Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued


757‘) ('umbcrland Strcct. 557 1020. Mon Fri 10am 6pm: Sat lllzttttA-lpttt. Alberto Morrocco - a Retrospective Sat 22 Jun Wed 10 Jul. A cclcbration of Albcrto .‘ylorrocco's ( l‘) l 7- l‘)‘)8) works on papcr from throughout his carccr. NEW SHOW. Lesley Strickland t'niil ch to Jul.



l7 1‘) Barclay Placc. 477 2‘)33.'1‘uc Sat 11am 6pm.

Mixed Exhibition A changing sclcction of paintings including rcproduction art \‘an (iogh. l)a|i. .\1onct. Kandinsky. .\liro originals and work by up-and-coming local artists.


off High Strcct. 0207 713 56()(). Thu Sat l()am 6pm.

Access Expo 2002 Thu 21) Sat 22 Jun. Scc Bi'isio Squai'c.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (WASPS) Patriothall Stttdios. off 48 Hamilton Placc. 225 128‘).

LOVE l'ntil Mon 24 Jun. 'l‘uc l’ri

noon 6pm; Sat & Sun noon 4pm. .\'cw works on papct'. ink drawings. digitally altcrcd photographic ‘artcfacts' and collagc by Paul .\1ow at. on thc thcmc of low.

Bare City Vessel Stuff Thu 27 Jun \Vcd 1(1Jul. (()pcn .\1on liri

noon 6pm; Sat & Sun noon 4pm). .\'cw' work by rcccnt graduatcs Ania Rcynolds. Bccca liaulding. limily' Spccd and Katic (iammic.


St John's ('hurcli. Princcs Strcct. 467 (1744. Mon Fri 10am 4pm.

Sharing Will Save the World l'ntil Sat l3Ju1.A scrics of photographic pancls rcprcscnting thcmcs of ptn'c‘l'l}. sharing. grccd. scry icc and human rights prcscntcd by Sluin’ ll!!(’l‘ll(llfnll(l/ maga/inc.


25 Marchmont (‘rcscan 22‘) 2063. Mon 1-‘ri ‘)am 5.30pm; Sat 10am 2pm. Mixed Exhibition A photographic gallcry and framing workshop fcaturing a rangc of framcd mounch imagcs with spacc for local photographcrs to show thcir work.


15 Rutland Squarc. 22‘) 7545. .\1on 1-‘ri ‘)am 5pm: Sat 10:11]] 4pm.

The Falkirk Wheel: Art and Engineering Exhibition t‘niil Hi 28 Jun. .-\rchitcct.s and cnginccrs. R.\1J.\l prcscnt this cxhibition which documcnts thc dcyclopmcnt of thc 1"alkirk \thc1. and includcs modcls. drawings and 31) computcr animations.

Don’t Do-lt-Yourself: Use An Architect Scc Artbcat for dctails on this uniquc schcmc in which Scottish architccls w ill bc giying adyicc on

iinproycmcnts to pcoplc in thcir homc or

work fi'cc of chargc. I’url u/An'liilt't'lun' lli't'k.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnycrlcith llousc. lnycrlcilh Row. 552 7171. \Vcd Mon ll).3t)am 5.3()pm. Alan Charlton t'uiil Sun 2% Jul llnycrlcith Houst. .\'cw work by linglish artist Alan (’harlton. w ho sincc 1‘)6‘) has produccd paintings chai'actcriscd by two lixcd constants

pancls thc width of 4.5cm and thc colour

grcy. Scc also Slccpcr. The Dapuri Botanical Drawings l'ntil'l‘uc23Jult1nycrlcith 11ouscl.An cxhibitioii drawn from thc collcction of RBUl‘. to accompany a ncw book llimi/rrs ('nm/tl.‘ :llt'tmu/cr (ii/mm :lml 'I'lu' [hi/Hui liuluiiit'u/ Hruuingy by Dr llcnry .\'o1tic which dcscribcs a

94 THE LIST .J..-i~. J.

.J‘Ji .)')t)/

rcmarkablc collcction of 1‘)th ccntury Indian botanical drawings.

Timely Cures Mon 1 Sun 28 Jul llixhibition Hall: 1()am 5pm). ('hclsca Physics (iardcn's photographcr in rcsidcncc Suc Sncll cxhibits photographs takcn following a rcscarch projch into plants uscd in pharmaccutical mcdicinc.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE Howard Bar. (irindlay Strch. 248 4848. Reflection: Kate Holden t'niil Thu 1 Aug. Paintings by Australian artist Katc Holdcn. inspircd by hcr traycls around Scotland. whcrc shc currcntly liycs.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (iallct'y. l()() Princcs Strcct. 225 15(11..\1on-Sun 1(1am 6pm.

Christian Furr l'ntil Fri 28 Jun. Paintings and drawings by figuratiyc artist ('hristian l-‘urr. thc youngcst artist to officially paint Qiiccii lili/abcth ll. commissioncd by thc Royal ()ycrscas l.caguc in London.

