Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued


Bread Street. 477 4522. Mon Stttt

ttoott (tpttt.

Creative Spirit: Artesian Open Exhibition l'ntil Stttt ‘) Jtttt. Artesian present an exhibition of works by various artists. l’artol.-1rtt'(has 2002.


75 7‘) (‘umberland Street. 557 1020. Mon Fri 10am (tpm: Sat 10am 4pm. Glen Scouller RSW, RGI t'ntil Wed 1‘) Jtttt. New paintings.

Lesley Strickland t'ntil Wed 1‘) Jun. Jewellery.

Jacqueline Watt t'nttt Wed 1‘) Jun. .\‘ew paintings.


l7 1‘) Barclay Place. 477 2‘)33.'1‘ue Sat llaitt (3pm.

Mixed Exhibition :\ cltattgittg selection of paintings ittclttdittg reproduction art Van (ioglt. l)ali. Monet. Kandinsky. Miro originals attd work by up-and-conting local artists.


off High Street. 0207 713 5600. Access Expo 2002 Thu 20 Sat 32 Jun. 10am (tpm. Medecins Satts 1’rontieres' tottrittg exltibition allows ordinary people to experiettce w ltat it feels like It) be sielx w ill] tit) tl'eitlllienl. Spitt the w heel of misfortune to leartt your fate as one of the tttilliotts of people around tltc world w ho cannot afford treatntettt for curable diseases. NEW SHOW".

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY tWASPSt Patriotltall Studios, off4S Hantiltott Place. 225 128‘). Tue Sun noon 4pm.

Trude Blows Sat S Wed 12Jun. noon bpm. .-\n exltibition of landscape drawings ntade w itlt pencil attd graphite on paper attd gessoed board by Trude Blows. inspired by her recent residency in lona. NEW SHO\".’.

LOVE 1’ri 14 Mon 24 Jtttt. 'l‘ue 1-‘ri noon (tpm: Sat k Sun noon 4pm. .\'ew works on paper. ittk drawings. digitally altered photographic ‘artefacts' and collage by Paul Mow-at. oit the theme of line.


25 Marchtttont ('rescettt. 22‘) 2063. Mon 1-‘ri ‘)am 5.30pm: Sat 10am 2pm. Mixed Exhibition A photographic gallery attd fratttittg workshop featuring range of frattted mounted images with space for local photographers to show their work.


('lerk Street. (i(t7 777(t. Mott Sat

10am 5.30pm.

Gloria Wallington l'ntil Mon 17 Jun. Landscape of()rkney by (ilot'ia Wallittgtott.

15-22 June 2002

D l C it 0

University of Dundee

13 Perth Road

I 01382 345330

E exhibitions@dundeeac.ult m.dundeucnlt/pressoffice/degreesltowoz

90 THE LIST R 20 Juli 2’18?

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnx'erleith House. llt\'el‘leitlt Row. 552 7171. Wed Mon 10.30am 5.30pm. Cathy Wilkes l'ntil Sun ‘) Jutt. l-‘ollowing on frottt the inclusion of the inaugural Beck's Futures award attd solo sltows at (‘ubitt itt London and 'I’ranstttission itt (ilasgow. (’athy Wilkes' largest sltow to date features new site-specific sculptures. The sytttmetrieal figurative compositions are tttade tip of drawings. paintings attd sculpture.

Alan Charlton Sat 15 Jutt Sun 28 Jul. .\'ew work by littglish artist Alan Charlton. who since 1‘)(t‘) has produced paitttittgs characterised by two fixed constants: 4.5cm itt si/e attd the colour grey. NEW SHOW.

The Dapuri Botanical Drawings [hit] the 23 Jul. .-\n exhibition drawn frottt the collection of RBUli to accompany a new book llitnilers l ’ntold.‘ .-1le.x'aniler (I‘llM’UH and llH' Dalmri Botanical Drawings by Dr Hettry .\'o1tie which describe a remarkable collection of 1‘)th century lndian botanical drawings.

Science Seekers - Solutions for ScotLAND l'ntil Stttt ‘) Jun (Iixhibition Hall). A hands-on interactiye exhibition which looks at ltow Scottish science cart improy‘e our health attd that of animals. plants attd the city ironment.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE Howard Bar. (irittdlay Street. 248 4848. Reflection: Kate Holden that Thu 1 Aug. Paintings by Attstralian artist Kate Holden. inspired by her travels around Scotland. where she currently liy'es.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (iallery. 100 Princes Street. 225 1501.Mon Sun 10am ropm. Christian Furr t'ntil I‘ri 28 Jun. Paintings attd drawings by tiguratiye artist ('hristian l-‘urr. the youngest artist to officially paittt Queen lili/abeth 11. commissioned by the Royal ()x'erseas League itt Lottdoit.


l() I)uttdas Street. 558 1200. Mon l‘i'i l()am (ipm: Sat 10am 4pm.

