Film listings

Ddeon at the Duay: Glasgow

()111’211811‘)‘ R112111 11pp11xi1c Hurry R2111181lc11'x. ()141 4180111.111111:11111('(' hooking: (1871) 51) 51) 007. [1)]. [Ii]. .v\111111 £4.51). 1'1340/wni11r chi/1‘11: £3.51). 81111119118: £2.51) 811111411111; £3.51) 1‘1‘1-81111. ('111111 under 12: £3.51) 811111511111. \thcl 1:11:1ir118cr8:111111‘:1rcr\: £3.51). 15:111111} ticket: £14. P0118 pri11r111 12 11111111 £3.


AboutaBoy1I21 12.45. 5.01). 9.15.

4D Daysand40nghts1151 12.45. 2.45. 5.1111. 7.15. 9.311.

Imposter1151 7.15. 9.311.

Monster’s Ball1151 1.45. 4.15. 11.45. 9.15.

llotAnotherTeen Movle1151 3.1111. 7.15.

Snow DogS1I'1 12.311. 2.45. 5.1111. Splder-Man1121 12.45. 1.15. 1.45. 2.311. 3.311. 4.1111. 4.311. 5.311. (1.15. (1.45. 7.45.

8.15. 9.1111. 9.311.

Star Wars Episode 11: Attack of the Clones 11’(i1 2.01). 2.45. 5.01). 5.45. 8.01). 8.45. TheTime Machine11’111 12.311. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.311. Untaithtul1151 1.1111. 3.45. (1.311. 9.15.

FRIDAY 21 —THLJB_S_QA_\;7 About a Boy 1 121

1):1il}: 9.15.

40 Days and 40 Nights1151

1'11 18 8:11: 7.15. 9.30. 11111111132111. Also 1511: 12.30. 2.45. 5.00. 81111 Thu: 2.15 1k 4.311111111811111. (1.45. 9.1)().

Killing Me Softly1 181

[)21111': 7.15. 9.30.

.-\|\111:111‘ [’11 1& 8:11: 111i1111ighl. Monster’s Ball 1 151

1):111_\: 1.45. 4.15. (1.45. 9.15. Also 1:111' 1'11 1& 8:11: 11111111112111. The Musketeer 1 1’(i1

Hick 8:11: 12.30. 2.45. 5.01). 7.15. 9.311. 11111111ig111.

81111- 11111: 2.15. 4.30. (1.45. 9.00.

Snow Dogs11'1

I):111_\‘: 12.30. 2.45. 5.00.

Spider-Man 1 121

l):1il}‘: 12.30. 1.00. 2.01). 2.30. 3.15. 3.45. 4.45. 5.15. (1.111). (1.31). 7.31). 8.01). 8.45. 9.15.

Also 1:111‘ l’ri & 8:11: 10.15. 10.45. 11.30. 11111111ig111.

.318111111111111‘1‘8211 1& 81111: 1 1.1521111.

1 1.45:1111.

Star Wars Episode 11: Attack of the Clones (PG)

[)2111)‘: 2.01). 2.31). 5.01), 5.31). 8.01). 8.31).

.>\1.s11111:111111'c 8211 & 81111: 11.3021111.

.1\1\111:111‘15ri 1& 8:11: 11.111). 11.311. Thunderpants 1 P( 11

8211& 81111: 12.45. 2.45. 4.45. The Time Machine11’111

0:111): 1.15. 3.15. 5.15. 7.15. Unfaithful 1 151

1):1i1_\: 1.00. 3.45. (1.30. 9.15.


1’1'11121211111111‘likcl} 111111- 81111i1:1r1111hc pm 10118 11 c011. l’h1111c 0871) 5050 007 1111‘ 11c121118:11111111111\. No“ 1111118 1111c 11111111111 11111112811111:

Big Fat Liar 11’(i1

Murder by Numbers 1 151

Bollerball 1 151

Ddeon City Centre: Glasgow

5(1 Rc11lic111811'cc1.1)141 332 3413. 111111 :11111('('111111ki11g: 08705050007. [1)] screens 5. (1. 7 111111 8. :\111111: £4.50. 8111111‘111/1'1140: £3.50 (Fri-811111. £3 1811111- 111111. (‘111111111111cr 1.5/81‘111111' 111111-11: £3.50 (Fri-811111.£2.501M1111—1‘11111.\thclchuir 118618 :11111 carers: £3.51). 12111111} 1111111 £12. l’crl' prior 111 12 11111111: £3.


Crossroads11’(i1 4.311. (1.311.

Gostord Park1151 1.311. 8.30.

In the Bedroom1151 12.311. 3.15. (1.1111. 8.45.

