Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

The Abduction Club r t2) 0.

(Stcl‘an SchnarU. l'K/li‘cland. 2002i l)anicl laipainc. .\latthc\\ Rh}x. :\licc li\aiix. 96min. In lh‘th ccntttr} lrcland tir'xi-liorn niach inhcritcd c\ cr}tliing. mcariiiig arixto- cratic xccond xonx had to niarr) rich licircxxcx xo ax to li\ c ax gcntlcnicn. 'l’hc unluclx) talc ot' hcirig xccond xonx hctallx our tuo licrocx. daxliing xxxaxhhucklcrx \\ ith thcir .xightx xct on xixtcr'x ('athcrinc and Annc Kcnricd). llo\\c\ct‘. thcxc xc\}. xa\ \} xihlingx pro\ c inorc than a match for tlicir would-tic huxhandx. Though it addx a mod- crn xlant on thc hixtorical ad\crittrrc niox ic by having cinpoucrcd licroincx \tlio arc morc intclligcnt than thcir tnalc countcr partx. 'I‘lrv Ala/mum: ('lu/i ltL‘\L‘l'lllClL‘\\ tailx to till thc potcntial ol' itx no\ cl prcmixc. ~S'cc rcx-icu'. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

About a Boy 1 13) 0... «(Mix and Paul \Vcitz. l'K/I'S. 2003i llugh (ii'aiit. Nicholax lloult. Toni ('ollcttc. ltllmin. (irant hrcakx l‘rcc ot‘ hix poxli t'op xcrccn pcrxona to pla} layahout \Vill l-‘rccnian in thix wining adaptation of Nick lloi'nh} ‘x novcl. Supporting a loat'crx' Inc of tcll}. hoo/c and hit‘dx \\ ith \\ caltlt l't‘otn hix latc lathcr‘. l-‘rccrnan‘x \miiiaiiixing liringx him into contact “lllt .\larcux tlloulti. tlic young xon ol' xuicidtill} dcpt‘cxxcd l'iltilttt ((‘ollcttct. \\ ho procccdx to changc thc \Vitxlrcl‘x lll‘c. 'l‘hc \Vc‘il/ lit'tilltCt’x lxccp thingx bright and lii'ccl}. hut top honourx go to (irant and lloult \\ ho xpcnd tlic liliri xwapping placcx ax thc titular charactcr. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

Amadeus - Directors Cut rt’(ir C... (Milox l-‘orrnan. l'S. ION-ii l-'. Murray .»\hrahain. 'l‘orn llulcc. lili/ahctli Bcrridgc. l72niin. \ththci‘ \\ c riccd a nc\\ \crxion ot‘ l‘orman’x ()xcar-u inning litc ot' .\lo/art ix a moot point. Scrccrmritcr l’ctci' Shatl'cr'x ,xtor‘_\' ot' Vicnna court cornpoxcr Antonio Salicri and hix plot to cnginccr thc dount'all ol Wolfgang :\ltt;tthltx .\lo/art. a

giggling. dirty-rnindcd crcaturc‘ \\ ith a (ind-gthtt muxical talcnt. thanklull} rcmainx intact. But \\ hat ix riioxt clcar from a rcpcat \ icu ing ix thc undiniinixlicd qualit} ol‘ Ahrahaiii'x pci't'orniancc. go irig dcpth to a glittcrhall ol‘ a mo\ ic \\l1ti\L' colourful xurlacc could otlicrxx ixc hc too diwrting. Scc rcx ic\\. Sclcctcd rclcaxc. Angela’s Ashes r 1m 0000 t.r\lan l’arlx'cr. l'K. I‘N‘H Rohcrt (‘arl_\lc. linirl} \\';itxori. Joc lirccn. l-aniin. l‘i‘ank .\lc('ourt'x l’ulit/cr l’t'i/cuinning child» hood mcmoir ol‘ l.iriicrick in thc .itlx tx a puhlixhing phcnonicnon. lo\ cd acroxx thc \N'Ut'ld l3} thoxc \\itlt no conncction to lltc hook'x tlircc dclining clcnicntx lrclaiid. ('atholicixni and pou‘rt}. l’arkcr can‘t cxtahlixh thc xarnc lc\cl ot' cngagcnicnt ax Mc('oiirt docx. hut lic can train hix lcnx on tlic liaccx ol' hix rcniarlxahlc caxt to xlio\\ a

