lasgow Thursdays


The Closet (il'wli. Rttxe Sll‘L‘Cl. 5.33 8l38. £3.75 £4.75 (£3 £3.50). l‘ri 3| Ma} .\lot) 13 Jun. Delightful lit‘eneh laree ahout Daniel Auteuil tlixeoxering the lo} x of coming out.

Glasgow Fridays

Cinema The Closet l’ri 3] Ma} .\lon l3 Jun. SL‘L‘ 'l‘ltlt.


Abnormals Anonymous ('('..\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. .353 4900. ()pm 3am. £3 (£0). l'il'l 34 Ma}. .\l()l|llll'\. ()ll-xeL‘llL‘ exent l'or ‘neirtl queerx and their xtraight peerx' \\ ith mttxie from S} nth/lileetro outlit l’rolorma. I.ouixe \Velxh reading extraetx lt‘otn her In“ el ’l‘lte (it/line Rim/)1 antl inxtallationx l'rom Kentlal Koppe antl .»\|e\ Kenneth. A” thix antl tunex l'rom rexitlent l).|'x lltlxllpltpp} and (Mix .BCLIHS. (iL‘tltlL‘S (Belle (K SL‘ththttl l.


Street Of Blood 'I'ramtta}. 35 Albert I)ri\e. 387 3000. 8pm. £l3 (£0). l’ri 3| Ma} Sun 3 Jun. ‘1 ant a ga} puppeteerf .xa_\x Ronnie Bttrl‘ett ol'l‘heatre ol' Marionettex. ‘.'\ntl | xa} that onl.‘ tor one reaxon: heeauxe there'x xome l\\L‘l\L‘- )t‘;tt'-0|tl in xome remote (‘anatlian |()\\ll \tho'x itth leeling xomething antl neetlx xontehotl} to xa_\ it ottt loutl.‘ Street ()f lt’lum/ ix about a reaetionar} lit)ll\e\\ ile. her ga_\ xon and a \ampire aetrexx. "l‘here are ga) eharaeterx in exer) thing I tlo,‘ xa}x But'lxett. "l’he_\ 're not ttxuall} highl} x} mpathetie eharaeterx. \\ hieh xotnetimex


Bennet’s ()0 (ilaxxl‘ortl Street. 552 570l. llptn 3.30am. £3 £0(£3 £5). |)anee \\'ed to Sun; xtutlent night on Thu. Cube 34 Queen Street. 330 8900.

l 1.30pm 3am. £3 (£3 \\ ith l‘|}er). (la) nightx on Mon and 'l‘tte.

Polo Lounge 84 \Vilxon Street. 553 l33l. lllpm 3am. £5. l-‘rexh. MM) and (air) on l’olo. Hi to Sun.


Candle Bar 20 ('antlleriggx. 504 1285. 9pm. l't‘ee. Dixeo |‘|a\our on Wed. Hi and Sat. and karaoke \\ ith .I\ngie() on Sun. Court Bar 0‘) Hutehexon Street. 553 3403. 0.30 l0ptn. l-i'ee. 'l‘ratlitional har. Delmonica’s 08 Virginia Street. 553 4803. 9pm. l‘ree. I)Jx on l'lri. Sat. Mon and Tue. a (pm on Thu. karaoke on Stm and a gamex night oi) \Vetl.

LGBT Centre I l l)i\on Street. 22) 7303. l Iain l3am. l‘ree. Bar/eale in the Hill!. with lxaraolxe lrom Hi to Stilt. Polo Lounge 84 \\‘ilxnn Street. 553 l33l. l0pm Ian). l‘ree. .\lon to'l‘hu. Revolver (in John Street. 553 2450. 8.30pm. l-i'ee. \Veekl}. l’opular har. Sadie Frosts 8 H) \\'ext (ieorge Street. 333 8005. |3pm |3an). l'ree. |).lx (l'ri. Sat and .\|on ). karaoke (Hit) and Stilt) antl qui/lex (lite and \Vetl ). ‘l'ue ix

66 THE LIST x -, .'.’ l. i

getx tne into trouble. and in Street ()/' li’lnm/ there'x a \er} angr}. luelxetl tip ga) eharaeter. uho'x reall} not \er} likeahle. but he happenx to he a lx'e} eharaeter in thix pieee. 'l'here'x a lot ol‘ eamp humour. and that'x prohahly heeauxe I'm ga) anti prohahl} heeauxe m} mother made the \xateh (’urrt ())1 mm iex \\ her) I \\';IS a ehiltl.' See 'l'heatre pt'e\ ieu.

