Theatre listings

Glasgow Dance


‘) l'ni\er\it_\ .v\\enue. Mt) 5523. Verve Thu 23 .\la_\. 7.30pm. rut. i‘inal _\ear studentx lrotn the l.eetl\—lt;t\etl Northern School ol‘ (‘ontentporar'_\ l)anee pet‘lot‘ttt a range ol' eontenrpor'ar'} danee pieees. The P'"\‘—'r‘arrnne ineludes ‘Souree'. ehtrreographed h} l)ar'\han Singh Hhuller‘. 'llir" l'rorn .larnie \\'atton.

and Janice (iarrett‘x ‘llither' 'l‘hither'.


25 Albert l)r‘i\e. 2S7 3‘)t)t). ll’. l'l‘. \\‘(‘. \\‘.»\l

Kaash Hi 34 N Sat 35 .\la_\. Spin. [Hi i UH. .\ lix e \trong international east ol perl'or'rnerx present a produetion utilising the \eulpturex ol'.-\ni\h Kapoor and rnuxie h) eonrpoxer' .\'itin Sauhne). ehor'etrgr'aphed h} auard-u inning daneer .\l\rarn Khan. See prex ieu. Mazy 'l'hu 3t) & Hi 3! Ma}. S.l5prn. r U r. .-\\\ard-\\ inning .r\u\trian ehrrreographer'. ('ie \Villi l)orner hringx his the-strong enxerrrhle to Seotland tor a \erie\ oi \Ultm and LillL‘lS. .SCL‘ [tl'LW ie\\.

Edinburgh Drama

THE BEAT JAZZ BASEMENT l ('harnherx Street. ()7S’l I 375374. Razor Octopus in Si Ma).

S ltiprrr. £4 (£5). .-\ l'uxion oi stand up. rnuxie. puppetr}. e\perinrental

\ ideo and pit} \ieal peri'orrnanee l'roru Ra/or ()etopux. See pr'e\ ieu.


l.ad_\ \\ ell \Va}. .\Iu\\e|hurgh. 005 234i). ll’. ll. 'l'l. \\'('. \\'.r\| Speed The Plow Tue 4 Jun. 7.50pm. L350 t £4.50). See (ilaxgou. l’aixle) .-\r't\ ('entr‘e.


Scottish Premiere

60 THE LIST. 1. '

Tues 21 st -

May @ 7:30pm-

Reid Kerr College HNC Acting & Performance students

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

by William Shakespeare directed by Evelyn Wallace

Reid Kerr speCratrse m unuSrral and vrtar Shakespeare This pom rocker s Dream rs no exception A raw and unreal energy blasts through the urban landscape. wrth scary clever lanes sperled and not very brrght young lovers and grunge metal 'TiUSlC You pan only approac'r tne Moon through oa'bed wrre Tickets 26/3 from Collrns Gallery ter : 0 Mt 548 2558 Mon 27th May @ 7:45pm. University of Strathclyde Beemleet Celtic Showcase - written and directed by Steve King Tickets £8/4 from the Ramehom

Tues 4th June @ 7:30pm..

- Sat 8th

Strathclyde Theatre Group

by Charlotte Jones directed by Maggie Lovell

A delightfully qurrky earthy tender and funny play of 2 women one rn London m the present and one rn Yomshrre rn 1908 combrnrng wrt wrth deep feeling as it moves through love to cartography vra madness

A play about lrfe and death love and lust gurlt and hope and drearrrs and the whole damn thrng It has some of the best wrrtrng I have come aCross recently vrgororrs. poetrc and iethal funny probrng hearts Wrtn warmth. compassaon and irony

Sunday Trmes

Tickets Tues 25/2 WedSat 28/4 trom Collins Gallery


55a \lornittgxide Road. 33045-10. ll’. ii] In Bed with Marion 8: Maud in 34 k Sat 25 .\la_\. ".45prn. {S l'r'orn Ill |‘)(r.\'. \thl l’roduetiolh pr'exentx tlrix outlandhh stand-up eaharet \\llli lull supporting east and hacking singerx.

