Art listings

’" our new co/umn, a team of "7). story artists t'-./'/;'/ be giving their

'notrg/tts on the current art scene.

rggflwg tie

Words: Artbug A It's degree show time again and cotlaiid's budding artists are SiiOh‘filfTQ off their final work.

arents. grandparents. brothers. sisters. aunties. uncles and the like at! turn out in force offering oriograttilations ‘.'.’|lll the well- heeleo ones purchasing a piece or tn'ro to help pay off that student loan. In tandem. the

astute punter (tight

arsedi tic-its through the shows hoping to pick up a piece by the text Daii‘ien Hii'st for no more than the price of a second-hand washing machine.

Collectively these two grOLips do nothing to further the careers of the young graduate. Their only contribution being to supply the readies for the next pint while li(>;)ifitj that their little in\.iestinents don't die before they've at least hecoii‘e famous. l-‘oilowing them Ett-f: the ‘glitterarty tsupposetfly astute galiery owners and curators. who turn up to show face. in fairness the smaller galleries do seem eager. the rest. lirrxrex'er, sax/an through the ranks feigning .nterest. occasionally offering sideward glances of ackiiosrferfgeinent. lf yOu're lucky enough to catch a stray eye. a glitterarty might actually approach if only to ask for a small piece for the gallery to test on its clientele. But it yet; don't sell, well . . .

‘.""-./o.rr;.i not though, Wllh your degree In hand yOu can leave sa‘e in the knowledge that you don't need any Qualifications to he a ga'lev'y ext/her. just a good 3% in (i'V’i’ :iwt some balls ithe latter ctir'eirsly 'i Issing among the current Scottish glitteratil. Leo ()astelli .'.ias once asked how he got started in the art world. His reply auras si'nple: 'My first exhibition was by Picasso. The r,c-op|e (léill‘ti. they looked. they laughed and then they left. Now I laugf'i.‘ Now that's halls.

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88THELIST. s'. ,..

Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glas : ow Galleries


lo-l Woodlands Road. 332 0028.

Mon Fri l0am 5pm; Sat

|0am r l2.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'ntil Tuc 2 Jul. A

sclcction of' paintings by gallcry artists.


253 Argylc Strcct. 090] 022 0300. Lomo Scotland t'ntil Sun 30 Jun. Thc rcsults of a ycar-long tomography projcct in which six lomographcrs documcntcd (ilasgow on a daily basis through thc Icns of a lomo camcra. tAST CHANCE TO SEE.


1‘) Parnic Strcct. 552 777‘). Mon» Sat noon 5pm.

The Scottish Show t'ntil Mon 2‘) .lul. An cxhibition of Scottish paintings by ncw and rcgular cxhibitors. including landscapcs by Jamcs MacAulay and David Marshall and a sclcction of' small landscapcs priccd undcr £100.

Wilson Mitchell t'ntil Mon 2‘) Jul. A ncw suitc of quirky pcoplc studics by Wilson Mitchcll and figuratiyc works by Robcrtson.

The Bigger Picture t'ntil Mon 2‘) Jul. A sclcction of largc-scalc paintings by somc of" thc gallcry ’s fayotti'itc paintcrs.

Director’s Choice t'ntil Mon 2‘) Jul. .\'cw paintings by Tim (‘ockburn on a ‘dancing’ thcmc.


lS5a Bath Strcct. 222 2830. Tuc Sat 10am 5.30pm.

The Glasgow Group t'ntil Hi It) Jul. An cxhibition of work by thc (ilasgow (iroup fcaturing (it'cgor Smith. Anda Patcrson. Tom McKcndrick and liyclccn Wright.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 134 lilythsWood Strcct. 332 4027.

Mon Fri ‘).30am 5.30pm: Sat

l0am lpm.

Ten Years On t'ntil ch 31 Jul. Thc gallcry cclcbratcs its tcnth birthday with thrcc floors of' work by almost all of thc artists and dcsigncrs who hay c cycr

show it thcrc.

Amy Cushing and James Griffin t'ntil ch 3| Jul. Two small solo show s of work by glassmakcr Amy (‘ushing and jcwcllcry by Jamcs (irif‘tin.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY lf) King Strcct. 553 0733. Mon Sat l0.30am~~midnight; Sun l—‘l 1pm. What’s Left of the Composition t'ntil Sun 30 Jun. Paintings by Scott McGowan.


