2 (‘hambcrs Strcct. 247 42 I9. .\lon Sat 10am 5pm t'l'uc 8pnil; Sun noon 5pm. lircc.

Millennium Clock A chancc to yicw Riissian mcchanical sctilptor liduard Bcrsudsky's iiiillcnnitim clock. a kinctic sculpturc. nicastiring 9m high.

Scottish Sports Hall of Fame l'ntil ch 31 Jul. An exhibition highlighting ihc I00 noitiinations tor possiblc introduction into thc tirst Scottish Sports Hall of liamc at thc Royal .\ltiscum. l’rom now until Junc iicxt ycar. Visitors will bc inyitcd to nomiiiatc thcir ow ll choiccs which will thcn bc countcd and submittcd to a judging pancl wllo w ill choosc 50 of thc nation's tayotiritc sporting ligurcs for inclusion in thc lirst cycr pcrmancnt hall of tamc. You can also \'otc oiiliiic www.scottishsportshallol‘t’aiticcottk Adorn, Equip l’ntil Sun l4 Jul. A national touring c.\hibitioii c.\amining thc dcsign ol cquipmcnt and acccssorics uscd by disabch pcoplc. \Vith consultation bctw'ccn artists/makcrs. dcsigncrs aitd disablcd pcoplc hayc inspircd thc production of functional obiccts that arc tashionablc. challcngiiig and pi'twocatiyc. Mediating with Spirits, Shamans in Korea t'ntil Iiri 3| Jan. An c.\hibitioit c.\ploring shamanism. an important clcmcnt of thc Altaic culturc that camc to Korca in thc l3th cciitury B('. 'l‘hc show licaturcs dioramas and ritual objccts ttscd by shamans. many of which hayc bccn donatcd to thc National .\lttsctims oi Scotland by thc Korcan got-crnmcnt. Focus on the Forth Sat 8 Jun Sat l4 Scp. An c.\hibition of photographs takcn of thc sca bcd of thc liirth ol l‘orth. 'l‘hc photos show thc tliyct‘sity ol‘ liying samplcs and marinc biology which c.\ists on thc sca tloor.


Blackl‘ord llill. (io8 8405. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3.50 (£2.50i.

World in a Spin lfniit Mon 30 Scp. lixhibition and acti\ itics looking at how thc spinning carth ci'catcs night. day and thc changing scasons.


Lady Stair‘s llotisc. Lady Stair's (low. 529 4901. Mon-Sat l0am 5pm. l-‘rcc. Men and Beasts t‘niit Sat 27 Jul. .-\ collaboration bctwccn poct Valcric (lillics and photographcr Rcbccca .\larr comprising black and whitc photographs and poctry documcnting man's rclalioiiship to bcasts and thc land at thc turn of thc ccntury.


Visual Rcscarch ('cntrc. l)tindcc (‘oiitcmporary Arts. 152 thhcrgatc.

(ll 382 348060. 'l'iic Sun

I l.30am 7.30pm.

Soundscapes and Firefly: Nigel Johnson Sat 8 'I'l'l 28 Jun. Two iicw intcractiyc installations by rcscarchcr. tcachcr and artist .\'igcl Johnson. In Soiuttlst'tI/it's. local cityscapCs aitd Iandscapcs arc tiscd in this sci‘ccn-bascd piccc. l'irr'fly takcs placc in almost total darkiicss apart li'om tiny lights which mimic thc bio-clicmical rcaction of thc Amcrican lirctly. NEW SHOW.


L'niycrsity ol l)tindcc. l3 l’crth Road. 01382 345330.

Inspired t'iitil Sat 22 Jun. An cshibition ol past works by t‘ormcr stall and studciits including McIntosh l’ati'ick. lltigh Adam (‘raw lord and lait Howard.

ODundee Degree Show Sat l5 Sat 22 Jun (Sat l5 4& Sun In Jun.

9.30am 4.30pm: Mon [in 9.30 8.30pm: Sat 22 Jun 9.30am 2pllll. Annual dcgrcc show l'caturing thc work of final ycai‘ stu- dcnts including aniiitatioii and clcctroiiic mcdia. liiic art. illustration. tcstilcs. graph—

ic dcsign. jcwcllcry and mctalwork. timc-

bascd art. architccturc. clcctronic imaging

and intcrior and cnyironmciital dcsign. Scc l‘caturc and llitlist. NEW SHOW.

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS I52 thlici‘gatc. 0] 382 909900. 'l'uc-«ch. Sat & Sun l0.30am 5.30pm: Thu & l’ri 10.30am 8pm.