GATEWAY THEATRE lilnrRou.l.eith\\'all\.31".“)3‘).ll’.\\'(‘. \\'.r\[

Ring Round The Moon t‘rrril Sat 25 .\la_\. “fitlprn iSat rnat 2.3llprnr. {hit-1r. 'l‘hird Year .-\eting (‘orrrparn oi (‘).\ll '(”\ drama \ehool presentx the \tor'} ol' identieal t\\ in\ as the) eornpete tor the l'a\our\ oi an elegant little“.


2 in en Street. 53‘) (rlillll. Ill. ii. “(I \\'.r\|

Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting On A Green Park Bench t‘ntil Sat 25 .\la_\. ".Fliprn rSat rnat 3,.‘lipnrr. L'S Uh. .'\rure (‘har'lexton and Ruth .\ladoe head the east in thi\ truth} and rum rug tale ol li\ e uonren rrro\ rng lo\\;u'd\ their tu ilight )L‘;tl‘\.

Mince? the 2S .\la} Sat | Jun. "50pm rSat rnat 2.30pm). LS5” L‘Ih.5li. Re\i\al ol l‘orhex \lawrn'x torrgtre rn-eheek rnuxieal eorrred) ahotrt a \ueeewlul jingle \\ riter on the hrink oi rnadnexx. See

pre\ ieu.

The Real Thing lue 4 Sat x .lun. ".Sllprrr: \Ved & Sat 2.30pm tk ".Rllpnr. L‘).5tl L’l".5llr£(r.5it {H.5th. See (il;t\:_‘o\\_ l’;t\ iltttli lliL‘ali'L‘. SL‘C pr'e\ it“.


43 45 High Street. 550 05“). |\\'('. \\‘.«\l Little Red Riding Hood lth Ix .\la_\. See KltlS.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream 'l‘lrrr .‘ll .\la} Sat 1 .lrrn. "5(iprn. £5. ‘l'heatr'e .v\lha pr‘exerrt Shakexpear'e\ rnagieal eorned} M [m e potion~ and nrixplaeed al'l'eetionx.

Frl 24th

In Flame

1 Flame interweaves the lrves

only Ramshorn Theatre c} "r 98 Ingram Street a 9 Glasgow G1 (5 V

tel: 0141 552 3489 o

I Vs‘ vi :-

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY i\\';\Sl’Sl l’att'iothall Studios. oiiUlS llatnilton Place. 33.5 IIS‘). |\\‘(‘. \\'.'\I Where Are We Now Sat 25 .\la_\. Spin. to NJ). lhreeted h} lee (ierxhun). ‘l'he lilernentx prexeut a perltrrrnanee/rnediatiorr irr poelr'}. rrruxie. danee and dialogtre. .\ \xorkxhop lollou \ the twt‘lot‘ntanee. hr! of sir/t" (inn Jill/3.


l3 3: (it'L‘L‘ti\itlL‘ PlilCC. (ls—ll Milli-424. lll. \\'('. \\'.-\| Sing-A-Long-A-Sound Of Music l‘ri 24 tk Sat 25 Ma}. "fitiprn tSat rrtat 2pm 1. £12.50. (irah _\our Iederhoxen and _\our \inging \oiee and prepare to \ing _\our little heart otrt to all the lilrn'x L‘l;t\\tt‘ ltilx .\ lane} die“ [iii/C. good} hag and lull inxtr'uetionx on Iron to hoo the .\'a/i\ and cheer .ltrlie v. ill he supplied.


(’lerlx Street. (ms 20!”. |l’. H. \\'(‘. \\'.-\! West End Nights Broadway Lights l‘ri 3| .\la_\. Spin. L‘l l.5tl L‘l3.5tl tL‘S.5l) £10.50). \Vext lind and Broadua} nurxreal highlights from the like\ ol' .llr l‘tlil‘lxlr/LI’lltllllrilll()/‘]-/11'()/N’I’(l. lii'xl Sit/tr Slur-t and than} more.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindla) Street. 24S 4S4S. ll’. H. Ti. \\'(‘. \\'.r\l

Uncle Vanya t'rrtrl Sat 25 .\la_\. 7.45pm iSat rrrat 3.5llpltii. [II

1550 £S.5lli. See (ilaxgou. ('iti/enx‘ 'I'heatre.

