Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randolph ('rescent. 225 5366. .\Ion l‘ri 9.30am 5.30pm; Sat l()am lpm.

Signs l'ntil l’ri l(t Aug. A selection of Works by young l-tench graphic designers.


()5 The Shore. l.eith. 55.3 5255. Tue Hi

I lam 5pm; Sat llatn 4pm.

The Magnificent Seven t'ntil Sat 27 Jtil. .-\ celebration of sey'en of the artists who hax'e beett yy ith the gallery for sex'en years featttring Work by Bill (iillon. (iraham H.l). .\chean. Sheila .\lcl.eod Robertson. Alastair l‘iddes Watt attd James Watt pltts sculpture by Alastair R. Ross and jeyy'ellery by (‘arlotta ('alderoni. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Therese McAllister t'ntil Sat 27 Jul. A solo shoyx of xyorlx by ayxard-ys innittg Irish artist Therese .\IcAllister.


S7 Broughton Street. 552 8778. Wed Sat noon (rpm.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing selection of paintings by 20th century artists feature in this t'elatiyely nexx gallery. set tip by the former oyy ner of the Belle\ ue (iallety. (‘allum Buchanan.


Belford Road. (32-1 (>2()() trecorded information 332 2266). .\Ion Sat

l()am» 5pm: Sttn noon 5pm. From 28 Jtil: men llatn on Stilt. ('afe.

New: Recent Acquisitions of Contemporary British Art t'ntil Sttn 17 .\'o\. The gallery shth s off its recent acquisitions of contemporary British art Which includes Douglas (iot'don's [is] affinities. plus Works by (‘allum lttnes. Damien Hirst. Day'id Shrigley'. (‘hristine Borland. (‘had .\lc(‘ail. Victoria .\lorton. Julian ()pie and many tnore. See Hitlist.

The Contemporary Art Gallery in the 21st Century Mon 22 Jttl. 12.45pm. Susanna Beaumont. director of contmercial contemporary art space. doggerlisher. giy'es a talk.

The Conservation of Contemporary Art Mon 2:) Jul. 12.45pm. Tina l'iske from the l'nixersity of (ilasgoyx giy es a talk.


The Hound. (12-1 (i200 (recorded information 332 2206). Mon Sat l()am»~5pm; Stilt noon 5pm. From 28 Jul: .\lonaSat l()am (rpm; Stilt llam ()pm. ('afe (until 1 Sept.

Rubens: Drawing on Italy t'ntil Sun I Sep. £3 t£2l. This major exhibition explores the Ways in W hich Rubens studied. copied and adapted the Work of the Italian artists and brings together a rattge of material that the artist produced there.

Landmarks of Italy: Rome, Sunset from the Convent of Sant’Onofrio By David Roberts lit-i 1‘) Jill. l2.~15pm.;\rt historian Patricia Andre“ giy'es a talk on Day id Roberts' paintittg.

Landmarks of Italy: View of Verona with Ponte delle Navi by Bernardo Bellotto Hi 26 Jul. l2.-15pm. .\lattheys \Vellard giy es a talk.


(ieorge l\' Bridge. 226 4531. .\Ion Sat l()am 5pm; Stilt 2 5pm.

This Book Belongs to Me t'ntil Thu 3] ()ct. lixplore the exciting and colourful World of children's books from the original l7th century Tom Thumb to the latest Harry Potter blockbuster.

From Accession to Coronation l'ntil Sat 3 Aug. A small display documenting the eyents from the Queen‘s accession on (i lieb l‘)52. to the coronation on 2 Jtitt l‘)53. through neyyspapers. books and other materials.

102 THE LIST iii of. Ax; 271/



Work by Naomi Garriock forms part of a group show at Patriothall Gallery

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. (J24 ()2llll lt‘ec‘ttt'tlc‘tl information 332 22(iol. .\lon Sat

l()am 5pm: Stttt noon 5pm. l‘rom 2S Jul: .\lon Sat l(lam (rpm; Stilt llam (rpm. ('afe.

Facing the Light: David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson t‘nul Sun l5 Sep. The local point of a series of exhibitions celebrating the biceittenary of l).(). llill. I’htll' the l'cslt\;tl. organised by Scottish Society littl‘ the History ol’ Photography. lint/re 'I'lu' lit/ll features Ztlll of Hill and (\tlillllsUILS most famous images drayy n frotn the Scottish National Photography (‘ollectiotr held at the l’ortrait (iallery. The Perth-born artist and illustrator I)ay id ()ctay ius Hill

llSll2 1871b attd Robert Adamson

llS2l lS-lSl W ere the His! It) l'L‘dlisc lllc‘ artistic possibilities of photography and the exhibition features a number of original negatixes that hay e been printed for the first time.

Scots in Film: Portraits by Donald MacLellan l'ntil Still 13 ()ct. .-\rottnd 3t) yyorks by leading portrait photographer. Donald .\lacl.ellan \xhose first exhibition Blur/x l’uttt'r \yas shoyy n at the National Portrait Gallery itt London itt l‘NS. l‘or this exhibition. .\lacl.ellan has turned his lens on Scottish lilm stars. snapping Robbie ('oltrane. .-\lan ('umming. Tilda Syxinton. Billy ('onnolly. Robert (‘arly le. l)ougray Scott aitd many others.

