Edinburgh life

Wed 29 Spons

National Hunt Racing Kclxo RLIL‘CL‘UlII\L'. Kclxo. (H.575 334767.

3.10 4.40pm. £13 tL'7l. Six national hunt


Scots In Film - The New Royalty? National Portrait (iallcr). l Quccn Strcct. 63—1 (3300. 13.45pm. l‘rcc. (ilyn l)a\‘ix l'rom lidinhurgh ('ollcgc ol‘ Art giwx a talk.

Curator’s Choice Evening (in Art (critic. 2 .\larkct Strch 52‘) 3003.

7.30 ‘)pm. 'l‘hc pcoplc hchind thc muxcum's collcction introducc thcir pcrxonal linouritcx.


Study Day On Paisley Shawls (‘il_\' .'\l'l (‘L‘lllI'Lfi 3 .\larkct SII'CL‘I. 53‘) 3993. 10am 4pm. l‘rcc. .\ onc-da} \x'orkxhop hoxtcd h} Valcric Rcill} and Dan (‘oughlan

Funky Frames .\luxcum ()l‘ lidinhurgh. tl‘ormcrl} lluntl) llouxcl. H3 ('anongatc. 53‘) 41-13. Illam 4pm. to .'\n adult \\'ol‘k\lltip to makc lramcx tixmg a \‘arict) ol' mcdia.

Thursday 30

Book Events

Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence Bordcrx Bookx. t'nii 3t». l‘ort Kinnaird Rctail Park. 0.57 «ill-l I. "pm. l-‘rcc. lm cxtigatix c journalixtx Jon King and John Bcwridgc prcxcnt thcir chilling challcngc to thc ol'licial \crdict on l’rinccxx Diana'x dcath. lncludcx an appcarancc h} l’rincc .\1ichac| ol' Alhan}. Scc prc\ icu. Big Word Performance Poetry (iildcd Saloon. 3.5.5 ('ougatc. 220 (i550. 0 llpm. L4 (L5). .\lorc mirthl'ul \\’Ul'd\ltlllliL‘l"\ courtcx} ol' lilxpcth Murra). Highland xtor}tcllcr l’araig .\Iac.\'cil. Michacl .\lc(iill. comic actor Sand) .\'clxon and compcrcx Anita (ioxan and Jcm Rollx.

Festivals The Rush Varioux \cnucx. 555 3507. 'l‘imcx \ar}. Scc Mon 37.


Ayr Races A} r Racccourxc. 2 \Vlllllcltx Road. .-\}t‘. (H303 30-1179. 3.35 5pm. LT. Hat horxc racing.


Open University \Vatcrxtonc‘x. (icorgc Strcct. 336 385 l. 5 7.50pm. l‘rcc. Information and ad\ icc on courxcx and qualiticatiortx ol'lcrcd h) thc ()l '. 'I‘hcrc arc o\cr 400 courxcx on ol‘l'cr and xtal'l' \xill hc on hand to anxucr qucxtionx in thc informal cm irontncnt ol' ('oxta ('ot'l'cc. Genetics And Insurance: Can They Live Together? llcrioi-Wait l'nixcrxit}. lidinhurgh Buxincxx School. Riccarton. 45] 34—14. (rpm. l'rcc. l’rol Ang'ax Macdonald highlightx thc ixxucx l'accd h} hcallh inxurcrx and paticntx mct' adxanccx in gcncticx and thc poxxihilit} of a ‘gcnctic undcrclaxx‘.

Other events Special Rebustour Stockhritlgc Librar}. Hamilton l’lacc. 53‘) 5(io5. (rpm.

Hopetoun House

Museum Of

The Meadows Festival

Not another wannabe festival? \cp. xummcr‘x upon tix. \\ Inch gcncrall} incanx that onc man and hix gtntar rcckonx hc‘x a lcxli\al in thc making Hut lcar not. thix ix thc rcal .\lc(‘o_\. 'l‘hix l'tm‘packcd l'cxt hax hccn a rcgular on thc lidinhurgh xccnc

l‘or lhc paxt 33 \carx.

So it’s worth a look then? \Vith o\cr lllll \tallx. ctlmic drumming. li\ c a xidc loothall. lacc painting. hounc} caxtlc and xtcam cngincx thix rcal|_\ ix an c\cnt lor all

thc lamil}.

Surely you can’t have a festival without music? ( ‘ourxt- _\otr can't. xo thc

l'cxt organixcrx ha\ c rccruilcd .llrnu3‘l. lid/lit

morc to cntcrtain _\ou.

