Art listings

Glasgow School of Art continued

Printmaking I'iitil Tliti 35 Apr tNewbery Gallery). New work by students from the printmaking department.

Second Year Painting Tue 30 Apr Hi It) May (Newbery (iaIIeryi. Second year painting sttideiits show new work. NEW SHOW.

Fragments I‘ri 3- Stiii l3 May" tAtrium (ialleryi. Metalwork exhibition.


()7 St (ieorges Road. 333 0534. Daily 10am »I0pm.

Subscapes t'ntil Mon 29 Apr. Abstract cartooniin acrylic paintings by Ryan Iixidore based on his doodles and sketches.



I83 Bath Street. 333 1991. Mon Fri 10.30am 5pm: Sat 10.30am lpm.

Mixed Exhibition l'iitil I'i'i 3I May. A selection of paintings. oils and w atercolours by l9th and 30th century artists.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I'nix-ersity of Glasgow. 83 IIiIlhead Street. 330 5431. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm. I‘t‘ee. Prints By The Carracci t'ntil Sat l Jtiii. An exhibition foctisitig on the work of the celebrated ('arracci family who worked in Bologna at the end of the 16th cctitury. Ludox ieo ( I555 I619). Agostino

(I557 I603) and Aiiiiibale t I560 I609) collaborated as painters. btit printmaking was an also essential part of their output. The Hill House l'iitiI Sat 37 Apr. A small display presenting a selection of Mackintosh’s designs for the Hill House in IIeIensburin. designed between l‘)()3 and 1904 and considered as Mackintosh's domestic masterpiece. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Mackintosh Flowers Sat 4 .May Sat 37 Jul. A selection of Mackintosh's botanical sttidies. a subject which inspired his design work and painting throughout his life. NEW SHOW.


I8 King Street. 553 3540. Tue~Sat

Ilaiii 5.30pm.

Silences Meeting - Lynn Hynd l-‘ri 37Sun I3 May. A solo show of work by

I.y iin Ilynd centriiig on the manipulation of otir perception of space. NEW SHOW.


ll Mitchell Lane. 331 6363. Mon. \Vcd. I-‘ri & Sat 10.30am 5pm: Tue Ilaiii 5piii1TIiti 10.30am 5pm: Stiii noon 5pm. fl (includes entry to all exhibitions). creativescotland t‘niil Mon 2 Dec. Tlirotigliout the year. the Lighthouse will be showcasing a changing display of the work of Scotland‘s creatiy'e entrepreneurs in ady'ertising. architecture. fashion. design. film. yideo. music and digital media. Anatomy Of The House t'niil Sun In May. The first of three annual touring exhibitions created by The Lighthouse as part of the National Architecture Programme. Anatomy (If/"lie House is art accessible and interactiye show which Iias been designed to dex'elop an understanding of our built enx ironment. (‘reated by (irax'en Images. the exhibition includes historical examinations of fiye major types of Scottish domestic architecture together with a number of contemporary case studies.

India Of Inchinnan t'niil Sun 26 May tRex'iew (iallery I. An exhibition which chronicles the social and architectural history of the India of Inchinnan art deco btiildiiig.

RSA Student Design Awards l'ntil Stiii 38 Apr (Circulation Areal. Ii'rom graphics and animation to product design and jewellery. this annual exhibition showcases the best student design projects in the I‘K.

Tableware by Lapland t'ntil Sun 28 Apr 1 I-‘ourth floor. AIcox‘e l. At‘lisls' coIIectiyc I.aplaiid explore the social importance of the table in this installation which ili\ol\es tables and tableware with

90 THE LIST ’25) Apt (.3 Ma; 260?

objects curated and produced by Iltigli Pi/ey. Patrick Macklni. ('hris Wallace. Kate Day'is. Andrew I’orrestet'. Kirsty Statisfield and [inter Birkbeck. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


Station Road. Milngayic. 578 8847. Tue Sat 10am Ipiii. 3 5pm. Glasgow Society Of Women Artists Sat 37 Apr Thu 33 May. New work featuring painting. sculpture. textiles. ceramics and jewellery by this long established group of female artists.