Newhaven Since the Time of Hill and Adamson Wed 34 Jul. l2.-l5pm. Denise Brace. ttssislttltl keeper of sttclttl history at the ('ity of lidinburgh council inusettms. giyes a talk.

Cultivating Nature: the Fool of the Laird of Grant By Richard Waitt Wed 3| Jul. l2.~l5pm. Httgh ('heape. c‘tll'alttt‘ Ul. .\lotlel'tt Scottish (.UllL‘CHUHS ttl the National .\lllscttttts of Scotland. giyes a talk.


2] S1 Leonard’s Lane. (362 l(il2.

.\lon Sat l()am 5pm; Sun noon 4pm. Inside and Out l'ntil Sttn 28 Jul. .-\ selling exhibition of garden and conseryatory furniture including circular tree seats and other items from Rajasthan in NW India.


l.eith. 555 SSSS.

Citizens Mon 2‘) Jul Sun 25 Aug. .\ photographic collection of portraits by 'I‘reyor and lay e Yerbury. paying homage to lidinburgh‘s unsung heroes.


75 7‘) ('umberland Street. 557 l(l2(). Mon Fri l()am opnt; Sat l()am 4pm. Summer Show l'ntil Wed 7 :\ttg. A large selection of yyorks by my ited artists including Bellany. .\lorrocco. llarrigan and tttany others.

Ceramic Sculpture t'tttil Wed 7 Aug. ('eramic sculpture by iny'ited artists.


l7 1‘) Barclay Place. 477 2933. Tue Sat llatn (rpm.

Mixed Exhibition .»\ changing selection of paintings including reproduction art Van (iogh. Dali. .\lonet. Kandinsky. .\liro originals attd Work by tip-and-coming local artists.


t\\}\Sl’Sl Patriothall Studios. offslS Hamilton Place. 225 I25").

Shall I Tell you a Secret? t'ntil Tue 23 Jul. lTue I'ri noon ()plttl Sat & Sun noon 4pml. .-\ group shoyx encompassing photography. printed textiles. installation attd sound Works by artists Susan Steyy'art. .\laria Benjamin. Naomi (iarriock and (iary ()'('onnor. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Words on Walls Sat 27 Wed 31 Jul lTue Sun noon 6pm: Mon noon 4pm). Samples of Writing by members of the lidinburgh \yriter's group. Scriey'ers. NEW SHO‘JJ.


25 .\larchmont ('rescent. 22‘) 2063.

Mon Fri 9am 5.30pm; Sat l()am 2pm. Mixed Exhibition .\ photographic gallery and framing “til‘lx'sllttp featuring a range of framed mounted images with space for local photographers to shoyy their \y ()I'l’x.


l2 Bristo Place. 226 l7l5. \Ved Stttt

l (rpm.

We’re not here to give you pleasure l'ntil Sun 2l Jul. .\Iembers of three artist-run spaces in Frankfurt. Rennes attd (‘ardiff get together for this group shoyy.


('lerk Slt'cel. ()(iS 2(ll‘). .\lon-Sat l()am 5.30pm.

Etta Shade: Scene in the City

Mon 22 Jul Sun I Sep. Watercolours of lidinburgh by litta Shade.


l5 Rutland Square. 22‘) 7545. Mon l’ri 0am 5pm; Sat l()am 4pm.

More for Less: Cedar House l’ntil l’ri 2 Aug. An exhibition curated by Mark Walker. the architect and on ner of ('edar House. a typically si/ed four bedroom detached llttllsc‘ ill l’L‘t'lltslllI'L‘. designed it) create a feeling of opulence.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnyerleith House. lttyerleith Royx'. 552 7I7I. Wed .\Ion l().3(lam 5.30pm. Alan Charlton t‘ntll Sun 28 Jul llnyerleith Housel. .\'eyy Work by linglish artist Alan ('harlton. \y ho since 196‘) has produced paintings characterised by [no fixed constants panels the width of 4.5cm and the colour grey. See also Sleeper. LAST (El lANCL. TO SEE.

The Dapuri Botanical Drawings l'ntil Tue 23 .lttl tlnyerleith Housel. .-\n exhibition drayy n from the collection of RBUl-I to accompany a new book liillltlt’l‘s I Jim/(l: .’\/(’l(llI(/('l' (ii/mm :lm/ 'l'ln' [ht/uni Hammett! [Mailings by Dr Henry .\'oltie \y hich describe a remarkable collection of l‘)th century lttdian botanical dt'ayx ings. LAST Cl‘lANCE TO SEE. Timely Cures l'ntil Sttn 28 Jul tlixhibitiott Hall: l()am 5pm). (‘helsea Physics (iarden's photographer iii residence Sue Snell exhibits photographs taken folloyy ing a research project into plants used in pharmaceutical ntedieine.

ROYAL FINE ART COMMISSION Bakehouse (Jose. l-lo ('anongate. 556 (mm). Tue l’ri noon 3pm.

Anatomy of the House l‘ntil Sat 31 .\tlg. xlltultmty' it] [he Home is an accessible and interactiye touring shoyy from The Lighthouse yyhich has been designed to deyelop an understanding of our bttilt eny ironntent. ('t'eated by (iray'en Images. the exhibition features historical