I Newington, Buccleuch Street - brigltt. top floor stttdio flat - all ittod cons. £375 pcm. Tel 01968 682 203

Cosy, colourful, very well fttntislted one bedroom flat in .\'ewingtott. Available from 1 June. Wooden floots. pen'od fittings. mod

cotts £470pcnt. Phone Brian on 07931 965 944 to view.

Grant Management We ltave a fantastic selection of recently upgraded. 2-5 beds flats itt tlte city. Newly developed. sattded floors. lkea furniture. Crle Tel. 0131 220 6363 immediately to arrange a viewing. no fees.

We can pick you up in our Bug (times permitting)

Rooms Wanted

I Tidy and considerate professional female seeks large roottt in Stockbridge/New Town flatshare tttovittg in beginning June. Phone Totti

07790 698 727

Festival Accomm

London flat swap (August): contfortable self- contained one-bed flat. all ntod cons. itt heart of London‘s trendy Camden Towtt. French wittdows onto back patio. Contact Richard 07713 535 7787


Est: 1986

We are once again seeking quality central flats to accommodate Festival

participants for l, 2. 3, 4

week lets during August

[inquiries to and Information from: Carole Smith/Anne Goring Tel: 01620 810620 entail: festflatsta‘ 801.com or write to 3. Linkylea Cottages. Gifford. East Lothian EH41 4l’l‘l.

Dickins Festival and Short Lets

ltas the best reputation iit Edinburgh. We are currently seeking good quality flats attd houses to let for Festival/Fringe 2002 for top retained clients. They tttttst be within 15 ntins walk of Prittces Street. Please contact Louise Dickins on 0131 558 1 108 or email us at admin(a dickins.co.uk. www.dickins.co.uk



I Newlands. Double room in tttodern luxury flat. en-suite bathroom. security entrance. shared ditting roont. kitchen 8: lounge. Would suit young professional. £275 pcm. Tel: 0141 880 9691 or 07710 033 158.

I Double room in spacious bungalow with own bathroom in Livingstone. Would suit n/s professional gay male. £50 pw including bills + deposit. Tel: 01506 412 007.

I Professional, n/s female required to sltare with three others. £235 pcttt including CT. Tel: 0141 357 2184 after 6pm.

I Gay-friendly flatmate for fumished roont itt Hillhead flat. Would suit sociable. easygoing. tidy. n/s young professional. Two minutes to underground. Tel: 0141 339 2572. I Large room in excellent. sunny flat on Kersland Street. To sltare with 1 other.

Would suit professional or postgraduate student. All tttod

cons. £270 pcttt + deposit & bills.

Tel: 0141 337 3229. after 6pm. I Hillhead. Fully furnished double roottt in friendly. clean. well-equipped three bedroom n/s flat. Near tube. Safeway. shops. BBC. university 8; hospital. Professionals only. £225 pcttt + CT + bills. Tel: 0141 576 5470. I Spacious newly decorated double roottt with 5 door wardrobe. clean 8; tidy luxury ground floor flat with all tttod cons. sharittg with one other couple. Lottg or short- terttt lease available. would suit young professional couple. £600 pcm. Tel: 07811 438 468. I Large room available itt bright spacious West End all female flat. Ideal location on Great Western Road. £225 pcttt + bills. Tel: 0141 334 0775.

I Double bedroom in comfortable spacioUs Hyndland flat. All tttod cons. GCH. gay friendly. ntust like cats. Available May. £265 pcm including CT. excluding bills. Deposit required. Call Warren on 07732 108 045.

I Sunny flat, would suit 30-40yr old professional woman. n/s. All ntod cons. £250 pcm including bills. Tel: 0141 946 4478. please leave message. I Single room in large clean. bright. friendly West End flat. 2 ntittutes frottt Kelvinbridge tube. Would suit professional. available end April. £260 pcm + bills. Tel: 07884 398 506.

I West End. Double room itt top floor flat close to Great Western Road. Large living room. kitchen. utility roottt & bathroom. GCH. To sltare with professional female. £290 pcttt + deposit. Short lease. Tel: 0141 353 8434 or 07970 630 328.

