Glasgow Thursdays


The Lawless Heart (it’t‘. Rose Street. 332 8128. £3.75-—£4.75 (£2—(£3.50). Thti 4 Tliti ll Jtll. Moving British drama. about coming to terms with the death of a gay loved one. The King is Dancing (it-'1‘. Rose Street. 332 8128. £3.75 £4.75

(£2 £3.50). Fri 5 Thu 18 Jul. Sttmptuous French movie abotit the early days of catnp King Louis XIV.


Venom Alaska. I42 Bath Street. 248 I777. l lpm -3am. £3. Weekly. New gay night promising ‘glamotir with a hammer' in a straight-friendly environment.

Glasgow Fridays


The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Jtiti Thu l l Jtil. See Thu.

The King is Dancing Fri 5 Thu I8 Jtil. See Thu.


Girls on Top Bctinet’s. (ilassford Street. 552 5761. llpiii 3.30am. £3 £6 (£2-£5). Fri 5 Jul. Motitlily. Betinets' second floor becomes a female otily lone with DJ Sara providing the soundtrack.

Glasgow Saturdays


The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Jtiit Thu ll Jul. See Thu.

The King is Dancing Fri 5 Thu 18 Jul. See Thu.

Glasgow Sundays


The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Jtiii Thu 1 I Jul. See Thu.

The King is Dancing Fri 5- Thu I8 Jul. See Thu.


Songs for Swingin’ Jazzers-A Portrait of Frank Sinatra Princes Square. Buchanan Street. 564 3400. 8pm. £8. Stiti 7 Jul. Stephen Duffy. sings the songs of old blue eyes. See preview.


Bennet’s 90 (ilasslord Street. 552 576l. llpiti 3.30am. £3 £6 (£2 £5). ()pen live nights a week.

Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8990.

l l.30pm 3am. £3 (£2 with Ilyer). (iay nights on Mon atid Tue.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. l()piii»-3ani. £5. (‘lub nights Fresh. l.tish atid (‘arry on Polo. Fri to Stiii.


Candle Bar 2() (‘antlleriggs 564 I285. 9pm. Free. Lively bar with a disco Ilavour. Court Bar 69 llutcheson Street. 552 2463. 6.30 l()piii. Free. Popular traditional bar.

Delmonica’s 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 9pm. Free. l)Js on Fri. Sat. Mon and Tue. a quiz. on Thu. karaoke on Stiii atid a games night on Wed.

LGBT Centre It Dixon Street. 22I 7203. l latti midnight. Free. ('afe/bar pltis karaoke from Fri to Stiti.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. l()ptii lam. Free. lititertainment from Mon to Thu.

Revolver 6a John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Free. Weekly. Popular bar. Sadie Frosts 8 l0 West (ieorge Street. 332 8005. Nooti midnight. Free. I)Js (Fri. Sat and Mon). karaoke (Tliti and Stiii) and

Glasgow Mondays


The Lawless Heart Thu 4 J ttn- Thu ll Jul. See Thu.

Chicken: Boys Shorts (it"l‘. Rose Street. 332 8l28. 9pm (Mon): 6.30pm (Tue). £3.75 £4.75 (£2 £3.50). Mon 8 Jul. Iiclectic collection of short liltiis frotn around the world. which have special interest to the gay male.

The King is Dancing Fri 5-—Tlilt (8 Jul. See Thu.

Glasgow Tuesdays


The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Jtiti -Thti ll Jul. See Thu.

Hen: Girls Shorts (it-'1‘. Rose Street. 332 8 l 28. 9pm (Tue): 7.45pm (Wed). £3.75 £4.75 (£2 £3.50). Tue l6 Jul. Five lesbian short films—running the whole gamut of genres aiid styles. ()riginal. erotic. occasionally pretentious.

The King is Dancing Fri 5—Thu 18 Jul. See Thu.

Glasgow Wednesdays


The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Jun Thu l l Jul. See Thu.

The King is Dancing Fri 5- Tlitt 18 Jul. See Thu.


CDT in Glasgow The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 08706006055. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Wed 10 Jul. Monthly. The Statid's monthly dose of camp comedy atid gay-friendly laughs. (‘raig Ilill hosts while Jill Peacock oversees the (‘ampest Link competition.

