I Genetic at ('itrus (‘luh l lpm 3am. £2. chkly. Still a mighty popular night that showcascs altcrnatiyc. indic and lo- li. .\'o smoking in thc har arca. mind.

I Hedflux at l’o .\'a .\'a. l lpm 3am. £4» £5. llcdllux is now going monthly. ncxt datc ll Jul.

I Obscene at La Bcllc Angclc.

l()pm 3am. £6 £7. 27 Jun. Monthly. l)rum & hass that's scratchcd tip. l’unkcd tip and toastcd hy Kryptik. Rccyphcr and M(' 'l‘yga (Spcllhound). All this plus a liyc sct from Solar l’crplcxus and spccial gticsts .\'icky Blackmarkct and Richic RUlltUltC laying down thc hcst junglc and ragga licks.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Loungc. l()pm 3am. £3. \Vcckly. Stcyic (i with timclcss \‘ocal housc. disco and party tunes.

I Opium at ()pium. l().3()piii-&iiii. l’rcc. \Vcckly. Rock. nu-mctal and altcrnatiyc/indic.

I Snatch at thc Liquid Room. l().3()pm» 3am. £3.50 (£2.50). \Vcckly. .\ lilth lixatcd t'unky disco-cum-caharct. comically compcrcd by Mr llarry Ainsworth and dcck manipulatcd in a cod funk and hip hop sty lcc hy Bahcs. Biggic 8; Spanky‘.

I Speak Easy at Botigo (‘luh 10.30pm 3am. £3. 2() Jun. Monthly. /.oot

(liuturc Sotil ) joins l)om lilanagan dircct from thc l'S.-\ (28 Jtiii).

I Guaranteed Pure at Madogs. Midnight 3am. l-rcc. \Vcckly. Amanda Lyon and Stcyc Wilson pcrt'orm liyc rcnditions of classic tuncs.

I Immersed in Music at l’iyo (’al'l'c. 9pm lam. l-‘rcc. chkly. 'l‘hc award- winning (‘zcch thcmc har launchcs a ncw l)J .schcdulc. l‘caturing thc crcatn of local talcnt (and a t‘cw (ilitsgow lads) such as (icorgc T. Kris chgan. thc Jcngahcads and lluggy.

I Local Heroes at Bihlios. 8pm lam. chkly. l’rc-cluh party scts troin Lylcy (Scratch). :\J and l'nclc liawaz (Ytish) with a t'rcct'orm hlcnd ot‘ hip hop. ragga. funk and sotil.

I Made in Iguana at Iguana.

()pm lam. l'rcc. \Vcckly'. (‘olin ('ook tt'ltragrotwc) plays sonic rcal dcal housc music. from thc cxpcrimcntal to thc tough and tribal with random Latin intlucnccs thrown in tor good mcasurc. With spccial gticst Ants Small (28 Jtiti) and his soull‘ul sounds.

I Mixed Bag at l’opRokit. 9pm lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckly. Sty lcr (Solclttsiott) and Spanky' (Snatch ('luh) dig dccp in thcir l'unk. sotil and disco knapsack.

I Oxygen at ()xygcn Bar & (irill.

0pm lam. l’rcc. \Vcckly. ()n a rotational

prcstigious talcnts ot (icrald thc Ja//,man and Malachi. .\'ot only do thcy run thcir own rccord lahcl hut thcy arc a quintcs- scntial clcmcnt of llcrhaliscr.

I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ Blooms.

10.30pm 3am. lircc. \Vcckly. l)J Ally docs thc dccks duty at this gay night with hcr ininiitahlc sclcction ol high camp and disco classics. moying on to pumpcd-up housc and dancc as thc cycning progrcsscs. I Concept (formerly Cerotonin) at thc \cnuc. l().3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). 28 Jun. liortnightly. Rc-hrandcd tcch-trancc showcasc. with a rcsidcnts spccial as (iracmc Marshall. Scott l’carcc. Richic Mcldrum. (‘raig Rcid and Barry l'cll dish otit thc trihal rhythms thick and last.

I Djinniditto at ligo. l()pm 3am. £5 (£4). 5 Jul. .\l()lillily. .-\ ncw sliowcztsc l()t' artists working in cycry nicdiuin with a musical policy to match with an cclcctic ltll.\ ot hip hop. funk and way inoic.

O Dogma (formerly Lost) at Studio 24. l().3()pm 3am. 28 Jun. Monthly. Scottish c.\clusi\c with a li\ c sct of hard. pounding tcchno from Spccdy J. Scc prc-

I El Segundo at Bongo ('ltih. l().3()pm 3am. £(i (£5). 28 Jtiii. Monthly. Hip hop with a liyc cdgc from Kristo. l)J Rcdo and human hcathox l’sy lcnt V.

