack \UlllltlS and in c lllll\lc lroiit 'l'oin antl .\lari at tltc hcgiitning ol lhc \\cck to l’unk. tlixco antl rctlutwh ncarcr lllc \\ cckcntl.

Revolver (ta .loltn Slrccl. 55* 245(t. 3.30pm. l'icc. \\'cckl_\. l’optilar hat \tliiclt llt)\l\ arcatlc garlic and trail llllelh on Sat illlt‘l'lltltvlh antl al\o ll;l\ a lrcc iukcho\

\\ itlt o\cr 5llllll lop tuncx lo cltooxc li‘oin. Sadie Frosts 3 ll) \\'t-\t (imi-gt-

Edinburgh Thursdays


Gay Outdoor Group (‘oiitact 550 S705. ‘l‘ltti ll Apr. Monthl}. Social mccting.


Ignorant Fairies l-‘iltiiliottxc. xx Lothian Road. 228 2(iSS’. 2.30 tk Sfillpni ll‘ri 2.30pm). £3.50 £5.50 i£2 [4i 'l'hu ltS' tk l-‘ri l‘) .i\pr. Scc (ila\go\\ Sat.

Edinburgh Fridays


Juice Solax. 2/4 Ahhc} mount. ()()l 0982. 2 4pm. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Support tor ga) incn al'l'cctctl h} HIV and .v\ll)S.


Ignorant Fairies llltt Ix x in It) .'\Dl. Scc lllll.

Night Shift l'illtlllttthc. SS l.otltian Road. 228 2(iSS. (i. l 5pm iSun tk ‘l'uc 8.45pnti. £3.50 £5.5tllL‘2 L4). l-‘ri

1‘) “cu 24 .\pi'. .-\n c\ploralioll ol' thc tlai'kcr ill't‘;t\ ol' niaxculinil} in \\ lticlt (iCrahl l.arocltc\ lainil} man L‘lltllll't‘S tltc hull} iitg iii a ntorc poucrlul collcaguc

\\ hilc tltc hoinocrotic \parkx licl\\cctt lltc t\\o ittcn incrcaxc thc tcnxion.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Mingin’ Stutlio2-1itipxlairxi.(‘alton Road. 558 .V5S. lll.5ll[tlll Rant. {5, Sat 2“ .\pr. l‘ortnightl}. llartl littlhc and \c\_\ trancc l'ront Brian l)cinp\tcr antl .-\lan .lo_\.

Joy ligo. l’icartl_\ l’lacc. ~1-S "454. lllfillpnt 3am. L‘ll) i L'Si. Sat l3 ;\pr. l‘ortniglttl). \laggic and Man \xltoop it tip in thc ntaitt hall \tltilc l)alc ll,tl\lll

_lttlll\ ('octcati loungc rc\itlcnl\ ‘l-I'L‘lltl}

\Vcntl} antl Salli l".

Eye Candy ('luh .\lcrcatlo. 3o 5‘) \larkcl Strcct. 22o 4224. llptn 3am. L'lll ltSl: Ui iit lanc} tll'k‘\\. Sat l3 .v\pr. l‘ortnightl}. (iracinc l’opxtar. \ciat Barton and \t'il (’rookxton lltlSI tltcir inl’ainoux. glani lltlll\L‘ part}.

Strcct. 332 8005. l2pin l2atu. l‘rcc. l).l\ il'i'i. Sat and Mom. kat'aokc (Hill and Suiti antl t]lll//t‘\ (inc and “co i. ‘l'tic cotnhincx tltc lot and coincx tip \\ ith qui/okc \\ltllt‘ Sun ix \xoincn mil} in lltc liluc Rtittlll.

Waterloo \Valcrloo Stt'cct. 33‘) Shut. l2ptn l2ain. \Vcll kno\\n ga_\ har.


Clone Zone l.( ili'l' (‘t-nii'c. l)i\otl Strccl. 22l “203. Mon Sat l lain 9pm; Sun l2pin 9pm. \itlcox. inag\ ant] to_\\.


Beyond Barriers l.(ill‘l‘. l)i\oit Strcct. 5710242. Scotlantl \\ itlc proicct cltallcnging homophobia antl tlixcriinination through training. inl'orntalion antl ctlttcalion. .\lorc iiil'orination inl'otu hc} or \\ u \\ .hc} tintlharrictxtirg.tik. Bi-G-Les ('/() ltili'l'. ll |)i\on Strcct. 22l "203. Support lor l.( ili'l' tintlcr 25. Body Positive 3 Park ()uatlranl. 332 Sillll. Support lor thoxc allcclctl h} lll\'/.v\l|)S.

