

I Longstay backpackers accttittntodation lll lidinburglt city centre. available iit shared. single. double or tw 111 rooms. l-‘ully furnished: TV. Ill-ll. fridge. free/er. cooker. washing tttacltine. bedding. supplies. etc. Including ('ouncil Tax. gas. elec- Il’lc‘ll} (\ IV llc‘c‘llc‘c‘. I’l‘lc‘L‘ range between £45-00 p/w. l’ltotte tto: 0131 554 0307. Mobile tto: 07050 382 200. Iimail:

longstay backpackersw ltotntaileom

Rooms Wanted


I Room wanted from June/July. (icrntan I’ltl) student. 28. male. sociable attd easy - going. lookittg for a decent- si/ed roottt 111 a quiet flat. .\'o party --flats please. £250 pttt maximum. I'm looking for— ward to your call. text or email? Raphael 07810 I00 707. RapltaellIoet‘ttt;tittt(<i w


Friendly, easy-going mature student seeks large double/ single roottt lll Slockltt‘ltlgc/Ncw Town. Bruntslield/Alarcltntttnl area. Moving itt mid-lune. ('an pay {200- £300 pcttt + bills. Contact Ollie on 07763 278 397 or email:

Festival Accommodation

Dickins Festival and Short Lets

ltas tltc best reputation lll lidtnburglt. We are currently seeking good quality flats aitd llollses to let lot l'icsli\.tl/l‘llllgc 2002 for top retauted clients. Ills“) must be wtlltin 15 tttiits walk of Princes Street. l’lcasc cotttact l.outsc l)ickins on 0131 558 1 108 or email us at admin<u w w wdtcktns


list: I980

02' are once again sec/ting qua/[Iv central/7111s to (1(‘('()Hll)l(l(/(II(’ l'i'stit‘u/

participants for l. 2. 3. 4 ll‘(’('/x lets during August

Ila/turn \ .‘u tutti" llllrlllliirflt'll Hum (‘aroli- Sittitlt/ \itite (luring ll'l: 0l020 8l0020 entail: ft-slllalstr: aol.coiii or “l'lit‘ to 3. l.ittk_vlt-a ('ottagt-s. (iiffot'd. Inasl l.otltiatl l'.ll4l 4l’l'l.


GLASGOW I Tidy & friendly person.

lookiitg for two like minded flatmates to share deliglttful flat itt (ilasgow city centre with sunny lounge. large dining/kitchen. all ittod cons and resident parking. .\'/s are preferred. £240 pcttt + bills. Tel: 07071 374011.

114 THE LIST 23 May—6 Jun 2002


I Large room in Paisley

low it centre sharing witlt one otlter feittale flaltttate. tidy rock cltic. would still full tittte worker or student. £100 pcttt + bills. Tel: 07702 873075 between 0-0pnt. I Southside. Room in shared garden llat. all tttod cons. good pttblic transport. (iay attd pet-friendly person sougltt. £220 pettt ittcluding bills. Tel: 0141 883 1708.

I Sunny, double, furnished roottt itt ls'intting l’ark flat near underground. tttaitt bus routes and taxi routes. To share w itlt one otlter attd cat. (lay. friendly. £230 pent + share of ltllls. Tel: 0141 427 2724.

I Double room for n/s vegetariatt flattttate to share comfortable flat on Southside. All mod cons. near to bus. tube attd sltops. £250 pent including

bills aitd ("II Tel: 0141 427 5034.

I Room available in bright. tttodertt Soutltside flat. reeetttly decorated. all tttod cons attd private parkittg. (iood for transport. sttit professional. £200 pettt. Tel: 07815 771 741 or 0141 427 7580.

I Boom in penthouse flat. Kittitiitg I’ark. l)ouble roont in large flat witlt roof terrace. living room. ditting roottt. two bathrooms. would sttit gay- friendly. tttale or female. £300 pettt ittel. bills. Tel: 07811 357 083 alter 0pm.

I Room in three bedroottt flat. (i('ll. ntodern kitelten aitd balltroont. (iood transport links. would suit professional. £235 pcttt ittclttdittg ("II Tel: 07800 848 730.

I Large single room in quiet Queens Park flat. overlooking park. all atttenities. close to all transport links. wotild suit qttiet postgraduate or professional. £270 pent including bills. Tel: (1141 423 4250.

I Double room with sofa. desk attd bookcase iit bright Soutltsidc flat. convenient for shops and transport. Sltare witlt l\\o others. U00 pc‘lll + llllls + deposit. Tel: 07041 05.5 704.

I Flat to share in Southsith w itlt one other fetttale. only 10 minutes frottt town. would sttit young professional or student. £240 pent including bills. Tel: 0775l 558 005.

I Furnished double room to let lll sltared. spacious main door Soutltside flat. Would suit professional fetttale. Tel: (1141 423 3 I40.

I Room in comfortable. relaxed Soutltside flat. all tttod cons. close to bits aitd rail littks. gay -friendly. to share w itlt one other fentale. £100 pent + bills. Tel: 0141 423 3005.