160th Anniversary Painting Exhibition l'ntil 'l'hu (t Jtttt. An exhibition of paintings. drawings attd prints front the mid-1‘)th century to the present day. to celebrate the Scottislt (iallery’s l(ttlth anniyersary itt May. 16/16: 16 Potters for 16 Years l'ntil 'I'hu (t Jttit. The work of lo ceramicists including Philip ligan attd Janice 'I‘chalenko goes on display to celebrate 16 years of the applied arts at the Scottish (iallery.

Wilhemina Barns Graham Mon 10 Jun Wed 3 Jul. In celebration of Willtetttitta Barns (iraham’s ‘)()th birthday. art exhibition of paintings attd prints. NEW SHOW.

Shona Kinloch Mon to Jun Wed 3 Jul. Bron/e sculptures by renowned sculptor Sltotta Kinloch.

Jacqueline Mina Mon to Jun Wed .3 Jul. Jewellery exhibition celebrating the artist‘s (t0th birthday.


5 Barony Street. 478 7440. Tue Sat 10am ()[)111.

Contemporary Scottish Art and Design A gallery attd shop featuring a changing selection of hand- woyen attd embroidered rugs attd textiles frottt the 'l'urkmen. l'xbek. Beluch attd Aimaq tribes of (‘entral Asia.


Reiaclt attd Hall Architects. () 1)arnaway Street. 225 S444. Mon Hi 2 5pm. Lesley Foxcroft t‘ntil liri 7 Jun. l'sing simple. ey'eryday materials. Lesley lioxcroft creates a sculptural installation for the gallery space.


44 High Street. 557 8360. Daily

10am (rpm.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing selection of paitttiitgs by predominantly Italian artists. featuring still life. landscapes attd liguratixe. w itlt all works for sale.

THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY 53 Ratcliffe 'l'errace. (t(t7 1‘)(t(t. Mon ‘)am 5pmz'1‘ue in ‘)am (tpm: Sat 10am 5pm.

In our Element Sat S in 28 Jun. New work by llelett Jackson. Julie Law son attd Laurtta ()gilx'ie. NEV‘.’ SHOW.


23 (’ockburn Street. (122 (i200. 'I‘ue Sat llaitt 611111.

The Year of Cultural Diversity Sat 15 Sat 22 Jun. A showcase of new work by Black attd Asian wonten lix iitg itt lidinburgh. as part of a series of workshops that explored their experiences of lix ittg itt the city through digital photography. photo-tttanipulation. printed textiles. headwork attd embroidery. NE‘I‘.’ SHO‘."/.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'nix'ersity of lidinbttrgh. South Bridge. 6511 221 1. Tue Sat 10am 5pm. Jonathon Brown - Road Movies l'ntil Sat (t Jul. Lyrical paitttittgs by .\'icc- based artist Jottatltatt Brown exploring the landscapes attd roads of his llilliVL‘ Scotland aitd his home 111 l-rance. Jonathon Brown Artist’s Talk Wed 12 Jun. 1pnt..-\ talk by the artist on his current show. RoadMox ies.

Martin Fowler - Wish You Were Here l'ntil Sat (t Jul trottnd roottt t. .-\ series of paintings exploring l’ot‘tttbello by lidinburgh-based artist Martitt l‘ow ler.


34 Hamilton Place. 226 5425. Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Sharing Will Save the World l'ntil Sat 15 Jtttt. A series of pltotoilt‘aPhic panels representing themes of po\ erty. sharing. greed. serx ice attd human rights presented by Share International magazine.


3(t I)uttdas Street. 556 (t3(t(t. Mon Fri llattt (ipm; Sat 10.30am 4pm. Tom Watt Sat S Sat 22 Jun. Recent paintings of l’i‘dllc‘e.