..\'m'r /\‘\t’. (Vin/mini]. Vina/lg and much

We can expect plenty for our money then? \Vhal ntonc} .’ .\‘oi onl} ix tliix

duhhcd ax ‘Scotlaiul\ higgcxt commun l"t," '.r'-_>r5;:;>.'. .r'um‘.‘ ’"o '..'s

L3. .-\d\ancc hooking rcquircd. .lolm Skinncr Icadx a t\\o»ltotlr oncoll \\;tlktng tour hringing to lil'c thc charactcrx and locationx in thc hookx.

Festivals The Rush \arioux \cnucx. 555 35‘)". ‘l‘imcx \ar}. Scc Mon 3".


Ayr Races .v\_\ r lx’acccourxc. 3 \Vhitlcttx Road. x\.\ r. lll3‘)3 3(i-l I 3‘). 3.3ll -l.5llpm. LU". Scc 'l'hu ill,


Buildings In The Background: The Classical Column National (iallcr) ol Scotland. ‘l'hc Mound. 031 (r3llll. l3.-l5pm. lrcc. Rohin Baillic lrom lhc National (iallct‘icx ol' Scotland fliwx a


Other events

Gardening Scotland 2002 l\’o_\al Ilighland (critic. lnglixton. 335 o3tll). lllain (rpm. Ll l L l 3 l L3 L‘li. Scotland’x annual gardcning L‘\ll'tt\;t_‘_‘;tlt/;l L‘llc‘tttltptl\\ltlg \lltm gardcnx. xpccialixt xocicticx' marquccx. dcmonxtrationx l'rom gardcning c\pcrtx including 'l'ln‘ lint humu- (inn/(’H'x .lllll .\lc( "oll and li\c cntcrtainmcnt.

Festiva s The Rush \‘arioux \cnucx. 555 3595. 'I‘imcx \ar}. Scc Mon 3"

Museum Of Scotland

Shore Road. Small. Childhood (l' z trim-T Oti(:(;nf‘,l<;""‘,. Zifi‘r 215.1 .1.” lira" S'onfi. '7

Dari, than: :’>.I-1f;:,nx Mao Sa'. " w r: : > S‘Qv't) S‘fz. l’lt) stator, l we l a .V’l‘ i' :

ll()ll‘f:, part (,1 .'."".:',l‘ ,5; filli "2:; ':‘..§,r,-t.t'. ' :

ll‘.’(:(l i." l), lllt: : .ta r, ’lit'“:'l‘:f; ' f lvlarrrtiessism; of l minnows; 'i {:Y‘."-’;' a'f-t} :t‘ .' ' )‘lilf; l)lll:l lll tilt,- li‘illi ' gin } pint/fol, : ) ' ' ' centtit‘, t), étl";llii‘:fllf; l'tt’,..fi‘t f'w’ .r- r' W ' Willinn‘ Brim: ar‘rl ‘~.'."ii!‘atl‘ ant/i .-’; ’l', .or: ' r- ' t Ariana It .‘t’;tl‘;<:t; lit/l/ {ii’.,';l‘:. ; .'- ' furnishinrii; anri :r"..'.'or‘k lrl-fil‘i, "Mr 2 ' i . l’ ' l (L{)ll(3(;l(:(l tr, tiir: fnrnil, aft I: T' r, '2' l-T-x ' . ’)‘./(:t'lil(:t)£ifil4’1,l,‘:£i!f;. "u" ll. .

94 THE LIST nit. .g

it} outdoor lcxti\al'. it‘x c\cn lrcc.

The Meadows Festival ‘l’ht- .\lcado\\ x. .\I';:_\ ll l’lacc. (i3ll ‘llllh.

Want 5. lllpm. l'rcc. lhc tranquil hcart ol lzdinhurgh ix tranxlormcd into a huhhuh ol' li\c muxic. xporting compclitionx. artx and cralt xtallx. a ltm lair and tnttch morc. Scc photo caption.


Golden Jubilee Celebrations l'ntil’lucxllun. l)}i1;iitiic‘l'.;ir'tlt. litth'Utnl Rittltl. .55” “Ml”. L535 lb-l.5lll. l‘our tla_\x ol cclchratoi) c\cntx to mark thc ()uccn‘x ( ioldcn .luhilcc.


Scottish Sprint Cup \ltixxclliurgli Racccourxc. [inklicld Road. \ltixxclhurgh. (M5 355‘) 3.35 5.‘lllpm. Llll L15 (L51 undcr lox lrcc», l'lal horxc racing championxhip.

