Slogans itbci i(i_icrgi Xliiixaiii. :\lbaiiia/l‘raiicc. 200! l :\rtur (iorixhti. l.iii/a Xliii\';iiii. .-\gim ()iijiaqi. ()llmin. Scl in tlic latc l‘)7()x \\ hcn tlic lloxhax i'cgimc licld Albania in an iron grip. Slugiun lcllx tlic ,xtor_\' ol‘ a )oung biolog} tcachcr xx ho lcax cx tlic capital cit} l'or a xchool in tlic mountainx. .-\bxtirdixt coiiicd} \\ itli a political bciit. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou.

Snow Dogs tl’(il O. ilh-tan l.c\ant. LS. 2002) ('uba (iooding Jr. Jaiiicx (’oburn. Niclicllc .\'icholx. 99min. 'l‘hix uiirciiiai‘kablc l)ixnc} coiiicd) l'olloux a Miaiiii-baxcd tlctillxl itx llL‘ tlixc‘iiVCt'x lllx prc\ itiltxl) iiiiknou ii lixkinio i'ootx. 'l'hough compciitcntl) madc and l'catui‘ing a rcliablc lcad and caxt. it xtill xtrugglcx to raixc a dcccnt laugh. .\'ot llll\\(llc‘li&ll1lL‘. but nothing xpccial. Scc rc\ ic\\. (icncral rclcaxc.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones tl’(ii O. i(icorgc l.itcax. IS. 2002) .\'atalic l’oi'tiiian. lla_\dcn (‘hrixtcnxciL li\\ an .\lc(ircgor. 143mm. .\ \cr} xlight imprmcmcnt to li/ii'uiili' I. sit/ark or Illt' ('lumw xiil'l'crx l'rom a bad xcript and xapp} acting. 'l'cii _\cai‘x on. tlic chublic laccx a mounting xcpai‘atixt iiio\cnicnt. ncccxxitatiiig tlic introduction ol a clonc arm) [0 tlxxixl thc m c‘t'“ liclltictl .lL‘tll. (’oiipling tliix plot-linc. roiiiaiicc bloxxoiiix bctiiccii l’admc Amidala il’ortniaiii and Anakin Sk} \xalkcr t('lu'ixtcnxcii l. l-"laxln xpccial L'llL‘L'IS don't xa|\agc llltx lcnxttin-lcxx xcricx ol bloatcd action xcciicx. Attack (1/ I/It' ('luiim \\ ill onl} plcaxc tlic ll'lll} bcxottcd littix. SL‘L‘ t'L‘\ ic\\. (icncral t‘L‘lL‘;IxL'.

The Straight Story l t ‘i .0000

il)a\ id l.}iicli. l‘S. I‘MUi Richard liii'iixixorth. Sixx} Spacck. llai‘r} Dcan Stanton. lllmin. .\lid\\cxtcrn old lllllL‘l‘

.v\|\ in Straight ix hcllbcnt on rc-uniting \\ itli lilx L‘xlt'atlgcd. lL‘l'ltilllull} ill lit'iillict‘ xo liL‘ takcx to lhc road aboard hix motorixcd

la“ iiiiioix cr. l‘arnxuoi‘tli'x lcad pcrloi'mancc ix lioncxt. licart-lclt and ci'cdiblc. \\ hilc

l.) iicli maintainx liix laxcinatioii xx itli lhc inlicrcnt xtrangciicxx ol xmalltim Iix and loxt higlma}x. But. in tliix xiiblimc xiiail‘x pacc od) xxc_\. iiiodci'ii px_\ choxix ix i'cplaccd b} old limc dcccnc}. Stcr ('ciitui'}. lidinburgli. Taxi Driver i lb'l .0000 i Mai-tin Scnrxch‘. ['S. l‘)7(il Riibcl'l Dc Nit'o. ("\ bill Shcphcrd. Jodic l’oxtci'. l Hinin. x\ll alicnatcd ta\i dri\ci' in \c“ York ix xo rcpcllcd b} thc xiiiialoi' and thc moral dcca} around him that lic ix drixcn to tci'riblc

