Glasgow life

Glasgow life continued

Tuesday 9


10 Minute Talks lluntcrian .\lll\clllll. l'niycrxity .-\\'cnuc. 330 422 l. lpm. l‘rcc. l)r liuan \lacKic dixcthxcx Iltc \ootlxa Rain ('apc l‘i'oin Britixh (‘olumhia and asks thc qucxtion ol' xi licthcr or not Thor llcy'crdahl “as right attci' all.

Other events

Stage Design School 'l‘i‘anmay. 35 Allk‘l'l l)ri\c. .332 9000. £300 (“50). Scc Thu 4.

Wild Orchid Foray Kilthlc l’alacc. (ilasgou Botanic (iai'dcnx, 730 (ircat \chtci'n Road. 33 2422. 9.30am. L'X. Adrancc hooking rciluircd. Study naturc orchid population\ and \\ ild lln\\c‘l‘\ on this morning outing to \lugdock (‘ountry l’ark. .\lcct at Kihhlc l’alacc.

Creative Writing Bordcrx lit)(ll’\\. 23.3 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 5.30pm ck 7.30pm. l-‘i'cc. Scc Thu 4.

Scottish Screenwriters Group Bordcrx Bookx. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 7.30pm. l’rcc. ('omc and join othcr likc-lnindcd pcoplc to talk about the liner points ol \crccnxy i'iting.

Bat Walk Scotlixh \Vildlilc Truxt. Scottish \\ ildlitc Vixitoi' (‘ciiti'c. lhc liallx ol‘(‘l_\dc chci'yc. \c“ l.anarl\; 0l555 665 262. 8.30pm. £2.50. linjoy a gcntlc stroll \yhilc finding out inoi‘c ahout hatx found on thc rcxcry c. .‘\l\o chcck out thc othci' nocturnal inhabitants ol' thc rcxcry c.

Wednesday 1 O

Other events

Stage Design School 'l‘ramyyay. 25 Albert l)ri\c. 332 9000. [300 (L450). Scc Thu 4.

Creative Writing Bordcrx Bookx, 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 5.30pm ck 7.30pm. l-tcc. Scc Thu 4.


The Scottish Open at Loch Lomond l'ntil 14 Jul. l.och l.omond (iolt(’|uh. Roxxdlitl llouxc. l.u\\. .»\lc.\andria. 01463 677666. l’( i;\ liuropcan golt' tour tournaincnt.

Other events

Stage Design School ’l‘i‘aniyyay. 25 Allicrt l)ri\c, 332 9000. [300 (L450). Scc Thu 4.

Writing Historical Fiction Bordcrx Book. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 5.30pm. lircc. (loi‘don .\lcl’hai| “rim-s somc top tipx on \y riting hixtorical llclion.

Creative Writing Bordch Book. 283 Buchanan Slrcct. 222 7700. 5.30pm (‘Q 7.30pm. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 4.

Trace Your Ancestry Boulcix Books. 283 Buchanan Sti'cct. 222 7700. 7pm. l’rcc. Takc a \tcp hack in linic \y ith (iot‘don .\lcl’hail

Badger Watch Scollixli \Viltllil‘c Truxl. 01555 665 262. 3pm. £5. .\lai'\ cl at badgcrx in thcir natural \tll'l'oundlllg\.

People’s Palace and Winter Garden

Glasgow (-‘iree'i, {5:341 (1773’). Mon— Thu 3‘. Sat

10am fipn‘; tr: 8. Sun Mani—5min l ree. ’ill‘.‘.’£ll'(l5;. (-‘ilzisg<)'.'x's lies! "overt institution has recently; undergone a ll‘iéljol' ‘acelitt to celebrate its centenary year.

Scotland Street School Museum Museum Of Ezrlueatioi», 22:3 Scotland Street. 28/" 0:300. Mon- ‘ltri; 8. Sa‘. l0ai'i fiiiiii; l r' 3. Sun ‘ilain fipnx l ree.

106 THE LIST -'- ‘t‘. .l-.I ECU."

Designed in l004 by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to Etl(2ll|‘.”(} material on education |.'l Scotland troin 18/2

Pollok House

Pollok Country Park. 2060 Pollokshaws Road. 616 6410. Mon Sun

10am Spin. 3‘13 6313.71”); ‘Elll‘ll'y’ ticket S‘lf%.:">0i. One oi the niost elegant 18th ’,‘:'lltll‘,’ buildings; in the hour-try. this; lll53l()l'l(2 house featuieéi some of the finest Sliét'll‘dl paintings; in Britain hair the (IUlltitlllOll of Sir

Big Words

What big words? It‘s a ltigh-cnct'gy poctry caharct cycnt that’s noyy happcning in (ilasgoyy as “ch as lidinhurgh.

What happens? Scy‘cral \ycll known poctx and (lclul'x gcl up on \tagc and pcrlorm \‘ill'lulh \ty Ics ol hoctry trom tlill‘l\ pt'oxc lo comic cttpct'x.