Grace O’Connor Thu 4 Jul 1"ri ‘) Aug. .\'cw works by lrish-.-\mcrican artist (iracc ()'('onnor. NEW SHOW.


16 1)undas Strcct. 558 12()(). Mon l-‘ri lllam 6pm: Sat ltlain 4pm. Wilhemina Barns Graham l'niil ch 3 Jul. ln cclcbration of \Vilhcmina Barns (iraham's ‘)()th birthday. an cxhibition of paintings and prints. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Shona Kinloch l'ntil \Vctl 3 Jul. Bron/c sculpturcs by rcnowncd sculptor Shotta Kinloch.

Jacqueline Mina t'niil Wed 3 Jul. chcllcry cxhibition cclcbraling thc artist's 6()th birthday.


5 ('richton's ('losc. ('anongatc. 557 2876. Mon liri noon 6pm; Sat noon 4pm. Poet’s Portraits l'niil Sat 3 Aug. .\'cw photographic portraits of scycn Scottish pocts crcatcd by studcnts from thc lidinburgh ('ollcgc of Art.


5 Barony Strcct. 478 744(). 'l‘uc Sat 1(1am 6pm.

Contemporary Scottish Art and Design A gallcry and shop fcaturing a changing sclcction of hand-woycn and cmbroidcrcd rugs and tcxtilcs from thc 'l‘urkmcn. l'xbck. Bcluch and Aimaq ll'ihcs o1 ('cntral Asia.


Rciach and Hall .-\rchilccts. 6 l)arnaway Strcct. 225 8444. Mon Fri 2 5pm. Alan Charlton t'niil Hi 26 Jul. An installation of wall paintings and pancls by Alan (‘harlton to coincidc with his cxhibition at lnycrlcith llousc.


44 High Strcct. 557 8360. Daily

1(1am 6pm.

Mixed Exhibition A changing sclcction of paintings by prcdominantly Italian artists. fcaturing still lifc. landscapcs and ligtiratiyc. with all works for salc.


58 Ralcliffc 'l‘cl't'acc. 667 1966. Mon ‘)am 5pm: 'l'uc liri ‘)ain 6pm; Sat

lllam 5pm.

In Our Element l'ntil Hi 28 Jun. .\'cw work by llclcn Jackson. Julic son and l.atirna ()gil\ ic.

Mixed Show Mon 1 \Vctl 31 Jul. A mixcd show of limich cdilion prints and original paintings.


23 (‘ockburn Strcct. 622 6201). 'l‘uc Sat 11am 6pm.

The Year of Cultural Diversity l'ntil Sat 22 Jun. A show casc of ncw work by Black and Asian womcn liying in lidinburgh. as part of a scrics of workshops which cxplorcd thcir

cxpcricncCs of liying in thc city through digital photogiaphy. printcd tcxtilcs. bcadwork and cmbroidcry.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niycrsity of lidinburgh. South Bridgc. 650 221 1. 'l’uc Sat ltlain 5pm. Jonathon Brown - Road Movies l'ntil Sat 6 Jul. lyrical paintings by .\'icc- bascd artist Jonathan Brown cxploring thc landscapcs and roads of his natch Scotland and his currcnt homc in 1‘rancc. Martin Fowler - Wish You Were Here l'ntil Sat 6 Jul tround room). A .scl'ics of paintings cxploring Poi‘tobcllo by lidinburgh-bascd artist Martin 1"ow'lcr. Martin Fowler Artist’s Talk \Vcd 26 Jun. 1pm. Martin 1-‘ow1cr talks about his cxhibition. ills/I lim lli’n' IIt'I't'.


36 1)undas Strcct. 556 6366. Mon liri 11am 6pm; Sat 10.30am 4pm.

Tom Watt liltlil 5:11 33 Jun. RL‘L‘L‘lll paintings of l'l‘illlCL‘.

George Birrell and Kathleen Conboy Sat 2‘) Jun Sat 13 Jul. Rcccnt paintings.


'l‘ray crsc 'l‘hcatrc. ll) (‘ambridgc Strcct. 228 5383.

HND Photography Exhibition l'ntil Sat 2‘) Jun. l’inal ycar show for sludcnts on thc ll.\'1) Photography coursc all Stc\ cnson ('ollcgc.

American Pride: Fish Eye Portraits from San Francisco & California Wallflowers Sun 30 Jun Sat 27 Jul. Photographs by l.i/ 'l'ainsh of San lirancisco's gay pridc cclcbrations. NEW SHOW.

UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH l)cpartmcnt of Architccturc. 2() ('hambcrs Strcct. 65() 2305/6. .\lon liri Illam 4pm.

Master of Architecture Degree Exhibition Fri 21 Jun Hi 12 Jul. 1"iiial ycar projccts by studcnls on thc mastcr of architccturc cotirsc. NEW SHOW.


166 High Strcct. 221) 1044. l‘i‘i

11am 5.30pm: Sat 1 lam 5pm. Unframed l'ntil Sat 27 Jul. A ncw gallcry and studio. sct tip by photographic partncrsliip Jancannc (iilchrist and Rcubcn Paris. fcaturing original photographic and original art.


