happened: yy ax it an attack on modern art or a publicity .xtunt by the artixt himxelf'.’ Iiilmhouxe. Iidinburgh.

Metropolis (Manga) ( (Si 000

(()xama Te/uka. Japan. 200]) l(l7min. .\'ot the I-‘rit/ Lang xilent xci-fi claxxic. btit Japanexe animation. \yhich docx. in fact. take itx inxpiration from I.ang’x film about a dy xtopian future. \y ith a touch of IIei‘ge'x 'li'nli'ii the .\langa animation ix .xuperb. but the makerx xeem more intercxted in paying homage to numeroux other xci-fi claxxic frotii film/e Runner to Dr Strange/(ire thaii yy ith telling their xtory. (if-T. (iIaxgoyy.

Monsoon Wedding ( (Si 0.00 (Mira Nair. India/UK. ZINII i Naweruddin Shah. l.illeie I)ubey. \'i_iay Raaz. 1 13min. ()n the eye of the longed-for. cooling rnonxoon .xeaxon. the far-flung memberx of an upper-middle claxx Indian family gather in Delhi for a typical Punjabi \yedding. But ax the big day dayy fix. the \yedding contractor'x promixex become more ey'axiye. while the bride'x hard-prexxed father yyorriex Iioyy he ix going to pay for ey'erything. .\'air'.x xprayy ling. carniyalquue drama combinex the colour and y ibrancy of Bollyyyood yy ith an earthy realixm. And it hilc xhe can be xharply xatiric. Nair treatx her characterx. high and ony‘. \y itliout condexcenxion. ('ameo. lidinburgh. Monster’s Ball ( (Si 000 (Marc I'Til'xle‘l'. US. 2002) Ilalle Berry. Billy Bob Thornton. Sean ('ombx. I l Iiiiiii. Walloyy in the deep Sotith mire \y ith thix painful tale of death. bigotry and ayy kyyard redemption. Thix ix xo bleak it makex Strindberg'x .Ilin .lll/ft’ look like a lake ftill of laughing monkcyx. (ireat performancex though. (ieneral releaxe. Monsters, Inc. (ti 000. (Pete I)octet'. IS. 300] I John (ioodman. Billy ('ry xtal. Steye Buxcemi. Ulinin. The latext (‘(il animation from 'Im Story makerx I’iyar ix xet largely in .\lonxtropolix. a city inhabited by the foulext of bcaxtx. The monxterx poyy er their city by xcnding 'xcarerx‘ through dooix \y hich teleport them into children'x roomx. Once there. they pull iacex at the kidx. producing xhriekx of terror. \y hich are bottled back in .\lonxtropolix and tixcd ax a xource of energy. It‘x a neat idea. btit W hat really liftx the film ix (he xenxe of fun that peryadex the \y hole moy ie. .Uulnlt'ry. Ini- runx ax xmoothly ax a fairground xlide. that no one ix too big to enjoy. Selected i'cleaxe. Moulin Rouge ( (Jr .0000 (Ba/ l.uhrmann. I'S. liltil i Iiyy an .\Ic(iregot‘. .\'ico|e lx'idman. Jim Broadbent. litSmin. l,uhrmann'x foIony -up to Rumm A'- JIl/It'f ix a yy ildIy unrextrained. gloriouxly camp. leyyd ax hell muxical one xtory that re-inyentx the form. from the (ioldcn Age lIolly \yood xoiig and dance xpectacularx tip. I.uhrmann hax tranxformed the eponymoux l‘)th century I’arixian dancchall-cum-brothel into the ray c capital of Iiurope. yyeay ing 20th century pop muxic liitx into the yery dialogue of the film xo that it becomex almoxt opera. :‘xnd spiralling around a fairy tale romance betyyeen .\lc(iiegor‘x idealixtic poet and lx'idman‘x dance girl ix a barrage of riotoux imagery and dexign. There'x no middle-ground yy ith I,uhrmann'x film; if you abandon yoarxelf to it it'll Ieay e yoti intoxicated yyith pleaxure.

