

Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I End Of The Month Club at l3tlt Note (’al'e tKing Street l. .\'e\t date 3() Ma}. I Brel at Brel. 8.30pm midnight. to Ma}. l‘i‘ee. l-‘ortnightlx. With a lite xet from Medicine Room on bongox. guitar. drum aitd \‘oetllx.

I Hot Latino Nights at Motla.

8pm laiit. I-‘rec. Weekly .-\ lIISIUII ol’ Latin and ('tiban xoundx eotti'tex} ot‘ DJx Salazar and Andreax.

I Kev Dillon at Bar ll). 7pm late. l‘i'ec. Weekl}. It" ragga. 3-xtep and hip hop ix )(tlll' bag then till it tip \xith Kex Dillon and hix 'l'lturxda) nightx iii the beautiful bar tip the lane.

I The Lansdowne Sessions at the\xne Bar. 9pm midnight. l‘t'ee. Weekl}. Jonnie l-‘ix e arid Brendan llexxle tltiieei get tlte ltink tloxt'in' \\ ith retro eleett'o pop arid breakerx claxxicx in thix elaxxte \Vext iintl bar.

I Martyn at (‘til de Sac. ‘)pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekl). You can't keep a good thing do“ n. The Jengaheadx are one of the hardext \xorking otittitx in lttWII. and thix pre-eltib xet from their better/norxe hall Martxn ix eonxixtentl} great. Drop b} the lane tonight.

I Mark All Moloeo (\Vexl littdl. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly DJ Mark Robb tranxl‘ormx thix ex-pakora bar into a titiie machine for the night. rex ixiting the l'tinkiext xearx huinanit} hax _\et experienced. Iixpeet xx idexpread merr} - tnaking.

I Nico’s at .\'ico'x. ‘)pm midnight. l’ree. Weekl}. Get into .\'ico'x tor a elicex} pep talk before heading otit to dixgrace _\otit'xe|l in a Satichiehall Street club or kebab emporium. ('laxx).

I Phatboy’s Kitchen at \tet‘huill‘x Wax ()tit Wext. Spin midnight. l’ree. Weekl}. Hip hop. breakx and beatx cotirtex} ot' the Wax Monke}.

I Phonic at Moxkito. 0pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekl}. Qtialit} deep houxe \x ith l’honic DJx Stex en Reillx and (iot‘don Logan.

I Salsa for Beginners at (‘uba None. 7pm midnight. £4 t£3 l. Weekl). The l‘ll}lllttt ix inxide tix all xo get tip and acknoxx ledge the potx er of" xalxa. ('laxxex xtart at Spin. btit till tip on tapax until )ottt' time comcx.

I Sample 8: Hold at Bar Soba.

Spin midnight. Free. Weekl}. l.i\ e hip hop. eotnplete \\ ith gtiext \ocalixtx. xei'atch} btixinexx and pereuxxion.

I Spy at Sp). 9pm midnight. liree. Weekl}. Simon ('ordiner tTraxxt doex hix tliang and delixerx xome qualit} hotixe and funk} groox ex. Thix e\ent ix part of the Smirnot't' lixperienee.

I User Friendly at Blackli‘iarx Baxement. Spin lain. £3. 9 Ma}. Monthl}. An audio \ ixual extraxagan/a xx ith brcakx. techno, projectionx arid art inxtallationx. So far. the \enttire hax been xiiecexxt'til. \\ ith rapturoux nightx alread} hax ing taken place in l‘ebruar} arid March.

I Virunga at Brel. 9pm midnight. lirec. lo Ma}. l‘ortnightl}. DJ Tehieo xerxcx tip the bext in ghetto groox ex and (’aribbean beatx.


I Audio Intercourse at .Maxka. .\'ext date the.

