The Front

As Independence Day looms and the USA gets set to congratulate itself for surviving 1 1


TOBY . . “treason, September, we wonder just what have the Americans done for us? Here’s the good, the artist and bad and some ugly.

' this . CESS'BZ'ck-s They make great music, They make great mUSIc. then go out iutures Award then drown in a pool of in a hail of bullets; how cool IS that?

chooses five their bourbon; even cooler


1 Chapel at Notre Dame de l-laute, Ronchamp, France by le Corbusier It's the most emotionally involving and overwhelming space We had the pleasure of experiencing.

Mmm . . .apple pie

342% Country I" and Western 1

2 Hallfleld Primary School, 29% .‘o London by Denys Lasdun Scandal ' "9w 9 Based on a botanical drawing. An Watergate, 1°/° innovative and fascinating building. Contragate, a _ Blowjobgate: 3 Neu National Galerie, “ODOGY does Berlin, Germany by Mies van it better der Rohe lt exudes a 'Iast of the oeuvre' purity while simultaneously 1 700 being the best skate spot. , ’o o e 4 Apollo Pavilion, Peterlee, Co c,“ 13% The \ Durham by Victor Pasmore o intern“ \ The oddest and most thought 6\° N0 more

provoking structure I've seen. The Sopranos.

Scorsese. Dean Martin

. The've 5 Meadowside Granary, inve’éted Glasgow The catalyst for me using . , . some se 0 s . architecture to understand how the . n U Tm?” V8 gm Homer‘ Gamma“ and Beav's‘ shit. man we ve got Stressed Eric

world does or doesn‘t 'work'.

\ W Il,d fatt'sfvgtge’ the P unfiers?a}n(<)jubaseball?

Fmitfly and

drag diva Rubi , ,2‘7- Burgers. milkshakes, RedheCk fat

Ring, finds the W dinners, fast food guy; g'ad

five essentials ' ' Why there are you re dead Wh th ' t h t'

for a stress "eel /V more obese people in in they Th“? 8 0°.QO

day at pride. the world than ever 880 0 8" ey re arm'ng e \\,, / world to shoot each other

1 Something to keep you dry In the style stakes Kagools have come tar . . . so pack a rainproof as protection from damp patches.

All your stars and stripes were made in Korea. ferchrissakes

2 Sunglasses They allow you to checx out the talent with discretion till you have found the man/woman/ other of your dreams

3 Water Having your own supply of water is the only way to keep yOur thirst at bay while you battle to the bar for a more efficacious refreshment: like an alcoholic one.

4 A small bag Now rucksacks are usually the thing, but small can be beautiful, boys! Trust me. cos hawkin' a large bag around the site , is so not my idea of fun . . . Like father. like

son; except he

The movies: Lucas'

5 Tissues Whether it's dabbin' my hasn't pUked big nightmare eyes at the sight of another refugee Wer some . , from Stars in The/r Eyes. or moppin' '“nocem The weapons: Ronn'e 5 up after one of those Portaloo’s. Japanese Yet "we wet dream I N Spider-Man Odeon. Clerk Street. Edinburgh 4' x f ' Caroline Morn -, Nicola .. .r Nick Dad Ray Son Q v.3; on. Wit"- ' “WHY ‘. g r Daughter It's; pretty good. If lthought It

was totally amazing. This it; my second time seeing II. loved rt. And I'd go and see it again,

(alloyed It. l()£l(l?; of action. And the special effects are great to watch, But do think that it's; rrtorr: (3l1l()‘,’£ll)l(‘ for a younger audience.

you're tarmlrar wrth the comics you'll realise that the Visuals are really gurte irnpressrye. And It held my attention the whole way through. which I totally didn't expect rt to do.

I thought rt was; really good. But think maybe adults; won't ()ll]()\,’ rt at; much as kids. It's really fun to watch though

6 THE LIST 70 JUN 4 Jul 200?