Edinburgh Dance


l3 2‘) Nicolsoti Street. 52‘) 6000. Ill. W(‘. WA]

The Ensemble Group - Wishing For The Moon Thu 25 Apr. 7.30pm. £6-£ l0 (£5—£8). Sec (ilasgow. Tl'itllthl). Balletto Di Milano - Traviata Sat 4 Ma}; 7.30pm. £5 £20 (£4 £ l 8). The Italian ballet Cumpitll) marks the 1000) anniversary ol‘ \'erdi'\ death with this reworking of his classic opera.

Central Drama & Dance Ayr GAIETY THEATRE (‘arrick Street. 0l2‘)2 6| I222. Ill. W(‘. WA] 0 Perfect Days Hi 26 Apr. 7.30pm. £10 (£8). l.i/ l.ochhead\ criticall) acclaimed play abotit a celebrity hair- Lll'L‘xxCl‘ whose biological clock \Iill'l\ ticking when \he hits 3‘). ('oiiicdy and drama combine in a \cr) contemporar} take on the lettLN ol' parenting and Sin- glcdom. Sec re\ icw.


CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kildruiii. 0l236 32887. |l’.ll.'l"l‘.\\'(‘. WA]

Lachlan’s Choice Hotel Fri 26 & Sat 27 Apr. 7.45pm. £8 (£5 ). A Scottish hotel gets a wake-up call w hen laced with a cut-throat rival. in this same from Bruiiton 'I‘lieatre (human). Catch the Brunton'x last production in lillx enjoyable and light-hearted touring piece.

The Hunt For Red Willie 'l’liu 2-Sat 4 Ma}. 7.45pm. £6 (£3). liai'cical comedy set in l82()\ Ireland. in which chx} .\lc.\lullcn searches lor the truth l‘ollowing the in} \lc‘t‘totl\ dcath ol her father.

Stick Granny On The Roof-rack Wed 8 Ma); 7.45pm. £8 (£5). l'ttllill) tensions reach boiling point during a once-in-a-lil‘ctimc holida}. in thi\ new \litm. from The .\I\lil\.



'l‘own ('cntre. (H 389 752214. Brighton Beach Memoirs tiniil Sat 27 Apr. 7.30pm. £2.50. Dumbarton People's Theatre stages .\'eil Simon's popular comcd)‘ about family life in l‘)30.\ New York.



Park Place. 0l382 345466. [R W(‘. WA] Oklahoma! Wed l~ Sat 4 .\la_\'. The l'nivcrsity of Dundee Operatic Society pt'C\Cli[\ Rodgers and Hanimcrstein's. classic lllllxlc‘lll.


Ta} Square. (ii 382 223530. Il’. H. WC. WA]

C9 Pants l'ntil Sat 4 Ma) (not Sun). 7.45pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £4.‘)5—£l2.95 (£.3.‘)5~£6.‘)5). l’orbcs Masson follows up lltx previous mad ollct'ings Still and .l/im-v. with this new musical about a has-been popxtar. See review.



liaxt Port. ()l 383 314000. [l’. H. W(‘. w..\|

0 Perfect Days Sat 27 Apr. 7.30pm. £8.50 (£6-£7.50). See Ayr.

Sweet Charity .\lon 6-«Sat l 1 Ma}; 7.l5pni. £8 (£6). Kclty Musical .-\\\ociation\ adaptation of the popular musical.

East Kilbride


.\1a.\wcl| Drive. 0l355 248669.

0 Perfect Days Tue 7 .\la_\'. 7.30pm. £8 (£5 ). See A) r.


GREENOCK ARTS GUILD (’anipbcll Street. 0l475 723038. [R H. WA]

Crazy For You l'ntil Sat 27 Apr. 7.30pm. £7.50 (£5.50). Romantic musical featuring the songs ol (Ieorge and Ira (icrxhw in.

listings Theatre


a play by Howard Barker

Fri 26 April - Sat 18 May Tickets from £7

STUDENT TICKETS only £2 to SUNDAY MATINEE: 12 May 2.30pm


Box Office: 0131 248 4848



Thursday 2 Friday 3

Jiic.Ji\ch\c Ji\c.Ji\ch\c

SillgltN \iglit Sing|c~ Night

Blood Brothers Blood Hl‘ttllicl’x

.\Il\L'l"\ .\Il\L'l'\

ltii~ciiib|c (iioiip

Sccnc~ l-roni Scenes l'i'oiii

Saturday 4

Hit} (it‘lx (ilrl

Blood Brotlici‘x

Sunday 5


Singlcx \iglil

Bo) (icls (iirl


lunxeiiiblc (iroup

Scenes liroiii

Monday 6

liour 0021‘ And A Bone l‘oiir thigx And A Bone l‘oiii‘ Dogs And A Botlc l‘our Uni.“ Mid A BOW Fill" D08“ Mid A BOW Fm” D”? "\"d A BOW I‘m" [ME-'5 “\"d A BMW I'm". [hp "\nd "\ BUM

Bo) (icts (iirl

Blood B rothen

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Tuesday 7 ' Wednesday 8 3 Thursday 9

. CCA _ Citizens Maln Citizens Circle Cottier Th 3 'Giimoreiiiiiciz

' King’s Pavilion

I Ramshom Ttamway

' Tton

Ji\c.Ji\ch\c Ji\c.Ji\eJi\e Ji\c.Ji\ch\c

l‘rexli Pa” 01' Ruth l‘resh Pair ()1 l’alilx l’icxh l’aii ()t l’atih

Bo} (icts (iirl Bo} (ictx (iii‘l Bo} (Sch (in!

Blood Brothers Blood Brothers Blood Brothcrx


RL‘WI‘MHI “0:5

Scc Rock N l’op

l.c\ Ml\('l.il‘lc\ I.L'\ \Il\t'l‘lhlc\

Slidlt'il SliigKW Silalt‘il \ldg'tW Roxcncranl/ Roxcncrant/ JL'\\IL' Kt‘xum Jt'\\lt' Kt'\\t)ll The King fit l The King & | \ icloi} \ icloi}

(itt'cll I'IL'I\I\ (itccll l'lk‘ltl\

Ballcto l)i Milano

The King & l

(iiccii l'lt‘l\l\

l.c\ .\II\L‘!.lhlt'\

Scc Rock & l’op

Sliatcd SlagtN Roxcncrant/

Jt‘\\lk‘ Kt'\\0ll


(ilCCl‘i l-icldx

The King «‘4; 1

Church Hill Festival Th Gateway Th King’s Netherbow Playhouse Royal Lyceum St Bride’s Traverse 1

SCL‘ Kltl\ SL'C Kltlx

Bondagerx Boiidagcrx Bondagcix

\Vllt) Killed \Vlio Killed \Vlio Killed

llic ltiiiciald (’it) 'lhc King (\ l

The King & l The King & l

in E z in c a o ::

\'icloi'\ Victor} \ icloi}

(il'L'Cll l’lclds (ilCt'll l'lcld\ (llt'L'll I lclilx

’:\ Ar” 2" \‘z.i. THE LIST 67