(iroxy enor. (ilaxgoyy.





sums FRIDAY 21 JUNE "m"

The Musketeerif’m 00 (Peter IIyamx . IS. 2002) Jtixtiii (’hamberx. (‘atherine Dcneuy‘e. Stephen Rea. ltl-lniin. Yoti iiitixt knoyy the plot by lioyy. Young xyyordxman D‘Artagnan ((‘hamberxi arriyex in Paris to join the noyy -di.xct'editcd .\luxketeer,x. hax a feyy comedy duelx yy ith .-\ramix and the rext. dixcoy'erx ('ardinal Richelieu ix at the bottom of an ey‘il plot to increase hix infiuence. jumpx out of a feyy yyindoyyx into a few hay .xtackx then runs the y illain through. The caxt i.xn't bad btit elxcyy here tIiix \crxion fallx far .xhort of the joyoux 197-1 Michael York yerxion. Shockingly dull. one thing a Muxketeer film .xhould ney‘er be. (ieiieral releaxe.

My Fair Lady (I’(ii ((ieorge ('ukor. I'S. i964; Rex llarrixon. Audrey Hepburn. Stanley Ilolloyyay. Wilfred llyde White. 175mm. Iiamiliar .xcrcen adaptation of l.erner and l.oeyye'x muxical xlant on I’ygmu/imi. notable for a catalogue of great tunex. IIarrixon'x xomehoyy' endearing half-spoken .xinging. and (‘ecil Beaton'x .xplendid coxtume dexignx (expecially in the racecourxe sequencer. (iroxy'enor. (ilaxgoyy.

Napier Degree Show ( iSi (\‘arioux. Scotland . 200] i tbciiiiii. The documentary and fiction films range from black comedy to period drama to xcience fiction thriller. The graduatex yy’ill alxo be xhoyy'caxing their I’niy'erxity '.x co-production xcheme \yhich hax xecn xtudentx yyorking with their felloyyx in Munich. Dublin and Athenx. l-‘ilmhouxe. Iidinburgh.

National Lampoons Animal House (lxi (John I.andi.x. IS. 1978) John Beluxhi. Tim .\lathexon. John \‘ernon. 100mm. Probably the only I'S campux comedy yyorth talking abotit. yy ith Beltixhi at liix manic bext. I)clta IIotixe pl'oy idex the Hyde to the .-\iiierican educational inxtitution‘x Jecky II.

n ith toga partiex. fart-lighting competitionx and all of tlioxe other college indixpenxablex. And . . . 'It‘x not oy'er until yye xay it ix. Wax it oyer yy hen the (iermanx bombed l’earl Ilarbour.‘ '(iermanxl" Iiic. etc. (iroxyenor. (ilaxgoyy.

No Man’s Land ( 15rd... Tanoy ic. Boxnia-

Iler/egoy ina/Sloy enia/ltaly /f-’rance/'I 'K/Belgiu m. 2002i Branko l)_iuric. Rene Bitanajac. Ix'atrin ('artlidge. 98min. :\nd they xay xatire ix dead. Set in the middle of the Boxnian confiict. Nu .Ilmi '.\ [will xeex tyyo Boxnian ondierx yyander iiiio xaid territory. formerly a rather idyllic piece of farm land. btit mm a grim Venue for trench yyarfare. They bicker like heay ily armed children. before a good deal of political xkulduggei'y bringx in the media in the form of a ruthlexx Britixli teley ixion correxpondent ((‘zirtlidgei and a yenal and ambitioux Britiin l'.\‘ general (Simon ('alloyy i. ('an the xituation be rexolyed‘.’ Well. not by any of thix Iof. Tanoy ic xparex no one. and the comedy ix of the kind to make you yy ince ax you giggle. ('ameo. Iidinburgh.