36 THE LIST 9'3 .1' -'- .1.-

Monster’s Ball1151 1.1111. 3.45. (1.15. 8.45.

Panic Room1151 11.15. 8.45. Snow Dogs11'1 1.45. 4.1111. Spider-Man1121 12.311. 1.45. 2.311. 3.15. 4.311. 5.311. (1.1111. 7.311. 8.15. 8.45.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones 11’(i12.15. 5.15. 8.15.

TheTime Machine11’(11 2.15. 4.311. (1.45. 9.1111.

Unfaithful1151 12.15. 3.1111. 5.45. 8.31).


Hardball 1 121

l):1il}: 1.15. 3.45. (1.15. 8.45. .-\1\11 1:111‘ 1511 1& 8:11: 11111111ig111. Monster’s Ball 1 151

l):1il}: 3.45. (1.15. 8.45.

Also 1211c 1511 1k 8:11: 11111111152111. The Musketeer 11’(;1

l):111}: 1.15. 3.45. (1.15. 8.45. .'\1\111:11c1‘r1 1k 8:11: 111i1111ig|11. Rat Race 1 121

Hi 111232111111: 12.45. (1.111). The Royal Tenenbaums 1 151 “1‘11: 2.15. 4.31). (1.45. 9.1)1). Snow Dogs 11'1

3121111111 8211 1k 81111: 1.15. Spider-Man 1 121

l):1il}: 12.15. 2.01). 2.30. 3.011. 4.45. 5.15. 5.45. 7.30. 8.01). 8.30. .-\1\111:11cl"1'11k 8:11: 10.15. 11.00. 11.31). .'\1\11111:111111‘1‘ 8:11: 1145:1111.

Star Wars Episode 11: Attack of the Clones 11’(}1

1):1il_\: 2.15. 5.15. 8.15.

The Time Machine 11’( 11

l):1il}: 1.31).

Unfaithful 1 151

l):1il}: 2.151111118:111\ 811111. 5.4511111! ’1‘111‘1. 8.31).

What Women Want 1 121

l):1il_\: 3.15. 8.311.


FRIDAY 21-1. 11111138131181

1’1'11g1':11111111‘ lik1'l} 111111' 8111111:1r1111111‘ prm 11111\ \\ cck, 1’1111111'1)871)50511007 1111' 1111:1118 :11111 11111118. .\'1‘\\ 111111811111: 1111111191 1111 1’11 28.11111:

Big Fat Llar11’111

Murder by Numbers 1 151

Rollerball 1 I51

Showcase: Glasgow East

81111111':1\1' 1.1'18111‘1‘ 1’:1rl1. 14111121111111 R11:111. (31181111111120. 11111111111‘:(11230434434113 1111111111132:012311438001).11)]. Ilil. £5.00 (£3.51)111'1'111‘1‘1111111 .\11111 liri: 11181 8111111 8:11/811118 111111111181. ('11i111/1).»\1’/8111111'111: £3.51).

'1'1-1111‘1813/11/ 21:

AboutaBoy1121 4411. 1111111. Dragonfly 1 121 7.211. 9.45.

40 Days and 40 Nights 1 151 ".411. 9. Monster’s Ball1151 1151111111. 2.35. 5.15. 7.45. 111.15.

NotAnotherTeen Movie1151 12.211. 4.55. 7.111.

Panic Room 1 151 2.25. 9.411.

Snow DogS11'1 114511111. 2.15. 4.35. Spider-Man1121 11111111111. 1131111111. 11111111. 12.45. 1.15. 1.45. 2.15. 2.45. 3.311. 4.1111. 4.311. 5.1111. 5.311. 1.311. 7.1111. 7.311. 8.1111. 8.311. 9.15. 9.45. 111.111. Star Wals Episode 11: Attack of the Clones 11’(i1 11.0021111. 12.30. 2.00. 3.30. 4.45. (1.311. 7.35. 9.311. 111.25. Thunderpants11’(11 12.15. 2.311. 4.45. TheTlme Machine11’(i1 11111111. 2.45. 5.1111. 7.311. 9.511. UnfaithluI1151 11111111111. 1.45. 7.211. 111.111.



FR)QAY_--TH11RS_1_)AY :47 About a Doy1121

111111}: 4.411. 111.1111.

.3180 1:111‘ 1'11 1k 8:11: 1225:1111. Bend it Like Beckham 1 1-1 l):1il_\‘ 1130:1111. 2.111). 7.2 40 Days and 40 Nights 1 151 11.111}; 7.111. 11.55. .v\1\11 12111' 1:11 1k 8:11:


Monster’s Ball 1 151 1111111: 7.15. 111.15. A1811 1:111‘ 1'11 21 8:11: The Musketeer 11’111 111111}: 12.111. 2.411. 5.111. 7.45. 111.111. .v\1\111:11c1’ri 1k 8:11: 1235:1111.