Scotland v Barbarians \ltll'l'a} l’it-Itl Stadium. Rncrxdalc (‘rcxcan (NV) (NH W35. 3pm. Llll L ill I L5 Ll5l. Scc Scotland takc on thc might ol lhc liarharianx ax part ol' thc l’rudcntial ‘l‘our.

Other events

Gardening Scotland 2002 l\’o_\;ll Highland ('cntrc. lnglixton. 335 03”“. Illant (thin. L'll Ll ML‘3 L‘ll. Scc l'ri ll.

Record Fair .\xxcinh|} lx’oomx. 5~l (icorgc Slrcct. 33ll lil‘). lllain lpm. Lil. RCL‘UI'tl littll'.

Book events Big Word Performance Poetry Slam l.;t HL'llL' .\ll“._'ClC. ll;t\llt"\ (.llWL‘.

335 "53o. ‘lpm lam. L-l l L51. Big \\'ord‘x poclt‘} xlamx hax c pro\ cd xo popular tand x\\ cat} I in lltc paxl. lltat thc} '\c had lo go and upxi/c thc \cnuc to la ltcllc. .\x uxual. 35 poctx \\ ill atlcmpt to \\ in o\cr thc giudgcx and lltc audicnccx in iuxt l\\o minutcx. and xlam la\om‘itc. Him licat lllo hrcaklaxt prcxcntcr. l)cx ('larkc ioinx in \\ ith thc \\ord pt'occxxmg.

Festiva s

The Rush \‘arioux \cnucx. 555 35‘)". 'l‘imcx \ar_\. Scc.\1on 3".

The Meadows Festival The \lt‘atlttu x. .'\l'f_'} ll l’ltlc‘t‘. O3” ‘llllh. noon 5.3llpm. l-‘rcc. Scc photo caption.


Ruby Young Memorial Race l)t-;m (axtlc ('ountr) l’ark. l)c;in Road. Kilmarnock. lll5o3 533503. I lam. Lo. .\ 5km ladicx race \\ ith all procccdx going [it .\} l'\ltll't‘ llitxltlct‘. .\lt‘ll ill't‘\\t‘tl ;l\ \\oltt;ttl alxo \xclcomc.


Wet-On-Wet Visionary Painting Workshop \L‘\tl\ (ittllt'l‘lt‘\. lil't‘ail Strcct. l" 4533. l lam lpm. L3H. lo lttutlx call lll 5| ll“ l(t~ l. \'l\ltlll;ll‘_\ painting \\ot‘kxllop lcd l\_\ lx’rtcluc (’ollinx. l’at't ol .lr'lr (inn 3!”):

Other events

Antique 8. Collectors Fairs .\lcado\‘.hank Sporlx ('cnlrc. l“) l.ondon Road. lllqol 05-1555. Illam ~lpm. LI tchildrcn lrcc l. Brim xc or hit} l'rom a

\\ idc xclcction ol antitpicx and


Festiva s The Rush \arioux \cnttcx_ SSS j‘o‘_ limcx \ar}. Scc Mon 3‘.

Tuesday 4

Other events

Stella Screen Cinebar ()\_\gcn Har & (irill. 5 5 lnlirmar) Strcct. 55" WW". «\pm. l‘rcc. Scc inc 3.\. 'l’omght‘x

xcrccning l\.‘5/\!.\lr'r1!r'.

Wednesday 5

Ta ks

Living Installation In Exploration Of The Collective Unconscious \t‘xux (iallcrit-x. Hrcatl Strcct. l" -l533. 5 “pm. lx'atc l>ccmmg and tricndx c\plorc thc collcctnc unconxcioux. l’art ol .l/rr (inn 3IHI3.

Thursday 6 . . Talks

John Gordon Sinclair l'cxlt\al 'l'hcalt'c. l3 3‘) \icolxon Sticct. 53‘) otlllll. lpm. Li-l. l'hc man who \\ill lot‘cwr ltc kno\\ n ax ( ircgot} talkx ahout hix

carccr on hoth xtagc and xcrccn.

Other events Caledonian Brewery Annual Beer Festival ('alctlonian limo-r}.

~13 Slatclord Road. (r33 who. L'tltc. .\

\\ itlc xclcction ol' hccrx lrom around thc \xorld to xamplc. xcr\cd up \\ ith intcrnalional lood and ll\ c mnxlc.

. " Royal Botanic Garden 9:1,”? '. . :. Royal Museum Palace Of " ~ -‘ Holyroodhouse