Drama is listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance is listed after drama for each city. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication.

Drama 8: dance listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


\\'.'\ = \thclchun' .\ccc\~: l’ 7: l’urlong l';lL'lllllL‘\l \\A(~ ’:.-\ll;l[‘ll‘1l’lHllL‘lHl. TICKETLINK 'l'1cl\c1~1111111111111\cnucx111(il.:\gov. .nc .1\;1il;1hlcl1‘oInll1cl1cl\c1('cnli'c. (';inillc1'igg\..\lon 8.11 IH. ;(Min (1, ;1111111; 81111 noon 311111 111 11c1\on ol 1111l1l‘l111nh} phonc on Hill 5" <§l l, \n} 'l1cl\c1l1nl\ ho\ ollicc cun \cll llc'lxch lo1 olhc1 \cnucx THEATRE TOKENS

ll inlliculcx \cnucx \\ hclc lhcull'c 'lolxcnx c.1n hc c\ch;u1gcil lol’ liclcclx. lolcc'lh cun hc houghl l1'o1n lhc llclxk‘l (‘cnllin (Xunllci‘iggx. (il.1\go\‘.. Hl-ll IN“ WIN; 1no\1 l‘1';1nchc\ol \\.ll. S1111lh..lohn \lcn/icx unll .l;i111c\ 'l'lnn lliullol‘lll‘l'Y. 111' h\ cl‘cilil cunl l1'onl 'l'okcnhnc. “I "l 1111 $1111.

Glasgow Drama


351) Suucluchull Sll'L‘l‘l. .152 1111111. |\\'( ‘. \\‘.’\l

Cary Peppermint Sun “Jul-111111. £3 1£21.1('(‘.-\ 51..\ 1111c pci'loiniuncc:1111l lulk h} .\'c\\ York-huxcil .11'1ixl (‘;11‘_\ l’cppcrininl cnlillcll (hm/111Ior.\mn/n'r /(‘)'U/).(/. llk‘ l;1lC\l \i‘l'\111I111l ;l \L‘l’hN Ul pcrl‘ol‘inunccx. \\ l11ch 111co1'11oi';11c\ unwcilluncc lcchnolog}.

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS “.‘ll (ii‘cul \\c\lc1'11 l\)l‘ilkl. 11-5 3-133. {l’. M '. \\.\j:

Kabuki-Titus l'115 Sun—'J1ill& l'l'l 13 81111 H .1111. 11.1511111.1§(11£~li. (iliugou lx’cpciloi} (\ulipull} 111'cxcnl lhcn' .l;111;n1c\c 111ll11cnccil .uluplulion ol Slllllx'c‘\}\‘;1l\"\ l\l11111l_\ Mogul}. /IIH\ glni/ronn 111. l’ul'l ol lhc Ina/“11’ 111 1/11 “Niall/1 \ lL‘\ll\;ll. SCL‘ [311“. lt'“.

The Tempest l'nlil S1111 l-l.llllll11\l .\loi11. .\.-1511111181111111;11 3111111. £1\1£(11. ShukcxpcuiL‘K luncilul conicll} lulc ol \pn'ilx.\o1'cc1'}.Inonxlcix.111;nilcn\;1nll \hipuicckcll nohlcnicn i\l\1'oughl 1o Inc in llic 111111111111] \ui‘iounih ol lhc holunichccp1‘c\1c\\.

Romeo and Juliet 1'qu Sun ll .lul lllol 'l‘hu .1. \Ion X 'l hu l l:. 5pm. £5 1£31.'l'l1c(il;1\go\\ chciloi} (Ulllpull) pi‘cxcnlx ;1n ‘lnli'olluclion lo Shukcxpcuro pi'ollucnon ol lhc111'ol1l1c\\111c1\ nioxl 1‘oniunlIc lulc. l’;11'lol ll1c/1’1111/1nn’n “11111111. \ lc\ll\.1l,

PAVILION THEATRE III chliclil Sli‘ccl. “I l\l(1.|l’.\\('.


The Celtic Story lhu -1 .lul Sui 111 .\11g 111ol $1111). 731111111 (\Vcll (\ Sul 111111 2111111. £10 £15. lhc cpic lll\l1)l‘_\ ol Scollunih grccn 111111 \\ hilc \porling 1n\li1ulion1\1‘clol1llhroughhlooil.xxxcul unll1c;n\ol'luughlcr.