300 Bath Street. 33l 0733. Tue Sat

9am 6pm.

The biography of a lie t'niil Wed 8 May. New work by Glasgow-based artists Kate Poster and Stephanie (‘oiincllyz


63 St (ieorge's Road. ('haring (‘ross. I"or more information www.itchylingersorg or email emerged (0‘ hotiiiailcoiii

E merge D t'niil Sun 28 Apr. New artist-run organisation limerged present a series of site-specific exhibitions with the aim of promoting the work of young emerging artists. From 33 38 April. Ruth [egg and Amy Sales will be creating a collaboratiye piece. A closing party will be held at the lloll Bar. \Voodlands Road on Tue 30 Apr. from 8pm. All welcome. Mtisic from I)js Sptid. l‘isl and Morphy.


I508 Maryhill Road. 946 3348. Mon & Tue 10am 8pm: Wed 10am 5pm: Thu noon 8pm; I-‘ri ts Sat 9am 5pm. Maryhill Harriers l'niil Thu 20 Jan. A small exhibition celebrating the history of the running club Maryhill llarriei's featuring photographs and memorabilia.


370 Sauchiehall Street. 387 3000.

Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm. RSA 176th Annual Exhibition Sat 37 Apr Stiii 3 Jtiii. £3 tL'I ). The Royal Scottish Academy 's annual exhibition featuring painting. sculpture. printmaking and architecture. NEW SHOW.


30 North Street. 387 399‘). Mon Thu I0.30aiii 6.30pm: Fri Sat l0.30am 4pm. From Girls To Grrrlz: A History Of Female Comics From Teens To Zines Sat 4 May. 3pm. Pearl l'nioii Present a talk b)‘ one of America’s most important female cartoonists since the 60s. Trina Robbins.


33l West (ieorge Street. 348 ()755. Moiir-It'ri l0am 5.30pm: Sat l0aiii 3pm. Shona Kinloch Thu 25 Apr Sat 18 May. Bron/c sculptures by renowned sculptor Shoiia Kinloch. NEW SHOW.


36 \‘t'ashington Street. 33l 3l33. Mon I‘ri ()am 5pm.

Studies And Academies l'ntil Hi 36 Apr. Drawings by Barry Athcrton. lAST CHANCE TO SEE.


6 Wilson Street. Merchant City. 553 0703. Tue. Wed 8c Hi I lain 6pm: Thu

Ilaiii 7pm: Sat l0am 6pm1Stin l 5pm. Mixed Exhibition Work by contemporary up—and-coniitig Scotland- based artists.


('etitre Iior Deyclopnieiital Arts. I8 Albion Street. 553 3833. Mon I-‘ri 10am 5pm. GV14 Fri 36 Apr: Hi 3] May. I-‘otirteen artists from the (laryald Centre in Iidiiibtirgh show new work including ceramics. stoneware pots. sculpture. glass. painting. textiles and a iiitiltiiiiedia installation. NLW SI IOW.


I I8 Douglas Street. 348 6386. Mon l‘ri 10.30am 5pm; Sat l0.30aiii lpm.

Kurt Jackson Hi It» Apr Sat it May. ('ornwaII's Lemon Street (iallery comes to Scotland for the first time with an exhibition of recent work by artist Kart Jackson. featuring w atercolours. oils atid acrylics inspired by the natural landscape. NEW SHOW.


(i Burnfteld Road. (iiffnock. 638 I300. Tue l'i'i Ilam 5pm; Sat I0ani 5pm1Sun noon 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntiI I‘ri I4 Jtiii. A permanent display ofoy er I300 original paintings.


300 (ireat Western Road. 560 8317.

Tue Sat 10am 4pm.

