
Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


I Fitzwilliam String Quartet St [311ch ('hurch. Hy'ndland Road. 34] 0844. 7.30pm. £8 (£0). licaturing Purccll's tiiusic for King Arthur and Mo/art's String thrlcl in I" major.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms Royal ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £4. £23.25. 'l‘hc orchcstra rclaxcs into thc hcst ol'casy listcning. with hit songs of thc lilscs of Frank Sinatra. Nat King (‘olc and chry Mancini. John Wilson conducts classics likc ‘(‘onic Fly With Mc' and ‘I’rom Rttssia With l.oyc’.


I Lunchtime Organ Music St (iilcs' (‘athcdraL Royal Milc. 225 9442. |.l0pm. lircc. ()rganist Julia 'l‘ammincm pcrl'orms works hy‘ Mcndclssohn. Brahms and


I Manon RSAMI). loo chl'rcw Strcct. 332 5057. 7.15pm. £10 (£7). RSAMI) studcnts pcrl‘orm Masscnct's ol‘tcn oycrlookcd opcra. a talc of passion and tragcdy which follows thc opcra comiquc form.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms Royal ('onccrt

Hall. 2 Sauchichall Sti‘cct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £4 £23.25. 'l‘hc RS.\'() (horns and orchcstra pcrl‘orms \crdi's Ri'qiiicm undcr thc haton ol‘ gucst conductor l‘il'cdct'ic (‘haslilL l'catllt'cd soloists arc Rosalind Strthcrland. Katja l.y'tting. Bonaycntura Bottonc and Alcxandcr Kissclcy'.


6 Fete de la Musique (Music Day) lttslitllt lirancais d‘licossc. l3 Randolph (’rcsccnt. 225 53oo. 5 I Ipm. l-‘rcc. In l"rancc. l-ctc dc la Mtisiquc or Music Day is a national cclchration ol‘ thc summcr solsticc. This tradition has sprcad around thc world and now musi- cians from all walks of lil‘c. playing all typcs of music conic togcthcr to dcmon- stratc thcir passion for intisic. Ranging from classical music. l-‘rcnch and Scottish traditional. ctintcniporary. lit/l and folk. oy'cr l2 conccrts will tals‘c placc.


I Centenary Serenade (iaicty' 'l‘hcatrc. (‘arrick Strcct. 0l2‘)2 ol I222. 7.30pm. £6 £l2 (£5 £8). Ay r Amatcur ()pcra (‘ompany and thc Ayrshirc Philharmonic ()pcra Socicty joins l'orccs for thc thcatrc's ccntcnal'y cclchrations.


I Bel Canto Alloa low c‘t'. Alloa Park. 0l25‘) 2| l70l. 7.30pm. £o (£4.50). A mid sununcr solsticc conccrt at thc

in“ c 1’.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Kids Prom - Wild and Wicked Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. l lam. £8 (£4). l’aul Rissmann and thc orchcstra


The National 'Youth Orchestra of Scotland Summer Concerts 19-26 July 2002

Conductor Nicolae Moldoveanu

Soloist Andreas Boyde

Gordon McPherson South

(World Premiere of N YOS/RSGS Commission)

Schumann Piano Concerto

Stravinsky .Petrouchka

19 July Pickaquoy Centre, Orkney

concert sponsored by 92¢ BANK OF SCOTLAND

21 July

Eden Court Theatre, lnverness

22 July

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

Photograph Andy Buchanan

58 THE LIST 1/", .ln .2 Jul 70’}?

£8-16 (conc £2-8) 0141 353 8000

23 July Westmorland Hall, Kendal 24 July

Symphony Hall, Birmingham

26 July

Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

Ticket prices start at £2 concerts start 7.30pm

Scottish Arts Council

continuc to hring classical music to thc youngstcrs. with a fun programmc t‘caturing John Williams thcmc from Jurassic Park. Malcolm Arnold‘s Scottish [)(IIIH' no 4 and ('opland's lloc [)(m'll

from Roi/('0.