Glasgow Dance


25 .-\lhc1‘1 l)1'i\ c. 28" 39111). ll’. ’li'l‘. \\'(‘. \VA]

Infinity Dance Theatre 8:11 (1 Jul. 511111. £lll1£(11.lhc \cn Yolk—h;th ll1111ccc111npun} pcrlol‘nlx picccx chi11'cog1'upl1cil h} l’clcr l’ucci. (iuhriclu l’olci unll .lcll'ci‘} l'il‘c‘c/c. l.c1l h}

\\ hcclchuii' hound lornicz‘ \Vuxllillgloll li;1llL‘l\11l11l\l Kill} l.u1111.1hcc1‘o\\- gcnci'ulionul compun} hringx logclhcr iluncci'x \\ ilh zinll \\ ilhoul llixuhililicx Scotland’s Heroes .\lon 8 Jul. 8pm. £l1)1£(11.;\nic1'ic;1nllunccli'oupc Int—mil} l);1ncc'l'l1c;111'c pl'L'\L‘lll\ 11 hullcl 1h;11 cclchl‘ulcx lhc .\l;ic.\lillun ('lun 1h1‘ough 1nuxic. \c1'xc. mug and lluncc. \111'1'11lc1l l1} l'.111111} ;1\\;n‘1l-~\\iiniing Andrcu .\l;1c.\lill;1n. .S'l'oI/iunl'x l/l'mm

incorporulcx lhc pocli‘} ol Rohcrl Burn\ and Si1'\\';1llc1‘Scoll.

Edinburgh Drama


.\‘cu \lzll‘le'l Road.(i111‘gic‘.~143 2437. Running Girl: In the Time it Takes to Bleed to Death Thu

4 8:11 (1.111l. Spin. £Hl£41 111111111118 30“). lioilcrhouw prcwnls :1 chilling mplorulion ol onc “oniun'x l'i'unlic wui‘ch loi‘ honic in lhc curl} hourx ol 1hc nioi'ning. 'l’olll \llllllllllllL‘Ulhl} lln'ough li\c pci‘l'ornnn1cc. lihn uiul \111'1‘ounll \ollml. A/‘IIIIH'IIUH'II zlcll'cxx Klllc Dickie \111'i11lxuguinxl u hucluli‘op ol loucring mohilc \cl'ccm lo ci‘culc llicun‘c u\ :1 cincniulic upcricncc. Young'x \ci‘ipl ix \upcrh ucconipunicd h} lhc 11h) \icul \pccluclc uiul llii‘ccloi' l’inxon ci'culcx :1 uondcrlul pucc lln'oughoul.


l3 3‘)NiL‘11l\1)liSll‘t‘L‘l.52‘)(1ll(lll, Ill. \\'(‘. \ml

The Singing Kettle’s Jungle Party 'l'hu IX Sun 3| .lul. Scc Kltl\


Celtic tige

rs: The Celtic Story, Pavilion, Glasgow


l3 3: (il‘L‘L‘llxiLlL‘ l’lucc. 0370 (1003—13-1. Ill. \\'('. \\'.>\|

Chicago l‘nlil 5111 IR Jul (11111 Sun). 7.30pm (\Vcll & 8111 111111 2.30pm).

£3.51) £_‘~3.5().'I‘hcx1nuxl1-hil\\c\1 [ind lllll\lL'ill uhoul nighlcluh dunccr Ro\ic llurl \\ ho hccomu embroiled in u \Hil'ltl 11l111111‘dc1'111nlcclchi‘il). l-ImIrm/vrx ' John Allniun (liku Nick ('ollonl pl;1_\\ hcr inniuhlc l;1\\_\c1'.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (ii‘inlllu) Slrccl.341\’ 4848. Il’. ll. 'Il’l‘. \V('. \\'.'\I

The Cherry Orchard 1-11 5 .& Sui Jul. 7451111115111 11ml 3311111111.

£5.50 U l. Bcnchlourx DI'L‘\L‘lll\ 11 high!) \ ixuul uduplulion olflknlon ('hckhm '\ cluxxic. in u hich u ilchl—rillilcn lull} i‘clumx 1o hcr Rllxxiun exlulc to find much polilicul und \ociul chungc. Scc m ice. The Bible: the Complete Word of God (abridged) Hi 13 .k Sui 13 Jul. 7451111118111 2.311111111k 7.4511111. £7.50 £151£l()1.'l'hi\l‘;1111;1\1ic;1|l} 1111111} cnxcnihlc prcwnl lhcii' 11xuul hrunll ol humour. poking 11111 111 onc ol lhc 1111M inmorlunl \lUl’lC\ c\ or lUltl.

Botanic Gardens 60A

Tiamway xv

liic lclnl‘cxl

Pavilion <

\loi'. (‘clllc \1111}

‘. I ll.‘ \cchH} l 111‘

Theatre Guide

Thursday 4

Friday 5


Saturday 6

him lhi~ loinwlx’inui

(it'lllx Xllll }

|n|11111\ l).1n.c lhculic

Sunday 7 Monday 8 11m; lll‘lt'll§\\ll<1lll\‘ . .1111... . (M1 l’v1‘1‘vllllllll I (‘l-Inc $1111}

\cc (‘111 l Ilc \lollunll'x llciom

Tuesday 9

l’hc 'lcinpml

Wednesday 10 lhc 'lcinpcxl (chic Slot) (‘cl11c Sloi}

$11411} | 11“ \cc (113 l 11c

Corn exchange Festival Theatre Playhouse Royal Lyceum Traverse 1


l\’lllltllll;' (ml

Rnninny (inl

(illll .iz'n

lhc ( iii-11} ()lthilll




ll1c(hc111 ( )1.l1.111!

('hIcuyo (‘lncugo

72 THE LIST -1