Glasgow life


Midsummer Carnival and Street Party, Sun 23 Jun

The West End Festival gives Glasgow and especially West Enders a reason to party. In the 'roots' themed Midsommer Carnival and Street Party. costumes are paraded and bands Such as Samba ya Bamba and MaCumba play in a colourful proceSSion from the Botanic Gardens. down Byres Road. into Dumbarton Road. behind Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and into Kelvingrove Park. It may not be Rio but when the sun is shining it is the closest you'll get. Alongside the parade there are other events happening in Byres Road which make up the street party. The easy gomg part of the party includes a farmers' market and fairground rides. but it is the afternoon when things start to heat up. This year there vnll be three stages showcasing a range of musical styles from c0untry and salsa to folk and

blues. Some of the bands playing on the stages compered by comedians Frankie Boyle. Raymond Mearns and Sandy Nelson are Joz Tenuto. Big Vem 'n' the Shootas. Trent and Alan Reid and Rob Van Sante. Organisers DfOll‘lSO it'll be the biggest street party of the Summer' Willi 'fabulous costumes. aina7ing music. fantastic food

and a spinning tun tair'.

it you are still up for some carnival action. the party continues at the Tall Ship with more fireworks. mLiSiC and dancmg With samba. African and Trinidadian rhythn‘s from

the Black Star Steel Bandiclane Hainiltoni

John Smith ('(’.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 7pm. £4 t£3.50l. t(‘('.-\ 4i. Leading British filmmaker John Smith talks about his work from the 7th to the present including screenings of The (iirl ('lieii'ine (ium ( l97ot, The Black Ii)ll’('l'

( 1987 l'. (iril'eiiitlmm t l993l and Worst ('usc St‘r'tturir) t\\ork‘ in progressl. His tilms u ill also be screened on l4 & l5 Jun. 7pm.

Other events

Floramondi - The 7th World Flower Show Sli('('. binnieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 10am 9pm. £7 £l0 (cones available l. The World Association of

Ho“ er .»\rrangers present this summer spectacular of floral art and gardening. in addition to trade stands. exhibits and talks. there is ill he floral demonstrations. a gala banquet. golf da)‘. tours and a fashion \llou.


Golden Jubilee Quay Festival ('ustoin llottse Qua}; (ireenock. ()I475 715 555. 4.30 i lpm. l-‘ree. 'l’ltree da} s of esents to mark the (iolden Jubilee set around a stage playing the music with a 50s big band sound. plus children's entertainment. ships and boats at the qua) side. 50s streetscape stalls. street theatre. a cafe-bar area. and tireuorks tSat eseningl.

Other events

Floramondi - The 7th World Flower Show Sli(‘(‘. I-innieston Qua}. 08700404000. 10am 9pm. £7 £l0tconcs asailablel. See 'l'hu i3.

Special Sale of Pictures (ii-eat Western Auctions Ltd. 39 37 ()tago Street. 339 3390. 10am 6pm. .-\ \ iets ing and sale ofm er 350 paintings including John Bellan}. Mar} (iallagher. Andre“ (irant. l’eter llonson. Alberto .\lot‘t‘oeco, Adrian \‘l'is/nieu ski and man} others.

Cafes Philosophiques Alliance l’rancaise de (ilasgost. 7 Bins mont (iardens. 339 432“. 4 0pm. £5 (£3). A lirench discussion group on philosophical questions. A minimum l‘reiich lcsel tlligliei‘ lirenchl is recommended.

Book events A Spectacle on the Stage

(iiltnorehillG l 3. 9 l'nisei'sit} .-\\eniie. 330

94 THE LIST 0 .90 Jun 70’)?

5533. l3.30pm. U) l £4 l. Alasdair (ira). ('onor ()‘Riordan and Man Riach join director .\luireann Kell} in drainatised

scenes and readings from Jo} ce’s 'l 'l} sses‘.

I’m-I iii/lie lli’sl lz‘iiil l't’\lfl'(l/.

Golden Opinions (itllttot'eltlll(il3. 9 l'niiersit} :\\enuc. 330 5533. 3.45pm. Free. Members of the public are united to quiz a panel of experts on the uot'k of James Jo} cc. l’urt u/‘ilii' lli'xl Iz'Iii/ l't'A/fl'tll.


Open Weekend Aspire Health (‘lub. 3 Rutln en [.ane. llillhead. 339 4747.

9am 7pm. l"ree. l-"ree g) in trials and fitness consultations.


Freeflow: Closing Event and Artist Discussion (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 3534900. 3 4.30pm. l‘ree. l(‘(’:\ (it. Artists co-ordinating the lireellou projects gi\e a talk.

Other events

Floramondi - The 7th World Flower Show Sli('('. l‘innieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 10am 9pm. £7 £ l0 tconcs asailablel. See Thu 13.

