Film index

Not Another Teen Movie t IS)

0. (Jocl (iallcn. ('8. 2002) (‘hris liy'ans. ('hylcr l.cigh. l)con Richmond. 8‘) min. By marrying 00s gross-out humour with 80s brat pack charm this adolcsccnl altcrnaliyc to .S'i-rt’um cnds tip as a lllL‘ssy‘ hybrid. Not .‘lllHl/lt’l‘ l'ollow's onc tccn‘s qucst to transform lhc high school w cirdo into a prom quccn (familiar. ch'.’). ('omplclc with rcgurgilatcd and subscqiicntly mangch 80s charactcrs and thcmcs (think Pretty in Pink and 7714’ Brink/its! ('lub). this lilm is cnjoyablc only it you hayc a dcgi‘cc in ctilt classic tccn flicks. (icncral i'clcasc. Ocean’s Eleven ( 15) 0000 isicxcn Sodcrbci‘gh. l'S. 2001 ) (icorgc ('looncy. Brad Pitt. Julia Robcrts. 1 16min. ()i'l‘ thc cult is lhc opcratiy c tcrm l'or Stcycn Sodcrbcrgh's rcniakc of thc \cgas casino hcist lhrillcr that l-‘rankic and l)ino and lhcir Rat Pack had so much fun making back in 1900. But whcrc lhc Rat Pack rascals uscd lhc original lilm as an cxcusc to run riot in thcir adoptcd homc city Sodcrbcrgh. scrcciiw ritcr 'l‘cd (iril‘iin and an all-star cast hayc workcd to producc a tightly-scriplcd stylish moy ic. ()nc. howcycr. which rcmains at all tinics scll- conscioiisly throwaway fun. .\'ot quitc as cool as lhc original. but a bcltcr lilm. ()dcon (’ily (‘cntrc. (ilasgow; (’amco. lidinburgh. The One l 15) O. lJamcs Wong. 1'8. 2002) Jct l.i. Dclroy I.indo. Jason Statham. 87min. Yulow ll.i) is a powci‘-liiiiigi'y' criminal. who has dctcrmincd that by killing his 12-1 hody doublcs currently inhabiting lhc multiycrsc's \‘llritills lllll\'L‘l'.\L‘\. hc can achicyc godlikc powcrs. llc's tip to ntinibcr I23 whcn hc stumblcs across a worthy ady‘crsary. l..-\ cop (iabc ll.i again). 'l‘hcrc arc all sorts oi" holcs in Hip ()Ill'. but w hilc 'I‘lit' .‘llulrit got away will) its abjccl sillincss by bcing dccply cool and pscudo- intcllcctual. this martial arts \chiclc has no such props. And whilc [is light sccncs arc lcchnically imprcssiy c. sccing onc supcrnaturally hard indiy idiial swap kicks

34 THE LIST 0 70 Jun 2002‘

w ill) anothcr w liilc sonic no—brain inctal hand trashcs thcir inslrunicnts in lhc background can bc a dccidcdly cinpty \pL‘L‘lliL‘lc. (.tll‘lltill. Stirling.

Panic Room l IS) 00.. tl);l\ id l‘iiiL‘llL‘l'. lb. 2002) llitlic l‘ioslcl‘. l'iol'c‘sl \Vliitakcr. Jarcd l.clo. l l2niin. l’iuiir Ronni may w cll bc morc sly lc than subslaiicc but it llL‘\‘L‘l'lllL‘les soon has lhc \ icwcr grippcd. Jodic l'ioslclk rich. cmoliotizilly bl‘tliscd diyorccc and Mr lccnagc daughtcr liay'c barcly takcn posscssion ol' thcii' ncw Manhattan homc w hcn thcy hay c nccd ol' lls l'ortilicd. hiddcn chambcr aka lhc panic room. ()n thcii' tirst night in lhc placc. thcy arc l'orccd to takc i‘cl'tigc thci'c w licn thi‘cc inlrudcrs brcak in and what l'ollow s is a tcnsc. cunning gainc of cat and mousc. l'iole‘l‘ giu‘s sliiidcs ll) liL‘l‘ cliltl'aclL‘t‘ llilll llic script docsn't dcsci'y c. and ol llic bad guys. \Vhitakcr is dolclul and honourablc and l.clo is cartoon-likc as lhc loud-moulhcd Junior. (icncral i'clcasc.