Not Another Teen Movie I lSi 00

(Joel (iallen. I‘S. 2002i ('hrix Iiyanx. ('hy ler l.eigli. I)eon Richmond. min. By marrying ‘)()x groxx-out humour yy ith Stlx brat pack charm thix adolcxcent alternatiy'e to .Si'ri'um endx tip ax a mexxy hybrid. .Vu! :TIlUI/lt‘l' folloyy x one teen'x quext to tranxform the high xchool


\ycirdo into a prom queen (familiar. eh'.’i. ('omplete yy ith regurgitated and xubxequently mangled Sflx characterx and themex (think Pretty in Pink and The Break/itx! (‘lu/ti. thix film ix enjoyable only if you hayc a degree in cult claxxic teen fiickx. Selected relcaxe.

The Oflicers’ Ward (La Chambre des Officiers) ( IS) .. (l-‘rancoix

I)upey ron. France. 2002i Iiric ('arayaca. lxabelle Reiiatild. l.‘~5min. Watching l)upeyron‘x film you haye the feeling that World War I had nothing to do yy ith national pride or international peace. btit ximply “ith the nature of physical deformity. Ilere the yyar ixn‘t being fought on the battlefieldx of liurope. but chiefly in the mind of Adrien ((‘aray'acai ax he comcx to termx with facial disfigurement after being .xeycrely yyounded in the yy'ar‘x early dayx. ()ddly. it turnx otit to be \y‘eIl-crafted but xhalloyy cinema. ('ameo. lidinburgh.

Panic Room ( 15m... (I)ay‘id Iiinchcr. I'S. 2003i Jodie I'ioxter. Iairext Whitaker. Jared l.eto. I IZmin. I’univ Rmmi may it. ell be more xtyle than xubxtance btit it ney‘erthelexx xooii hax the viewer gripped. Jodie I5oxter‘x rich. emotionally bruixed diy‘orcee and her teenage daughter have barely taken poxxexxion of their new .\lanhattan home when they haye need of itx fortified. hidden chamber aka the panic room. On their firxt night in the place. they are forced to take refuge there W hen three intruderx break in and W hat folloyy x ix a tcnxe. cunning game of cat and mouxe. l-'o,xter giy ex xhadex to her character that the xcript doexn't dcxery e. and HT the bad guy \. Whitaker Ix doleful and honourable and [em ix cartoon- Iike ax the loud-mouthed Junior. (ieneral releaxe.

Pollock ( ISI 0.. (lid llarrix. IS. 2002) lid llarrix. .‘ylarcia (iay llardcn. 132mm. Yet another tortured artixt xtory. The life of .-\merican abxtract exprexxionixt painter Jackxon I’ollock ix recreated \\ ith a formulaic approach. rey ealing nothing neyy about the famoux painter. Though the acting and directing remain relatiyely unfiayy ed. the xcript faIIx fiat. II tiIxtt requirex the atidieiice TU be oy‘erIy xy'mpathetic to a yyomanixing yy ife- beater. .\'o (Iiaiikx. l'(i(' Renfreyy Street. (ilaxgoyy.

0 Promises f is. 0000 (B/ (atrium-gr Juxtine Shapiro. I‘S/I’alextine/Ixrael. 300th Variotix. Ifltmiin. Part of the (iI’I'K Social Space programme. Thix heartfelt documentary folloyyx the liy ex of xey en lxraeli and I’alextinian children from Wext and Iiaxt Jeruxalem. (if-T. (ilaxgoyy.

Pulp Fiction ( is) .00.. (Quentin 'I’arantino. I'S. I994) John Trayolta. Samuel

Jackxon. I'ma 'I'hurman. Bruce Willix. ISIImin.

Much more ambitioux than Rt'H’I'l'UfI' Dogs. the moxt auaitcd xccond feature of the ‘Jllx hax many .xcenex that crackle \y ith ’I‘arantino u it. and a feyy otlierx that fall flat ax the \y riter- director brayely experimentx. Interlocking .xtoriex in the pulp crime manner concern hitmen. ailing boyerx. gang boxxex and their iiiollx. drug fiendx. and axxorted riff-raff. A .xuiprixe (‘annex I’alme d'()r yy inner ix a trip. all the Way. (iroxyenor. (ilaxgoyy. Ouadrophenia ( IS: 000 (I‘rank Roddarn. I‘Ix'. 1070) Phil I)anielx. l.exlie Axh.