I EVOI (it tlic Liquid Room.

listings Clubs

tiitriiitmr; of l ltrl'thtlltstn' 'ts l_)étlt(l {tilt} Jim/titan Rocordss’? /\ ill) l()lJllltjlllitlliltlliiallliS‘hllili.(1:; Gerald lllt) (lei/mini) arid lVlélléKllll gutrst. [(1“(E/l()fl/Igtfift}. l!) .3} .’ t/t/rr. Majestica Dark 8 dirt... drivn‘tg. plizit 8 plitniky l)<;.'.-:‘:.-::a'

you likt; your l‘_()tlf;(3 you ‘.'.r)'i't rt: disappoiiitod (tr; h/lilitl-Siltit’i .‘;:’:.".": (it) tliroo floors; ol (itizilit. gin-est» {lll(l l't)f;l(l(3.’llS |.’l(jl..‘(l|ll‘l I. ouster)

l oort (picturodi. l-lztrig, tléll‘li‘i";’7l‘. Sear) ()ti:;i(:l<. DJ l'iii'ot: it’ltl CitlllOl'Olt. litt) l/Iz’ltlf‘, / ' .)’.,'i.

hasis. (’raig Smith (District) supplics smooth and soulful housc w hilc (’raig (icc (l‘rccl‘all) takcs thc lircd up and funky approach.

I Provocateur? at Magoo‘s Bascmcnt. 8pm lam. l-‘rcc. \Vcckly. Silycrgrooycr prcscnts a l'rcsh dircction at a ncw ly opcticd ycnuc. l)Js csplorc thc cclcctic rcalms ot' machinc l'unk. a fusion otcxpcrinicntal hotisc. clcctro. intclligcnt tcchno and all things l)ctroit.

I Quality at Madogs. () l l..’)()pni. l‘rcc. \VL‘L‘kl). .-\ \L'lL'CllUli ()l. local l)Js ltclp kick-start your night w ith a party —tip sclcction.

I Three Sisters at thc ’l‘hrcc Sisicrs. 9pm lam. l-‘rcc. \Vcckly. .-\ mi.\ of chart and party. Rle and housc.

I Yo! Below at Yo! Bcltm.

9pm midnight. l'it'cc. \Vcckly. 'l‘hc sushi sty lc har gcts thc housc and tlzincclloot' soul trcatmcnt from Lcon lidwards.


I Angel Delight at thc \cnuc.

l()pm 3am. £(i (£5). Monthly. .\'c.\t datc l2 Jill.

I Arakataca! at Bongo ('luh.

10.30pm 3am. £5. 21 Jttii. Monthly. l)Js Jallcr (Scncgal) and '/.uppa lnglcsc

l().3()pm 3am. £5. \\'cckly. lidinhurgh's longcst running indic night (tcn consccutiyc ycars. with no holiday s and no sickics). proy iding an cycr rcliahlc mix ol' thc hcst currcnt and classic altcrnatiy c. crossoy cr tuncs. It's an institution alrcady and with thc rcccnt addition of thc hack room. playing host to .Mr & Mrs Mogwai. thc l'uturc looks _ M t likc a happy placc lor all things liyol. SUbI'me 5“ “illil- mil-'5“?

I Fiesta Fiesta at (iaia. )tpnt 3am. thanks; for tho lack of :“-:.-.~ :. ..

{.4 (Bl “CUM-V m li‘lhl‘l”’.‘\iih°' 3 Subliiiit: diixtrss its; lllt) l;.:: «we. " ri l rhan) drops tlic latcst prcssings and "

jams t'roin thc hot and jiggy worlds ot’ hip hop and Rth.

I Finisternis at thc l’lcasancc ('aharct Bar. 9pm lam. £2 (£1 ). 2| Jtiii. 'I‘hc lightcr sidc ol goth (it' such a thing truly csists) w ith a mi\ of dark anihicnt. nco- classical and cthcrcal tracks lrom l’ctit Scarahcc. l)cccption Boy and (ihost l)anccr.

I The Fun at ligo. llpm .‘yam. £2. 2l Jun. Monthly. Simmonc Black arid Morgan playing a tasty sclcction ot' housc and garagc.

I Funkey Magic at (’octcau Loungc (downstairs at ligo). llpm 3am. £5 (l't‘cc to mcmhcrs). 28 Jtiii. Monthly. Soul- l‘ucllcd dccp housc tor pilgrims \ ia thc

suits and (’harlcston quccns swing otit at this musical cxtrayagan/a l‘caturing karaokc and caharct hurlcsquc.