I Bennet’s at Bennet'x. l lpm 3am. £3 t£3t. Weekly. (la). mixed. xtt'aight xx ho eai'ex'.’ jitxt hax'e a bloody good time. people. Shaxxn lox‘ingl} la_\'.x down the eroxxd pleaxerx in thix exer-poptilar Tlitt night maxh tip. .v\nnic alxo prox idex high- octane tunage I Chalk’n’Cheese at the Tunnel. l lptii 3am. £4 (£3). tree \\ ith a Snaplax before midnight. Weekl}. Tunnel regularx Kex in Melfli'laite and Scott Macka}. pltix Stephen in room txxo. xpiii tiplront hotixc and claxxie dance trackx. I Columbian at the Ax} ltini Back Room. Spin laiii. l‘ree to (’t'Sl' memberx. £l other“ ixe. Weekl}. l’ut xonie bi'cakiii' lunk in _\oui' trunk. “ith thix entertaining itiglit ot' xttident madnexx. I Freak Moves at (ilaxgtm School of :\rt. llpm 3am. £3 t£3t. Weekl}. Recentl} \oted the third bext hip hop night in the countr} b} the readcrx of Hip Hop (‘rnr/It't'lrmr. tltc i'it'etiktiim ex tittlxiettl \oeabulai‘} ix \axt and dixerxe. Want to haxe a com ei'xation \\ itli thcnt'.’ Well. it you lane} interlocution ot~ art entirel} t'tink} nature. then get _\otirxell doxxn to thix popular Thu night at the xchool. l-‘rtig it tip and cut xoine rug with no need for tlt‘ugx. rm- ‘/ A" Hi “(It only '.'l-/.r'.xt'r‘r1rtl IIrI/r/t'l’x g'r'l tit frr’r’. I Homework at Vault. l lpnt 3am. £5 t£4 l. Weeklx. Ian and Stex ie man the box. \tt till lll\CCUl'iiiL‘\ tt\ er the lliliL‘S tlt‘L‘ dixpelled. Thix night aimx tor xttidcnt happinexx \\ itliottt compromixing the qualitx lcxclx. I Hype at ('ube. l 1.30pm 3am. £3 (£3). Weekly .lim Da Bext teamx tip \\ ith the It} pe creu to pttt on a night of t\\ ixtcd. ultra-funk} houxe. l’lent} ol cheap boo/e inakex thix a tun night otit. I LiveVEvil at ('lub Budda. Next date 3() Ma}. I NU-CAN-DU at liudda. .\'e\t date (i June. 0 Locked at .v\d l.ib. llpm 3am. £5. ‘) Ma}. Monthl}. .\ nexx night of real dittiii tk baxx from the ('lth (i‘) xtablc. Mixing the taxtiext. l'unkiext. li'exhext xotindx ax \\ ell ax elaxxicx from around the world. the locked crexx are coming alter )ttll. xo \xatch ottt. .v\lxo. alter the tirxt couple ol monthx there \\ ill be art open xlot for an} axpiring D.lx on the (ilaxgoxx xcene I'L‘\PL‘L‘I. 0 Mr SCI'UTT til lltc .-\l'L‘lIL‘x. lll.3t)pm 3am. £8 t£(it. () Ma} ottl}. ()li )eah. The Mr Serull roadxhotx i‘idex on into (ilttxgtm. illltl hc‘x determined It) week the joint. l-‘tink ix xeldom xo line. xo xaxotir the t'laxoiir on thix date of the tour. I Off The Hook at the 13th .\'ote ('lub. llpm 3am. £7 t£5t. Weekl). (iet iii on a piece of the axant-aetion. ax the (Hit the Ilook etc“ In ixl heat‘tx aitd mindx in true l3th .\'ote xt} le. ('onl'ttxe _\Ulll' earx. bab}. 0 PHACE Scotland at xtxs. {7 test. 10.30pm 3am. 33 Ma} onl}. TWo incen- tix ex to xhoxx l’ll.-\(‘li at thix one off night a great line up and a real catixe. llarri and Domenic pla} alongxide ()ptiino'x D] T\\ itch to raixe axxarenexx ot' the xpread of HIV and AIDS. .»\ totall} blinding night. aitd all for a ll'lll} \xorth} eattxe. See pre- I Polo For Me at the Polo Lounge. ltlpm latit. l‘rec. Weekl}. You. the luck) punter. take the helm tonight. ax requext cardx are axailable met" the bar arid in the booth. Notice lot' the ttiiimaginatixe onex: ‘l Am What I .v\m' ix prohibited b) la“ and ptinixhable b_\ xpanking.


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 85 for details

I Skint at the (‘athotixe l lpm 3am. £4 (£3 t. Weekl}. \'ei‘_\ tituch a night to reflect \xhat'x goitig on in (ilaxgou at the moment. Tough chemical breakx and beatx. rock and indie tor a ci'otxd much like the one outxide the (iallerx of Modern .-\rt.

I Specific at :\laxka. Next date tbc. Specilic l.i\c experimental electronic artixtx. gticxt djx arid artixtx xhoxxcaxe their \xork month|_\.

I Soul Shaker at Max. llpm 3am. £4 t£3 l. Weekl}. .\ mixed bag of electro. techno. hotixe and timk courtex} ol John Mitchell aitd .ltink}ard Dog tShakc the Dixeaxe i. Not bad at all for a Thu.

I Trash at Traxh. lt).3t)pm 3am. £4 t£3 l. Weekl}. More of a xpectaele than a night out. xx ith drttnkcn xttidentx and t'ootballei‘x l'roin xxall to n all. lnxanel) cheap drinkx mean a huge queue almoxt e\er_\ night. Mind the bouncerx. though.

I 1210 at Baba/a. 8pm 3am. l‘ree before I lpm. £4 t£3t. Weekl}. l.iterall} underground cltib liotixitig xome lttige \ocal home and garage it“ L‘liltL‘x\ dcplo} L‘tl \xeekl} b} lan Thomon and Vance.

I Nice Ass Nice at the \elxcl Rtiolttx. l lpm 3am. £4 ttrce \xith xtudent lDt. Weekl}. Don't be fooled b} the pluxh interior: the \'el\ct creu could teach the )ttllllg‘ \\ hipperxnapperx on the xcene a thing or three about alcoholic dancing. l'pxtairx. rotational rexidentx take it iii turnx to prox ide the commercial Rtkli and hip—hop xelcctionx. Doxx nxtairx. .lamcx Doc .lnr plax x lbi/a antliemx all night long.