\ iolcncc. ()nc ol lhc kc} lilmx ol thc \C\cnllcx \l. illt lltc Scorxcxc-l)c \lt‘n partnci‘xhip at itx pcak. (il‘t)\\L‘llUl’. (ilttxgim. Teen Sexualities in French Cinema ilSi il"i';iiicc. 2002i ininx lbc. Stud} da_\ looking ill (.RIIIIL‘lhlIIC Brcillct'x xI .Ilit SUi'HI’.’ and Scbaxtian l.iltxliit/‘x I’i'i'xi/m' I'lt'll through thc lraincuoi'kx ol' l’i‘cnch l'cniinixt thought and contciiiporai'} quccr thought. (il’l‘. (ilaxgoix.

Teenage Britain iihci i\';ii~ioux. t'lx'. 2002i iiiiiix lbc. l’rcgiianc). i'acixni. borxtal. loncliiicxx. cmbari'axxing pai'cntx and not l.iit‘gcllitig llic xcliool ilixco arc all an c‘l'ctl in thcxc xliort lilnix that rc-li\ c tlioxc hormonal )carx. (‘(‘:\. (ilaxgim.

Teenage Kicks - the Undertones ttbci t'l’oni ('ollinx. .\'orthcrii li‘cland. 2001i 72min. l)ocuincnlar} about thc .\'orthcrn li'cland punk band \\ liicli coiiibiiicx l'ootagc ol' John l’ccl‘x \ ixit to thc baiid'x lioinctimn l)ci'r) \\ itli arclii\ c matcrial ol thc band and thc placc. 'l‘lic lilm'x pi'oduccr Vinii} (‘unningham and l.iidcrtonc l)aniiaii ()'.\'cil| \xill iiiti'oducc tlic lilni. (il-"l‘. (ilaxgou.

Thunderpants ll’( ii 00 i t’cici llcuitt. l‘K. 2002i lirucc (‘ook lll. Rupci't (irint. .\'cd ltcalt}. 95min. .\ crap kidx' l'lick that lindx larting luiiii}. not oiicc or l\\ icc. but tlic uholc liliii through. 'l‘hc abilil\ to paxx gax ol cpic pi'oportioiix rcxultx in, humiliation and c\ciitua| xaliation lUl' thc lilin'x c|c\cii~_\car-old pi'otagonixt. Skip thix hour and hall ol crap lai't iokcx. Scc i'c\ icu. (icncral t'L‘lcttxc.

The Time Machine tl’(il COO

lSiiiioii \Vcllx, IS. 2002) (in) l’carcc. Samantha \liiiiiha. Jcrcin) Ironx. 05min. l)it'cctor Siinon \Vcllx‘ rcniakc ol liix gi‘cat grandadd} ’x claxxic. But \Vcllx .lnr coinplctcl} l'lul'lx up thc illl‘llllptll'lillll plot rcxclatioii: \\ h} l’cai‘cc’x tiiiic tra\cllcr can’t

change thc paxt. l’cai'cc putx iii a \xatcliablc il‘ \UlllL’“ hat al'l'cctcd pcrl'oriiiancc ax tlic ccccntric xciciitixt-c\plorcr. biit it‘x iiot cnoiigh to clc\atc thc lilm uhich b} thc \cr} naturc ol' itx xoui'cc inatcrial xhoiild hax c bccii lar morc tliouglit-proxokiiig. Scc

rcx ic“. (icncral rclcaxc.

