Falkirk: FTN Cinema

Falkirk '1'11wn llall.\\'cs1 Bridge Street. 01324 500850. £3.501£2.501.Weekday 111:11111ees: £1.50 (£2.50 inc rel‘reshments). ('hildren £1.50.

WtDNf SDAY 1 MAY Charlotte Gray 1 I51 11111111111. 7.311.

v.11. IDNESDAY 8 MAY Mon Dncle Antione 1P(11 7.30.

111111380AYO MAY The Grey Fox 1P( 11 7.30.

Greenock: The Waterfront

()Iili('onlaine1‘ \Vay, 01475 732201. 1111.11 1101‘: 09005 000010. 11)]. £4 1c1111cs: £2501.

'11 IURSI)A_Y 251

AboutA Boy 1 121 (1.00. 8.11).

The Count Of Monte Cristo 1P(11 5.111. 7.45.

Queen Of The Damned 1 151 8.111. Return To Never Land 111 (1.05.

The Scorpion King 1 121 11.00. 8.20.

FRIDAY f)_131—'14111_JRSDAY g

AboutA Boy 1 121

Daily: 5.31). 8.10.

The Count Of Monte Cristo 1P1 11 Daily: 5.10, 7.45. .'\1so111atinceSat1k 81111: Ice Age 111

.\1atinee Sat 1k 81111: 2.21). Return To Never Land 111 .‘ylatinec Sat 1k Sun: 2.15. Road Kill 1 151

Daily: 5.45. 8.15.

The Scorpion King 1 121 11.1111: 11.110. 8.211. .»\Ison1atinec Sat 8 Sun: 2.00.



Progran1n1elikely to he similar to the p1‘e\i1111s week. Phone 09005 000010 1111‘ details and times.

Livingston: Circuit Cinema

The .\Ic.'\1'1hur (ilcn l)esigner()utle1. 1.1\111gs11111. 0871) 240 4442 111' secure onlinc credit card hooking at

w w w.circuil-cinen1a.com. Adults £5. ('I1iltli'cn £3.25. Student/(MP £3.70. 1511111in ticket: £13. Premier lounge £8.50.


AboutABoy1121 11.50. 9.111.

A Beautiful Mind 1 121 2.1111.

Bend It Like Beckham 1 121 4.1111. 11.30. 9.1111.

Blade “1181 7.111. 9.411.

The Count Of Monte Cristo 11’111 3.110. 4.110. 8.511.

Crossroadswm 3.10. 5.111. IceAge11‘1 2.40. 4.311.

K-Pax 1 121 11.40. 9.311.

The Lord DfThe RingS1P(i1 3.10. Ocean’s Eleven 1 151 11.35.

The Dne1l51 4.511. 9.511.

Queen DfThe Damned1l51 2.1111. 4.111. 8.30.

The Scorpion King 1 121 2.20. 4.411. 7.1111 9.211.

FRIDAY '21; 111111~181)AY 2

AboutA Boy 1 121

111111}: 1.211. 3.40. 11.10, 8.411. .'\1\11111111111L'L‘Sill 1& Sun: 11.00am. Ali G Indahouse 1 181

Daily: 9.50.

A Beautiful Mind 1 121

Daily: 1.50. 03011101111111. Bend it Like Beckham 1 I 21 Daily: 3.50. 0.20. 8.50.

Blade II 1 181

Daily: 9.40.

The Count Of Monte Cristo 11’( 11 Daily: 1.10. 4.00. 7.00. Crossroads 11:1 1 1

Daily: 4.30.

Also matinee Sat 6’; Sun: 1 1.40am. E.T. -The Extra-Terrestrial 11:1 Daily: 1.20.

Also matinee Sat 8; Sun: Ice Age11‘1

Daily: 1.40. 3.30. 5.30. Also matinee Sat &'Sun: 1 1.50am. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius 1171


Matinee Sat 8; Sun: 1 1.55am. John Q1151

Daily: 1.40. 4.10. 0.40. 9.20. K-Pax1l21

Daily: 7.20.

The Lord DfThe Rings 112(‘11

Matinee Sat & 8111.: l 1.20am. Monsters, Inc. 11' Matinee Sat 1% Sun: Panic Room 1 151 11111: 0.31). 9.11). Queen DfThe Damned 1 151 Fri Wed: 9.10. RetumToNeverLand11'1 Fri Sun: 10501111111111Fri1. Road Klll1151

Daily: 2.50. 5.110. 7.10. 9.30. The Scorpion King 1 121

Daily: 2.20. 4.41). 0.50. 9.00.




Programme likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone 0871) 240 4442 for details and times. New lilm due to open 1111 Fri 3 May:

Panic Room 1 151

Paisley: Showcase Cinemas

(iril'lin Ayenue. Phoenix Basiness Park. 0141 8870011. 1111.0:0141 887 0020. ('C‘ hooking: 0141 8870011. 0)]. llil. £5 (£3.75 helbre 5pm). (‘hild/()AP/Studcnt: £3.75.


