
Introductions BREE!-

Advice on Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS and all matters relating to the Gay and Lesbian Community

SWITCHBOARD 0131 556 4049

7.30pm-10pm Every Night


Calls may be monitored for training purposes.

A Scottish Charity No. SCO 03403. Registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee No. 16449

LESBIAN LINE 0131 557 0751

7.30pm-10pm Monday & Thursday


Information 0 Education 0 Support

iii IdealPartner

because relationships are all about compatibility

Looking for a partner, a lover, new friends?

Looking for a new approach to dating and introductions?

Looking for a friendly, safe and interesting service? '

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Dinners and Events for

Single Men and Women with

I%\IE[IQ\ 0141 333 1321 someuncn a. GLASGOW


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\ ' or connect live 1-to-1! Up to 240 callers on

I Single room, excellent \lltll‘L‘tl Itic‘llllic‘s. £40 pw including ("II 'I'cl: 013] 22‘) 5124.

I Sunny room in wcll furnished Iltll. ()ld liii'nihouxc. pczicclul tirczi hctwccn Mairchmont & lllzickl'ord Hill. 30 [1000ch to ccnti‘c. Citxy‘ huscx. Big gtirdcn & lricndly I‘ltitmtitcx. £105 pcm. 'I‘cl: 0131 007 4900.

I Newington, close to city ccntrc. (irctit douhlc room in tlr[I\[lL'. coloui'l'ul. l'i'icndly. spilc‘ltllh. ll/\ lItit with till mod conx. 'I‘ruy'cllcrs /CplClli‘Ctlli\ wclcomc. £200 pcm + hills. 'I'cl: 013] 477 0704.

I West End. Large douth room with own \howcr room in xhnrcd I‘ltit. £295 pcm + hills. 'I‘cl: 0l3l 235 5235.

I New Town. We ttl'L‘ tlcliglilctl to ollcr two Ittt'gc douhlc rooms for two pt'olt‘xxioliztls in ncwly I'L‘lltiy'tllt‘tl. clcgtinl (icorgitm lltit. 'I'wo htithrooms. Itii‘gc kitchcn & sitting room with ttlll'tlL‘llyc \ icw \. £500 pcm including ("II 'l‘cl: 07004 I88 508 or 07‘)()I I73 (150.


V I saw you in thc I’olo on litixtci' Sunday. you wcrc no. 340. I was I‘M! \Yc cxchtmgcd mcsstigcx. I liziycn’t \ccn you \incc. w hcrc zirc you hiding'.’ It'd hc cutc it" you got in touch . ..llox .\'o [7440/I.

V I saw you brown lclt hut. \cry' \llltlll thong. I'd ttikc you for ti wailktihout . . . Box No [7440/7.

V I saw you today . . . you can \ink my hotit tinytiiiic yc IlIlL‘ [Wig Itixxicl Box No [7440/I).

V I saw you rctiding all] old noticc tit .‘ylr .\ch-';illx' conccrt. (ilud to \cc xomconc L‘Isc found it tiinusing! I found otit morc ttliottt it . . . intci'cstcd'.’ Box No [7440/15.

V I saw you .‘yltiiihcw- in Aluxkzt on I‘)/04/02. look you honic but thcn \y';l\ horrihlc to you. Wanted to say sorry and I think you tll'L‘ oncly. S xx. Box .\'o [7440/17.

V I saw you . . . I‘l'ltltly tlic 10th. zit I)ccp Iind in .’\dl.ih. You worc ti hoxl’rcsh 'I'-.\hirt tind dcnim skirt. You tlilllL‘L‘tl thc night away and Iltttl thc moycs. I L‘tlli only dcxcrihc my \cll’ tix \htihhy. \Yc \pokc too hricl'ly. Box .\'o [7440/18.

V I saw you Ilcy tle “c ptll'llL‘tl. litttl lots oI fun. I Ii;ch your hluc \VZIIL‘II. gct in touch... Box No [7440/27.

V I saw you 'I'ucstltiy cy'cning llolyrood yollcyhtill instructor \umhcr

8. You \hinc. and I wiin | pltiycd \‘UIIL‘yIIRlll htit I should \[lc‘k to badminton. Want to mcct lot :1 Clint.) Box .\'o [7440/3 I.

V I saw you l.;llll'llIL‘. thunk you loi‘ my tcti llI lizixtcr. l.otx til Ich. (‘hrixtophciz Box .\'o [7440/33.

V I saw you outsith 'I‘indcrhox with your cool grcy lioody illltl hlondc I‘lickcd Ituit‘. You wci'c y. hot and caught my ttllL‘lllItm lust. Box .\'o [7440/33.

V I saw you Jcnny \hzikin' thtit it\\. What it night. you wcrc littll[il\[IL'. Box No [7440/34.

V I saw you Jtixtin (‘. l)cl :\llii[l'l darling. l)o yourxcll ti laiyour tilltl inch mc l'oi' \omc boo/c + chtit. You won't hc disappointcd. Sidchotii'dx by inyittition only. Box No [7440/35.

V I saw you (iriicmc S on thc Struthhltinc bus. Your \niilc l'L‘lllllltI\ mc ol' of ti lictiutilul tipsidcdown ruinhow \Iillllilg' in tltc \ky. (‘olotli‘ is wlint l on'c itiltl I could bring to you? Box No [7440/30.