I Dunbartonshire Concert Band Mitscum ()t"l‘ransport. Kclyin Hall. I Burnhousc Road. 287 2720. 2pm. l’rcc. 'l'hc hand pcrl'orm a yaricd rcpcrtoirc from the Bcatlcs to (icrshw in.

I Junior Academy Concert RSAMI). l00 chl'rcw Strcct. 332 5057. 3pm. £7 (£4). 'l'hc orchcstra pcrl‘orms a sclcction of works. including lilgar's Scrt'nm/c in If minor. Masscnct’s Suitc.‘ l.(' (it! and Hay‘dn's l’iuno ('ont‘t’rlo in 1) major. Pianist 'I'oni Jamcs is soloist and thc conductor is Alasdair Mitchcll.

I Manon RSAMI). I00 chlrcw Strcct. .332 5057.7.l5pl11. £l()l£7l. Scc Fri 2 l.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £4 £23.25. l’rcscntcr l)ougic Vipond joins thc orchcstra tor a programmc oi layouritcs. including \Vagncr's 'I'lit' Rii/i' oft/iv lit/kyrics and Bi/ct's ()l'('l'llll'l’ from ('urint'n. ('onductor is (iarry \Valkcr and tcnor Dominic Nittoli is thc gllc'st soloist.

I Poet’s Love \y'cllingion (lunch. 77 Southpark Aycnuc loll l 'niycrsity Aycnuc). 334 0454. 8pm. Donation. (‘clchrating thc songs of Rohcrl and (‘lara Schumann.

I Strictly Songtime American Trilogy Quccn's ('ross ('hurch. 870 (iarscuhc Road. 34] 0844. 8pm. £7.50 (£o.50). .‘ylcinorahlc mclodics from Kct'n. (icrshyy in and Porlcr. pcrl‘ormcd hy Strictly Songtimc. in thc ('harlcs chnic Mackintosh-dcsigncd church.


I Lunchtime Concert St (lilcs‘ ('athcdral. Royal Milc. 225 ()442. |2.l5ptn. l-‘rcc. A pcrlormancc hy thc Mona Sltot‘cs High School ('lioil‘ lil‘om Mtiskcgon. Michigan.


I Centenary Serenade (iaicty' 'l’hcatrc. (‘art'ick Strcct. (ll 2‘): ()l I222. 2.30pm & 7.30pm. £6 £l2 (£5 £8). Scc t-‘ri 2|.


I Opera on a Shoestring Ahhcy Housc. (‘ulross. 01383 314000. 4pm. £17.50. 'l‘hc award—winning (ilasgoyy - hascd company rcturns with this linglish languagc ycrsion of Rossini's comic opcra. ’I'ltt' litti‘ln'i'o/‘Scri/lc. Blcsscd with hoth hcauty and moncy. Rosina has many suitors. lcaying (‘ount Almay ha in nccd of hpr from his cunning tricnd lhc harhcr . . .


I Guitar Recital Hyndland l’arish (‘hurclL Hyndland Road. 34] 0844. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). Romanian guitarist (‘onstantin Soarc is joincd hy l-i'ancc's Annc (‘haurand in a programmc ol~ music l'caturing Bach. Barrios and Pia/Iota. I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms Royal (’ouccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Slt'cct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £4 £23.25. 'l‘hc Band of HM Royal Marincs takcs ccntrc stagc with a programmc ol' light classics. lilm soundtracks and music from thc show s. Just in casc that's not cnough. you can also hcar thc sounds ol~ thc Royal Marincs Big Band and thc (‘orps oi l)l'llllls.

I Keys & Strings ('al'c ('ossacllols. Rtissian (‘ultural (‘cntrc. 10 King Strcct. 5530733. 8.30pm. £3. A family duct as (icorgic and Andrca (iaiiic pcrl'orm a programmc of classical mitsic on accordion and \ iolin.

Edinburgh I St Giles’ at Six SI (illcs‘ (‘illllL‘tHllL

Royal Milc. 225 9442. opm. lircc. A pcrl'ormancc of works hy ('hopin. Bach and l’rokolicy hy pianist Stuart Montgomcry and Rosamundc l’rcston on ccllo.