Top Gun il’(il 0.. (Tony Scott. IS. 1080) Toll] (‘ruixc. Kcll) .\lc( iillix. \til Kiliiici'. llllmin. Sa} \xliat )oii likc about him. Scott iiiidoubtcdl} hax tlic goldcii touch at thc bo\ ollicc. 'l'hix cniotionlcxx l‘ormiila ad\cnturc about nicii bciiig grandl} upxtagcd b} \ci') laxt. \ci'y c\pcnxi\ c and \L‘l') daiigcroux airci'al't. \\ itli thc xplctidid .\lx .\lc(iillix thrimn lor lo\ c iiitcrcxl. niadc a l'oi'tuiic. cxpcciall} in thc l'S. It had to bc thoxc plancx. or iiia}bc thc rampant ‘.'\nicrica tlic xti'ong' ciliox ol thc lilni. bccauxc it docxn't haw much morc to ol‘l'ci‘. ('amco. lidinbui'gh.

Toy Story l l’( il .... l.l0litt l,axxclcr. ['S. l‘)‘)5i \Vith thc \oiccx olHI'om llankx. 'l‘im :\|lcn. l)oii Ricklcx, Sliiiiii. lt ixii't juxt thc xtatc-olltlic—art imagcx that dixtinguixh l)ixiic} ‘x lirxt ciiiiiputcr-gciicratcd animation l'catui'c. il‘x got a cracking adxcntiirc xtor} too. :\ talc ol' l'ricndxhip and xclllbclicl' combincd \\ ith an c\citing rcxcuc and againxt-thc-clock tciixion. Iiii Sini'i ix ‘l‘l‘itiklctl \\ llll c‘tillllc‘ itxltlcx. l)0li‘l lk‘ l‘oolcd into thinking tlicxc to} x arc ‘lllxl l'oi' thc kidx. ('arltoii. Stirling.

Traps t IS! (\ci'a ('li} tilma. (‘/cclioxlo\akia. l‘NSi l 15min. l’ciiiinixt black comcd} about a \ct \\ ho ix i'apcd b_\ tuo mcn and iixcx licr c\pcrtixc to takc

rc\ cngc. Both tragic and comic. \\ itli liilai‘ioux xccncx. rapc ix iixcd to coninicnt on iiioralit} and pond in coiitcnipoi'ai'} xiiclcl). l'.\pltil'cx llIk' lllxlltlcl l.iil' xcll? pi‘cxcruition. pi'idc. lo\ c and bcing. l‘iliiiliouxc. lidiiibui'gli.

Uccellacci e uccellini (Hawks and Sparrows) d’( 'ii 0.00 ll’lL‘l' l’aolo l’axiiltlll. llttl}. l‘)(i(il THIN, Xilicllii Danili, ‘llmiii. l’oxxibl) onc ol' thc inoxt popular ltalian lilnix ol’ tlic l‘)(i0x. Sliglitl} ollbcat. laiitaxtical L‘tilliL'tl) \\lici'cb) Toto and .\'iiictto l)a\oli chancc upon a :iiccting u itli a talking cum and lind tlicnixclxcx tranxpoi'tcd back to thc l2tli c‘L‘lillll'} \\ hci'c thc} arc l’rancixcan monkx uhoxc aim it ix to com crt all birdx ox cr to ('hi'ixtiaiiit}. liilmliouxc. lidinbiii‘gh.

The Usual Suspects l lb'l 000. tlli‘}an Singcr. l'S. 1995i (iabricl ll}i'iic. Kc\in Spacc}. Stcplicii Balduin. liltiniin. llillL‘l'L'.\ ti gtitiil \L‘lle‘ til. “00' liltlallxlll hanging o\ cr 'I‘lii' l'xuu/ Sui/nth. “lllL‘li ix gucxxing ganic cincma at itx bcxt. .\ pcrlcctl} matchcd tcam ol' crookx dixcm ci' that llicir cliaiicc niccting uaxn‘t xo random al'tcr all: tlic_\ ‘i'c bciiig iixcd in an iiiti‘icatc \Clitlclltt l3} lL'gL‘lltlttt'} gilligxlc‘l' ht)\\ KC) \L‘l‘ Stixc. Si) xi} lixll. ll \L‘liilx it tinglc do“ It llIL' xpinc'. but llic ludicroux tixc ol l’ctc l’oxtlctiuiitcx cliaractci‘ aliiioxt undci'iiiiiicx it all. I'( 'l. (‘l_\dcbank.