Not Another Teen Movie 1 151

1):1i1}: 12.20. 4.55. 7.10.

Panic Room 1 151 11.111}: 2.25. 9.411. .\1\111:111‘l‘ri 2& 8211: Snow Dogs 11‘1 l):1il_\: 1145:1111. 2.15. 4.35. Spider-Man 1 121 1):1il_\: 1100:1111. 5.1111. 5.311. (1.311. 9.15. 9.45. 111.111. .o\1\11 1:111‘ 1'11 1& 8:11: 11111111112111. 1230:1111. Star Wars Episode 11: Attack of the Clones 11’(11



l 1311:1111. 11111111. 12.45. 2,-1.5. 5.31). 4.01). 4.31). 7.111). 7.51). 18.01). 18.51).

11.111). 11.31).

1):ii|}: 11.1)1111111. 12.31). 2.01). 3.31). 4.45. (1.31). 7.35. 9.31). 10.25.

.-\1\111:11c 1-‘1-1 1k 8:11: 1220:1111. Thunderpants 1 1’( 11

l):1il}: 12.15. 2.30. 4.45.

The Time Machine11’111

l):1il}: 11111111. 245. 5.01). 7.31). 9.50.

Also 1:111‘ 1-1-1 19 8:11: 1210:1111.

Unfaithful1151 D2111}: ll.()1):1111. 1.45. 4.31). 7.21). 111.1)5.

1: RLQAY ZfifTHUB.S.Q/3_Y_ 5.".

1’1'11g1':1111111c likcl} 111111‘ \111111111‘111111L‘ 111'1‘1 111118 111191. P11111111012311434434 1111' (1L‘111118 :11111 [111108.


27 l)11111l1111:1111 R11:111. 11141 357 5371. lilill'} £3 1£21.


Stella 11111‘1 11111: 7.1)1).

i—‘1'1IDAY 28—‘1'11UHSDAY .1 Etemlty and a Day 1 1’( 11 1‘11: 7.1111.

Ulysses’ Gaze 1 1’1 11

8:11: 7.01).

All for one: Justin Chambers in the Musketeer

llCI Clydebank: Glasgow

(1111c chi1111211 ('1‘1111‘1‘. (111111811111. ()87110 102030. |1)|. £5.11) 1£4.l0 111‘1'11r1' 5pm). ('111111: £3.25 1.3111111 \1i1111‘hi111 11011111‘ 511111: £3.251.().»\1’: 123.110.8111111'1118: £3115


AboutaBoy1121 2.15. 4.311. 7.311. 9.45. 40Days andaoilights1151 7. 5. 9.311. lmposter1151 7.211. 9.411.

Snow DogS11'1 2.311. 4.511. Spider-Man1121 1.1111. 2.1111. 3.1111. 4.1111. 5.1111. 11.1111. 7.1111. 8.111). 9.1111. 111.1111. Star Wars Episode 11: Attack of the Clones 1i’(i1 2.15. 3.15. 5.15. (1.15. 8.21). 9.211. Thunderpantsd’m 2.311. 4.45.

TheTlme Machine11>111 1.45. 4.15. (1.45. 9.111.

Unfaithful1151 2.511. 5.511. 8.45.


About a Boy 1 121

1):1il_\: 9.1)1).

American Beauty 1 181

1111‘: 7.00.

ET - the Extra-Terrestrial 11‘1 .\1:11111cc 8:11 1% 81111: 11.00:1111. 40 Days and 40 Nights 1 151 I):111}: 7.15. 9.30.

Hardball 1 121

l):1il_\: 2.21). 4.45. 7.15. 9.41). The Musketeer11’(11 l):1il): 4.15. (1.45. 9.15. Also 111:111111‘1‘ 8211 1& 81111: Panic Room 1 151

311111 11111: 9.45.

Snow Dogs 11‘1

1):1il_\: 2.15. 4.45. .-\1\11.\11111.\\'C11& Thu: 7.15.

.-\1.\11 111211i11cc 8:11 1k 81111: 1 1.45:1111. Spider-Man 1 121

Dull): 2.111). 3.1)1). 4.01). 5.01). (1.1)(). 7.01). 8.111). 9.111). 10.111). .-\1\11 111:111111‘1‘ 8:11 2‘: 81111: 1.1)1).

Star Wars Episode 11: Attack of the Clones 11’(11

111111): 3.111. (1.111. 9.211. .'\1\11111:111111‘c 8:11 1k 81111: Thunderpants 11’( 11 1):111_\: 4.45.

1115:1111. 1.45.

ll.1)1):1111. 1101111.