Who’s performing? The \lars ol [his \hoyy arc l’aul Bii'thill. Sandy Nclson. liamonn Rilcy and Jcnny Lindsay. Thcrc'y itlxt) an opcn mic spot for any ncyy kldx on thc hlock.

What else happens? What lllnl'C could you want or nccd other than a cool pint ol l‘i'othing alc lo hclp you rclax

\\ hilc you cnjoy Mimc linc poctry'.’

I Big Word Performance Poetry, Nice 'n 'S/ea/y. 42 I Sat/(:liie/ia/l Street. 333 0900. Wed I7 Jul.

Other events

Stage Design School 'l‘raimmy. 25 :\lhcrt l)i'i\c. 332 ()000. £300 (£150). Scc Thu 4.

Creative Writing Boi‘dcrx Bookx. 2X3 Buchanan Strcci. 222 7700. 5.30pm ck 7.30pm. l’rcc. Scc Thu 4.


Netball Extravaganza (‘icorgc Squarc. 570 4()l6. l lam 4pm. \cthall Scotland \hou thcir \tlppot't to Sport Rclict hy' hoxting a ncthall cxtrayagan/a imoly ing out 40 tcamx.

Other events

Stage Design School 'l‘ramyyay. 25 Alhcrt l)ri\ c. 332 9000. £300 (£150i. Scc Thu 4.

1 930s Weekend - Country House Murder Mystery l’ollok llouxc. l’ollok (’ountry Pally. 2060 l’ollokshuyys Road. (il6 64l0. l0am 5pm. £5 (£3.75). liolloyy lltc trail of clucx around thc hoth to \och thc murdcr ol’ (‘aptain l’ollok.

Books at the Botanics (ilthgtm' Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ircat \Vcslcrn Road. 33 2422. ltlain 4.30pm. l-‘rcc. Pick up a litcrary bargain at lhix popular book markct. Creative Writing Boi‘dcrs Books. 283 Buchanan Strccl. 222 7700. 5.30pm & 7.30pm. lircc. Scc Thu 4.

Hispanic World Boi'dcrx Bookx. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 6pm. lircc. Thc ('cntro lixpanola l.oi'ca \llill'C\ its

knoyy lcdgc ol lltc llixpanic World.

Stage Design School 'l‘i‘ainuay. 25 .-\lhcrl l)i'i\c. 332 0000. £3001£l50l Scc Thu 4.

Other events

1 930s Weekend - Country House Murder Mystery l’ollok llouyc. l’ollok (’ounli'y‘ Park. 2060 l’ollokslttmx Road. 6|6 64l0. l0am 5pm. [5 (£3.75). Scc Sat l3. Books at the Botanics (ilil\g0\\ Botanic (itll'tlL‘ll\, 730 (ircal \chtcrn Road. 33 2422. l0ain 4.30pm. lii‘cc. Scc Sat l3.

William Stirling Maxwell. Scottish Football Museum

Hampden Park. Letherhy Drive. 616 6100. Mon—Sat

Glasgow Science Centre

Sandy Nelson

Creative Writing Burnt-ix Boolxx. 383 Buchanan Sti'cct. 222 7700. 5.30pm & 7.30pm. l-‘rcc. Scc Thu 4.

Book events

Chris Ryan ()ll;tl\al'\ Boolwlot‘c. [inn 6. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Slrcct. 353 I500. lpm. l’rcc. Thc l'ormcr SAS agcnt \igll\ copicx ol ltix tic“ lioolx. [um] “I I’I‘I'r'.

Other events

Stage Design School 'l‘ramyyay. 25 Albert l)ri\'c. 332 9000. [300 l U50). Scc Thu 4.

Books at the Botanics (ilaxgim Botanic (iardcnx. 730 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 33 2422. l0am 4.30pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sat l3. Theatre Design Summer School Thc .-\t'chc\. 253 :\rgy lc Strcct. 0‘)0| 022 0300. l0.30ani 0pm. £150. .-\n llllL‘ll\l\C \i\—day courxc tor axpiring \ct. L‘U\llllllL‘. light and \ound dcxigncrx. l.cd hy dcyigncr Sarah l’aullcy. thix L‘Ulll'\L‘ introduccx tundamciital principlcx in Llc‘\lglllltg l'oi~ pcrl'ormaiicc.

Drawing Classes l’ollolx llolhc. l’ollok ('ouiitry Park. 2060 l’llllllly\llil\\\ Road. 6l6 6410. l lam lpm. £8 pcr \Cxxion. Scc Mon 8.

Creative Writing Bordcrx Books. 233 Buchanan Slrcct. 222 7700. 5.30pm ck 7.30pm. l‘ii'cc. Scc Thu 4.

Tuesday 1 6

Book events

Stephen Saylor and Deryn Lake ()tlakar'x Bonkxlnl'c. [hit 6. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Strcct. 353 l500. 6.30pm. l-rcc. Thc hcxt-xclling crimc authorx launch thcii‘ latcxt \iorltx \\ ith rcl'rcxhincntx. rcadingx and \igningx.


10 Minute Talks lluntcrian .\lll\t‘lll‘.l. l'niycryity' :\\cnuc. 330 422 l. lpm. l-'i'cc. Dr John liaitlil‘ull proyidcx an inxight into rat‘c mincralx and gcmxtoncx.