Edinburgh Thursdays


Kissing Jessica Stein ('ameo. 38 Home Street. 228 4l4l. £5.20 (£3.50) & l'(}('. Fountainpark. Dundee Street. 0870 902 04I7. £5.20 (£3.20). From Thu 4 Jul. Quirky t'S independent about a New Yorker embarking on her first love affair with a woman. See review.

The Lawless Heart Filml’tottse. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 «£5.50 (£2 £4). Thu 4~~Thtt ll Jul. Moving ensemble British drama. about coming to terms with the death of a gay loved one. Chicken: Boys Shorts Ii‘ilmliouse. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. 6.15pm (Thu): 2.30 8; 4.30pm (Fri). £3.50>~£5.50

quiz/es (Tue and Wed). Tue combines the lot and comes tip with qui/oke. while Stiii is women only iii the Blue Rootti. Waterloo Waterloo Street. 229 589 I. Noon midnight. Well known gay bar.


Beyond Barriers LGBT. Dixon Street. 574 0242. ('halletiging homophobia through training. information atid education.

Bi-G-Les ('/() LGBT. l 1 Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Support for LGBT under 25. Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 50l0. Support for those affected by- HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Sandyford Place. 21 l 6700. Information for women atid specific services for lesbians.

Glasgow Lesbian Line (’0 Box 686. (33 7T[.. 552 3355. Advice atid support. Glasgow Women’s Library l()9 'l’rongate. 552 8345. Open Tue Fri l 6pm; Sat 2 5pm. Wotiieti's literature and the lesbian archive.

Phace West 49 Bath Street. 332 3838. The main service in the West of Scotland for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Steve Retson Project 2 Saiidyt‘ortl Place. 21 l 860l. ()peti Tue 8; Thu

5.30 8.30pm. Sexual health advice and counselling for gay men.

(£2—£4). Thu ll & Fri 12 Jul. liclectic collection of short films from around the world. which have special interest to the gay ttiale. .S/Imv'iltg as" part oft/1e [.UIH/UII Lev/mm um] (iuy I’i/m lesion! on Ion/2 The King is Dancing Filtiihouse. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 “£4). Fri 5 Thu l8 Jul. Stiiiipttiotts. beautiful French tnovie about the early days of cainp King l.otiis XIV.

Edinburgh Fridays


Kissing Jessica Stein I-‘i-om Tlttt 4 Jul. See Thu.

The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Tlttl l I Jul. See Thu.

Chicken: Boys Shorts Till) I I ts Fri 12 Jul. See Thu.


Woman’s Own (‘ltib Java. (‘ommercial Street. I.eith. 555 5622. l()pm-2am. £5 before midnight; £7 alter. Fri 5 Jul. Monthly. Women only club with resident DJ Roz.

Angel Delight Venue. ('alton Road. 557 3073. l()ptii 3am. £6 (£5). Fri l2 Jul. Monthly. The fabtilotts Friday night for women settles into its new venue with resident DJ Michelle attd gtiests.

UP Studio 24. (‘alton Road. 558 3758. l().3()pm-~3am. £8 (£7). Fri 5 Jul. Monthly. Progressive house atid tribal trance.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Claremont I33 ~l35 liast ('laremont Street. 556 5662. 8pm. Free. Sat 6 Jul. Fortnightly. MS(‘ atid the Bears and a

wild dress code.


Kissing Jessica Stein From Tim 4 Jul. See Thu.

The Lawless Heart Tilt] 4 Thu 1 I Jul. See Thu.


Joy ligo. l’icat‘dy Place. 478 7434. l().3()pm -3am. £l0 (£8). Sat 6 Jul. Fortnightly. Maggie. .-\lan. Dale. Trendy Wendy atid Sally F.

Eye Candy (’ltib Mercado. 36 39 Market Street. 226 4224. llpiti 3am. £ l0 (£8); £6 iti fancy dress. Sat 6 Jttl. Fortnightly. (Elam liottse party. Mingin’ Studio 24 (upstairs). ('altoti Road. 558 3758. 10.30pm 3am. £5 before midnight: £6 after. Sat l3 Jtil.

Strathclyde Lesbian 8. Gay Switchboard PO Box 38. (i2 2Qli. 332 8372. Open 7 l()ptii daily. (‘onlidetitial advice.



CC Blooms 23 ~24 (ireenside Place. 556 933 l. l().3()pm 3am (bar front 6pm ). Free. High caitip and disco classics.