Chart & Party

I Madhouse at Shack. Ill.3llpm 3am. £4 t£3 i. Weekl}. .\ maxxixel} popular night. Student antheriix are dul} deplo} ed b} D] ('.l.

I Loveshack at litir} Muir} 'x.

I lptit 3am. £4 t£3t. Weekl}. (ioing through a renaixxance iti recent _\earx.

l‘tir} 'x ix peopled Week in neck out b_\ a croxxd that want a night of unpretentioux part) ing. Jim and Phil WUW them it ith a blend ol~ commercial claxxtcx. \ intage indie and a touch of dixeo tor thoxe in \L‘tltllll\. I Rumble at the (image. I lpm 3am. £4 t£3t. Weekl}. lloxx popular ix thix night’.’ Ho“ man} people haxe lallen doxxtt the (iarage'x lethal xtaii'caxe arid \xoken tip brtiixed the da_\ aller‘.’ lloxx cheap ix the boo/e'.’ lloxx big ix the queue otitxide'.’ Wh_\ don't _\oti go and lind otit l'or )tttll'xL‘l ll’

I Shagtag at l’rix ilege. llpm 3am. £4 t£3t. Weekl). InxaneI} xticcexxl'ul night baxed oti a complex numerical llirting

x_\ xtem; exer}one getx a number upon entr}. then. it xomeone catchex )our e} e. _\oti \\ rite their number on the board next to )oti!‘ on n. \\ ith the idea being that the} then t'uxh tip to )oti and get into a bit of jigg} —_iigg}. Muxic-xx ixe. it'x commercial houxc and trance from Sex} Stexe and Kink} Kenn}. lit) xeleeta.

I Sidewinder at ('anxax. Spin late. £5. Weekl}. .r\|| hail the next king of ( ilaxgoxx ia/x nightx. The mtixical polic) ix ainthing \\ ith a gt‘ooxc or an} thing that'll make )ou moxe. xo \xhat better opportunit} to xoak tip the line xttrroundingx ot' the inimitable Arta'.’ (iet the funk ottt.

I Penny and Pound at l)t‘xlitt}. lflpm 3am. £3 bel'ore llpiit. £3 alter. Weekly lit for one perm} l\\ ell. not

reall} l. and dt'inkx for £ l. .'\n'\ next tiigltt baxed on a x) xtem thix ei‘a/_\ dexerxcx \ttltte I'L‘xpL‘L‘l.

Glasgow Fridays


I Ad-Lib at .'\d l.ib. 5pm Spin. Free. Weekly Rotational D.lx prox ide the pel‘leet xtitlttdtt'aek lo \\ ittd do“ It to the \xeckend _lll\l ax the bar xtal't~ xet'xe tip the right cocktailx lit take the edge till the

\\ cek.

I Bar Ce Lona at Bar (‘e l.otta.

Uplll tltltlltlgltl. l'il'L‘L‘. Weekl}. Stile ettlttil'l (icoll’ Moiitlord xatiatex _\our axx \\ itlt a l.l\l_\ blend of hotixc and dixeo gi'oox ex.

Watt/y. Clubs

Locked Glasgow has been starved of decent drum & bass nights for far too long. That‘s why Craig Rub a-Dub has decided to set tip this night of quality grooves. slow building and Jazzy until the end session. when they'll be firing on all cylinders. Ad Lit). Thu 9 May

Mr Scruff Unarguably one of the cra/iest funkateers on the face of the planet brings the magical mystery tour that is his Keep rt Unrea/ show to the best subterranean venue in the world. i-unk perfection. Hie Arches. Thu 9 May.

Fusion /\ gay astrokt~:--rnixed night of madness. thll the excellent lrade resident Con/an as guest. Hard and trashy. wicked and flashy. Riverside Soc/at Sat I I May

Relief You Just can't argue with the guests these Alaska nights continually turn up v‘rith. House genius Gene Farris jets in for what wrll undoubtedly be a classic session. Alaska. Sat I I May.

Shake the Disease Long overdue! A celebration of the edgiest new—wave. the bossingest ska. the coolest underground punk and anything else from land surroundingi 19)? Nostalgia? NO chance. They've got a band in too. The Ducks. so everybody get ready. Sound/tans. In 1/ Mat:

Fluid Puttaig all the nastiness of the Sharnen behind him wrth admirable ease. Mr C tprcturedi has progressed to the status of t'iber- cool DJ at one of the coolest clubs around: The End llondoni. Now DJ 0 brings him to Glasgow. Nice. A/aska. Sat 18 Mai:

Mish Mash After an unfortunate wristsmashing football inCIdent last month. Oscar returns to host this night yxrth the legendary 1003:: Dynamite Soul .Ja/x Sotind System from London. A hotly anticipated night for the lvlisn Mash massive. The Arc/res. Sat ll/lt’iyl’.

PHACE Scotland Sub Club main men Ham and Domenic Join Optimo's madnessmaster Twrtch to pat on a great 'l‘hursday night to raise awareness of the spread of AIDS and HIV. This night makes sense on so many levels. so get down here. MAS. HM 9.9 xix/at;

‘5 . .‘ THE LIST 77