G Pauline et Paulette mm 0000. ll.ic\cn chrauwci'. Bclgiuni. 2002i l)ora yan dcr (ii'ocn. Julicnnc dc Bruy n. Roscmaric Bcrgmans. 73min. l’aulinc lyan dcr (irocn) is a (i()-}L‘;ll'-Ultl woman with a nicntal agc of tour. w ho is lookcd al'tci‘ by hci' doting sislcr. Martha lec Bruyn). llow'cyci'. whcn Martha dics. hcr will slatcs that for cithcr ol' l’aulinc's snobby sistci's. (’ccilc and l’aulcltc. to gcl any moncy. onc ol' thcm must look al'tcr l’aulinc. 'l‘hc sti'cnglh ol- l)cbi'atiw cr's lilin lics in its sini- plicity. as hc puts charactcr bcl'orc plot. and cnsui'cs that lhc ciiiotion ol' lhc lilm is gcn- iiinc. l’aulinc is prcscntcd as a pcrson. i'alhcr than soniconc with a disability. with l)ora \an dcr (irocn‘s uninannci‘cd pcrl'ormancc bcing simply splcndid. ('ainco. lidinburgh. Pollock l l8) 0.. ilid llill'l‘is. [1%. 2002) lid llarris. Marcia ( iay llai'dcn. l22min. Ycl anothcr toi'turcd artist story. 'l'hc lilc oi Amcrican abstract cyprcssionist painlci' Jackson Pollock is rcci'catcd w ill) a lorinulaic approach. l‘L'\ caling nothing ncw

about lhc laiiiotis painlcr. 'I'hotigh lhc acting and dii'ccting rcniaiii i'claliycly unllawcd. lhc script lalls llat. It also i‘cquircs lhc aiidicncc to bc oy crly sy mpathctic lo a woiiianising

w il'c-bcalci‘. No thanks. (El-"l. (ilasgow: l‘ilnihousc. lidinburgh.

Rat Race l l2) 0.. ilcri'y /.uckci‘. l‘S. 200l ) John (’lccsc. Rowan Atkinson. \Vhoopi (ioldbcrg. l 12min. In Jcrry [tickcr's madcap comcdy. a bunch ol' moncy grabbcrs undci'lakc a ci'a/y i‘acc across :\nicrica to .\'cw .\lc\ico to lind a hiddcn ll'caslll‘c littlll'll, (‘lccsc is onc til, lhc sclL‘L'l circlc ol‘ I,as \cgas busincss nicn w ho organiscs lhc racc as a ncw nicans ol’ placing a w agcr. l)on'l cypch much in thc way ol' coininciit on gi'ccd and corruptibilily. llislclltl. Zuckt‘l' litcllscs on lhc lllllglis. cniploy ing lhc tactic hc tiscd w ill) grcat sliL‘L‘L‘ss on his liil lilltis .rlll‘p/lllli'f :tlitl Nil/su/ (iun: lhc scaltcrgun lirc ol- cndlcss slapstick

josz ()tlcoli. :\_\ l‘.

Read my Lips (Sur mes Ievres) I IS) 0.. lJactlucs :\udiard. l‘i'ancc. 2001 ) liminanucllc l)c\os. \‘inccnt ('asscl. ()liy ici' (iourmcl. l 15min. \thn a partially dcal' sccrclai'y is partnci‘cd at work w ill) an cy- con collcagiic. a sli'angc i'clationsliip ariscs. ’l‘hc two scl out on an claboralc criiiic spi‘cc. aiming to c\tracl rcycngc on ci'ucl co woi'kci's and i'riciids. l'nusual camcra tcchniqucs and a lai‘gcly unscnliincnlal script cnsurc you'rc in constant collusion

w ill) lhc cliai'actci's. 'l‘hc i'cstilt: a quictly disccrning gangstcr thrillci' scy ci'al nolclics aboy c lhc standard Hollywood larc. Sclcclcd l'L‘lL‘;l\L‘.

Return to Never Land the.