350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900.

Sun ch llamv-(ipm: Thu- Sat

l 1am 8pm.

OLei Cox t'ntil Sat 13 Jill ices i. 2 & 3 l. Thc first major solo cxhibition of work by l)undcc-bascd artist (‘ox who cxhibits \‘idco and sound installa- tions. Thc show f'caturcs sc\cral ncw' picccs inclttding .llmrurm'u! and In ('oIti'r'I'uI/iuti lliI/I .ll_\‘\r'//. Scc llitlist. GGlasgow School of Art Degree Show - Video Screenings t‘ntil l-‘ri 28 .fun

(noon 7pini; Sun noon ()plll. ((‘(‘A 4). Vidco and film scrccnings by graduatcs at (ilasgow School of Art. Architecture Week Tours Sat 22 Jun. llam noon & l 2pm. Day id Pagc

and Karcn Pickcring of Pagc and Park At'cltitccts. lcad this guidcd tour of thc ncw (‘('A building.

Scottish Contemporary Art Tuc 25 Jtm. 6.30 8.30pm. £30 (£15). ((‘('A 4). An introduction to Scottish contcmporary art oycr thc past tcn ycars lcad by artists. cttrators. gallcrists. critics and journalists. Thc coursc includcs lccturcs. artists prcscntations and gallcry and sttldio Visits.


3o Wcst (icorgc Strcct. 332 555 1.

.Mon Sat l0am 5.30pm: Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Exhibition A sclcction ol paintings by local artists.

This Big Land t'ntil Sat 2‘) Jun. An cxhibition of work by Pam (‘artciz Ian (‘arby. Dcrck llarc and llcndcrson (‘isL Sand and Sea Mon 1 -ch 31 Jul. Paintings by John Lowric .‘ylorrison. Duncan Palmcr. Lawrcncc (‘oulson. Rucbcn (‘ollcy and chdy McBridc. NFzW SHOW.


l'niycrsity of' Strathclydc. 22 Richmond Strcct. 548 2558. Mon» Fri l0am 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

Celebrating Boxes t'ntil Sat 2‘) Jun. Dispclling thc myth that boxcs arc just a simplc structurc of four sidcs and a lid. two of thc t'K's lcading box makcrs. Pctcr Lloyd and Andrcw' Crawford. curatc this intcrnational cxhibition. f'caturing thc work of S0 boxmakcrs from thirtccn countrics. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


I78 Wcst chcnt Strcct. 221 (i370.

.Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'ntil Thu 4 Jul. Sponsorcd by Scotwork Ncgotiating Skills. drawings. paintings and sculpturc by \‘itl'ltttts artists including .\'ac| Hanna. Jamcs 'l‘wccdic. Philip Braham. Paul Wundcrlich. Alma Wolf‘son. (‘athy Richmond. Toyc llirth. Aiigcla lluntcr and many otbcrs.


‘)3 ‘)5 Ityndland Strcct. 357 3868. Congregation t'ntil Sun 23 Jun. Sitc- .spccific work by artists Jcnny Smillic and Mclinda Stradling that looks at thc conccpt of congrcgation.


3| (‘hisholm Strcct. tcntrancc through salon). 552 7l00. Mon ch. l-‘ri & Sat l0.30am 5.30pmz'l'hu l0.30am 7pm. Target Practice: Gavin Peacock t'ntil l-‘ri 2| Jtm. Switchspacc prcscnt thrcc-dimcnsional works by Brighton- bascd artist (iayin Pcacock. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Majority Rules! Mon 24 Jun Sat 27 Jul. A two-part cxhibition in which thc audicncc dccidc what gcts shown in thc gallcry. From a slidc show of oycr 300 artworks by artists from 26 countrics. \‘lSllDt's yotc for their top fiyc picccs which will bc shown in October. NEW SHOW.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Quccn Strcct. 22‘) l‘)‘)(i. Mon—Thu & Sat 10am—5pm; Fri 8.: Sun 1 lam--5pm. David Mach: Hell Bent t'ntil Sun 2‘) Scp. l‘if‘c-born David Mach. crcator of' Big Heir/s. thc thrcc hugc stccl hcads on thc MS. rcturns to Scotland with a major show of ncw and rcccnt works. A spaccman madc from coat hangers. sculptures constructh cutircly from matchsticks. collagc works crcatcd from donatcd photographs and in thc Iiarth (iallcry. an installation madc tip from 50 tonncs of' flu Ht'l'u/r/ ncw spapcr and burnt-out cars.