Other events

Stage Design School 'l'ramyyay. 25 Alhcri l)ri\'c. 332 9000. Boo it‘ISoi. Scc Thu 4.

l()ani»-:'3pin; Sun Main-13pm 5‘55 iS‘?.fi0=. The home of Scott's" toothall now houses the history of the beautiful

game ll‘ Scot-z display is The :

national tron":

and l‘llli‘l‘ n‘o' Sharmanka Gallery

9nd 7km". ‘75:.” "‘8." 'Kycyy .i;l"v ‘ree- A." ,'

l‘i’""""““ 21‘. 5 t;(t'.li".."e$; "‘3'

‘.'.«'orld. tne Scott's" t‘..i‘

[sewaatwe a w' ' '

‘itT'éll‘ l'lt‘i} E"

Books at the Botanics (ilaygim Botanic (iarilcm. 730 ( ircat \\c\lcrn lx’oad. 3342422. l0am 4.30pm. l‘rcc. Scc hat I 3. Theatre Design Summer School Thc :\rclic\. 253 .'\l'}_'} lc Slrccl. ll‘llll 0.3.3 0300, |0.30ani 9pm. U50. Scc Unit I5 Creative Writing litll'tlt‘l'\ liimkx. .‘v Buchanan Slrccl. 222 7700. 5. 30pm .\

i .30pm. lircc. Scc Thu 4

Wednesday 1 7

Book events

Survivors’ Poetry Scotland (ilmgmy Botanic (ial'ilclh. 30 ( i!t‘.ll \chlcrn Road. 334 2422 6 .\pm l‘icc, \\'oi‘l\\liop\ l'or ncyy and c\pci lt'lh y'll \yritcrx hoxtcd hy \onic ol Scollaiiil'x lop \y l'llL‘l’\.


The Language of Paintings Polluk llouxc. l’ollok (‘ounlry Park. .3060 l’Ullt)l\\llil\\\ Road. (ilh (i4 l0. .3. 30pm 9,5 (£3.75). :\ tltcmcd lour ol llll\ lilyygii'tlian country houxc.

Other events

Stage Design School ll';llll\\.t\. .‘< x\ll\‘l'l l)i'i\ c. 332 W N l0. ‘2 300 l L. l 5t li'. \cc Thu 4.

Books at the Botanics (il.l\}flt\‘. Botanic (i;ll'tlt‘ll\. 7 30 ( ircal \chtcin Road. 334 2422. l0ani 4. 30pm, l'rcc. Scc \il l 3 Theatre Design Summer School the :\l't‘llc\. 35 l .-\i'g_\ lt- Sli‘ccl. Will of“. 0300. ll). 30am ‘lpin. L'l50. Scc \lon 15. Creative Writing lit‘l'tlt‘l\ Boole. .‘\< Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 5. 30pm t\ n- 3“[30]. l’TL‘t‘. Scc ll“! 4.

Badger Watch Scolluli \\ iltllilc ll'll\l. Scollixh \Vildlilc Vixiloi (‘cnli'tu tlic l‘.lll\ ol'('l_\dc chcryc, \c‘\\ l illl;ll'l\. 0i 555 665 262. Rpm. £5. Scc Thu ll.

Big Word Performance Poetry \icc'n’Slca/y. 42l Saucliicliall Succt. ‘33 0000. 0pm. [4 023i. \loi‘c \t-rhoxc mcandcring li'om dark poct l’.iiil Biilill. comic actor Sandy \clxon. lamonii lx’ilcy and .lcnny lindxay Ill llll\ high cncigy poclry cahai‘cl. Scc photo caption

Thursday 1 8

Book events

Survivors’ Poetry Scotland (il;l\g0\\ Botanic (iardcnx. 7 30 ( ii'cal \chlcrn Road. .3 34 2422. 6 \pm. l'icc. Scc \Vcd l“.

Other events

Stage Design School ’l'i~.iimx.i_\. .‘3 Alhcrt llriyc. 332 0000. L300 L‘I'Wr Thu 4.

Books at the Botanics (ilaxgin‘. Botanic (iardcnx. "30 ( irc.it \\c\tcin Road. 33 2422. l0am 4.30pm l'i‘cc \cc \il l3 Theatre Design Summer School Thc :\rchc\. 253 .'\l'}_'} lc Stu-ct. 0‘“ ll 02.‘ 0300. l0.30ain ‘lpm. [I50 Scc \loii l5. creative litll’tlcl‘x lilltlh\. 2V3 Buchanan Slrcci. 222 ""00. ,3. 30pm ck 7.30pm. l'ircc. Scc ’lillll -l

Nuclear Peace Hui-am Boob. .fxl Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. "pin. l‘rcc. ('onic and cnhancc your undcrxtaniling oi thix particularly topical \uhiccl

Wit. 0" n tltltT'fl'.

St Mungo Museum of e. Religious Life and Art Kinetic -_v

'i-Z K92: Sim-.4.

l“ t..." \3 ." 1' 3