Chart & Party

I The 6, 7, 8 Special at Why .\'ot'.’. l lpm 3am. £5. \Vcckly. .\ magical musical journcy' that takcs you through tllC ()(ls. 70s. 30s atttl ‘)(ls with plucky suryiyor Disco Billy and his ncw li'icnd Disco l)i\'a l)alc. ('agc danccrs atid salsa classcs a dclinitc hontis.

I Blast from the Past at Suhway‘ Wcst lind. 7pm 3am. £2 (£l ). \Vcckly. llits ll'ottt thc ()(ls to thc prcscnt day with crazy drinks priccs to match.

I Clubstars 2 at Suhway \Vcst lind. 7pmv’3am. £2 (£l ). \Vcckly. Your chancc to win a ridc in thc Suhway limo (htihhly includcd) at this kitsch karaokc challcngc.

I Old Skool Disco at Rcyoltltion. 10.30pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. Rctro housc night hostcd by 1)] Tom Wilson. I Relax at l’cppcrmint Loungc.

l lpm 3am. £2. \Vcckly. All thc hits from thc 80s and plcnty of drinks promos to wash it down will).

I Tease at Babylon. l()pm 3am. £thc. \Vcckly. Incorporating Studcnt Pop Idol.

style at tiiiss final opoi session :sti‘.’t‘:t‘ilt‘. Hilllltltl, :2" it.) (It. Hit) f‘i'o/it.“,/'t;t).'):r). i r) 1" t/mx

Dogma (Joint: oi). Soon-tr; (J' Show US what you're (via) it: of :x') blistering techno storiiiors. “sit-3 one. Scottish two oxoittsr'. 24, /-/I 28 Jun

Manga: International No.2 S(}llll~r()gtll£t!‘ y'oiittiro tor tllt} Marigei (:rox'. (:otoliratiiiu flit:- l‘nfi'fll in world D88 l;tl(3."il. l?:i:; fu‘nt; around we got lira/H's; ll.) lsi‘itiilg Pilllllt} and MC) t‘ttii‘ii'izi. .' Holt:-


your chancc to w in £ l()()().

I Thursday in the City at (‘luh Mcrcado. 8pm 3am. lircc. \Vcckly. ('ommcrcial chart and dancc courtcsy of Radio Forth l)Js (irant Scott and Micky (iayin. pltis drinks promos aplcnty lol'

(Bogota) host a licry mis ol salsa. .-\l‘rican. Latin and ('arihhcan dancc. .'\s tlicy ‘\ c hoth hccn l)Jing lor oycr .‘~(l ycars. this is thc hcst sclcction of past. prcscnt and t‘uturc tropical dancc you'rc likcly to tind. I b.ding at Bongo ('luh. llpm 3am.

lloll l’rojcct l‘cattiring liy c pcrctission li'otti Tag.

I 60-60 at ('octcau Loungc (downstairs at ligo). llpm 3am. £(i. 2l Jtin. Monthly. Swinging ()(ls garagc tot thc rock \aricty. sorry to disappoint any

Ange/t). //l (’8 Jim. Trouble at the Blue Note Witl) super f3l‘l()()()()tli i {KW-(1": l‘it)

liop gaiigstors i it).

thosc who want to start thc wcckcnd £6. Monthly. .\'c.\t datc 5 Jul (thc). So Solid waniiahcs). soul. mod. Rth and dDUlil HOBO“) WWW-3:9 'u-“II'V’W lashtonahly carly. I Beats N Pieces at thc \‘cnuc. slca/y listcning t'rom thc i'ightcotis 'l'all \Uu'm l lull-MT" ; \j\;t,r:gt- , (Hi 3.,-

10.30pm 3am. £6. 28 Jun. Monthly. .-\ ncw' soircc showcasing cycry thing from classic funk to hard-cdgcd tcch-housc tron) rcsidcnts Allan llcadspin. Richic Vallcn/ and thc Boy Alcx.

I Behave? at thc lloncycomh. l()pm-5am. £6 (£4). 28 Jun. Monthly. 'I‘imc to cclchratc thc rcal stars of many a chili night with this Rcsidcnts Rcloadcd spccial as Bchayc'.’ scttlcs on a slightly amcndcd rcsidcnts rostcr. Quality drum & hass as (‘ouchhoy warms tip thc masscs lollowcd by a hack-to-hack thrcc hour cxtrayagan/a l'rom Quccn B and (‘hcw ic. lcattiring ncw rcsidcnt M(' Bandit (Spcllhound). In thc hack room thcrc’s nu-skool hi‘caks just thc w ay' thcy should hc from Rccd Richards and li.\'(). Tasty. for [his tlttlt' only ‘xt-Iisl't'iii‘t/ liti/t/t'rs gel [2 of! door prit't' (l/l trig/II long.

