V I saw you looking all \c.\_\ in your Sunday \hocs. I couldn't takc my c} ox oll your chcck} \tnilc and of couth your hairy ttoxcl [7444/9

V I saw you Jtinc 12 on train hcading to Biggar. Yott had intcryicu. Mixtook you [or goth \yhilc \\ c chattcd. Yott Lisa. .\Ic Joc. Yoti \ycrc loycly. l‘ancy a drink’.’ [7444/l0

V I saw you \Yinnic The Pooh \lint gin-ing in thc l‘ilinhouxc t2 l/(i/2 ). You arc my light and my lo\ c - your l‘rog l’rincc \\.\o\\.\ [7444/ll

V I saw you lo thc girl \\ ith thc rcd ltat at thc l\[ .'\\hB().\...l think I'm in lo\c. [7444/l 2

V I saw you L‘lit\\} corporalc lady. gctting on thc 25 hux at thc rcxcarch park juxt al'tcr liy c. I.ong straight dark hair. glaxxcx. hlack jackct and \liot't tan

\kirt. l)arc to cxcapc thc ll\\' coll-cc \ontctiinc [or it L‘llitl'.’


V I saw you at Axhlsox. Yott didn't \cc inc though. (illL‘\\ \yho'x hack. tlnt \tay ing \\ ith .\lichacll [7444/3]

V I saw you \\ riting ad ahotit inc. John Lanth. in [lllx column. Still niixxing inc'.’ Do I ttllxx you'.’ Yoti kntm \\ hat to dol Arc calling ntc chccky 1’ .\'c\cr! [7444/14

V I saw you all at thc 'l‘raycrxc cy cry day. and non I don't \cc you at all. London \tink\. 1 ml\\ you.


V I saw you: Scxy girl. dark hair. \\ inning \ntilc. \yorkcd in Roots on Saturday. .\lc: (iuy Who haxxlcd you for chiycx atid coriandcr. \thrc'd you go’.’ I‘ancy mapping rccipcs'.’ [7444/16

V I saw you in ligo. IS/no. [lp\[£tll'\. you \ycrc loycly. \Yc talkcd lotx hut danccd tcrrihly. Yoti gay c nic a hit hotnc in rcd car and I forgot to gct your nutnhcr. [7444/17

V I saw you Dundcc (‘ollcgc ol‘:\rt l’riday l4th Junc. \Ycrc you l‘olloyying tnc'.’ l\\t\ltl l)oc\ your suntan coycr your cotnplctc and compact body '.’ Yott hclpcd inc pull a cork lit)!!! a hottlc of \y inc tchcap and It;t\ty corkxcrcyy ) and thcn our itll-to—ht'icl' tllxcttxxiotl (ii a painting ccntrcd on my pixccan lt';ti[\ ol drcaniing and lanlaxixingf [7444/lx

V I saw you litxl on \Vaycrlcy Stcps. l \kit\ on my “try to (ilitxgtm. \yhcn you \toppctl and hought inc col'lcc. Bclorc you lcayc. thank yott l'oi‘ hcing tny inxpiration and my ntotiyation. l yy ill ltll\\ you :tl\\;t}\. and lo\ c you alyyayx. l'cc \ [7444/l‘)

V I saw you To thc guy \y ho pickcd inc up \\ hcn l laintcd at :\\ltho.\‘ l;t\[ \ycck...'l'hank You. .\ [7444/20

V I saw you in l.cith - hcautilul hruncttc \y'ho humpcd into inc in Bcrnard Strcct \yth l \\;t\ on thc phonc on Junc 22. I'd likc to bump into you again. [7444/2l

V I saw you at llcnry\ cnjoy ing .\'c\\ Bluc. Yott attractiy c girl at l‘ront tahlc

m ith girl l‘ricndl. MC. oy‘ct‘ your lcl‘t shouldcr. Sltitll \\ 0'.) [7444/22

V I saw you xx ith a m inklc in your cyc standing at thc watcrx cdgc 'l‘yddinghant hay in latc .\lay. posing on onc lcg ax l cainc cloxc by you took off into thc opcn \ky lch akimho hcad hcld high. (ict in touch. I hayc lislt. [7444/23

V I saw you hcautil'ul dark haircd girl at thc Royal llighland Shoyy Sunday 23 Junc. You in jackct oycr rcd llcccc and jcanx. inc in brown shirt and hluc coat. You cating potato. inc \\ ith hurgcr and cokc. You askcd ill the grass yyax \\ ct. l “as too \hy to spcak hut rcaliscd my loxl opportunity and spun thc al'tcrnoon looking [or you. ll. it i\ mount to hL‘. giyc inc anothcr chanch [7444/25

V I saw you... \ch/ic waking up in thc morning \y ith dogx hrcath and \ticky up hair and i rcaliscd \\ c \ycrc mcant to hc..\' [7444/2o

V I saw you in Strata cal'c/har. Sunday 23rd Junc. You. \lL‘L‘VL'lL'\\ L‘ltL‘ck shirt and glihx ol \yhitc \yinc. .\lc. black top. gray hair. trying to dccidc it you \yhcrc looking hack at inc or juxt looking out thc \yindoyy. [7444/27

V I saw you at l.cith St. carhootxalc t lidinhurgh l on Sunday 23/06/02. You arc a yyotttan. \\ caring dark grccn [— \hit‘t and jcanx. carrying a _\cllo\\ plastic hag and a ruckxack hag. 1 am a tall guy from Barcclona. “caring a black coat. I hopc gct in touch. [7444/28

V I saw you thc blackish panthcr I \pottcd \t'hilc cluhhin. l'tn gucxsing il~ you’rc rcading lltl\. you ha\'c alrcady ligurcd out \y ho is staying at It!) hoth

just no“. Bunipcd ittto thc pair

of thctn at .-\xhli().\' lttxt \ycck. couldn’t hclicy'c it and thcy hoth \\ ant to \cc you again. chp it real. [7444/2‘)

V I saw you in thc liltnhouxc. you \ycrc old \pinxtcr \tttok‘lng rollicx and drinking cidcr. You arc a minky hoot. [7444/32

V I saw you cutc. Hull} and \\ llllL‘. pcrlcclly ltll'lllL‘tl \potx oi hroyy n on your hack. Big

lloppy cars \\ itlt a happy \tnilc on your l'acc...dc\pcratc to plcasc and hc plcaxcd. ('luntxy cncrgctic tail hrttixing all that contcx ncar...impo\\ihlc to p£t\\ without wanting a play and a \[l‘tikc....ltt_\ darling littlc al. i \yill loyc you...l‘orc\cr. px...il~ you pick up a \cucaxtlc acccnt thcrc \y ill hc trouhlc. [7444/33




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