Mon 22nd July Italian For Beginners (15) 7 30;)!» Thur 25th ju/y The Warrior (12)

Mon 29th July

Gosford Park (15) 7 lam (cuppa! a 7 300.”;

/ 30.017:

lom our free mar/mg list contart box off/C0 for details

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

40 THE LIST 'i‘, tlrrl ' [wt 7* m’ .”

tc\turc ot ciriotiorix. Scritrnrcrit hcrc ix a natural rrrgrcdicrit. not a xaccliarriic addr to c. l‘( i(‘ l’ai'klic‘ad. (ilttxgiuk Apocalypse Now Redux r 15. C... rl‘r'ancix l'ord (‘oppo|a. l‘S. I‘V‘ICHHI l \lartrrr Sliccn. \larloii llrando. Rohcrt l)rr\all. Itllrrirrr ('oppola'x ric\\. lorigcr ctit ol lirx \‘rctriarrr \xar riraxtcrpiccc iricludcx inoi'c ot l)u\all'x cr'ax} clioppcr cornmaridcr lx'rlgorc. a xccoiid cncouritcr \xrth thc l’l.i}liti_\ llurirircx. a ric\\ xctlucricc xct on a rcniotc l'rcncli plantation addrrig lirxtorrcal lmckgroiirid and Brando c\poundirig upon tlic rrixarirt} ot' war. It rxn‘t .iri rriipro\cirrciit. hut corrxrdcr‘rrig tlic circtirirxtariccx undcr \xlriclr ll \\.ix lilrircd in tlic l’lirlrppiricx \xlicrc t'\L't}llllltj_' troni hurrrcaricx to licart attackx plagucd thc caxt and crcu _\ott uant to xcc c\cr}tlirrrg tlic} got on llllll. (il'l. (ilaxgou. Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner r IS. .0... I/..rcliarrax Kriritrk. (‘aiiada. letll I \atar l’rigalatl. liugcnc lplxarriak. l’ctcr llcnr} .\rriatxrat|. lqlllllll. 'l'lrix i'crriarkalilc xrrigtrlar licauttltrl lilrir ix tlic lirxt to lic critircl} in tlic ltlllll lariguagc. lt rx qurtc xinipl} .ix purc and pcrlcct .r prccc ol riarrali\c ciricrira ax §ou arc c\cr lrkcl} to xcc toda}. \\ licri an unknown xhaiiian ptrtx an H il xpcll on a group ol rioriiadrc lriurtx li\ rrig oll tlic ('ariadran \i'ctic it lilixk'\ l\\ t'liU _\t'.tlx l‘L‘lUlt‘ [\\H lil'ttllk‘l'x ciricrgc to cliallcrigc tlic c\ il oidcr. l)rrcctor Klllllll’x nc\cr lctx tlic xturirirrig xccricr) oxcipoucr tlic man} riiiriutc dr‘a rirax licing actcd out li_\ a rrroxtl_\ non pro tcxxioital. tlrougli rriipi'cxxn c caxt. (Lirrico. latlriilitrigli,

Austin Powers 3: Goldmember Illicl t.la_\ Roach. 1’8. .‘lllljt \likc .\l_\ctx. \licliacl (Kiriic. llcyiricc lx'noxxlcx. ‘lllltllttr l'or tlic xccorrd xctprcl to thc criorrrrouxl} popular xp} xpoot. \ltcrx liax \xrittcri liiiri xcll .r tliiid \rllarrroux part xo that lirx xr\ llc'x xupcr xp} rio\\ liax to dcal \\ rtlr not only In l:\rl and l'at llaxlard. hut alxo a lclla \xrtli a goldcn .‘l'lic tlircc \rllarrix ttlrrcc and a hall il _\otr count .\lirii \lcr oricc again turn to tirric tr'a\ cl to rid thciii xcl\cx ol tlic rritcr'lci'rng |’o\\ cr'x. optrrig to go hack into tlic paxt to kidnap c\llxllll'x dad. \rgcl r( ‘arrici. llcatlici' ( ii'aliaiii. .\lrcliacl York and Rolicrt \\.rgricr r‘ctui'ri ax. rcxpcctncl}. .'\tttc't'lc.tll :rgcrit l'clrcit} Slragncll. .\lrxtrn‘x lioxx llaxrl l:\poxitrori and Ill l:\il‘x \trrrilicr 'l‘\\o, Scc ic\ic\\.