Glasgow Saturdays


Presque Rien (il~‘”l‘. Roxe Street. 33- 8|38. 3.30pm. £3.75 £4.75 (£3 £3.50). Sat 35 Ma}. Doomed ga} xeaxitle romanee in thix \'et‘_\ l-‘reneh. \'et‘_\ xe.\_\ tno\‘ie. Sereening ax part ol'(i|-"|"x 'l'eett Se\ua|itiex in l‘reneh (‘inema Stutl) l)a). The Closet |5ri 3| .\Ia_\ .\|on l3 Jun. See 'Ihu.

Theane Street 01‘ Blood l'i'i 3| .\|a_\ Sttn 3 Jun. See l-ri.

Glasgow Sundays


The Closet l-‘ri 3| .\la_\ Mon |.3 Jun. See 'l'lttl.

Chop Suey (it-“l. Roxe Street. 332 8|38. 0pm. £3.75 £4.75 (£3 £3.50). Sun 3 Jun. lntagex ol' xemi—nutle tnale heattt) interxperxetl \\ ith ruminationx on grim ing up 111;)GC up BI'UL‘L‘ \Vt‘lk‘l‘.\ \L‘ll-‘ill‘SUI'l‘Ctl hotne mm ie. A pre\ ietx to the London l.exhian antl (ia) l‘ilm l‘extixal on Tour.

Theane Street Of Blood liri 3| .\|a_\ Sttn 3 Jun. See l‘ri.

Glasgow Mondays

Cmana The Closet l-‘t‘i 3| .\|a_\ Mon |.3 Jun. See 'l'lttl.

Glasgow Tuesdays

Cinema The Closet l‘ri 3| .\|a} .\|on l3 Jun. See 'l‘hu.

Glasgow Wednesdays

Cmana The Closet l’ri 3| .\|a_\ Mon 13 Jun. SL‘L‘ lllll.

Comedy Gala Benefit for Pride “the Stand.

(llll/Hl’xL‘. antl Sttn ix \iomen onl}. Waterloo Waterloo Street. 32)) 580i. |3pm l3am. Well kittmt) ga_\ har.


Clone Zone l.()B'l' (‘entre. l)i\on Stree'.. 33| 7303. Mon Sat llam 0pm; Sun |3pm ()pm. \'itleox. magx and 10} x.


Beyond Barriers l.(ill't‘. l)i\ou Street. 5740343. ('hallenging homophobia through ittl'ormation. Bi-G-Les ('/() |.(i|%'l". ll [)i\on Street. 33l 7303. Support lor l.( ill'l‘ under 35. Body Positive 3 l’at‘k ()uatlrant. 333 50H). Support lor thoxe al'l'eetetl h} ||l\'/.'\|l)S.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Samhl'ortl l’laee. 3| | 0700.

Glasgow Lesbian Line l’t) Hm ()80. (i3 7'lil.. 553 .3355. .-\tl\ lL‘L‘. Glasgow Women’s Library tot) 'lirongate. 553 8345. ()pen 'l'ue l‘ri

l 0pm; Sat 3 5pm. \Vomen‘x literature. Phace West 40 Bath Street. 332 3838. lot thoxe itllt't‘lk‘tl It} lll\’/.'\H)S. Steve Retson Project 2 Saint} l’ttrtl l’laee. 3ll 800l. ()pen 'l'ue & 'lhu

5.30 8.30pm. .-\tl\ iee lor ga) men. Strathclyde Lesbian 8. Gay Switchboard l’t) Ho\ 38. ()3 3(3):. 333 8373. Open 7 |0pm tlail}. .‘\(l\ iee.