I No rooms in friendly. fully furnished West End flat to share with two others. Would suit professional person. £232 pctn + bills. Tel:

0141 945 1096.

I Woodlands. No rooms available frottt early to mid May itt ntodern. furnished flat. Would sttit n/s professionals. All tttod cons. close to underground 8.: city centre. £200 pcttt + bills + deposit. Tel: 0141 332 5327 after 6pm.

I Room to let in large flat itt Kelvingrove area. Sttit professional or mature student. Spacious living roont. fitted kitchen. W/M. (iCl—l. shower bathroom 8: 2 toilets. Well worth viewing. Available 1st May. £250 pcttt + CT + bills. Call Sandy Tel: 0781 l 327 570. I Paisley. No rooms available itt bright very spacious flat near to university. all tttod cons. 10 minutes to Glasgow centre by train. £200 pcm. Tel: 07815 847 614.

I Friendly female flatmate wanted for gorgeous flat itt Yorkhill area front mid- June. Close to university 8.; city centre. Would suit student or postgraduate. Must be tidy & friendly. £240 pcttt + bills. Tel: 07974 084 1 12.

I No double rooms in large comfortable Victorian house. 15 minutes walk frottt city centre. Shared living roottt. ditting room. (iCl-l. Would suit outgoing. gay friendly male/female. £228 pcttt including CT + bills. Tel: 0141 554 8803.

I Gay male/female to sltare nice modern flat with garden. private parking 8: convenient for city centre. £250 pcm. Tel: ()141 554 2692 or ()7903 439 097.

I Dennistoun. Female for newly decorated roont itt gay-friendly flat. tttodertt kitchen. bathroom & shower. all tttod cotts. tttust ltave own dttster. £260 pcttt + £100 deposit. Tel: 0141 550 3678 or 07814 562 442.

I Cat friendly person to sltare with gay tttale. Sunny roont. (iCH. £220 pcttt including CT 8»; bills + deposit. Tel: 0141 575 2277 or 07740 282 351 after 6.30pm.

I Large double bedroom itt spacious must see flat for professional female to sltare with 2 others. 10 minutes frottt city centre. £215 pcm including CT. Tel: ()141 554 0249. evenings only.

I Live in style. Fantastic dottble roottt itt centrally located. newly furttished/decorated modern flat for professional. n/s. gay- friettdly ntale. Available mid May. £275 pcttt + phone. Tel: 07779 929 382.

I Room available in three bedroom house itt Kinning Park. Private garden & parking space. to share with one other. Would suit qttiet student or professional. £240 pent including bills. Tel: 0141 429 6271.

I Flatmate to share spacious Soutltside flat. All tttod cons. bedroom & owtt living roont included. Close to public transport & amenities. £240 pcttt. Tel: 07931 532 373 or 0141 423 8286 after 7pm.

I Queen’s Park. Freshly decorated rooms itt fab house. One train stop front city centre. All tttod cons. Would suit tt/s professional. Tel: 07801 708 862.

I Short-term lease, Sltawlands Cross. Spacious roont itt bright flat available frottt April 26th for 2-3 months only. Security entrance. (iCll. all ntod cons. ideal for restaurants. shops & transport. £280 pcttt. Tel: 07733 111 835. I Southside, double room itt beautiful. spacious Sltawlands flat. Quiet riverside location. close to amenities ck transport. City centre 10 minutes. All tttod cotts. to share with 1 other n/s. £300 pcttt including bills.'1‘el: 0141 649 1613.

I Sunny room in beautiful large flat itt Polloksltields. Modern kitchen with dishwasher. range cooker etc. quiet location ttear parks & shops. close to station & underground. Would sttit professional n/s female. £280 pcttt. Tel: 0141 423 1039.

I Double room in relaxed. gay-friendly Sotttltside flat. 10 minutes to city centre. £240 pcm + CT. Tel: 07944 492 578. I Queen’s Park. Double roont to let itt bright Sotttltside flat. Convenient for shops & transport. To sltare with 2 others. £200 pcttt including ("1‘ excluding bills. Tel: 07941 055 794.

I Queen’s Park. Large roont itt great furnished flat. to sltare with 2 others. All tttod cons. 10 minutes frottt city centre. Would sttit young outgoing professional. £200 pcm + deposit + bills. Tel: 0141 424 3487.