Treasure Island the 33 Ma). See Kitl\ li\iiitg\.

Buster l‘ri 3] Ma) N Sal l .lurr. See Kttl\ lt\ltttf_'\.

THEATRE WORKSHOP 3-1llarniltoul’laee.33(r5-135.lll.\\‘('. \\'..\l

Oh What A Lovely War! the 4 Sat l5 .lun lltot Sunr. ".filipnr iSat rnat Zprur. £5.50 1 L11). .loan l.ilt|e\\ood\ \atit‘e about the l'itl'xt \Vol‘ld \Vttt' CUIIIL‘S a|i\e till \tage \\ ith lilrn. \ rdeo and |i\e rrruxie in Robert Rae\ annual eornrnunil} pla} produetion.


('anrhridge Street. 32S Mil-i. |l’. ll. ll. \\'('. \\'.r\|

Death Variations lhu 23 .\t;r_\. Split. L5 it‘ l .50). .-\ rehearsed reading M

.\'or'\\ egiarr phi)“ right .lorr l‘oxxe'x pla}.

0 r “coo

One puppet and her dog: Street Of Blood, Tramway, Glasgow

a 00

l'ollou ed h} a tliSL‘lhxittii on translating lil\ \xork into linglixh.

Festus Thu 23 N Hi 34 Ma}. 7.30pm. L‘S tL4l. :\lt interexting neu eollahor‘ation l'rorn lidinhurgh'x (irindla) (’ourt ('entr'e and (ilthgou \ l’roieet .'\hilit'\ hoth eentrex lot‘ adults \\ ith learning tltMIltillllLN ttlitl lliC Seotttxh ('harnher ()rehextra. l)e\erihed ax a ‘(‘ornrnurrit} ()pera'. /‘t'\lll\ lolltm \ a group ol tra\el|ing ehel'x uho lind [lit‘llixt‘ht‘x in a land “here nothing grou \ arid there's Itoltod} to cook l'ot‘.


Children’s International Theatre Festival .\lon 3' Ma} Wed 5 Jun. Highlights inelude 'l'lrr' lite/mu! r\\'ed

2‘) Hi 5| Ma} r. lr’r/l'x .\‘trrr l-‘rm'lt i.\lon 3f \Ved 3‘) Ma} t. ()m' llirrrt/r'r‘llr/ llirrlt/ iSun 2 Tue 4 .\la_\ l and man} more. See Kidx lixtingx lor' inrther detailx.

Edinburgh Dance


l.ad_\ \\ ell \Va), \ltrxxelhtrr‘glt. (r05 2340. II’. H. Ti. \\'('. \\'.\|

Alpha Dance Academy Annual Show 'l‘ue 2S Ma} Sat l Jun. "..‘~l)pnr (Sat rnat 2pm i. Uni-1.5tlr. Annual danee \lto“ t'eatur‘ing hallet. tap and ia//.

Central Drama 8. Dance Ayr GAIETY THEATRE (‘ar‘r'iek Street. 012‘): (rl III). III. \\'('. \V.\| Celebration Of Dance Mon 3 'l‘lrtr l3 .lurr inot ’l‘ue J r. ."prn. Ur (£4 l. Local dance troupe Darrxarena presents an euer‘getie |i\ e \hou.


CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Krldrurrr. 012% "USS? [l’. H. Ti. \\'(‘. \\L\|

Private Angelo 'l‘lrrr 23 Ma}. ".JSprrr. L‘S iL'5 l. Stage adaptation oi lirie l.ini\later'\ no\ el \et in l‘)-I()\ Ital}. inl'uxed \\ ith \tor}telling and rrrusie h} Mike .\lar‘an and eonrpan}.

Did You Used To Be R.D. Laing? iii 24 Ma}. ".45pnr. (S rL'5r. .v\n e\p|oration oi' the lite and “oil oi the eontro\er\ia| Seottixh rehel and Pliiltt\ttpliL‘l'.

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Sat 25 Ma}. lprrr tk ".~l5pnr. L'S tfi5l. \like