3.3.3 \Vootllalttlx Rd. 0870 ()(ll) 005. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). Wed 3‘) .\|a}. A gala\} ol' xtarx ix promixetl at tltix eometl} antl muxie xpeetaeular to t‘aixe l'untlx lot' l’l'ltlt‘.

Edinburgh Thursdays


The Closet l‘ilmhotixe. 88 Lothian Road. 338 3088. £3.50 £5.50 (£3 £4). Thu 33 Ma} 'l‘hu l3 Jun. See (ilaxgtm 'l‘hurxtla}x.

Edinburgh Fridays


The Closet Thu 33 Ma} 'l'ht) l3 Jun. See 'lilttl.

Sing-A-Long-A-Sound of Music litlinhurgh l’la}hotixe. (it‘eenxitle l’laee. 0870 000 3434. 7.30pm (Sat Matinee 3.30pm). £l3.50. Fri 34 tk Sat 35 Ma}. |)on )our lane) tlrexx antl xing along to thix Alpine eraeker.


Lush ligo. l’ieartl} l’laee. 478 7434. |0.30pm 3am. £5 member: £0 non- memhet'x (l‘ree ntemherxhip a\ai|ah|e on the night). l'ri 3| Ma}. .\|onthl_\. (‘amp and cheek} L‘ltttt'l tttltl tlztllL‘L‘.

Edinburgh Saturdays


The Claremont 133 I35 tiaxt ('laremont Street. 550 5003. 8pm. l’ree. Sat I .lun. l‘ortnightl}. .\|S(' and the Bearx and a \\ iltl tlrexx eotle.


The Closet Hut 3.3 Ma) 'l‘hu l3 .ltm. See 'I‘hu.

Sing-A-Long-A-Sound of Music Hi 34 S Sat 35 Ma}. See l-‘ri.


Joy ligo. l’ieartl) l’laee. 478 7434. |0.30pm 3am. £|0 (£8). Sat 35 Ma}. |-‘ortnightl_\.

Eye Candy (‘luh .\le)‘eatlo. 30 3‘) Market Street. 330 4334. I lptn 3am. £10 (£8): £0 in lane) tlrexx. Sat 35 Ma}. l-"ortnightlx. (ilam houxe part}.

Mingin’ Studio 34 (ttpxtairx). ('alton Road. 558 3758. 10.30pm 3am. £5. Sat 1 .ltm. l-‘ortnighth. .\ .\lingin Rouge? theme: top hat and tailx or a large l'roek “ill get )ttt) in l'or nothing.

Luvely The Liquid Room. 9e \'ietoria Street. 335 3504. 10.30pm 3am. £0. Sat | Jun. Monthl}. li\uherant houxe part}.



C.C. Blooms 23 24 (ireenxitle l’laee. 550 933 |. l0.30pm 3am (har l'rom 0pm). l‘ree. High eamp antl tlixeo elaxxiex.


Blue Moon Cafe I Bar-tun Street. 557 (WI |. Mon Hi I lam ||.30pn).

Sat Sun 9pm l3.30am. l‘ree. (ia) tale. Nexus 00 Broughton Street. 478 700‘). llatn | lpm. Free. Hill ('entre'x eal'e. C.C. Blooms 23 34 (ireenxitle Place. 550 933 |. l0.30pm 3am (har li‘on) 0pm). l‘ree. High eatup antl tlixeo elaxxiex. Habana (il‘t‘eltSltle l’laee. .558 L370. 13pm lam. l‘ree. l’opttlar har. Flashback ‘) Hope Street. 220 ()Uttl. 4pm lam. (‘heex} tlixeo Mon to Stm. Frenchies Roxe Street. 235 705). lpm lattt. I‘ree. l’opular ehill'n‘ehal xptn.

The Gilded Saloon 2.3.) ('mtgate. 330 0550. 0pm lam. l‘ree. l’re-eltth tor ’l'axte at the liquid Room (Sun).

The Laughing Duck 2-) Hon e Street. 330 3370. .\lon Thu | lam ||ptn. l’ri & Sat llant lant. Sun

llfitlam llpm. St) lixh. eoml'} har. New Town Bar l)ttltlin Street. 538 7775. Mon 'l'hu |3pm lam. l‘ri Sat |3pm 3am. Sun |3.30pm lam. (ia) et‘uixe hat".