Windhorse l l2i OOOO il’aul \Vagnci'. l‘S/l'ibct. 1908i ‘)7llllll. li\ploxi\c drama in uhicli an axpiring 'l‘ibctan xiiigci' \\ inx l'aiour \\ itli thc (’hincxc gm ci'iinicnt. but laccx a ci'ixix ol coiixciciicc \\ licii lici‘ couxiii. a ltuddliixt nun. ix arrcxtcd b} tlic policc and tortiii'cd loi' licr bcliclx. .'\tl;tlll Smith. Kit‘kcald}.

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) i Ixi O... (Ali'oiixo ('uaron. .\lc\ico. 2ll0l ) (iacl (iai'cia Bcrnal. I)icgo l.iina. .\laribc| \ci'dii. lllSiiiin. ln thix upbcat. i‘auiicli} road

lllti\ ic .lulio l lici‘iiali and childhood l'ricnd 'l‘ciioch (l.iiiiai com iiicc goi'gcoux oldcr Spanixh \iomaii l.iiixa t\'crdiii to join tlicm on thc road to an iiiixpoilt bcach kiioxi ii ax ‘llca\ cii'x .\loutli‘. 'l‘lic horn) bo)x' plan ix toch into l.iiixa'x paiitx. \xhicli. ax it lurnx out. xlic ix quilc liapp} \\ itli. ()l’ courxc. \\llt‘ll l.iiixa xlccpx lirxt \\ ilh l)icgo and llicii .lulio. thc ciiiotioiiall} iiiiniaturc ho) x lall out. and it'x cht to tlicii‘ iiiorc cxpcriciiccd partiicr to tcacli tliciii xoinctliiiig about lo\ c. 'l'hc caxt gi\ c ('uaron l'laxx lcxx pci'l'iirinaiiccx. \\ hilc tlic dii'cctoi' and hix co \\ ritci' brotlicr ( 'ai'lox cnxurc tlic drama ix at oncc tcndcr and liiiixlct‘iiltx. lcclgiiiiil illltl ltlll ()I [Ntlliiix. allil \\litill_\ l't'L‘c til L‘llL‘lic'. St'lL‘L'lcil l‘c‘lL';t\c.

index Film


To celebrate our first ever Musician’s Guide, the nice folks at Tennent’s Lager and Sound Control want to give List readers the chance to win some very groovy prizes. For one lucky winner, we have a year‘s supply of Tennent’s Lager and an

8-1 Schecter flame guitar. For two runners up, we have a case of Tennent’s Lager and vouchers to spend at Sound Control.

For the seventh year running, Tennent‘s Lager has supported new Scottish talent by staging T Break gigs all across Scotland. T Break give bands not only the opportunity to play one of a series of gigs to music loving crowds and an esteemed judging panel, but also to play live on stage at T in the Park.

Sound Control is the largest musical retailer in the UK with eleven shops nation wide. It always carries huge quantities of stock and, as a direct result. its massive buying power enables it to pass on substantial discounts to their customers.

To enter this competition, just go to and find the answer to this:

How many different types of guitars does Sound Control carry?

Answers on an email marked ‘TENNENT’S LAGER’ to or on a postcard to The List, 14 High St, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE. _ Deadline for entries is 28 May 2002. \

Please include a daytime telephone ///n_-.~[£i number.

If you do not wish to receive information from The List or other third parties, please add ‘No Info’ to your email or postcard.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Entrants must be 18 years or over, Winners Will be chosen iii a random draw and Will be notified by The List.


Q‘tft‘jl THE LIST 31

31“, Mai. ii .liii‘