0 Big Beat at La Bcllc Aligclc.

Paul Robinson. Angus .-\ (in-(it) and Kaiscr (icorgc. l’l‘Ult‘ssot‘ l’lastic gticsts with morc sotil for your sotil.

I Impulse at Club Jaya. 9pm 2am. £6 £8.21 Jun. Monthly. Impulsc makcs its mark on (‘luh Jaya with a sclcction of hard housc and stomping hcats troin rcsidcnts Stu llirst. Hay and \crl

l)ay idson and spccial gticst l)arrcn ('hristian ('l‘hc (iallcry ).

I Lick Shot at Bongo ('luh.

7.30 l()pm. £5. 2l Jun. Hip hop. ragga and Rtli tor thc kiddic winks (strictly undcr 18s only 3) liostcd by Brian Joncs. .\'asty l’ and thc liy c sty litigs of tlic Scotland Yard .\l('s.

I Lube at thc \cnuc. l()..‘~()pm 3am. £8 (£o). 5 Jul. Monthly. 'l‘hc licatcd scssion of hard. uplifting housc and liltliy trancc rclocatcs to thc \cnuc to host its rcgtilar monthly rcsidcncy. llcdonistic mayhcni cnstics with (iail Scllars t:\('ctatc). Brctt

étll tii‘tti’tzish

Edinburgh Fridays


I Ad Lib at the Wash (lormcrly 'l‘hc ('arwash). 9pm -lam. l-‘rcc. chkly. Rotational l)Js proy'idc thc pcrlcct soundtrack to wind down to thc wcckcnd just as thc har stall scryc tip thc right cocktails to takc thc cdgc oll thc w cck. I Bar Union at Bar l'nion. 9pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckly'. Nicola llocy tircs tip thc l’i'i l'risking with a prc—cluh scssion t'caturing pop housc and disco classics. I Bass:Trap Sessions at Bam Boti. ()pm lam. l-‘rcc. \\'cckly. \Visc Manga mastcr (i-Mac hosts his w cckly lis ot' hand-pickcd narcotic hrcaks and hcats. including all thc latcst hip hop. 2-stcp hrcaks. R&B and drum & hass. l‘our hour sct tron) thc man liiniscll on 2| Jtiii.

I Beluga at Bcluga Bar & ('antccn

l‘citigutigt: of (iota Hunt. UilSt.’/’l(?/l.’. /v’« [75 J's/r.

inFLIGl-IT slill/ttlltfiit: (too Hidetiiko Murat) (.sttxotfl‘t‘rtt: tint: lJl'UgllttIlltllllltji ttl‘ttl ltill/tiwlt Cliiktitslii (Dd) Su Palsa Pooh Ja//y gt't)()\t}S tilltl tit usmi‘ at) boats. [Stair His‘tin‘tw‘f. PS) Jun.

Taste Sundays lint-:7- rim-qt liooii Illt} Stil‘lt‘ :;.l‘.t‘t* ltisttfi:

i)t:~‘ttt:-i l\"t7.'.l‘; as

l)lt>‘~..tlt: (lit: (70(2-

(ll'l|\'tll. (illtl (‘tltl you ‘i*t-i.-.,-.-a f (Elgllll yotirr; tigo.‘ ' who” your llt't\.l.'l(t Kara (La-at:- t"-.2

Slitiil) Boys. l\/ltll‘i\ l\.’lt)’t"t' .z'i.) ( In

Rcstaurant. 8pm lam. l'rcc. \Vcckly. l()..‘\()pm 3am. £7 (£o: £3.50 hclorc King (Mingin' ) and l’ctc ()wcn in a night [)UWM; my”) it)“ (mitt ".11; Yogi ‘l)a Bcar‘ llaughton spins his ll..‘)(lpm). 2| Jttii. Monthly. Scrious of lurid ltthrication tor body and mind. I“ .U, 1/)“ m; «,2 w ; t ~ ‘lniil'li'l' \Clu’ll‘m “l “mil” “’Ul Plilllt‘IN dancct'loor lunk. soul and iii/I at this Shvcial sumnicr scssion. shorts and ' i l i' ' ( l-l .ltiii). w hilc spccial gticst (‘arl l)upris Janman Rccords spccial lcaturing thc hikinis actiycly cncouragcd.