Edinburgh Sundays


The Closet Thu 33 May 'I'hu l3 Jun. See 'I‘hu.


Taste The Liquid Room. 9e Vietoria Street. 335 3504. ||pm 3am. £8 (£0). \Veekl}. 'l‘axt} hreu ol' houxe and garage. Tackno (‘ltth .‘xlereinln. 30 3t) .‘xlarket Street. 330 4334. |0.30pm 3am. £3 £0. Sttn 30 Ma}. .\|onth|_\. ’l'rentl} \Ventl}. God Save the Queens . . . Tackno Rules Brittania ()eean 'l‘ertttittal. l.eith. 10pm late. £l0 (memherx £8). Sun 3 June. Join 'I‘reittl} \Ventl}. take athantage ol the Jubilee holitla} antl eelehrate the queen’x hall eentur} in the topioh. l’ri/ex lor the tittth regall} tlrexxetl. 'I’ieketx a\ai|ah|e at 'l‘aekno and horn Planet ()ttt. Virgin and Zine at ()eean 'l‘ermittal.

Pride Fundraiser ligo. l’lL‘ill'Ll} Place. 478 7434. 8pm 4am (the). £l3 (£l0). Sun 3 Jun. 'l'axte. Jo} and |.u\el} join l‘ot'eex to raixe eaxh lor Pride 3003 \\ ith a hoxt ol' I)Jx inelutling Alan lo}. Brett King. Simone Blaek antl Sall) [5.

Edinburgh Mondays

Cinema The Closet 'l‘hu 33 .\|a_\ Thu 13 .ltitt. See 'I'hu.


Trendy Wendy l’lanet ()ttt. (it'L‘L‘llSlLlC l’laee. 534 000|. 10.30pm 3am thar l'rom 0pm). liree. |-'ortnightl_\. |)Jx exer} “CL‘l’x antl 'l‘rentl} \Ventl) on .\|on 37 Ma}.

Edinburgh Tuesdays

Cinema The Closet ’I‘hu 33 Ma} 'l‘htt l3 .lun. See'lhu.


Vibe ligo. l’ieartl) Place. 478 7434.

| Iptn 3am. £3. Weekly. |)aneerx. xingerx. a ntitning nut) and .lamex Longuorth on the (leeltx. 38 .\la_\ ix light xahrex at the read; \\ ith a Star \Varx theme \\ hile 4 Jun ix a plaitl-latttaxtie Lumberjaek night.

Edinburgh Wednesdays

Omaha The Closet Thu 33 .\la} Thu |.3 Jun. See 'l‘hu.

Planet Out (it'eenxitle l’laee. 534 000|. .\|ott l‘ri 4pm lattt. Sat Sun 3pm lam. liree. |).|x on Mon and Sat. qui/ on lite. and 'l'rentl} \Ventl} eter) lortnight.


Out of the Blue Baron} Street. 478 7048. Mon Fri llatn 7pm. Sat

||am 0pm. Sun l3pm 0pm. Hoolxx. magx. to_\ x and \ itleox.

Bobbie’s Bookshop 230 .‘xlorrixnn .Slt‘L‘L‘l. 5.38 700‘). Mon Sat

|0am 5.30pm. (ia) maga/inex.


A.D. ('ontaet 550 404‘). l-‘or lexhianx o\ er 40. .\lonth|_\ xoeial e\entx. Dykes Night Out l’t) Hm I00. tilll 3|.l '. Soeial e\eningx lor “omen. Lesbian Line 557 075 |. Mon tk 'l’hu 7.30 |0pm. Helpline.

LGBT Police Link |.(ill (‘entre. 00 Broughton Street. .\lot) 0 7pm. \Veekl}. ('all 030 5 l 38/030 5 I40 il'}ou “ant a ehat \\ ith _\ot)r eommtmit} ol'lieer. Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 550 404‘). 7.30 lupin e\er} tla). Helpline.

Stonewall Youth Project (‘ontaet ()33 3300 t()lliee| or H.845 l 13000.5 (Youthline). Soeial e\entx l'or |.(il|l under 30.