0 Fiona Banner: Your Plinth is my Lap l'ntil Sun 9 Jun. Bcst known for hcr tcxt works dcriycd from classic lilms. Fiona Baniicr prcscnts a sclcction ot‘ ncw and rcccnt prints. drawings and sculpturcs which continuc hcr ongoing tascination with languagc. 'l'hc cshibition at thc l)('A is hci' most substantial solo show to datc in thc l'ls'. Scc llitlist.

Ann Lislegaard l'ntil Sun 9 Jun. An installation combining sound. light and photographs by Danish artists Ann l.islcgaard which placcs thc \ icwcr at thc ccnti‘c ot’ thc work.

Love & Hate: Poetry Prints l'niit Sat 8 Jun. ('tii'atcd by poct I)oii l’atcrson. and iii rcsponsc to l-‘iona Banncr's currcni c.\hibition. a sclcciion ot‘ poctry prints w ill bc postcd up around thc building.


Albcrt Squarc. 0l382 432084. Mon Sat 10.30am 5pm: Sun 12.30 4pm: 'I‘hu l0.30am 7pm.

Life at Liff: the Mental Health of Dundee l'ntil Sun lo Jun. An c.\hibition marking thc bcginning ol. thc closui'c of thc Duridcc Royal‘l‘ llospital. c.\ploring thc changcs in mciital hcalth pt'oy'isioll o\cl' thc last 200 ycai's.


\Vcst llciidcrson \Vy'iid. 01382 225282. Mon Sat l0am 4pm: Sun llam 4pm. Unknown Treasures: an Introduction to the University of Dundee Museum Collections [hill 14 Jul. An c.\hibition ol stunning artworks show it alongsidc c.\amplcs from thc uniycrsity's collcctions ol' scicncc. natural history. mcdicinc and cthnography.

VISUAL RESEARCH CENTRE l)undcc (’ontcmpoi‘ary Arts. 152 Xcthci'gatc. 0l382 348060. \Vcd l-‘ri 10.30am 5.30pm; Sat ck Sttn

l2.30 5.30pm.

Bank l'ntil Sat 8 Jun t(‘ciitrc for Artist Book‘s). l’rintcd works including back isstics of Thy Bunk. prcss i'clcascs. pi'iyatc \‘icw cards and llicrs by artists' group


Outside the Cities



'l'hc Robcrt (iordoii l'niycrsity. (iai'thdcc Road. 01224 203000. Sat ck Sun

|0am 4pm: 'l'ucA 'l'hii l0am 9pm: l-‘ri Sat l0am 4pm.

0 Degree Show l'niil Sat 8 Jun. Showcasc of thc work of final ycar dcgi‘cc studcnts.


HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY School olul'cxtilcs and l)csigtl. Scottish llordci‘s ('ampus. thc lligh .\li||. thhcrdalc. 0l89o 8925 lo. \Vcd I’ri l0am 7pm: Sat 10am 4pm.

School of Textiles and Design 2002 Exhibition \Vcd l9 l'i‘i 2| Jtm. l’inal ycai‘ shows by sttidcnts li'om tcxtilc dcsign. clothing and dcsign manul'acturc and tcxtilc and lasltitiii dcsigtl managcmcnt at llcriot Watt l'iiiycrsity. NEW SHOW.



35 Tim Stirling Arcadc. 0 l 78o 47930 I. 'l'uc Sat l lam 5pm.

News from Nowhere Sat 8 Jun Sat 27 Jul. Sculptural l'orms and paintcd stills 01' classic sci-ti lilms by Dundcc—bascd Robcrt ()rchardson in a csploratioii ol' how w c cm isagc thc l‘iittirc and i'cspoiid to our changing rclationships to tcchiiology. iiatui'c and laith. NEW St 10W.


We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

F.O.R.K. Gala Sat l5 Jun. llam. l-‘rcc. llall'pcnny Bridgc llousc. oppositc Botanic (‘rcscan 341 0844. A family day out with canoc ridcs on thc riycr rapids. stalls. liyc music. puppct aitd magic shows.

Art Workshop Sat l5 Jun.

noon l.30pm ck 2.30 4pm. lircc. Btit'rcll (‘ollcctioiL 20(30 l’olloksltaws Road. 287 2550. Adyancc booking rcquircd. Agcs

5 8 & 9- 12. Impact Arts host a litm- packcd workshop whcrc yoti can dcsign a coat of arms. makc a staincd glass pancl. or crcatc a mythical monstcr. Dowanhill Park Fun Day Sat 15 Jun. noon 4pm. l-‘rcc. Dowanhill Park. llayclock Strcct. 34l 0844. lixpcricncc parklilc to thc lull with childrcn's gamcs. baskctball. l‘acc-painting. balloon sculpting and bouncy castlcs. Walkabout Knight Sun to Jun.

