turce abottt Daniel Auteuil dixcovering the joyx of coming otit. See previevv.


Swollen Tongues Nethcrbovv Art ('entre. 4.3 Iliin Street. 556 057‘). 7.30pm. £6 (£51. Wed [5 & 'l‘hu l6 May. ()l‘t‘lhe (’ut‘t' 'l‘heatre (’ompany promixex rhyming coupletx. gender bending arid a theatrical romp itt thix touring comedy.

Edinburgh Fridays

Cinema The Closet l'ri I7 .May 'I‘hu I3 Jun. See 'I'Ittt.


UP Sttidio 34. ('alton Road. 558 3758. l0.30pni 3am. £8 (£7). Hi 10 May. Monthly. l’rogrexxive houxe and trance. Lube \‘enue. ('alton Road. 557 3073. l lptn 3am. £8 (£6). Hi It) May. Monthly. I'nderground dance.

Angel Delight \‘enue. (‘alton Road. 5573073. Illpni 3am. £6 (£51. I‘ri 17 May. Monthly. The labuloux I‘ri night tor vvomen mov ex to a next venue vv ith l‘L‘SltlL‘lll I).I XIIL‘IIL‘IIL' :llttI gllexIS.

Edinburgh Saturdays


The Claremont 133 135 liaxt ('laremont Street. 556 5663. 8pm. l‘ree. Sat l8 May. Fortnightly. MS(‘ and the Bearx organixe the niqu vv here the drexx code ix ax vv ild ax yoti like.

Cinema The Closet l‘ri I7 May 'l‘hti l3 Jun. See 'l'hu.


Joy ligo. I’icat'dy Place. 478 7434. I0.30pm 3am. £I0 (£81. Sat I I May. liortnightly. Rexidentx Maggie and Alan vvhoop it tip in the tnain hall vvhile l)a|e (I.tixhl_joinx ('octeatt Lounge rexidentx 'I‘rendy Wendy and Sally l‘.


Bennet’s ()1) (ilaxxt'ortl Street. 552 576]. llpm 3.30am. £3 £6 (£3 £5). ()pen live niglitx a vveek vy itlt e\cellent datice action Wed to Sun and a xtudent night on Thu. Cube 34 Queen Street. 336 8900.

I I.30pm 3am. £3 (£3 \vith tlyeri. (iay nightx on Mon (l’axxionality 1 and 'l‘ue (I-'.l'..\'.1 both playing cheexy chart.

Polo Lounge 84 \y‘ilxon Street. 553 I33]. lllpm 3am. £5. Freddy retttrbixhed dovvnxtairx in the Polo ix xtill the place to he tor dancing vv ith club nightx I-‘rexh. l.uxh and (airy on l’olo. I‘ri to Stiii.


Candle Bar 30 ('andleriggx. 564 I385. 0pm. Free. Lively bar \\ ith a dixco llavour on Wed. l‘ri and Sat. vv ith an intriguing mix olgoxxip. trivia and karaoke vv ith .'\ngie() on Sun.

Court Bar 6‘) llutchexon Street. 553 3463. 6.30 10pm. l‘rce. I’opuIar traditional bar vv here you can chill all vveek atid join in the karaoke on Suit. Delmonica’s 68 Virginia Street. 553 4803. 9pm. l‘ree. I)Jx on l'ri. Sal. Mon and Tue. at mm on Thu. karaoke on Sun and a gamex night on Wed.

LGBT Centre 1 1 I)i\on Street. 331 7303. l Iatii I3am. I-‘ree. "I‘he bar/cale in the l.( ill'l. ix not only pcl‘lecl lot‘ col-IceS. l'ood and drink bttt alxo hax karaoke It'om Hi to Sun.

Polo Lounge 84 \y‘ilxon Street. 553 I33l. l0pm lam. l'ree. lintertainment t'rom Mon to Tim at thix recently t'clurbixhed venue vv ith every thing lrom laid-back xoundx arid live muxic t'rom Tom and Mtth at the beginning ot~ the neck to Itlllk’. dixco and retittextx nearer the vveckend.

Revolver 6a John Street. 553 3456. 8.30pm. l-‘ree. Weekly. l’optilar bar vyhich lioxlx arcade game and tlui/ nighlx on Sat


Hoatllining this yoar's; Prttlo ‘.V|II bo Atomtt: Kittoti. ono of tho biggost namos; oyor to porform at tho Scottish oyont. Carrying on tho tritisi<:al thomo is our yory own Gary IVIllIIlll who wrll bo performing as his; Stars; /II Tho/r Eyos altor ogo Frotltlto Mortzury. As woll as; big namo acts. thore is also a (:hango to this yoar oyont wrth ontry to tho Glasgov'r (Broon Rainbow party boing by wristband only. To make Slll‘C

Atomic Kitten take pride

you don't miss out on tho lun got your wristband tn atlvatit:o with a minimum donation of 5‘6. Sontl your roguosts and paymont to Prttlo Scotland. 104 Tomploton Buildings. Tomploton Stroot. Glasgow. (3110 10A. (Jano Hamilton)


As if things couldn't get any bottor. your taVOtirito section of Tho List is giying you tho tzhattoo to wrn two VIP hospitality wristbands by answoring this vory sitiiplo


O: Whteh mombor of Atomic Kitten is expecting a baby?