(Robin Budd tk l)ono\an (‘ook. ('8. 2002) Voiccs ol llai'i‘icl ()w cit. lilay tic \Vcayci'. (‘orcy Burton. 72 min. \Vcndy has grown up and now has two childi‘cn ol' licr own. ’l‘hc oldcsl. Janc. haying w itncsscd lhc dcyastation causcd by lhc blit/ki‘icg conditions ol' World War ll. no loiigci' bclicycs iii l’clci‘ l’lili lilttl slol'ics oi. 'l'llilli. trust and pi\ic diisl‘. That is until lhc iiiglil


will receive two tickets.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Entrants must be 15 years or over. The offer is SUl)]8Cl to availability. There is no cash alternative Maxunuin two tickets per reader


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I CAMEO 38 Home St, Edinburgh 0131 228 4141 I GFT 12 Rose St, Glasgow 0141 332 8128

The List has teamed up with the Cameo Cinema in Edinburgh and the GFT in Glasgow to offer our readers FREE tickets to see the Oscar winning Monster’s Ball (see our feature for more info) on Saturday 15 June at 12.30pm. All you’ve got to do is head down to either box office after 6 June, show your copy of The List and you

Monster’s Ball opens in cinema’s nation wide on 7 June.


, Glasgow Film Theatre

bcl‘ot‘c slic is lo bc cyliculilctl ll) lhc

country sidc. wlicn (‘aptain llook kidnaps hcr mistakcnly bclicy ing that shc is \Vcndy Janc i‘cdiscoyci‘s lhc magic unlortunatcly lhc \ icw cr docsn‘l. liycrylhing about lhc liliii is dalcd. ironi plotting to animation. SL‘lL‘chtl l'L'lk‘ihk'.

Road Kill l l5) 0... iJohn l)a|il. l'S. 2(lll2i l’ltlll \Vltlkt‘l'. SILWL‘ /.liltll. l.L‘ClCL‘ Sobicski. ‘ioniin. .-\|i ioy. a llil)\ ic w illi no artistic pi‘ctcnsions nor inl‘lalcd btidgctary rcqtiircincnls lo sci'cw up a w ickcd idca. hcrc c\ccutcd w ill) smart script. [k‘l'ltil'llilllict's and dii'cclion. l’i'clly collcgc boy l.cwis (\Valkcr) is driy ing l'rom ('olorado to .\'cw Jci'scy w ill) his girl \cnna (Sobicski) and way ward brolhci' l'tillci' l/ahn ). :\llci‘ is makcs Iikc a girl on lhc (‘li and chats tip a truck di'iyci'. llicy attract lhc altcnlion iii a homicidal maniac with si\lccn big olc' w hccls. \Vlial l'ollows is latil. tcnsc driy ing suspcnsc. which owcs much to Slcycn Spiclbcrg's cai'ly lclcy ision inoy ic Uncl. l'(i(‘ chl'rcw Sti‘ccl. (ilasgow; Slcr (‘cnliiry. lidinburgh.

G Roberto Succo l 15) 0000

((‘cdric Kahn. l’rancc. 200! ) Stclano ('assclli. lsild l.c licsco. l’atrick Dcll'lsola. 124mm. .'\s lhc follow -up to [flimiuifi this compclling drama intclligcntly sidcslcps lhc clichcs ol lhc li'uc-lilc ci‘iinc moy ic. In this rccrcalion oi~ lhc lil'c ol' llaly 's most notori- ous scrial killcr. Kalil) inanagcs to lind sonic humanity in lhc man. .\'on-prol'cssional actor Slcpliano (‘assclli is scnsalional as Succo. l‘ilinhoiisc. lidinburgh.

The Royal Tenenbaums l lfiieoeee (Wes g\|]tlr‘l'\tin, l'S. 2002) (icnc llackman. Angclica lluston. (iwynclli l’alli'ow.

I l0min. lhc 'l‘cncnlxuiins at'c no ordinary lainily. l)csccndcd l'roin a long linc ol

oy crachicy ci's. lhcsc \cw York gcniuscs arc now in stultil'y ing dcclinc. 'l‘hc nicnioi‘y ol' llic brilliancc ol' lhc young 'I‘cncnixiums has \lllCC l‘L‘L‘lt c‘l‘llsL'tl it} l\\l) tlL'L‘lItlL‘\ Ul- lk‘ll'llylll. l-illllll'C lllitl tlttlllt'sllc tll\;l\lL‘l'. lilosl til~ which is [k‘l't‘ciyctl it) lhc liltltilly lt) lk‘ lllL‘

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