Blue Moon Cafe l Barony Street. 557 09] l. Mon Fri llatii ll.30piii. Sat Sttti 9pm 12.30am. Free. lidinburgh‘s lotigest running gay cafe.

Nexus 60 Broughton Street. 478 7069. 11am llptti. Free. I.(iB (‘entre's cafe. CC Blooms See (‘Itihs

Habana (ireetisidc Place. 558 I270. Noon lam. Free. Popular drinking and mingling spot.

Flashback 9 Hope Street. 226 ()90l. 4pm lam. 70s atid 80s feel with cheesy disco and pop Moti to Sun.

Frenchies Rose Street. 225 765 I.

lptii lant. Free. Popular chill'n'chat spot with a trivia (itii/ Stiti atid karaoke with Titty (ittlol‘e Wed.

The Gilded Saloon 233 ('ovv gate. 226 6550. 9pm latti. Free. livery Stir) the Saloon holds the pre-cltib session for Taste at (lie Liquid Room.

listings Gay

Fortnightly. (iay —ft'iendly clubbing. Blast ('Iub Mercado. 36 3‘) Market Street. 226 4224. llptii 3am. £I() ( £8). Sat l3 .lttl. Fortnightly. \ocal house and dirty funky grooves.

Luvely The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. l().3()pm 3am. £6. Sat 6 Jtil. Monthly. lisuberanl house party.

Edinburgh Sundays


Kissing Jessica Stein I-‘roni Thu 4 Jul. Sce Tliti.

The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Till! I I Jtil. See Thu.


Taste The liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. Ilpiii 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. Tasty brew of house and garage.

Edinburgh Mondays


Kissing Jessica Stein I-‘roni inn 4 Jul. See Thu.

The Lawless Heart Tittl 4 Till) I I Jul. See Thu.


Trendy Wendy l’laiict ()til. (ireensidc Place. 524 006l. l().3()pm 3am (bar front 6pm). Free. Fortnightly. I)Js every week with 'I'i‘endy Wendy every fortnight (Mon 8 Jul ).

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Kissing Jessica Stein t-‘roin Fri 21 Jttti. See Thu.

The Lawless Heart Thu 4 Thu 1 I Jtil. Sce Thu.


Vibe ligo. l’icai'dy Place. 478 7434. llpiti 3am. £2. Weekly. New glitter fticllcd cliai'ty party night featuring dancers. singers and a (mining iittii.


OOT on Tuesday The Stand. 6 York Place. 558 7272. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). Tue 9 Jul. .\l()ttlltl_\. See (ililsgtm Wednesdays.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


Kissing Jessica Stein t-‘roin Fri 2) Jtiti. See Thu.

The Lawless Heart Tlttt 4 Thu I I Jttl. Sec Thu.

The Laughing Duck 24 Ilowe Street. 220 23.76. Moti Thu l lam llpiti. Fri & Sat llain latti. Stiii ll.30am llptii. Stylish. comfy bar.

New Town Bar Dublin Street. 538 7775. Mon Thu noon lain. Fri Sat noon 2am. Stiii l2.3()pni latii. (iay cruise bar attracting a slightly older crowd. Planet Out (it'eenstde Place. 524 006]. Mon Fri 4pm lain. Sat Stiii 2pm lam. Free. Fiiic bar with [Us every Mott night. a qui/ on Tue. 'l‘t'ciidy Wendy ('lacknoi (l()iltg ltcl' \lttllc\ ct‘} second M0!) and [Us (‘raig atid Dale (l.tisli) every Sat.


A.D. ('ontacl 556 4049. For lesbians over 40. Meets monthly to plan social events. ('all lot more details.

Dykes Night Out (’0 nos I69. tilll 3l.l'. Social evenings l()t‘ woiiieti. Lesbian Line 55" 675). Mon a (In: 7.30 l0piii. llelplitic.

LGBT Police Link (1;); (‘eiiti-e. 6() Brouglitoii Street. Mon 6 "pm. Weekly. ('all 620 5 l 38/620 5l40 if you want a chat with your coiniittitiity ollicei'.

Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 556 4049. 7.30 l(lptti every day. Helpline.

Stonewall Youth Project ('oiitaet 622 2266 l()llice) ()I' ()845 I I30 ()05 (Yotitltlitie). For H iBT under 26.