Answors on an omatl markotl 'Pritlo' to promotions:oltst.(Jo.trl< or on a postcard to tho 1 tst. 14 High Stroot. Edinburgh. EH1 tTE. Doatlltno for entries is 28 May 200?. Ploaso |I‘-(lItI(I() a (layttmo telephone numbor.

Eye Candy ('lub Mercado. 36 3‘) Market Street. 336 4334. 1 1pm 3am. £10 (£81: £6 in lancy drexx. Sat l I May. (ilam houxe party.

Mingin’ Studio 34 (upxtairxl. ('alton Road. 558 3758. l0.30pm 3am. £5. Sat I8 May. l-ortnightly. Ilard houxe.

UP! Party I’I\'() ('allc/bat'. ('alton Rd. 557 3935. 0pm 3am. l’ree. Sat I8 .May. Monthly. More tun l'rom the LP? crovvd. MsDemeanour l’hoeni\ (’ellat' Bar. 48 Ilroughton Street. 5570334. Sat 18 May. Monthly. livening e\c|uxi\ely t'or tranxvextitex and tranxxe\ualx.


Scottish Gay Rugby The laughing Duck. 34 Ilovve St. 330 3376. lpm. Sat l8 May. Initial tneeting.

alternoonx and alxo hax a tree jukebox

vv ith over 5000 top tunex to chooxe It'oln. Sadie Frosts 8 lo \‘x‘ext (ieorge Street. 333 8005. I3pm I3am. I'i'ce. I)Jx (I‘ri. Sat and .Mon 1. karaoke (Hut and Sun) and tittiI/ex (lite and Wed 1. Tue combinex the lot and comex tip vv ith qtii/oke \\ hile Sttti ix vvomen only in the Blue Room. Waterloo Waterloo Street. 22‘) 58‘) l. l3pm I3am. Well knovvn gay bar. Shopping

Clone Zone l.(ill'l‘ (‘entre. I)i\on Street. 33I 7303. Mon Sat llam 9pm: Stilt 13pm llpm. Wide range ol' v ideox. maga/inex and toy x.


Beyond Barriers Hint. l)i\on Street. 574 0343. (‘haIIenging hotnophobia through training. int‘ormation and education. More inl‘ormation

intotu bey ondbat'ricrx.tirg.ttk or

vv vv vv .bey tindbat‘riet'xorg.tik.

Bi-G-Les (/0 UNIT. I l I)i\on Street. 331 7303. Sttpport tor I.(ill'l~ tutder 35. Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 333 50I0. Support lot" thoxe atlccted by lll\’/.'\II)S.

Centre for Women’s Health 3 Sandy lord l’lace. 3| l 6700. lnt'ormalion tor vvomcn and xpecilic xerv icex tor lexbianx.

Glasgow Lesbian Line Pt) Box 686. (i3 7'I‘I.. 553 3355. .-\d\ ice and xuppot't. Glasgow Women’s Library lot) 'Ii'otigate. 553 8345. Open 'l'ue I‘ri

I 6pm; Sat 3 5pm. Women‘x literature and the lexbian archive.

PHACE West 4‘) Iltlllt Street. .553 .3858. The main xcrv ice in the Wexl ol Scotland lol' [how illlL‘t'lL‘tI It} III\'/.’\II)S.

Steve Retson Project 2 Sandy t‘ortl l’lace. 3| I 8601. Open 'I‘ue tk ’l‘hu.

5.30 8.30pm. Sc\ual health ad\ ice and cottnxelling tor gay men.

Edinburgh Sundays

Cinema The Closet l’ri I7 May 'l‘htt l3 Jun. Sec 'l'hu.

Clubs Taste liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 335 3564. £81£61.\\'et‘kl_\. IIotlxe.

Edinburgh Mondays

Cinema The Closet liri l7 May 'I'hu I3 Jun. See 'Iiltlt.


Trendy Wendy Planet ()ut. (ireenxitle Place. 534 0061. l0.30pm 3am tbar trom

Strathclyde Lesbian 8: Gay Switchboard 1’() Ho\ 38. (13 201-1. 333 8373. Open 7 |0pm daily. ('onlidential advice.



C.C. Blooms 33 34 (it'eL‘nxitIL‘

Place. 556 033 . 10.30pm 3am (bar

from 6 uni. liree. .\ bar and club vy ith a . I . . .

play lixt ot high camp and dtxco



Blue Moon Cafe 1 Barony Street. 557 (WI |. Mon l-‘ri llatn I l.30pm. Sat Sttn l0am II.30pm. l’ree. lidinburgh'x longext rtnming gay cate. Nexus 60 llt'otighton Street. 478 706‘). l Iaiit llpm. Free.

The I.(iII ('L‘ltll‘t‘uS c‘illic‘.