I Southside. Large sunny room itt renovated tenants flat. tttodern kitchen. convenient for shops. park and transport. Sttit professional. n/s fetttale. £280 pent including ltills + ("II Tel: 0141 423 I030 or 07000 242 800.

I Double room sharing

w itlt one male 111 Sltawlands. quiet area. (i('ll. close to railway station attd bus stops. £240 pent. Tel: 07815 113 007.

I Person wanted for a large Soutltside flat itt

Shaw lands. Four people sharing. must be cat-friendly. £210 pent + bills but including ("1". Tel: (1141 040 0188.

I Large room in luxurious Shaw lands flat. sharing with two

others. (‘lose to atttenities and parks. £250 pent + ('T + bills. tt/s preferred. Tel: 07040 250 000 or 07807 505 418.

I Large room in spacious Sltawlands flat witlt lovely fire places attd all tttod cons. close to all atttenities. sharing with one other. £172.50 pcttt + (‘T + bills. Tel: ()l4l 040 4500 after 0pm. I Comfortable double room in traditional Sltawlands flat to share with one other. n/s. l)(i. (i('ll. £185 pcitt + bills. Tel: (1141 032 0270 after 7pm.

I Young professional required to share a spacious flat. large double bedroont available. fully furnislted with all tttod eons. n/s preferred. £230 pent including (‘T + bills. Tel: (1141 550 7757 or 07700 283 700 (after 7pm ).

I Dennistoun. Cat-friendly person to sltare with two gay tttales. large sunny room. (i('ll. £220 pcttt including ("I. + deposit. Tel: 07740 282 351 or014l 575 2277

event ngs/w eekends.

I Dennistoun. Close to city centre. l-‘latmate wanted to share large flat with fentale. would suit professional lt/s. (}(’11. £270 pent ittcludittg ("11 Tel: 0141 550 4884.

I Dennistoun. Female required for gay. friendly flat. All tttod eons. but must ltave ow n dttster. £250 pent + £100 deposit. no bills. Tel: ()l4l 248 0248 or 0141 550 3078 level.

I Double room for n/s person itt clean. ntodern flat ttear Merchant ('ity. £300 pcm inclusive of ("1' + shared bills. ('ar parking available. Tel: (1141 574 0432.

I Paisley. Newly decorated roont itt very spacious flat. five minutes to university. £200 pent. Tel: 07815 847 0l4.

I Double room available lst Jutte itt very large. friendly flat itt Kelvingrove. Big lounge. kitclten and batltroottt shared witlt three others. Female professional preferred for mixed flat. £241 pent + bills but ineludittg ("II Tel: (1141 330 0441 or 07030 570 718.

I Fully furnished double roottt 111 West Iiitd shared flat. all tttod cons. still young tt/s professional or final year student. £245 pcttt + bills. Tel: 07775 585 443.

I City centre, Garnethill. Room iit pleasant flat. sltarittg with one otlter. great location. all facilities attd no hassles. £240 pent + bills. Tel: (1141 332 1317.

I Double room in bright. sunny. secure West Iind flat. Wottld stiit professional couple. £280 pent + bills + ("l'. Tel: ()l4l 587 0442 after 0pm.

I West End. Third independent professional required for elegant. comfortable. (ieorgiait flat. ideally located. Double room. shared lounge. kitchen attd batltroom. £300 pcttt including (‘T + bills. Tel: (1141 357 0101.

I Large single room in clean. comfortable West liitd flat. two minutes front Kelvittbridge underground. easy parking. Would stlll single working professional. £200 pent incl. ('T + bills. Tel: 0141 330 0383 or 07884 308 500.

I Flatmate wanted to share w itlt two students itt

friendly. clean. fully furnislted Kelviitside (iardetts flat. large double bedroom. garden. washing ntacltine. close to (ilasgow university. n/s. available frottt mid June. £335 pcttt. Tel: ()l4l 045 5433. .

I West End. Boom in two bedroom spacious flat. Professional wanted. All amenities. free parking. n/s attd two ntinutes front Byers Road £480 pent + telephone. Tel: 07803 031 21 l.

I Flatmate wanted for tltree months. end of May until Attgust. sltare with two others. Large sunny fttrttislted double roottt. close to public transport. n/s. £233.33 pent inclusive (‘T + bills. Tel: ()l4l 334 5731.

I Small room in friendly West Iind flat. to sltare with two fetttales. itt early 30s. £100 pcttt + (‘T + bills. Available front lst June. ()ne month's deposit itt advance required. .\'o students. Tel: ()l4l 334 4035.

I Flatmate to share large sunny. easygoing flat itt l-Iillhead with two ollters. two minutes front Ashton l.ane aitd tube. £350 pent including ("T and bills. Tel: (1141 330 0100.

I No boys and two eats looking for a girl to balance unique artd funky West lind garden flat. I‘inal year or postgraduate preferred. All tttod eons ittcludittg .IilCll/ll ballt attd in-house gourmet eltef. £230 pcttt. Tel: 0141 357 1510.