1 lam 4pm. l-‘rcc. Burrcll (‘ollcctioiL 20o0 l’ollokshaws Road. 287 2550. A mcdicyal knight rccotiiits days goiic by as hc minglcs with thc \‘lsilol's to thc Knights and ('astlcs c.\hibitiotl.

Colour Explosion Art Workshop Sun to Jim. 2pm. £4. lltintcrian Art (iallcry. l'niycrsity ol' (llasgow. 82 llillhcad Strcct. 330 5431. Adyancc booking rcquircd. lixpcrimciit with colour at this crcatiyc scssion for kids agcd l2.

Drama Workshop Sun to Jun. 2pm. £4. lluiitcrian Art (iallcry. t'niycrsity ol' (ilasgow. 82 llillhcad Strcct. 330 543 l. Adyancc booking rctitiircd. A l’un thcatrical scssion l‘or childrcii agcd 3 (i. Sea Shanties and Tall Tales Sun lo Jun. 2 4pm. £4.50 1 £2.50 £3.25). 'l‘hc Tall Ship At (ilasgow Harbour. I00 Stobcross Road. 222 25 l 3. l.istcii to talcs from thc dccp. dancc thc hornpipc and sing sca shantics at this intcractiyc workshop.


Human Body (Pm; Everest (t‘ l'. Dolphins it'i; Into The Deep it' )2 Blue Planet ([7 1. times vary. chcck liilm Iistiiigs for showing timcs. £5 (£3.50). [MAX Thcatrc. (ilasgow Scicncc (‘cntrc. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000.


lrn-Bru Live 8. Loud Sun to Jun. noon. £l8. Bcllahouston Park. llcllahottston Drive. 0870 lo9 0l00. Pop c.\trayagan/a licattiring thc likcs ot’ Bluc. \Vcstlil'c. al. l.ibcrty Lulu. Sophic lillis-chtor. Sugababcs and many morc. Ronan Keating Thu 20» l’t‘i 21 Jun. 7.30pm. £22.50. Sli(‘(‘. l'lltlllc‘stoll Quay. 0870 040 4000. Morc pop hits from thc tormcr Boy/onc l'rontman with his l)cstination 2002 tour.


Aiken Drum Sat l5 Jun. l0.l5am. L‘l (50p). l’ai‘tick l.ibrary. Dumbarton Road. 339 I303. Suitable for younger primary school childrcii. Bcst-sclling author 'l‘ony Bonning hosts a tun-lillcd. intcractiyc scssion iiwolying music. rhymcs and storics.

Stories - Where Do they Come From? Sat 15 Jun. ll.l5am. £l (50p). Partick l.ibi'ary. Dumbarton Road. 339 1303. chowticd noyclist lilizabcth Laird. who pcnncd Rul Sky in HIV .lloming and illicit I/lt’ ll'or/tl Begun. Icads an imaginatiyc storytclliiig workshop for oldcr primary schoolchildrcn and adults.


Stand-up Storytelling from James Campbell Hi 14 Jun. 7pm. £2.50 t£l ). llyndland Primary School. l-‘ortrosc Strch 334 5522. Adyancc booking i'cquircd. Britain‘s only stand-up comcdian t'or childrcii pcrl'orms storics. songs and pocms in this outdoor storytclling scssion.

Open Storytime Mon 17 Jun.

1 l.30am-- noon. l-‘rcc. l’arlick l.ibrat‘)‘. Dumbartoii Road. 339 I303. Wcit'd and wondcrl‘ul storics l'or kiddics agcd 3 5. Open Storytime Thu 30 Jun.

4 4.30pm. lircc. llillhcad l.ibrary. Byrcs Road. 339 7223. l‘antastical storics t'or childrcn agcd 5 8.

RSNO KIDS PROM - WILD AND WICKED Sat 8 Jun. 3pm. ‘28 (‘24). Usher Hall. Lothian Road. Edinburgh. 0131 228 1 155: Sat 22 Jun. 1 1am. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. 0141 353 8000. JUN] presenter Paul Rissman and the RSNO for an almighty musical hoe-down chock full of cowboys. iiiagioans. puppets and dinosaurs. Dance the crazy dance steps. follow the wild stories and listen to some Wicked music including John Williams theme from Jurassa: Park. Mozart's Marriage of Figaro and Malcolm Arnold's Scott/sh Dance No 4.

o 90 Jiiii 9001’ THE LIST 91