Jigar - Films by Alia Syed t’ntil Sun S Scp. British Asian artist Alia Sy'cd's first major solo gallcry f‘caturcs a significant body of" work madc oycr thc last l5 ycars. Thc f‘caturcd f'our films cxplorcs social conccrts and issucs of' rcprcscntation. looking at thc Pakistani

and Bangladcshi communitics of liast London. llcr work has bccn show at Talc Modcrn. thc National Film 'l‘hcatrc. thc l(‘A and intcrnational film lt‘sti\‘;tls and forms part of a touring cxhibition. Scc rcyicw.


Roukcn (ilcn Road. (i20 0235. Hi. Sun & Mon 1.30 5.30pm: Sat ll.30am 5.30pm. Mixed Exhibition t'ntil Stilt 30 Jun. A mixcd cxhibition of paintings by gallcry artists including lithcl Walkcr. Annc Mcndclow and ('atriona (‘ampbcll


148 Wcst chcnt Strcct. 22f 30‘)5.

Mon - Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

First of the Summer Wine t'ntil Sat (i Jul. Drawings and paintings with a summcr fiayour. NEW SHOW.


Quccn Margarct Driyc. 357 373‘). Daily l0am opm.

Paintings on Railings Sat 23. Sun 23. Sat 2‘) & Sun 30 Jun. 10am ppm. 0ch art fair.


('af'c ('osmo. l2 Rosc Strcct. 332 (i535. Mon Sat 10.30am -‘)pm.

St Paul’s Primary Exhibition

t'ntil Sat 2‘) Jun. Stills by pupils from St Paul's Primary who took part in a (EI'T animation projch which cxplorcd thc cxpcricnccs of‘ childrcn of‘ asylum scckcrs living in thc local community.


22 & 25 King Strcct. 552 0704. Tuc Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Will Maw: Modern Dreams t‘ntil Sat 20 Jul. liycryday imagcs arc tiscd to commcnt on urban lifc in this cxhibition of ncw scrccnprints by (ilasgow-bascd artist Will Maw.

Nicola Murray: the Anatomy of Absence t'ntil Sat 20 Jul. Anatomy of Abscncc is a scrics of prints dcyclopcd Using a disscction kit and a photo- polymcr intaglio tcchniquc.

Norman Sutton Hibbert: No Bigger Picture t'ntil Sat 20 Jul. Woodcut prints.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM Top tioor. ()4 ()sboi'nc Strcct. 552 I472. Tuc Sat noon 5pm.

Marie Jeanne Hoffner Tuc 25 Sat 2‘) Jun. Rcccnt work.


(iround Hoor. Princcs Squarc. Buchanan Strcct. 22f Slo2. Mon Sat l0am (ipmz Sun llam 5pm.

New Artists A \aricd sclcctiou of work by up-and-coming artists f'caturing sculpturc. tcxtilc dcsign. photography. paintings and jcwcllcry'.


Thc Mackintosh (iallcry. m7 chti‘cw Street. 353 4500.

OProduct Design Degree Show Thu 20—f-i‘i 28 Jun (Atrium Gallery: daily mam—Spin). Students of' Product Dcsign exhibit their final coursc thsigns featuring a new approach to CD cascs. crgonomically dcsign soup. at ncw type of' toilet. a \cnding station for Haagan Dazs icc crcam and a ‘nippy‘ cab dcsigncd for city ccntrcs. Scc l-litlist. NEW SHOW. ODegree Show 2002 Sat 22-Sat 2‘) Jun. (Sat 22 & 2‘) Jun. l0ain 5pm; Sun 23. 2- 5pm; Mon 24 Thu 27.

l0am ‘)pm: Hi 28. 10am 7pm). Thc highlight of thc art school's calcndar fca- tttring cxamplcs of' .studcnts' work from thc dcpartmcnts of l-‘inc Art. Dcsign & Architccturc. Scc llitlist. NEW SHOW.


[82 Bath Strcct. 333 19‘”. Mon Fri l0.30am 5pm; Sat l0.30am lpm. Summer Exhibition t'ntil Sat 2‘) Jun. .-\ summcr collcction of paintings including works by John Bcllany. .lohn