Special Sale of Pictures Great Western Auctions Ltd. 39 37 ()tago Street. 339 3390. .\'oon. See l‘ri l4.

The Dance House The Annexe. 9a Steuarh illc Street. l’ai'tick. 334 07lo. .v\ fortnight of dance classes designed for all ages featuring exei‘}thing from flamenco and funk to _\oga and c\crcise. I’uri oft/1e lli'sl lim/ I‘t’.\lft'(l/.

Books at the Botanics (llasgtm Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. l0am 5pm. Free. Pick up a

literar} bargain at this hook market. I’url (if

l/lr' lli'sl I'fllt/ l‘i'.\lft'(l/.

Paintings on Railings (llasgim Botanic (iardens Railings. Queen Margaret Misc. 357 3739. l0aiii (ipin. liree. ()pen art fair. I’ur! of I/It’ lli’sl lini/ l'i'sli'i'ril. Scottish Miniatura International Dolls House Show Sl-L(‘(‘. l'tnttteston Qua}. 08700404000. 10.30am 4.30pm. £3.50 £0.50 t £ l .50 £3). An exhibition of international dolls houses and miniatures featuring the smallest hook in the world ‘Qld King (‘ole'. plus the British premiere of the liuropean Miniature Book Societ_\ lishibition.

Open Weekend (ilasgou Botanic (iai‘dens. 730 (ircat Western Road. 334

3433. l lam 4pm. Free. fake a look behind the scenes of the gardens and Visit the llllll} fern house. I’m! rift/iv lli'sl lim/ l-t'sti'i'ul. Lord Provost’s Procession George Square. 33l 3668. .\'oon. Free. A da} of celebration as the colourful procession heads from Bl}tlis\\orid Square to (ieorge Square for an afternoon of entertainment. See photo caption.

Lansdowne Crescent Garden Festival Lansdim ne (‘i-esceni. Kelvinhridge. l (rpm. £l t50pl. .-\ mini- garden festisal featuring exotic .\Iidd|e liast food. plus book and to} stalls. l’urt nil/iv lli'sl [furl I't'slit'tll.

Strathaven Balloon Festival John llastie l’ublic l’ark. Strathaven. 3pm. l-"ree. if you are an earl) bird _\ou \\ ill be able to catch the balloons being blots it up at (tillll or at 5pm and Spill. For those who like a longer lie the) can catch all the excitement \\ ith the arena esents in the afternoon

\\ here there \s ill be the (‘lsde Valle}

llais ks. Stratha\ en Pipe Band. l)al/iel Dog Agilit} ('lub. .-\\onside (i}iiiii;istic's and lots more fun. for more info check out

\\ \\ \\ .stratltas eiiballoontestn alcom


Open Weekend Aspire Health ('lub. 3 Ruths en l.ane. llillltead. 339 4747.

9am 7pm. Free. See Sat 15.

Glasgow Cyclefest Kels'ingrme Park. ()tago Street. 337 9374. l lam 5pm. Free. .-\ da} of c) cling acti\ ities for all the family. Bring along )tttll‘ bike and join in the processions. races. rides and competitions. l’iirl rift/1e lli'sl lilti/ l‘i'sli't‘tll. See pl'e\‘le\\.

Other events

Floramondi - The 7th World Flower Show Sli('('. l'inniestoii Qua}. 0870 0404000. 10am 5pm. £7 £10 tconcs a\ailab|el. See Thu 13.

Books at the Botanics (ilasgim Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. 10am 5pm. l‘rce. See Sat l5. I’url oft/1e lli'sl Ifm/ l'k'slii'ul.

Paintings on Railings (ilasgim Botanic (iardens Railings. Queen Margaret Misc. 357 3739. Want ()plll. l-‘ree. See Sat l5. I’urt oft/iv lli’sl liml l‘t’xllltll. Scottish Miniatura International Dolls House Show Sli('(‘. l-‘innieston Qua}. 08700404000. l0.30aiii 4.30pm. £3.50 £(i.50l£l.50 £3l. See Sat 15. Open Weekend (ilasgou Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 3433. llain 4pm. Free. See Sat l5. I’ur! (it f/lt’ lies! 15ml I't'slii'ul.

Strathaven Balloon Festival John llastie l’ublic Park. Strathzn en. 3pm. Free. See Sat l5.

The Look g3. 474 Sauchiehall Street. 353 3| l 1. 7pm. £ l 3.50. l’op fashion bible "the Look' goes the \\ ith this multimedia celebration of pop and rock fashion ox er the )ears. l’aul (iortnan \s ill be gi\ ing an inspirational reading. music \\ ill come from l)J Bruce Marcus and a the performance from rock legends (ilen .\lat|ock and Kes in R0“ land.