(it'llt'l .tl lk'lk'.l\k'.


Bad Company t t2: .0 rim-l Scliriiachci'. l'S. 2002i .v\nthon} llopkinx. (‘lirix Rock. l’ctcr Stoririarc. llhriiiri. 'llic lii'xt liall' ol- Ii’m/ (inn/nun ix [Nauru/run I/u’ Run/t. Roclx ix tl‘ic xtr’ccl\\ixc Ignora- rnux \\ lio rccci\cx thc xo\\ 'x car/xilk purxc trcatrncnt L‘Ullt'lL‘\_\ ol' llopkrnx' (’l.'\ \ctcr- an \\ lio nccdx him to rcplacc liix dcad agcnt t\\ It] hrothcr and rccox cr a xtolcn nuclcar \xcapon. 'l'hc action xct prcccx arc rcrnarkahl} xuhducd tor a kit) ‘l’lri' li’ru’A' liruckhcirircr production. \Voi‘xc. li’url (bur/tum ham l‘rxtcdl} rcinl'orccx thc poxtr Scptcirihcr l l rnan-rn tlic-xtrcct ax xa\iour ni}tli and in doing xo x|io\\x ,\nicrrca up ax an aggrcxxor \\llll itx hig tat \\llllL' axx c\poxcd tor a xpaiikiiig h} \\ltoc\ct' conrcx along. SL‘L‘ t't'\ lL‘\\. (icncral rclcaxc. A Beautiful Mind 1 13) .0. “would. [—5. 2002i Rttxxcll ('t‘im c. .lciirirlcr ('onncll). l’aul llcttan}. l35riiin. .l li’i'uulrlul .llrm/ oticc rnorc prcxcntx (‘roo c “tilt tlic oppot'lttllit} to altcrriatc hix lttllflll fill} t'olcx «(i/mlruluri \\ itli ‘xcri oux actrrig' txcc I’lu' III\I(/('I'I. llcrc ('ro\\ c pla}x .lolin \axli. tlic iriatliciiiaticx gcniux during hix collcgc da} x in :\tttcr'ica in tlic l‘l-ltlx. hut alxo a paranoid xclir/oplircriic. \\lio \\ax ncwrthclcxx auai'dcd thc .\'olicl l’t'I/t‘ lgtlc‘ Ill lttx ltlAL‘. ()ll llk‘ tlL‘gttch‘ xltlL‘ ot thc cquation. llo\xard'x dircction xtitikx. llix cllortx to riiakc iriatli intcrcxt- rrig tail tll\lll;tll_\. .-\ lor‘ ()xcar‘x cl'l’ort. hut (' tor contribution to tlic Iicld ol‘ liiopic ciiicrria. ()dcon ('it_\ ('cnlrc. (ilaxgo\\; ()dcort. :\'\ r.

Behind the Sun 1 tji 00.. «Walter Sallcx. lira/ll. .ltltlli Rodrigo Saritoro. .loxc |)uiiiont. l'la\ia .\larco .-\ntoriro. lll5riiin. In a rcriiotc north caxtcr‘ri

pro\ riicc in lira/ll circa I‘lltl. a dcadl} tcrrd ix licirig \xagcd lictxxccn t\\o rrcrgli liouririg tariiilicx. 'l'oiiho iSantoroi. tlic rrirddlc xori ol an irripo\crrxlicd xiigar canc larnicr tl)urriorit r. ix axlxcd li) lirx tatlicr to axcngc tlic krllrrig ol' hix cldcr lirotlicr. .-\ tcr'rrlicd 'l‘oriho l'ultilx hix t'ilial dirt). hut tlrc c_\ clc ot \ iolcricc rcxuriicx.