16 South 1"ol't Slrcct. 478 7810. Mon Sat 1 lam 11.45pm; Stiii 12.31) 11.45pm. Paul Bock l'ntil Sat 22 Jtiii. Photographic obscryations by Paul Bock. Marc Marnie Mon 24 Jun Sat 27 Jul. .\1arc .\1ai'nic's black and w hilc photographic imagcs of sonic of thc world's most inllucntial musicians. le.\"." 81 10W.


lltn‘lllCl'l} Malcolm lnncs (iallcry ). 4 1)undas Strcct. 558 ‘)544/5. Mon Fri 1()am 6pm; Sat 11am 4pm. Masters of the Press l'uiil t-‘ri Zl Jun. A w idc rangc of sporting. military. satirical. topographical and cartographical prints.

Mixed Exhibition Hi 21 Jun inc 3() Jill. Sporting and natural history paintings.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 99.


'l‘hc Mound. 52‘) 1288. Mon l-ii

ltlam 4.45pm.

Money Matters l'niil Hi () S‘cp. A display on thc story of moncy through thc L‘cttttll'tcs.

THE DRAWING ROOM GALLERY 28 (‘harlottc Squarc. Edinburgh. 24.3 0365. Mon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun

noon 5pm. l-‘rcc. .\'ot only lhc hcad officc for thc National ll‘llSl for Scotland. 28 ('harloltc Squarc also houscs a pcrmancnt c‘ollcctiolt of 20111 ccntury Scottish paintings fcaturing work by Pcploc. lluntcr and ('ach. Display cd in a domcstic sclliltg. thc works arc complcmcntcd by a collcction of chcncy furniturc.


42 lllglt Strcct. 52941-12. .\1on Sat

10am 5pm.

Hero Worship l'iitil Sat 28 Scp. ('hildrcn's hcrocs from past and prcscnt including 1)a\‘ic (’rockctt. Shirlcy 'l‘cinplc and l.iikc Sky w alkcr arc cclcbratcd in this cxhibition. ('omc along to takc a trip down mcmory lanc. drcss tip as your fayouritc idol or add to thc Hcrocs Wall of 1"amc.

MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH (fornicrly lluntly llotlsc). 142 (‘anongatc. 5294143. .\1on Sat lllam 5pm. Jubilee! l'ntil Sat 6 Jul. An c\hibition of paintings. photographs and st)ll\L‘llll's dcpictittg lhc L‘clcltl'aliotis of royal \ istls.

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND ('hainbcrs Sti'cct. 247 421‘). Mon Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm;'1'uc

10am 8pm.

Relief and Revolution: The St Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia l'ntil Sun 31) Jun. 'l‘his cxhibition looks at Scottish immigration to North Amcrica and thc founding of thc St Andrcw 's Socicty of Philadclphia. sct up in 1747 to carc for thc sick immigrant Scots.

NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM .\'cw'ha\cn Harbour. 551 4165. .\Ion Sun noon 4.45pm.

They’re Handed Doon t'niil 'l'uc 31 l)cc. An c\hibition looking at thc history

of thc Paislcy shawl and thcir adoption by .\'cw haycn lishw i\ cs.


53 High Strcct. ()uccnsfcrry. 331 5545. Mon. Thu. l-‘ri tk Sat 10am 1pm k

2.15 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. 151cc.

Food for Thought A look at childrcn's dict and cating habits oyct' thc past 151) ycars.


2 ('hambcrs Strcct. 247 421‘). Mon Sat ltlam 5pm i'l'uc 8pm): Sun noon 5pm. l'il'c‘c‘.

Millennium Clock A chancc to \icw Rtissian mcchanical sculptor liduard licrsudsky 's millcnnium clock. a kinctic sculpturc. mcasuring ninc mctrcs high. Scottish Sports Hall of Fame l'ntil \Vcd 31 Jul. An c\hibition highlighting lhc lllll nominations for possiblc introduction into thc first Scottish Sports Hall of 1‘amc at thc Royal .\1iiscum. From now until Jun ncst ycar.

\ isitors w ill bc iny itcd to nominatc thcir own choiccs which w ill thcn bc counch and submittcd to a judging pancl w ho w ill choosc 51) of tlic nation‘s fayouritc sporting ligurcs for incltision in thc first cycr pcrmancnt hall of famc. You can also \olc‘ on—linc

w w w.scottishspoi'tshalloflamccotik Adorn, Equip l'ntil Sun 14.1ul. A national touring c\hibition c\amining issucs around thc dcsign of cqiiipmcnt and acccssoi‘ics tlscd by tltsablctl pcoplc. \Vith consultation bch cclt artists/inakcrs. dcsigncrs and disabch pcoplc hay c inspircd thc production of functional obiccts that arc fashionablc. challcnging and proyocatiy c.

Mediating with Spirits, Shamans in Korea l'ntil Hi 31 .lan. An c\hibition c\ploring shamanism. an important clcmcnt of thc Allaic ciilturc that camc to Korca in thc 13lh ccntui‘y 1i('. 'llic show fcaturcs dioramas and ritual obiccts uscd by shamans. many of