I'ault ol ahxcnl lathcr. l{o_\al tllackmani. 'l'hcn. at thc \cr} morncnt hix thrcc groun- tip childrcn ha\ c. l'or \arioux rcaxonx. all tno\ cd hack into thc ramhling hornc ol' thcir mothcr. Ro}al dccidcx hc \xantx hix larnil}. \Vith ‘li'nt'nlnumn. .v\ndcrxon tRm/mmrvi hax xurpaxxcd hinixcll u ith an enchanting. odd talc ot’ an a“ kxxard tarnil} and itx mcrnhcr'x impoxxihlc ntagnctic attraction to cach othcr. Adam Smith. Kirkcald}.

The Scorpion King l I2) 000

((ihuck Rtixxcll. ['52. 3003) l)\\a_\nc Johnxon. Kcll} llu. .\lichacl ('larkc [)uncan. 94 min. 'I‘hix prcqucl to and xpin-ol'l' l'rotn I'ltt' .Uunum Rt'lllI'IH. ix a much lL‘\\ xtar- xluddcd allair than thc Indiana Joncx-xt} lc adwnturc. 'l'lu- Scorpion Kim: rcinainx lirrnl) in ancicnt lig}pt \\hct‘c thc H il rulcr of thc notorioux cit) ot‘(}oinorr.'th ix hux} ing himxcll' Ia} ing “axlc to thc \arioux nomadic trith of thc xurroundtng dcxcrt. ()n thc \crgc ol‘ c\tinction. thc l'cu rcinaining trihcx pool thcir rcxourccx and hirc an axxaxxin. .\latha}ux tJohnxon aka ’l'hc Rock i. to inliltratc lhc uncut} camp and kill a xorccrcr “hoxc \ ixionx gn c thc (loinorrah'x rulcr thc uppcr hand. [)ominion. lidinhurgh; (‘ircuit ('incnia. l.i\ingxlon.

Sex and Lucia 1 18» 000 (.ltllto Mcdcrn. Spain. 2002) ’l‘rixtan l'lloa. l’a/ \cga. l2\‘niin. Altcr thc dcalh ot~ l.orcn/o tl'lloai. hix long-tcrrn girll'ricnd. Lucia t\'cgai rctrcatx to hcr c\-partncr”x l'a\ouritc ixland to cornc to tcrtnx \\ ith hcr lo“ and lllllUL'lx thc xL‘L‘t'L‘lx 0|. a prohlctnatic Pttxl. [liliL‘ lilni thcn tlitx cllot'llcxxl}. it xotncxx hat conl'uxingl}. through tiuic to rcwal thcir lirxt tnccting xi\ )carx prc\ ioux|_\ and thcir xtthxcqtlcnl xtcain} xc\ual cncotlnlct‘x. 'l‘hc croticixin ol \lcdcm'x lilth t’caturc \\ ill llndotthtcdl} “1;!GC it hix Inoxt contro\ crxial rclcaxc. hut thc xtor} tclling. although no cr cotnplctcl} uncngaging. ix :nuch \\ cakcr than in hix outxtanding ciucinatic dchut. litt‘th. l'( i(‘ RCltl'l'L'“ SII'L‘L'I. (iltlxg‘tml ('anico. lidinhurgh.

The Shipping News l IS» 000. tl.axxc llallxtrorn. ('8. 200)) Km in Spacc}. Juhannc .\loorc. .ludt I)cnch. 117mm.


Annic l’roulx'x l’ulit/cr Prim-u inning nmcl about a dcprcxxcd tniddlc-agcd lathcr \\ ho takcx hix daughtcr ol'l to hix lamil) 'x anccxtt'al hoinc in harrcn .\'c\\ l'oundland al'tcr thc unfaithful \\ il‘c (though |o\ c ol hix lil'L‘) ix lxillL‘d in a car \\ I’L‘L‘lx. ix an ccct‘llll'ic hlack cotncd). hut alxo a ran. inclanchol} _\arn. \Vhat hopc. thcn. l'or arch xcntitncntalixt llallxtrorn not lca\ing l’roulx'x inaxtcrpiccc l'loundcring'.’ Ntiiic it would xcan )c‘t agaian thc oddx llallxtroin dclixcrx a “alertight piccc ol' drarna. dircctcd and actcd \\ ith hcantil'ul rcxtraint. particularl} h} Spacc} \\ ho pla}x thc dcperxcd protagonixt ()tio} Ic. l'”l‘ll (’incina. l‘alkirk; Adam Smith. Kirkcald}. Short Films 1934-1936 ll’(i) (Varioux. (icrinan). 1034/30) 00min. .\lorc xkclctonx from .\lunich coincdian Karl \tllL‘ltlilfx xplcnditl cclluloid cloxct. (il'i‘li. (ilaxgtm.

Showtime 1 l3) ... t'I'oin [)c}. l'S. 2002i Rohcrt I)c .\'iro. liddic Murph}. chc Rttxxo. 05min. l)c \iro'x t'ora} into conicd} continucx apacc \\ ith thix hudd} cop tnox ic lllétl \L‘L‘x lilx \L‘IL'i'un l.:\l’l) tlL‘lL‘L‘ltH‘ tcaining tip \\ ith Murph} ‘x rookic cop and “annahc actor. \thn Murph} 'x dcxirc lor ntcdia attcntion gctx in thc \\a} of a huxt. I)c .\'iro angril} xhootx a 'l'\‘ caincra and thc dcpartincnt inxixtx that. in ot'dcr to makc amcndx. thc pair hccouic parlncrx on a rcalit} cop xhou. Slum linu’ \\()l'l\\ thankx to thc pcrl'orinanccx and a hcallh) quota ol dcccnt gagx. Dc .\'iro ma} hc coaxting. hut hc giwx a rcliahl} xolid pcrl'ormancc ax cxxcntiall) lhc xtraight titan to Murph} 'x l'rcqucntl) hilarion prccning. latnc- ohxc‘xxcd l'ool. Stcr (‘cntur_\. lidinhurgh. Slogans t 15).... t(i_icrgt Xhmani. :\Ihania/l-‘rancc. Soul I Artur (iorixhti. l,ui/a .\'hu\ani. Agini ()iriatli. 00min. Sct in thc latc l‘)7()x \xhcn thc llo\hax rcgitnc hcld Albania in an iron grip. Sloan/ix tcllx thc xtor} M a _\oung hiolog} tcachct' “ho lcawx lhc capital cit} for a xchool in thc inountainx. .'\l‘\lll'tllxl cotttcd} \\ ith a political hcnt. (il’l‘. (ilaxgow

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