Centre for Women’s Health 3 Santl} l'ortl l’lacc. 2| I (i7tlll. lnlorntalion lot‘ \xoinctt antl \pccilic \ct'\ iccx l'or lL‘\l\l;lll\.

Glasgow Lesbian Line l’() llm (ixo. (i3 7'l'l.. 552 3355. x\(l\ icc antl \tlppot'l.

Glasgow Women’s Library ltl‘) ’l’rongatc. 552 3345. “put ‘l’uc Hi

I optn; Sat 2 5pm. .\ lihi';ti'_\ lull ol \xontcn'x litcraturc a\ \xcll ax tltc lcxhian archiw.

Phace West it‘) Bath Slt'cct. H2 3838. l'or pcoplc itllt't'lt‘tl h} lll\‘/.r\ll )S. Steve Retson Project 3 Saint} lot-tl l’lilt'c. 2H .\(illl, ()pcn 'l'uc (k 'liltu

listings Gay

Homoerotic sparks in Nightshift at the Filmhouse, Edinburgh

Angel Delight 'l‘hc \cnuc ('allon Roatl. 55~ 30"}. lllpin 3am. to i Hi. Sal l3 Apr. .\lonlltl_\. .lll\l launchctl \upcrcluh lor \toincn \\ ith part ol pl‘olllx going to charit}. MsDemeanour l’hoctti\ ('cllai- liar. 4x lirougltton Strccl. 55" 0234. Sat 2” .\pr. Monthly liwning c\clu\i\cl_\ lot” tranocxtitcx antl tranxxcwalx.


The Claremont IRS HS liaxl (‘larcinont Strcct. 55o 5(io2. Spin l'icc. Sat 2.“ .-\pr. l’ortniglitl}. .\lS(' antl lhc licaix organixc tlic night \\ itlt a \\ iltl tlrcxx cotlc.

Cinema Night Shift l’ri I‘) “ca 24 Apr. Scc l’ri.

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste 'l‘ltc|aitl Room. ‘lc Victoria Sll'L‘L‘l. 22.; 250-1. Lo 1 UN. \VL‘L‘kl}. llt‘atl} hlcntl ol' houxc antl garagc \\ ith l).l\ l‘ixhcr «K l’l'lL'L‘.

Cinema Night Shift l‘ri ll) \\ctl 24 .-\pr. Scc l’ri.

Edinburgh Mondays


Gay Men’s Swimming Group (‘all 22o 44%. Split. \Vcckl). lnloriiial

\u inttuing \L‘\\lttll.

5.3l) 8.30pm. Sc\tial licaltlt atlx icc antl counxclling l'oi' ga_\ incn. Strathclyde Lesbian 8- Gay Switchboard l’() Hm 33. (i2 3(‘)l-1. 332 8V2. ()pcn " lllpin tlail}. .'\tl\ icc lor ga) ittcit antl lcxhianx.



C.C. Blooms 25 24 (it‘ccttxttlt‘ l’lltt‘c. 55o 0331. lll.5ll[illl 3am thar lt'Ullt opinl. l‘rcc. High cantp antl tlixco L‘l;t\\lc\.


Blue Moon Cafe 1 Baron} Strccl. 55" (MI I. .\lon Hi I lam ll..i()ptu.

Sat Sttn Upnt l2.3(lant. l‘rcc. litlitthttrglt‘x loltgc\l running ga) calc. Nexus (ill lll'tlttg‘ltltlll Stt‘cct. 47S 700‘). Ilatn llpin. l'rcc.

(‘al'c antl tuccting poiitl.

C.C. Blooms .25 24 (il'L‘L‘lhltlc l’lich‘. 550 033 I. lllfillpiu 3am ihar l'ront optnl. l‘rcc. liar and club.

Habana (il'L‘cthltlt‘ l’lacc. 553 lj—fll. l2ptn lain. l‘rcc. .\ popular thinking and mingling \pot.

Flashback l) llopc Slrccl. 23h (will. 4pm lain. (‘hcc\_\ tlixco and pop. Frenchies lx’oxc Strch 225 "(61.

lpin latti. l‘rcc. Ix’cla\ctl har. 'l'ri\ ta trim on Sun and karaokc \\ itlt 'l‘itt} (ialorc oit \Vctl.