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index Film

I’hilip I)ay'ix. Sting. llflmin. .\lodx and rockerx liye it tip on Brighton beach by xyyapping bucketx and xpadex for chainx and xtickx. I.iyely firxt half hax enough energy. music. Violence and period “mom to carry it along. btit all too xooii it degeneraiex into xome xort of treatixe on the morality of youth. set to tunex by The Who. (iroxy'enor. (ilaxgoyy. Raiders of the Lost Ark (PO) 00000 (Steycn Spielberg. I'S. WSI ) llarrixon I‘ord. Karen Allen. 115mm. I-‘ord playx adventuring archaeologixt Indiana Jones. yyho almoxt bitex off more than he can cheyy when he turnx tip the .»\rk of the (‘oyenant in Nazi- infexted yyartime Iigypt. Return to the breathlexx excitement of the Saturday morning xerial \y’ith thix rollercoaxter of a moyic. probably better than either of itx xequelx. Tongue held y'ery firmly in cheek. (iroxy'enor. (ilaxgoyy;

Read my Lips (Sur mes Ievres) ( (Si .0. (Jacquex Audiard. France. 200] l Iimmanuelle l)eyo.x. Vincent ('axxel. ()liy'ier (iourmet. I 15min. When a partially deaf xecretary ix partnered at work yy ith an ex-con colleague. a .xtrange relationxhip arixex. The [no xet out on an elaborate crime xpree. aiming to extract reyenge on cruel co- yyorkerx and friendx. I‘nuxual camera techniquex and a largely unxentimenial xcript enxure you're in conxtant coIquion yy ith the characterx. The rcxtilt: a quietly dixcerning gangxter thriller xeyei‘al notchex aboye the xtandard IloIIy yyood fare. ('ameo. lidinburgh. Real to Reel (tbci (Varioux. I'K. 30(2) min. .\'o\y in itx eighth year. Real To Reel xhoyycaxex the rayy talent of xtudeni filmmakerx. ('axh pri/ex and trophiex ayyarded for the four categoriex of animation. documentary. open and drama. l'(i(‘ Renfreyy Street. (ilaxgoyy.

Reservoir Dogs ( is» 00000 (Quentin 'I‘arantino. IS. 1002) IIary ey lx'eitel. Tim Roth. Michael .‘yladxen. lflflmm. .-\ gang of hoodx. knoyy n orin to each other by colour- coded nicknamex. meetx at an abandoned yyareliouxe to figure Iiuyy out their rigorouxly planned heixt \yent x0 draxtically yyrong. The bext debut in yearx from \yriter-director 'I‘arantino. \y hoxe .xty‘lixh y iolence .xeducex the audience into complicity. Brilliant in eyery xenxe UT the Word. (iroxyenor. (iltixgttyy. Roberto Succo ( ISi O... ((‘edric Kahn. I‘rancc. 20”] l Stefano ('axxctti. lxild I.e IIexL‘U. I’atrick I)ell°Iona. IZ-Imin. .-\x the folloyy -up to [Iii/mm. tIiix compelling drama intelligently xidexlepx the L‘IIL‘Iiex (if the true- Iifc crime iiioy'ie. In thix recreation of the life of Italy'x moxt notorioux xerial killer. Kahn managex to find xomc humanity in the man. Non-profexxitinal actor Stepliano (‘axxetti ix xenxationaI ax Succo. (il’l‘. (ilaxgoyy; I'TIfltIitttth. Iidinburgh.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show ( is» 0... (Jim Sharman. I’Ix'. l‘)75i'l‘im ('urry. Suxan Sarandon. Barry Boxtyyick. Meat Loaf. Itlttmin. I'lit’ cult film to end all otherx. thix rock xpoof on old horror nioy iex hax created a breed of Rocky Horror cra/iex. and packx them in at late xhoyy x ey cry it here. The film hax itx momentx. and (‘urry ix xplendidly camp ax the bixeyual Frank N. Iiurter. (iroxyenor. (ilaxgoyy.

An Artificial Eye Release

‘T.;..'i .1 .;.ii .‘.\‘.‘ THE LIST 33