V I saw you ('tilum l‘i'om 'I‘indcrhox. il[ ()ptiiiio l'.\ptlL'It). You thought I w tis in Bcllc & Sclittxtittn l \\ ixlil (‘ol‘l‘cc yott intikc i\ gi'ctit. hut gct iiitintigcmcnt loch \omc l'tiir tt‘ttdc \ttilll Box No [7440/37. V I saw you in (ilthgoyy ccnti‘c. ctiting ti chocoltitc litii'. \ci'utching your hum? I saw you :\Itt\dtiit' Ill Box No [7440/38. V I saw you outxidc Virgin. on your phonc chcckin' out sonic hot [iil‘tlx ttlltl \\ ixliing you w ci'cn't tilonc. I \;l\\ you

w tilking down tlic \trcct. looking tit your l'cctl Box .\'o [7440/3‘).

WARNINC:100‘s guys on line!

1 444 521


124 THE LIST 9—23 May 2002

-. --SE:Z€ lfi'y 31) Ca 3 :cs' 3; M. " at 3 '."‘ES .‘i‘e' Mar. “13 .13": :e We a“; sec»


LIVE 1—2-1

at only Imin!

"Browse the list. choose your girl, press 9 and connect!"

V I saw you it lurniturc miikcr inr Iidinhui'ghi in pub on Byrcx Rotid. Your dtid + my Iricnd tailkcd lrcltind. \Yc tailkcd tl‘ccx. \Yood low to incct up tigtiin. Box .\'o [7440/40.

V I saw you my tiloiidc huircd hctiuty' having it hot chocoltitc in 'I‘indcrhox on 'I‘hursdtiy. I.ct thc ncxt onc hc on me? Box No [7440/41.

V I saw you (‘ailluiiL working in thc cclltir htir. I think you'rc goi'gcoux in your purplc \Itil‘t. czill nic xxx. Box .\'o [7440/42.

V I saw you l’ziddy' itikti I’utrick gny hoy .\IcI\'i. Looking ill my ill'\L‘ in thc .-\rchc\ bar .\I XX. Box No [7440/43.

V I saw you lust .‘ytoiidtiy in .\I2ll‘l\'\ (k Spcnccrs ill Bruchctid. I loy'cd your wcc hcurd tllltl thoxc \cxy gltisxcx. I tixkcd about you. Your mom i\ I’nul. Box No [7440/44.

V I saw you .‘yluiilicw .\Ic(i ((1 thc ('htitrooin play ing thc guittir - gorgcous hut flirting with cycryonc - why cant you “in with mc I hunt you? Box No [7440/45.

V I saw you Mr luiii K looking \Iiil'ty ill tlic Shack. Xicc shirt! l.o\c ('rtiig xxx. Box No [7440/47.

V I saw you pi'ctty in pink. Kicking htick in thc (’uhc loi‘ Sundtiy Stii'gcry. you intidc inc 1'ch much hcttci' [liilll ti llltl\\;lgL‘. Box .\'o [7440/48.

V I saw you \ltii‘ky \lttl‘kl Yoti'i'c tin unwaixhcd cup N I

w ant to lick you clctinl l’uh \how gzil. You'rc somcthing L‘Ixcl Box No [7440/4‘).

V I saw you Nick Ironi (iltisgow ['ni Sltiyonicx Ill. You. \cxy' :\nici'ic;in \oicc. [ll\\tl)‘\ giying good tlll\\\L‘l'\. How can you AIIIUI'tl LIII thoxc ncw trziincrx'.’ l‘l‘tHll "littlc \crti" xxx. Box .\'o [7440/50. V I saw you Stirtih in Bur 10. “body wtint to know il‘you will hc my chxic. l.ct\ grind my pcppci'. Box .\'o [7440/5I.

V I saw you wailktihout. you: dtii'k doctor. mc hloiidc urchitcct. | um on c sick. plL‘;1\L‘ cui'c inc!!! Box .\'o [7440/52. V I saw you on Icycl 3. (iltixgow [‘ni lihrtiry. You'y c it chcckcd cotit tind \pikcd htiir. I might \pt‘ulx to you onc dtiy. And "I.ongpig\" might I'ly....\. Box No [7440/53.

V I saw you lilondc \piky Iltlll‘c‘tl hoy \ci‘y'ing in Archcx ('tilc hair you w ci‘c rctilly chct + nicc + my intitc Iliiicicx yoti. Box No [7440/54.

V I saw you in 'I'iiidcrhox. \Vcd 34. I030tim. You w ci'c Iiot guy in dcnim \itting in window. .\Ic: hoy w curing thc hluc xtlpt‘l'lic‘l‘o 'li-xlill‘l. \Yc Ioole‘tl til cticli othcr! \\'.inii;i \htirc your window \ctilf Box No [7440/55.

V I saw you rugby pltiycr hcliind tlic I‘tll' tit Illtickl'i'itii'x. You tixkcd mc il' l \\;l\ xiiiglc. ..I :im. (‘zill iiicl Kcyccl (Kcy ini. Box .\'o [7440/50.

V I saw you Virgin mcgti \torc. I’oxcd & chilch you w ci‘c looking linc chccking out \UIIIL‘ tuncx and drink w incl .ItllIlL‘\ you can hc minc? Box No [7440/57.

V I saw you \yy L‘c‘l L'IIL'Clx\. \htiking thtit ;l\\ - hluc top. Iriin [lL‘L‘L‘IlL :\i'chc\ cult". BU\ No [7440/53.