C.C. Blooms 3.5 34 (irecnxide Place. 556 933 . l0.30pin 3am (bar trom 6pm I. l-"ree. .\ bar and club vv ith a play lixt ol high catnp and dixco claxxicx. Habana (il‘eL‘llSltIL‘ l’Iilk‘C. 558 I370. I3pm lam. l‘ree. l’opular drinking and tningling xpot.

Flashback 1) Ilope Street. 336 (1001. 4pm lam. 70x and 80x t‘eel vy ith cheexy dixco and pop Mon to Stiti. Frenchies Roxe Street. 325 765I. Ipm Iain. lirec. :\ place to chat and chill vvith a trivia qui/ Sttti or karaoke W ilIl Illl} (ittltil‘e “ed.

The Gilded Saloon 333 ('ovygatc. 3366550. 9pm lam. l-'t'ee. livery Sun the Saloon Iloldx the pre-club xex\ion tor 'I‘axte at the Liquid Room.

The Laughing Duck 24 “one Street. 330 3376. Mon 'l‘hu

llam llpm. l‘ri & Sat llatn Iain. Still I I.3(lam llpm. Sty lixli. comty bar. conducive to chatting atid merry making \vhile dovvnxtairx ix t'or open mic. goth and rock xexxioltx.

listings Gay

6pm). l’ree. l-‘ortnightly. I)Jx every vveek vv ith 'I'rendy Wendy every t'ortnight (Mon I3 May 1.

Groups Gay Men’s Swimming Group ('all 336 4476. 8pm. Weekly. Inl'ornial.


Indigo Girls ()tieen'x llall. Sottth (‘lerk Street. 668 30l‘). 7.30pm. £l6.50 £17.50. Mon l3 May. The .-\merican duo bring their dixtinctive rock to Edinburgh. See previevv.

Edinburgh Tuesdays

Cinema The Closet l5ri l7 May 'l‘hu l3 Jun. See 'I‘hu.


Fairy Liquid I.oca. 335 (‘ovvgate. 335 5413. 10pm 3am. £3 (£3 vvith xtudent 0)). Weekly. (‘hat'L dance and dixco. Vibe ligo. l’icardy' Place. 478 7434.

l lptii 3am. £3. Weekly. .\'evv glitter t'uelled charty party night. Tue 14 May hax a Motilin Rouge vibe atid 'I'uc 3| May Iiax a llavvaiian vibe.


OOT: OOT On Tuesday The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. £5 (£4). Screaming good humour courtexy ot' hoxt ('raig Hill and .lamex Ilolmex. lmprov duo Sit: and Paul and ‘('ampext Link”

hoxt Jill l’eacock cotnplete the pink- tinged liner-up.

Edinburgh Wednesdays

Cinema The Closet l-‘ri l7 May 'l'hu l3 Jun. See 'l'hu.

Theatre Swollen Tongues Wed 15 & Thu 16 May. See 'I‘hu.

New Town Bar Dublin Street. 533 7775. Mon 'l'hu l3pm lam. I’ri Sat l3pm 3am. Sun 13.30pm lam. (iay cruixe bar attracting a xlightly older crovv d. Sexy underground clttb at

W eekendx.

Planet Out (it'eenxide I’IilL‘L‘. 5.34 0061. .Mon l"ri 4pm lam. Sat Sun

3pm lam. l-‘ree. l-ine bar vi ith I)J.x every Mon night. a max on Tue. 'lrendy Wendy ('Iacknol doing her xlllll every l‘ot'tnight and I)J.x ('raig and Dale (l.tixhi every Sat night.


Out of the Blue Barony Street. 478 7048. Mon I-‘ri llatn 7pm. Sat

llam 6pm. Sun 13pm 6pm. (iay and l.exbian xhop located dovv nxtairx Il'tltll the Blue Mooti ('ale xtocking bookx. magx. loyx and \ ideox.

Bobbie’s Bookshop 22(1 Mort‘ixon SII'L‘L‘I. 55X 706‘). Mon Sill

10am 5.30pm. Stockx a vv ide xelection ot~ gay maga/inex l'rom the [K and abroad.

Edinburgh Groups

A.D. (’ontact 556 404‘). (iroup tor lexbianx over 40. Meetx tnonthly to plan xocial eventx. Nevvcotnerx \velcome. ('aII lint" tnore LlCliIllS.

Dykes Night Out Pt) Bo\ I61). l-Llll 3I.l'. Social eveningx t'or vvomen. Lesbian Line 557 (1751. Mon a liar 7.30 10pm. Helpline.

LGBT Police Link l.(ill ('entre. 60 llrottghton Street. Mon 6 7pm. Weekly. ('all 630 5 I 38/630 5 I40 it~ you “am a chat vv ith your community ol'licer. Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 556 404‘). 7.31) Illpttt every day. Helpline.

Stonewall Youth Project (‘ontact 633 3366 I()l-l‘lL'L‘I or (I845 I I30 005 (Youthlinet. Social eventx tor I.(ill'l‘ under 36.

.‘t‘tlf THE LIST 75

‘.“ L‘fi l\.l.i‘.