I Southside. Double room in bright newly decorated flat sltarittg with 1 female. Would suit professional n/s. £230 pcttt + bills. Tel: 0141 649 7298.

I Southside flat. Double roont available for n/s itt really nice flat to sltare with 1 other. all tttod cons. good for transport. £240 pcm including CT + bills. Tel: 0141 632 4602.

I Double room in spacious 8: luxurious Sotttltsidc flat. [Elegant wood floor lounge. large kitchen with dishwasher & gas central heating. 2 tttitttttes frottt traitt station. 15 tttintttes front city centre. £320 pcttt including bills. Tel: 07836 612 338.

I Third person to share flat itt Queen's Park. tttttst ltave own duster. £225 pcttt. Tel: 07836 700 999.

I Southside. Double room itt sltared flat with l otlter. Newly decorated. all tttod cons. garden. close to public transport. Suit n/s female. £180 pcttt + CT + bills. Tel: 07950 930 466.

I Smart room in tltrec bedroom flat. would still professional. (iCll & all tttod cons. excellettt transport. £255 pcttt including CT. Tel: 07890 848 736.

I Double room with balcony & sink itt fabttlotts city centre flat. 10 minutes walk front centre. Would suit young female sltaring witlt friendly owner & 1 otlter. Available itttmediately. £260 pcttt + bills. CT included. Tel: 0141 429 7650.

I Bright room in spacious. quiet. Southside flat. liasy cycle to university or city cctttre. £250 pcttt. Tel: ()141 427 6469.

I Fully furnished double roottt itt tttodertt flat itt Kinning Park. close to underground ck tttaitt bus/taxi route. Seeking gay friendly person to share with 1 other a cat. £230 pettt + share of bills. Tel: 0141 427 2724.

I Third person to share large. stttttttittg. lower

com ersion flat with two professionals ck 1 cat. .\'car Southern ck (ietteral hospital. 15 tttinutes frottt city cctttre. £250 pcttt + bills + deposit. Tel: 07816 688 726 or 0141 440 1482.

I Bright, spacious room itt quiet ltonte. sharing with l otlter. 1iasy travel to (ilasgow ck Paisley by btts or traitt. £240 pcm. Tel: 07779073 356.

I Room in Southside cottage flat. all ntod cons. (lay N pet friendly person. £220 pcm including bills. Tel: 0141 883 1708.

I Comfortable double room in lovely detached Victorian villa itt Beat'sclett. close to supermarket. trains. buses ck sports centre. ()113 street parking. would suit n/s professional pcrsott or postgraduate. £65 pw. Tel: 0141 942 l 199.

I TWO fully furnished rooms itt shared flat itt West littd on Kelvingrove Street. £240 pcm. Tel: 07966 463 936. I Student required to share friendly postgraduate flat tttttil end June. 10 minutes front (ilasgow l'ttiycrsity.(i(‘11. all tttod cons. £267 pcm. Tel: 07904 121 238.

I Seafront, lnverclyde. Two rooms itt spacious wing of grand Victorian villa near Port Matilda station. (ilasgow 25 miles. Tidy tt/s only. £290 pcm. Tel: 01475 720 102.

I Southside. Two rooms in fttlly furnished. tttodertt townhouse. £20 pcttt + bills. Tel: 07754 088 713.



I Gorgeous double room itt Castle Terrace flat for postgraduate or professional to share with 3 others. Available on May lltlt. £230 pcm + CT + bills. Tel: 0131 229 6446. after 7pm.

I Grassmarket. Available immediately. spacious dottble roottt itt newly redecorated two bedroottt flat. to share w itlt easy going professional tttale. mid 30's. £265 pcttt + bills. Tel: 07786 951 736.

I Large double room in city centre flat. with stunning views. Would suit n/s yottttg professional. £242.50 pcm. Tel: 01314770879.

I Room in shared. top floor flat with two easygoing professionals. (1(‘11. WM. L‘lL‘L‘ll'iL‘ \110“ CT. phone ck TV. £250pcttt + ("1+ bills. Tel: 0131 556 5621 after 6pm.

25 Apr—9 May 2002 THE LIST 121