Glasgow life

Tuesday 25


Weighing Gold in West Africa llunterian .\lu\eum. l'niversitv Avenue. 330 422]. Ipm. Free. Aileen .\'isbet lttlks about vveighing gold in this ten-minute talk.

Glasgow Graveyards lltllellesollx' Hall. 158 lngrarn Street. 552 85‘)l. l.l5pm. £3. Lunchtime talks b} (lair) Nisbet as part ()lA(I./(1.\~Q()ll' (in of .S‘err/prrrre.

A Tenement Childhood l’arliek l.ibrar_\. Dumbarton Road. 33‘) 1303. 2.30 3.30pm. l‘ree. Author. lidith Little. reads and discusses her poetrv. I’urr oft/re lli'v! Ifm/ festival.

The Art Market (‘(‘:\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. 352 4‘)()().

6.30 8.30pm. £30 (£l5i. l('(‘A 4). Tob_v Webster dixeuxsex the intrieate and L‘UlllpllL'tllL'tl lllL‘Cllillll\lllS til. the eonletllpol'ar} art market. ineluding the role ol' artists. galleries and exhibitions.

Other events

Javanese Shadow Puppet Workshop Seotlish Mask & Puppet 'l'heatre (‘entre. 8 l0 Balearres Avenue. Kelv indale. 33‘) (iliSS. See Mon :4. Along the River Kelvin \‘arioiu Venues. \Vexl lind. 33‘) 0488. 7 ‘)pm. £6.50. Advance booking required. lllxltll'ltlll (iordon l'rquhart highlightx lil’ltlng. buildings and features of" interest along the ri\ er. l’iu'l at the Hex! lini/ feslrviil.

Stella Screen Cinebar lilitL‘klt'lttl'x. 36 Bell Street. 552 5‘)24. ‘)pm. Free. Stella bring einema to the pub. \ereening elaxxie lllllh in a relaxed and familiar enviromnent. Tonight'x lilm ls Requiem for (I Dream.

Wednesday 26


Ten Minute Lunchtime Talks llunterian Art (ialler‘). l'niversit) ol’ (ilaxgovv. 82 llillhead Street. 330 543]. lpm. l-"ree. Ten minute lttlks on the Scottish (‘olourixts exhibition. Irrlrmure l'i‘renilx.

Partick Observed llillhead library. li}l'e\ Road. 33‘) 7223. 2 4pm. l-‘ree. An illustrated talk on old l’artiek b) Bill Spalding. l’irrl rift/1e ll'esr I'fni/ I-eslr'vrrl.

Other events

Javanese Shadow Puppet Workshop Scottish .\lll\l\ iv Puppet 'l‘heatre ('entre. 8 l0 lialearrex Avenue. KL‘l\ llltltllL‘. 33‘) (il85. See Mon 24. Science Fiction/Fantasy Discussion Group Borders Books. 283 Buehanan Street. 222 7700. 6pm. Join in a group (llSL‘llelllll on \eienee lietion and lantas}.

Greek School Dinner Dance (ilynhill llotel. Renlrevv. 07753 800484. 7pm lam. £l2 l£6r (Set into the (ireek groove and enjo} the (ilasgovv llellenie l)aneerx. (ireek muxie. i'ood and daneing. I’ur! (if [he (ireel. lli'ek festival.

Greek Week

Toe-tapping fun

A week in Greece? .\'o \illv. It's a \veek ol‘ (ireek events in the not quite as sunnv


What’s happening? 'l'here‘x eventhing from (ireek lllllSlL‘. daneing. films and a seminar as vv ell as a ehanee for _vou to tr_v otit the (ireek lingo _vou learnt on holida}

litxl )L‘ttl‘.

Like what? There vv ill be a market lair. a night of musie and danee at bar Havana. the films Ste/Iii. Iiiernrrv uriil u Dav and I'lvssev ' (hue and a eoneert b_v Nikos Xiogalas

and Anastasia .\lout.\at\ou.

Anything else? There eertainlv l\. You ean get a lull lilttsl ol'(ireek eulture at the (ireek Sehool Dinner Dance or find otit more in the seminar about (ireek ()rthodox). I Greek Week. various venues. 07753 800484. Sat 22~Sun 30 Jun.