('oii\ rnciiigl} acch and iriiprcxxi\cl_\ xliot. li’r'lrmi/ I/u' Sun incorporach x_\ riiliolic clc irrcntx \\tllllll tlic l’raiiicuork M an cnio troriall_\ ciigagrng xtoi'_\|inc. lt riia} drau on an arra} ol xoui'ccx. not Icaxt (ii'cck tr‘agcd) and tlic .'\tllt'l'lc‘;tll \\'cxtcrri. arid )ct m a \xoild xcarrcd h} ata\ ixtic cori tlictx. tlic lilni’x coritcriiporar} r'cxoriancc rx corixidcralilc .-\dani Siiiitli. lx'ii'kcald),


g and romance in The bduction Club

0 Beijing Bicycle rl’( h 00.0 t.\iaoxliuai \Varig. ('liiria "l'aman. llllll I 1.111 ('m. .\un /.lion. Yuarrnran (iao. lllriiin. ln thix niodcrri ('lirncxc updatc ol Vittoria l)c Sica'x claxxrc l/lt' li’u \r It I'll/vim. a poor. uncducatcd Ixoung riian t'roni tlic countr}. xccui‘cx a roli ttt llcrirrig ax a liic} clc cour'icr. llc‘x gr\cn a Hand nc\\ mountain hikc. \xlirch lic rx to pa} ott graduall}. llo\\c\ cr. \xlicn rt gctx xtolcn. lic tindx lttlllxt‘ll xcourrng tlic crt_\ looking tor II in ordcr' to r'ctarn tlic hilt. c\x \\cll ax xupcrh pcrtorrnanccx. tlic lllttl .rlxo lca tirrcx gorgcoux photograph} and tcrrrtrc Iocatrori \\orlx. Scc rc\ icu. l'rlrrilrouxc. ladirihurgli.

Bend it Like Beckham r I_‘i COO. r(iuriiidcr (‘liadlia. l'lx'. llltlli l’ariiirridcr l'x \agi'a. lxc-ir';i lx'niglitlc). loriatliarr lx’li}x \lc} crx. lllrririi. Al'lic parcntx ot llttltllxlt\\\ tccriagcr lcxx r\'agrai “ant licr to coiiccrr tratc on hcr xttrdrcx. to lcarii lio\\ to coolx traditional Indian tood. and to mart) a rcxpcctalilc )otirig riiari. .lcxx. lioucwr. rx tar nioi'c paxxioriatc .rliout pla_\ rrig toothall. and ix axkcd l\_\ lcllou xclioolgrrl .lulcx tlx'riiglitlc} I to tour tlic local \xorricrrx' tcaiir .\x \\ rtlr li/mu or: .t/rt If: m /r and ill/ltlln (DNA/I13 ‘_ \\lllt‘l tlllt'c'lt‘l (illdtllltl coritidcritl} uxcx coiricd} to c\plorc xocral. racial and tarnilral rxxucx. \\llll tootliall a dc\ rcc to rn\cxtrgatc “II.” it rircarix to lic _\ourig. lcriralc and xclt coritidcrit tll con tcriipoi'.ir'_\ lirrtarrr \darrr Smith. Kit‘kc'.tld}.

Betty Fisher and Other Stories (Bettey Fisher et autres his- toires) r lXi O... t('laudc \lrllcr‘. l’r‘ancc. Itttll i Sandrriic lx'ilicrlarri. \rcolc (iat‘cra. \latlrrldc Scigncr ltltlrrirri. .\lillcr'x px_\cliologrc.rl tlii'rllci takcx tix through a xtrangc xtor_\ rri\o|\ irig tlrc collr xton ol tlic |i\cx ol t\\o \xorricii and tlic uric\pcctcd .tl't'l\.tl ol .rri cxtrarigcd riiotlicr l’art ot’ tlic l‘lt‘llcll l'llllt l-cxtnal. (il‘ l. (ilaxgoxt.

Big Fat Liar tl’(ii O t.\'lia\\ri l.c‘\}.1'8.ltttllil‘r';rril\rc\lrrrrrx.l’aul (iiarnattr. Miranda li_\ricx. .\l\irirrr ll _\car old Michigan xclioollio} .laxori Slicplicrd hax hix o\crduc tcrrii papcr xtolcn h} c\ 11 mm ic riiogiil \lar't} \\olt. \\lio rritcridx to ttrrn it into a hlocldiuxtcr, lawn and licxt li'icrid lx'a} lcc xct oil. I, \ hound. on a rrirx xiori to pttt thc xittratrorr to r'iglitx /( rm li’m Ill-r quttc rriontcritx rcriirrirxcciit ot .ltillll llugltc‘x‘ .\'llx \\t\l'l\. (it‘llt‘ldl lt'lc‘JM‘