I Large room in comfy. sunny two bedroom flat in the West lind. All tttod eons. Would suit professional or postgrad. £270 pettt + ("T + bills + deposits. Tel: (1141 338 2001.

I Large sunny room in super flat. Sltare with one prof. n/s girl. Dining kitcltett. large lounge. (1(‘11. bathroont. shower. WM. £280 pcttt + bills. Tel: (1141 334 5882 or 07040 501 822 or ()l4l 040 0080.

I West End. Double room Ill comfy flat just off Byres Road. (1(‘II. would suit student. £250 pent + bills. Tel: ()l4l 334 0008 or 07700 087 078.

I Lovely double room in friettdly West lind flat. to share with three others. l‘lat well eqttipped. (i('ll. I)W and tttierow av e. £245 pent ittcltidittg ("II Tel: ()l4l 330 3808.

I Merchant City. Double room itt new luxury flat to share with one otlter. would suit prof. £250 pcttt including bills. Tel: (1141 5530003.

I Person required to share Merchant (‘ity penthouse flat. Double room. double bed. ntirrored wardrobes attd all tttod cons. £400 pent including (‘T. Tel: (1141 552 0840 or 07080 425 027.

I Room to Rent in lover Southside flat. (}(’ll attd ittod eons. Sltared lounge. kitcltett attd batltroont. Would suit friendly tidy professional or mature student. £200 pent + bills. (includes (‘.T.l Deposit £100. ('lose to l'nderground attd station. (1141 424 3180 Available lune.


I Lovely room in large. friendly sltared house. all tttod cons. l-‘ree street parkittg. tt/s preferred. £240 pcttt ittclttsive of ("l~ + bills. Tel: 07001 010 508 or 0131 408 2287.

I New Town. No large double rooms itt ttewly renovated elegant Georgian flat for two professional it/s. sharittg two bathrooms. large contentporary kitcltett. lounge with views. £500 pcttt eaclt including ("1". Tel: 07001 172 050 or 07004 188 508.

I Sunny well furnished roont itt old farntltouse. £100 pent. Peaceful area. between Mareltntont artd Blackford bill. 30 ntinutes walk to centre. easy buses. Big garden. friendly flatmates. Sltort let considered. Tel: 0131 007 4000.

I Beautiful sunny room for tt/s vegetarian irt quiet shared accommodation. set itt gorgeous 1 acre garden in (irange. £270 pcm + bills. Tel: 0131 007 7017. I Female student flatmate wanted to sltare excellent Newington flat. Lovely single roont. all ittod eons. Sky TV. recently ntoderttised. Avail 1 July. £250 pcttt + bills. Tel: 0131 007 0555.

I Modern, bright airy flat. all tttod cons iit Sienna Gardens available end of May £240 pcitt + deposit + bills. Students only. Tel: 0131 002 1372.

I Room available in Mareltntont flitt. £200 pcttt + £200 deposit + bills. Available front lst lune. Tel: 0131 002 4713 to view. prof please.

I Marchmont. Double roont. well decorated ground floor flat. Mitsic loving prof. pref. dittittg roont. kitchen. 2 bathrooms. living roont area. storage and conttttunal gardens. £250 pent + bills + 1 month 8; deposit. Tel: 07703 077 228.

I Large double bedroom. excellent shared facilities. suit couple. £75 pw including (T. Tel: 0131 220 5124 or 07808 207 812.

I Friendly, peaceful flatshare seeks fentale for dottble room itt spacious Marclttttont flat. Big kitchen/diner. small meditation roont. nice contntunal garden. £180 pw + £37 ('T + bills. Tel: 0131 447 0045.

I Beautiful large double attd single roont in art amazing. spacious and friendly shared flat. Iluge kitchen attd living roottt. (’lose to city eerttre. All tttod eons. From £207 pcttt + (‘T. Tel: 01314001125.

I Marchmont. 1 double room. £240 pcm + (‘T + bills. I box room with skylight £180 pettt + ('T + bills. Avail early June. sltarittg with 2 prof ntales. Suit professionals. Tel: 07080 221 383 after 0pm.

I Double room in spaciotts friendly Marclttttortt flat. sharittg with 3 otlters. All ittod eotts. no 088 or students attd it/s essential. £240 pent inclusive of bills (not telephone). Tel: 0131 447 8200.

I Seeking a n/s professional to ltalf sltare ttiee .‘vlarehtttont flat. £300 pent + bills. Tel: 07711 043 218.

I Bright room with ample storage in a flat w itlt a fetttale. \Vootlen llool‘s and (i(‘ll. .-\l entrance of Queen's Park Avenue. overlooking St .-\nthony's (‘hapel £375 pent itth bills. Tel: 07085 437 I35.

I Min/double room available itt eetttral lidinburgh. fully furnislted with WM. colour TV. video. £40/£45 pw' including bills. Tel: 0131 057 5555.