The Gilded Saloon 233 (\mgatc. 220 (i550. ‘lpin Iain. l-rcc. li\cr} Suit tltc Saloon llllltlS lltc pr‘c cltth \L'\\lUll lor lilSlk‘ :ll lllt' liltlltltl Room.

The Laughing Duck ll lltm c Strcct. 22(123‘0. .\loit 'l'ltu llatn I Ipni. l'rt t\' Sal llaiii lain. Sun

ll.ill.un llpnt. St}li\h. t‘tHIll} har. \\ itli opt‘ll llllt‘. poll) and luck \k‘SSIUIIS tl(l\\ll\lilll\.


Trendy Wendy l’lanct ()ut. (iI'L‘L‘Il\ltlL‘ l’lacc. 524 (ll lol. 10.30pm 3am lhar li'oin opini. l‘rcc. l‘ortniglttl}. l)J\ cwr) \tcck \\lll1.l'l’L‘lltl'\ \Vcntl} c\cr_\ l'ortnigltt l.\lon l5 :\pl'l.

Cinema Night Shift l‘ri 1‘) “cu 24 Apr. Scc l‘ri.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Fairy Liquid low. 255 ('ougatc. 225 5415. 10pm 3am. £5 lL'2 \xith \tutlcnt ll)i. \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ ixh ga} night pt'oltllxlllg ttplilting chart and tlancc.

Cinema Night Shift l‘ri ll) “ca 24 .-\pr. Scc I5ri.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


Women’s Group Drop-In l.(;ll (’cntrc. (it) Broughton Strccl. 478 706‘). ~pm. I’t'cc. \Vcckl). lnl'ortnal tlrop-in group l'or \\UlllL'll.

Edinburgh Gay Women’s Group \c\u\. Broughton Strcct. 557' 8847. 7pm. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. Social grottp.

Cinema Night Shift l-"ri 1‘) mil :4 :\pr. Scc i~‘i-i.

New Town Bar l)uhlin Stt‘cct. 538 7775. .\Ion 'I‘hu l2ptn lain. l‘ri Sat l2pnt 2am. Sun l2.3()ptu lam. (la) cruixc har attracting a \liglttl} oltlcr cro\\tl. (‘luh at “L‘L‘l'xL‘lltlS.

Planet Out (il'L‘L‘llxltlL‘ l’litL‘L‘. 524 (MM. .\lon l-‘ri 4pm lain. Sat Sttii 2pm lain. l-rcc. l-"inc har \\ ith DJx cwr) .\lon night. a qui/ on ’I‘uc. 'l‘rcntly chdy i'l'acknoi c\ct‘} l'ortnight antl l)J\ (wig and |)alc\lll on Sat.


Out of the Blue Baton} Strcct. 47s 7048. Mon I’ri llatn 7pm. Sat

l lain opin. Sttit 12pm opin. Books. inagx. to) \ antl \ ltlL‘US.

Bobbie’s Bookshop 230 .\lol't'i\otl Strcct. 533 NW). Mon Sat

lllant 5.,‘~(lpin. (ia) inaga/incx lront thc [K and abroad.

Edinburgh Groups

A.D. ('ontact 550 MM”. (irouP l'or lcxhianx o\cr 4t). .\lcct\ tnonthl} to platt \ocial c\cnt\. \cucontcrx \xclcoinc. ('all lilil' lllill‘c tlt‘litll\.

Dykes Night Out PO Box lo‘). l-Illl 311'. Inl‘oriual gcl togcthcrx antl \ocial cwningx lor “onicn.

Lesbian Line 557 055 I. Mon & 'l‘ltti "fill lllpm. llclplinc.

LGBT Police Link l.(il; ('cittrc. (ill lirottghlon Strcct. .\lon (i 7pm. \Vcckl}. ('all (Cl) 5 l RS. 02” 5l4ll il' )ott \\ ant a cltal \\ ith _\our coininunit} ol‘liccr. Lothian Gay 8: Lesbian Switchboard 550 MW. ".30 lllpm c\cr_\ tla_\. (hi) and lcxhian liclplinc. Stonewall Youth Project ('ontacl (L22 .2360 t()l'l~lccl 01‘ 0545 l kill (ills (Youlltlinct. Social c\cnt\ lor l.(i|i‘l' ttiitlcr 2o.

5‘: j‘ .‘ THE LIST 79