Book events

Alisdair Gray lltll'tlt‘l'x Books. 283 Buehanan Street. 222 7700. 7pm. l‘ree. A celebration til. ( il'tt} ’\ [)l‘ttllllv‘ career [0 date.


How to Be from Somewhere Else llillhead Library. livres Road. 33‘) 7223. l.05pm. Free. See Thu 20. I’urr of Ilie ll'esl lint/festival.

Virtual Memories l’artiek l.ibrar_\. l)umbarton Road. 33‘) I303.

6.30 8.30pm. l’ree. llamixh \\'li)te and Jim .\le(}onigal read their poell'} and dixeuxx their vvork. l’iirl oft/re um Iz'rii/


Psychical Research l’at‘tiek Burgh Hall. ‘) l’artiek Burgh llall Street. 33‘) 8386. 7.30pm. £3 ll'it‘ee). Three (ilasgovv ttletlitlmx discuss (Ii/ll' (i/usgou' lit/rerr'eni'e.

Other events

Javanese Shadow Puppet Workshop Seollish .\ltl\l\ & Puppet 'l'heatre (‘L‘tlll‘Lfi i' ll) Balearrex .'\\ L‘llllL‘.

Kelvindale. 33‘) 6l85. See Mon 24. Glasgow Jazz Expo 2002 (‘ottier Theatre. ‘)3 ‘)5 llvndland Street. 357 3868. 7pm. £3. Sheridan Nieol’s Ja/l Art l'K’s tour-da) intensive eourse in ja/l danee.

The Architecture of the West End Var'iotix Venues. \Vest lind. 33‘) 0488. 7 ‘)pm. £6.50. Advanee booking required. The lll\lt)l'lCttl stvles of the West lind are outlined on a guided \valk led b_\ arehiteet and lllslol'lttll David Martin. I’irrl rift/re ll'exl I'frii/‘fevlrvul.

Friday 28

Other events

Javanese Shadow Puppet Workshop Scottish .\la\k iv Puppet ’l’heatre ('entre. 8 l0 Balearrex Avenue. Kelvindale. 33‘) 6185. See Mon 24. Glasgow Jazz Expo 2002 (‘ouier Theatre. ‘)3 ‘)5 llvndland Street. 357 3868. 7pm. £3. See Thu 27.

Saturday 29

Other events

Glasgow Jazz Expo 2002 (‘ottier Theatre. ‘)3 ‘)5 ll}ndland Street. 357 3868. 7pm. £3. See Thu 27.

Body 8. Soul Psychic and Healing Fair Ro_val (’oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. Health and healing therapiex on ol'l‘er inelude massage. reiki. er} \lltls. tarot. musie and


Understanding Greek Orthodoxy St Luke’s (ireek Orthodox ('athedral. l)ovvanhill. 07753 800484. 2pm. l‘ree. A seminar and tll\L‘tl.\\l0n led b} Raphael l’avout'is. I’url oft/1e (ir‘eek lll’l’k [ext/ml.

Other events

Glasgow Jazz Expo 2002 (‘ouier Theatre. ‘)3 ‘)5 ll) ndland Street. 357 3868. 7pm. £3. See Thu 27.

Body & Soul Psychic and Healing Fair Roval (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. See Sat 2‘).


Drawing Classes l’ollok llotise. l’ollok ('ountrv Park. 2060 l’ollokslttt\\\ Road. 616 6410. l lam lprn. £8 per session. Ages over lb. (iregor Johnstone. a graduate of (ilasgovv Sehool ol Art. leads a series of vvorkxhopx on improving dravving teehniques.

Other events

Scottish Graduate Recruitment Fair Sli(‘('. l’inniexton Quay. 0870 040 4000. A ehanee for graduates to meet prospeetiv e eniplo) erx.

Spanish Language Cafe Borders Books. 283 Buehanan Street. 222 7700. 7pm. l‘ree. ('ome and praetiee your Spanish with .\loniea Bedregal.

Other events

Scottish Graduate Recruitment Fair Sli('('. l‘innieston Qua}. 0870040 4000. See .\lon l.

Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Writing Group Borders Books. 283 Buehanan Street. 222 7700. 8pm. ltree. Learn more about \vriting lor these different genres.

Stella Screen Cinebar Blaekl‘riars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. ‘)pm. liree. See Tue 25. Tonight\ film is .llirile.

Wednesday 3


Spanish Treasures of Pollok House l’ollok llouxe. l’ollok (‘ountr} Park. 2060 l’ollokshavv \ Road. 616 64H). 2.30pm. £5 (£3.75). A themed tour of" llllx lidvvardian eountr) house.

Thursday 4


Poetry Workshop l’ollok llouse. l’ollok ('ountr} Park. 2060 l’ollokslltm \ Road. (ilb 6410. l lam lpm. £40 l'ot' L‘lglll \\'L‘L‘k\. Ages over lb. .'\tl L‘lg'lll \veek eourxe led b} l.orna (iill'edder in improving \vriling and ereativitv.

People’s Palace & Winter Garden Glasgow Green. :35»: 1,2291. Mon Thu 8 Sat ‘(ia'i‘ :'>pri‘; lit" 8. Sun llarv~f>r1rifi Free. Glasgorfls best ii)‘.‘€l'(l ‘nsl tution has recenti, undergone a ri‘ajt;r facelft to celebrate its ce'iter‘iai'y l,ea". I Scotland Street School Museum Museum. Of l’dacatio'x 225; Scotland Street. 787 0:300. Mon Thu 8. Sat lilétf"~f)l)ftt; l n 5’. S...". tlan‘ f;pr'.‘. l we. l)(:Sl(§"(:(l in ‘3)0-1 l), (Ihar‘es Her‘nie li/lélfikll‘lfnll“ and nos:

lion“,- to (tf(;l‘l‘.".: Water at

98 THE LIST .;..': 3.911,:

on education in Scotland fron‘ 187'2oriu'1ards. liteconslructerl classrooms give a flavour of Victorian. l:(l‘.'.’£ll’(l|£lll. World \"Jar' II and 1960:; school days.

Pollok House

Pollok Country Park. 9001)

of Transport


Pollokshan'xs Road. (310 (3:110. Mon Sun

10an‘ Spri‘. 3‘5) iEYM'fi: family ticket $13.50. One of the nest elegant 18th century buildings in the country. this historic house features some of the finest Spanish

paintings in Britain from the collection of Sir \"Jillian‘ Stirling Max‘sxell. Scottish Football Museum

llampden Park. I etherb,‘

Drive. (310 (3100.

Mon Sat 10am Spm; Sun 11am-5pm. S‘f) 45‘2.i>()i. lhe home of Scottish football now houses the history of the beautiful game in Scotland. ()r‘. display is

the oldest national trophy

in the world, the Scottish Cup and much more. Sharmanka Kinetic Gallery 7nd l |oor_ :55)? [080. lue 1pm, Thu [pm Sun (3pm (mats

1.: King Street.

Sun Sprnl. 5‘3 4‘2: Litl(l()l llis freei. An ll()ll.'>l()".{] mechanical ballet performed by l-duar'd Bersudskys kinetic sculptures made from scrap metal and tiny wooden figures. The perforii‘iance tells stories of human life. follies ar‘d death. Workshops for groups and private performances available by arrangement.

St Mungo Museum of Religious Life And Art

Q Castle Street. 5513.3 955/. Mon lhu 8. Sat 10am fipm; l‘i‘i 8 Sun llarn fipm. l ree. Ar‘ award ‘.'."'lll‘.!f‘.t} museum

of world fa'ths. featuring a 7en garden. priceless art works ‘rom the world s six major religions, l)a|.'s (I’v'sf 0‘ Saint Jo/rrr 0" We Grass and the storv a" r'e‘igion in Scotland t“" words and r: (times. The Tall Ship At Glasgow Harbour l()() Stobcr'oss Road. .335) {)(33 ‘. Dilll‘,

ltlan‘ omit. $31.50 iS‘.S.I/‘f> accompanied <:h:ld"eri freei. l ind out about Glasgow 's riiaritime heritage on board the St.“ (i/en/ee. the onlv (Zlvde built sailing sl"_t) sti'! atioat in

the UK.