AiiClndahouse1181 12.35. 2.45. 5.15. 7.311. 9.411. ABeautifulMlntl1121 7.05. 111.211.

Bend It Like Beckham1 121 11.35am. 2.05. 4.45. 7.25. 9.55.

Blade "1181 11.2511111. 2.05. 4.40. 7.35. 111.111.

ColiateralDamage1151 7.45. 10.15. TheCounthMoriteCristhm 1.1111. 4.15. 7.15. 10.115.

The Warrio

Crossroadso’m 4.35. 7.211. 9.35.

E.T. -The Extra-Terresh'fal11f1 11.15am.


tceAge11'1 11111111111. 1.1111. 3.1111. 5.1111. 7.00. 9.1111. JimmyNeutronzBoyCenius11f1 12.15. 2.15. 4.15.

K-Pax1l21 7.111. 9.511.

Monsters, lnc.11'1 11.30am. 2.211. 4.511.

Ocean’s Eleven1151 11.10am. 1.511. 4.25. 7.11). 9.45. TheDne1l51 12.45. 2.511. 5.15. 7.55.


Queen DfThe Damned 1 151 12.05. 2.40. 5.05. 7.40. 111.111).

RetumTo Never Land11'1 12.30. 2.311. 4.30.

TheScorpion King1121 11.30am. 12.30.

2.00. 3.00. 4.30. 5.30. 7.20. 8.00. 9.30. 10.10.


AboutA Boy 1 121

Daily: 11.30am. 11111111. 2.00. 2.30. 4.20. 4.50. 7.15. 7.45. 9.35. 10.05. Also late Fri 1& Sat: midnight. 12.30am. All C Indahouse 1 181

Daily: 12.35. 2.45. 5.15. 7.30. 9.41). .’\1\U 1111C l‘ii'l L& $1111 1 1.51). BendltLike Beckham1l21 Daily: 11.35am. 2.10. 4.45. Also late Fri (k Sat: 12.25am. Blade II 1 18)

Daily: 11.25am. 2.05. 4.40. 7.35. 10.10.

Also late Fri & Sat: 12.35am.

The Count Of Monte Cristo11’111 Daily: 7.15.

Crossroads 1l’(}1

Daily: 4.35. 7.05. 9.15.

Also late Fri 6: Sat: 1 1.30.

£.T. -The Extra-Terrestrial 1171

Daily: 11.15am. 1.55. lcellge11'1 Daily: 11.00am. 1.00. 3.00. 5.00.

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius1171 11.111). 12.15. 2.15. 4.15.


Daily: 11.10am. 1.45. 4.25. 7.00. 9.35.

Also late Fri 1% Sat: 12.10am. K-Pax1121

Daily: 7.10. 9.50. Also late Fri 1% Sat: Monsters, lnc. 11'1 Daily: 11.20am. 2.20. 4.50. Ocean’s Eleven 1 151 Daily: 7.00. 9.45. Also late Fri & Sat:




7.25. 9.55.

r takes a break from the violent life to con idr mo

listings Film

The Dne115) Daily: 10.00. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.05am. Queen DfThe Damned 1151 Daily: 7.40. 10.00. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.15am. RetumTo NeverLand1111 Daily: 12.30. 2.30. 4.30. Road Kill (15) Daily: 12.20. 2.40. 4.55. 7.11). 9.25. Also late Fri & Sat: 11.45. King1121 Daily: 11.30am. 12.30. 2.00. 3.00. 4.30. 5.30. 7.20. 8.00. 9.30. 10.10. Also late Fri & Sat: 1 1.40. 12.20am.


Programme likely to be similar 111 the previous week. Phone 0141 887 0020 for details and times.

Stirling: Carlton

28 Allanpark. 11110211111 (7(‘ booking: 01780 474137. llil screen 1. Adult: £3.81): Students: £2.50 before (1pm. ()AP/(‘hildz £2 before (1pm. No

unaccompanied children alter 7pm.

IHLJRSDAlfi AboutABoy1l21 8.31). BendftLike Beckham1l21 5.31). lceAge1U1 2.311.

TheSoorpionKing1l212.15. 5.45. 8.30.

EflD_A_Y 26—THURSDAY 2 Aboutil Boy 1 12)

Daily: 2.45. 5.30. 8.15. Also matinee Sat & Sun: The Borrowers 1111 Matinee Sat: 1 1.00am. lceAge 1111

Matinee Sat & Sun: 1.15. The Scorpion King 1121 Daily: 2.3011101 Sat & Sun). 5.45. 8.30. Also matinee Sat 8.: Sun: 3.20.



Programme likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone 01780 474137 for details and times.

spirit 3! matters

751A111 0 May 200? THE LIST 43