A Walk Through Old Partick Various Venues. West find. 339 0488.

7 9pm. £6.50. :\d\ance booking required. Bill Spalding leads a guided \salk through ()ld l’artick. lttktltg in the Bishops (‘ttslle and the earliest know it settlements. I’d/'1 of the lli’.\l Ifm/ I't'.\lft'(1/.

Book events

Thomas Brussig (ioelhe lnsniiii. 3 l’ark (‘ircus. 333 3555. 7pm. l-i‘ee. Briissig reads in (iermaii from some nets \sorks and his best-selling .rim Kurt'i’n'n [flit/c i/i'r .Srlllllt'IIH/lt’.

Talks Old Glasgow Through the Lens

llillltcad l.ibi'at'_\. B}res Road. 339 7333. 7 10pm. l‘ree. Douglas :\nnan of the :\nnan (ialler). gises an illustrated talk cmering main aspects of the cit} from the old closes of the |9t|i centtir} to the trains

in :\i‘g_\ Ie Street in the I930s. I’iiri (if/lie lli'sl lim/ I'i'.\lit‘(l/.

Other events

Monday Rhymes Brel. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 343 4960. Split. Free. ('otnic \sordsmith \'i\ (ice returns \\ ith her bi/arre poetr) cabaret. I’urt oft/Iv lli’sl [171d l'i'slii'ul.

Tuesday 18 Talks Art Beyond the Gallery (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 3.53 4900.

6.30 8.30pm. £30i£l5t. l.uc_\' B}att leads this session \\ hich looks at art practices outside the gallery such as commissioning and funding. Work in Progress llillhead Librar). Byres Road. 339 7333. 7 9pm. Free. Nan/ie .\Icl.eod. author of'fales of the Arlington. will be reading from her current \Vork‘s. l’tlr! (till/tr lli'sl [furl I'k'.\lit‘(l/.

Other events

Stella Screen Cinebar Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 553 593—1. 9pm. liree. See Tue 1 l.'l'ottigltt's screening is .l/(' it'll/mu! You.

Avril Paton Various Venues. \Vest find. 339 0488. 7 9pm. £6.50. .-\d\ance booking required. The local painter leads an esening \salk around the buildings and locations she has replicated on canvas. I’urt oft/iv lli’s‘l liiir/ l'k'slii‘ul.

Wednesday 1 9

Book events

Cafe Litteraires Alliance l-‘rancaise de (ilasgou. 7 Bossmont (iardens. 339 4381. (ipin. tree. The informal book discussion group discuss (birth/wire pour ('HII/h/Flll't' b} l’aule (‘onstant


Poetry Reading l’artick Librar). l)umbarton Road. 339 I303. 3 4pm. Free. Author of Tales of the .-\rlin:_'ton. .\'an/ie .\lcl.eod. \\ ill be reading her poetr} and talking about her is riting \sork. I’iirl (if/lie lli’sl 15ml I't's’tii'ul.

Other events

Lesley Benzie Sui-visors‘ l’oetr} Scotland. 4 (‘4 'l’empleton Bttsiness (‘entre. (i3 'l'empleton Street. 556 4554. I030am l3.30pm. l’i'ee. Sursisoi's‘ l’oetr} in\ite|e_\ Ben/ie to discuss \‘lsttitl iiiiager}.

Performance Poetry Workshops (‘('.v\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 3.53 4900. l lam opin. l’i‘ee. .'\ges l(i+. .»\ series of three tttonlltl} \\ot'ksltops led b_\' (ilasgoss -based performer Donna ('atnpbell.

Five Women - the Word on the Street ('(':\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 8pm. £4 t£3i. t(‘('.'\ (i). The first of a bi-inonthl) esent features \\ot'ksltop participants and presents them alongside four of Scotland's best female poets: lilspeth Murray Annie Wallace. l)onna (’ampbell and .-\nita (iosan.


Open University at Waterstones Waterstone's. l53 l57 Sauchiehall Street. 333 tH05. 5 Spin. l-‘ree. See Thu 0. How to Be from Somewhere Else llillhead Librar}. B}i'c's Road. 339 7333. l.05pm. l-‘ree. li\ei' fancied being someone else for the da} '.’ Local linguist and phonetician l)erek Rogers gises )our accent a re\ainp. l’url oft/iv lli'\l l-Im/ l'i'tlii'ul.

Other events

The Park Circus Area \‘arions Venues. \Vest liiid. 339 0488. 7 9pm. £(i.50. .v\d\ance booking required. l.earn more about this famed e\aiiiple of Victorian to\\ it planning on a guided \salk \s ith architect and historian l-‘iona Sinclair. l’url or NH" llt’U [17H] l’i'xlii'iil.