For further information call 52‘) 3930/3682 for a detailed itinerary. Message Sent t‘nnl Sat .s’ Jun. 'l‘he 'Irax‘elling (iallery 's latest tour is a group show of work by artists w ho explore y'ariotts sy stems of cotttntutticatiott. lieatured artists include Hexerley Hood. (‘hristian Marclay. Jenny Hogarth. Judy Spark. Malcolnt Brown attd Wraptheworld. The gallery w ill be stopping off at Wltiteittclt Library. Victoria Park l)rix'e South. (ilasgow t'l‘hu o Jun. l()am 5pmt; ('ardonald (‘ollege. Mosspat'k l)rixe. (ilasgow tl‘t'i 7 Jtttt. ‘)am 4pm): How den Park (’entre. l.l\‘iligs1ttll(Sitliltll. 10am 4pm).


'l‘ray'erse 'l'hcatre. 10 ('ambridge Street. 228 5333.

Inside Out - Autism and Perception l'tttil Sat 8 Jun. Presented by .-\louette. a husband attd wife team

w ho hay e an autistic son. lush/e ()ta features photography attd a series of pictures inspired by the drawings of their son Lloyd. The aittt of the show is to bring about public awareness of ltow autistic children see the world.

HND Photography Exhibition Mott 10 Sat 2‘) Jun. l-‘inal year show for students on the ll.\'l) Photography course at Steyenson ('ollege. NH"!

81 l()‘."\/.


loo Higlt Street. 220 1(144.l't'i

llattt 5.30pm; Sat llattt 5pm. Unframed Hi 14 Jtttt Sat 27 Jul. This new gallery attd studio. set up by pltotograpltic partnership Janeanne (iilchrist attd Reuben Paris. opens w itlt an exhibition of original pltotograplty attd art. (iraduates front Napier l'niy'ersity. the duo joined forced in 190‘) and hay e beett working for the last three years at the creatiye end of the contmercial market. This new yenture w ill offer customers contetttporary works to suit atty ltottte or office. NFV.’ 81 l()‘.'.'.


in South Fort Street. 473 7810. Mon Sat llattt 11.45pm: Sun 12.30 11.45pm. Paul Bock l'ntil Sat 22 Jtttt. Pltotograpltic obseryations by Paul Bock.


tforttterly Malcolm Innes (iallery 1. 4 l)uttdas Street. 558 ‘)544/5. Mon 1’ri 10am (ipm: Sat llattt 4pm.

Masters of the Press l'ntil iii 21 Jun. A w ide range of sporting. military. satirical. topographical attd cartograpltical prittts. plus traditional portrait. landscape attd wildlife paintings.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 97.

THE DRAWING ROOM GALLERY 2S(‘har1otte Square. lidittburgh. 243 0305. Mon Sat 10am 5pm1Sun

itoott 5pm. 1‘ree. .\'ot only the head office for the National Trust for Scotlattd. 2S ('harlotte Square also houses a pertttattettt collection of 20th century Scottish paintings featuring work by Peploe. Hunter attd (‘adell Displayed itt a domestic setting. the works are completttented by a collection of Regency furniture.


42 High Street. 52‘) 4142. Mon Sat

10am 5pm.

Hero Worship Sat 15 Jun Sat 3s Sep. ('ltildrett's heroes front past attd present ittclttdittg l)ax ie ('rockett. Shirley Temple attd Lttke Sky walker are celebrated itt this exhibition. (’ome along to take a trip down memory lane. dress up as your fayottritc idol or add to the Heroes Wall of lame. NUS. SHOW

MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH tfot'merly Hutttly llouset. 142 (‘anongate. 52‘)4l43..\1on Sat 10am 5pm. Jubilee! l'ntil Sat 0 Jul. An exhibition of paintings. photographs attd souxenirs dcpictittg the celebrations of royal \ isits.

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND ('hambers Street. 247 421‘). Mon Sat 10am 5pm: Sun ttoott 5pm: The

10am Spin.

Relief and Revolution: The St Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia l'ntil Stttt 30 Jtttt. This exhibition looks at Scottish immigration to .\'orth :\tltel'ie;l arid the fottttdittg of the St Andrew ‘s Society of Philadelphia. set up itt 1747 to care for the sick immigrant Scots.

NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM \ewhaxen Harbottr. 551 4105. Mon Stttt noon 4.45pm.

They’re Handed Doon t'ntil the 31 Dec. :\n exhibition looking at the history

of the Paisley shawl attd their adoptiott by .\'ew hay en lisltw iyes.


53 lliglt Street. Queettsfcrry. 331 5545. Mon. 'l‘htt. l‘rt is Sat 10am lpitt x

2.15 5pm; Stttt noon 5pm. Free.

Food for Thought .x look at children's diet attd eating habits ox er the past 150 years.