Archive 1 Thu 3 Hi 3| May. A series of commissioned photographs by John ('arbcrry documenting the cathedral before its restoration. focusing on the building and the people who Iiaye worked or worshipped Iicre. I’ut‘l U/‘I’t’tlyl. NIT» SI fol-“X.

Hero Sat 4 Sat I8 May. A group show curated by Ian Balch featuring the work of twelye (iIasgow artists including Ross Birrell. Alex I-‘rost. Annettte Ilc) er. StcPIicn IIoIIingsworth. (‘raig Mtilholland and Mary Redmond. l’url (ilil't'usl. NET! SI IO‘.“.".

An Introduction to Hero Tue 7 May. 7pm. £3. Art critic and historian John (‘alcutt discusses the work iii the Hero exhibition. I’tll'l HI l't’tlxl.


36 King Street. 553 3l5l. Tue Sat

I0am 5.30pm.

Ral Veroni - About the bad relationship between Time and Destiny l'ntiI Sat 35 May. In his first major one-person exhibition. (ilasgow - based Argentinean artist Ral \croni shows a series of siiiaII-scale prints which relate throuin subject matter. the cities of (ilasgow and Biteiios Aires. The images are broken tip with photographed l’\'(‘ modelled figures which represent time. destiny and oblix ion. See rey iew.

TCHAl-OVNA 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. Daily II.30am l0piii.

Barras People: Photographs by Martin Gray on show at the Art Gllery 8.

Museum, Kelvingrove

Magic In A Magical Land t'ntil Tue 30 Apr. Photographs front Mozambique by Sabriana Das and Aimee lIiII.


35 Albert Misc. 387 3000. Tue Sat

noon 8pm; Stiii noon 6pm.

0 Light Without Shadow I’ntil Sun 36 May. A major new exhibition from international collaboratiye group. Ileiiry \'IlI's \Vix'es. commissioned by Tramway for the main gallery. Made tip of six cm i— romiiental art graduates from (ilasgow School of Art. Henry VIII's \Viyes come together fairly infrequently. and then respond to a giy en eny ii'oniiient by creat- in: Site-SPL‘CIITL‘ works of art. The exhibi- tion is also accompanied by the first ex er publication. If? .lhll't‘ll I'm/er Illt’ Banner ofliytlu/ .'ll‘l. See Ilillisl.

Lucy McEachan l'iitil Stiii I3 May. New liliii and mixed media installation work by (ilasgow —based artist l.ticy McIiachan. a recent graduate from (ilasgow School of Art's Department of Painting.

Sleeping With The Elephant t‘ntil Stiii l3 May. (‘urated by (ilasgow -based artists ('Iara l'i'sitti and Natalie dc Briery. this exhibition is the result of a ('anada/Scotland exchange programme and features the work of three female ('aiiadian artists. (’orinne (’arIsoii presents aii outdoor installation and Sy Ix ie I.aIiberte atid Stacey I.ancaster present yidco works. See i'eyiew. LAST CHANCE— TO SEE. Ross Sinclair Thu 35 Apr. 6pm. Ross Sinclair talks about his work. focusing on particular aspects of his practice and recent projects.

Lisa Watts - More Funny Feelings l'ntil Sat 37 Apr. Tue Sat noon 8pm; Stiii noon 6pm. l‘ree. Acclaimed artist and performer I.isa \Vatts presents three new works exploring what makes its cry. ()n show is the Video installation ('ry'ine Sport which follow s two actresses til diflet‘enl stages of er) ing. The Iiye performance (it um/ Running .llut‘liint' will take place oti Sat 37 Apr. at 7pm.

Jacqueline Donachie Thu 3 May. 6pm. Donachie's first solo show I’m! lit/ii was Iield at 'I‘raiiiw‘ay. Here. she talks about recent and current projects.

David Sherry Tliu ‘) May. 6pm. Sherry talks about his recent show at 'I‘raiiiway. (‘ont/iu‘lti/t/x‘ li’t'ine .'I/fl't’. aitd his recent