I Magdalen Green Band Concerts .Magdalcn (irccn. Magdalcn Yard Road. 0l382 433o47. 2 3pm. l‘rcc. I.a/y Sun al'tcrnoon music courtcsy of local hrass hands and a local dancc orchcstra and quintct. Suns only.

Monday 24


I Summerfest One RSAMI). loo chl'rcw Strcct. 332 5057. lpm. l-"rcc. Stall and studcnts of thc RSAMDjoin togcthcr to pcrl'orm a sclcction ol~ Schuhcrt's chamhcr music for yoiccs and piano.

I Chester Country Voices Abroad Art (iallcry & Mttscum. Kcly'ingroyc. Argy lc Slrcct. 287 2o‘)‘). 7.30pm. £5 on door. A choral conccrt from this group of Visiting singcrs tron) l’hiladclphia. l‘caturing works tron) Mom” to Rodgcrs. Hay cs and Snydcr. I Dunbartonshire Concert Band (‘otticr 'l‘hcatrc. 93 05 Hyndland Strcct. 357 3868. 8pm. £o (£4). 'I'hc ('onccrl Band pcrt'orms thc world prcmicrc ol' (‘ont-t'rlino tor trumpct and hand. w ith soloist Mark ()‘chlc. l’url oil/tr Him! [and l‘i'stirul.


I Lunchtime Concert St (iilcs‘ ('athcdral. Royal Milc. 225 0442. 12.15pm. lircc. I’crl‘ormancc hy thc l‘irst l’rcshytcrian and Piano ('iyic ('horus ol‘ thc l'SA.

I Lunchtime Concert St (lilcs‘ (‘athcdraL Royal Milc. 225 9442. 2.30pm. l’rcc. A conccrt from Norway ’s l.y scljordcn musikklag.

O St Mary’s Music School Summer Concert (ircyl'riars Kirk. (ircyli‘iars l’lacc. 538 7700. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). St Mary 's (‘alhcdral ('hoirjoins thc talcntcd young music pupils in works by Haydn. Brittcn. Kcnncth Icighton and morc. including tunriun t'ruo hy young composcr Simon Smith.

Tuesday 25


I Chorus in the Kibble Kihhlc l’alacc. (ilasgoyy Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 334 2422. 7.15pm. l't‘c‘c. A capclla singing lrom thc i—‘L‘ntlcmcn ol' thc ('loscshay c (‘horus. ranging tron) Burns to Bcrlin.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strch 353 8000. 7.30pm. £4 £23.25. A light-hcartcd conccrt hy thc orchcstra's principal

play crs. lcaturing Mo/art's A Musical .lokt'. thc Spring and Summcr moycmcnts from Viy‘aldi's 'I‘lit' l-olir Scusony and (ic‘llllllltllllis (.(UH‘UI'IU (ii‘oyyo IIU Io

l'olliu. Edinburgh

I Lunchtime Concert St (lilcs‘ (’athcdral. Royal Milc. 225 9442. 2.30pm. l-‘rcc. 'l‘hc (‘hrist and St lukc's lipiscopal (‘httrch (.ltoit‘ ol' Not'lolls. Virginia pcrt‘orms.

I Organ Recital St Mary 's lipiscopal ('athcdral. 23 l’almcrston l’lacc. 225 (i293. 8pm. £5. Matthcyy ()yycns. tllc cathcdral‘s ()rganist and Mastcr of thc MtIsic giycs a rccital.

Wednesday 26


I Summerfest Three RS..\.\ll). loo chl‘rcyy Strcct. 5.32 50.5". lpltl. l'ircc. Royal Scottish Acadcmy Brass is joincd hy scycral soloists to cclcl‘l'alc tltc music of thc latc 'l‘homas Wilson (‘Bli. licaturcd works includc I’m (ll' t/uoi. Song (Kr/c: I/tt' ll'i/lou' Ilmni‘ltcy and l-otir Sron Songs.