Biggie and Tupac ( I5) 00..

(Nick Brooiiilicld. 1.3. 2002) ’l‘upac Shaknr. Biggie Sinallx. lll7min. (hit of documentary in\ L‘xtigator Nick Bi‘noiitlicltl\ lk‘fl Cl'k‘illlttl]\ to «law. Higgit' um/ 'I'u/mr dclwx into thc \Htl‘ltl ol‘ llic rap muxic induxtr}. B) probing thc hack-to—hack murdcrx ol' high prolilc rap- pcrx 'l‘upac Shakur and Biggie Smallx. Broomlicld axxcrtx the t\\o \\ crc not killcd out of a ridiculoux iiaxt/\\'Cxt coaxtal gang uar. hut in a muxic L‘\CL‘ll- tiw’x \xarpcd hid to crcatc puhlicit}. 'l‘liix i\ “it tlcliciotlx and dixturhing talc til [no good lricndx and gil'tcd artixtx di\ idcd and killcd h} a naxt) Swngali. l-‘ilinliouxc. tidinhtirgh.

Birthday Girl 1 lSl 0.. lull) :tlttl SlL‘pliL‘lt littllt‘l‘um'llt. l‘K. :llilzl Nicolu Kidman. BL‘H (’haplin. Mathicti Kaxxox ill. 03min. St. :\ll‘alix hank clcrk. John. l('haplinl llléll‘l'tL‘\ Riixxian intcrnct hridc. \adia. (Kidnianl. 'l'licir xticccxxl'til xc\ual. il' non-ct)mmnnicati\c rclationxhip ix dixruptcd \\ ith the arrnal ol tuo Rtixxian couxinx \\ ho thrcatcn to kill Nadia it John docx not roh hix oxx n hank. .-\n £l\\l\\\;tl'tl and clii'iouxl) l'limx) hour-and-a- hall. not quite tnanaging to coinhinc itx owrall light comic tonc \\ ith xomc ol' ilx darkcr [irctcnxionx Sclcctcd rclcaxc. Borderline lccrt thcl llx'cnnctli Macl’hcrxon. l'S. l‘).‘\lll l’aul Rolwxon. tixlanda Rolwxon. ll.l). (ilinin. 'l‘hix rcccntl} dixcm crvd lh} thc Britixh l’ilm lnxtitutcl xilcnt moxic attcmptx to rccrcatc thc logic of drcanix through the xtory of an intcr-racial low al'l‘air. Starx militant hlack xingcr Rohcxon and liix with and lt‘tlllll'kN a cameo h) the imagixt poet ill). The liilmliouxc. lidinhurgli. Brotherhood of the Wolf l lSl

C. ((‘hrixtophcr (ianx. Franco.

llllll l Samuel l.c Bihan. .\lark Dacaxcox. Vinccnt ('axxcll. Monica Bcllucci. limilic chucnnc. l.‘~~1min. ln lh’lli century France a terrifying hoaxt ix tcrroi'ixing the

(imatidan region. ripping itx \‘ictimx to xhrcdx. :\d\'t‘iiturcr and xcicntixt l‘ronxac ll.c Bihanl. togcthcr \xith liix Natuc .’\l]lL‘l'iC;tll coiiipaninn. .\laiii ll)acaxcoxl. ix dixpatchcd h} the King to iiithigatc thc pltL‘ltUlltL‘ltUlt. Aided h} a lit} \lCl'lUllx Italian cotii'tcxan llicllucci l. l-'i‘oiix;ic'x in\ L'xtigationx uncou‘r a \\ itch. a xccrct xocicty and lllC xiiiixtcr hrothcr l(‘axxc|li of thc hcautit'ul nohlcxxoman lRmvHu‘x chucnnct with \\ hoin l‘ronxac ix cnam- ourcd. 'l‘liix hi/arrc hyhrid ol‘ lilm gcanx hixtot‘ical romance. martial artx. horror - ix la\'ixhl} axxcmhlcd. )Ct xtrangcl) mud- dlcd and cmpt}. Cameo. lidinhurgh. Cabaret l [M .0... liioh l‘oxxc, l'S. l‘)"3l l.i/a .\tinclli. .locl (ii'cx. \tichacl York. l3-lmin. In di\incl} dccadcnt carl} l‘)_‘~l)x Bcrlin. xingcr Sall} Ho“ iL'\ \\U\\\ them at the iiotoi'ioux Kit Kat Kllll‘. L‘ncoumcrx lliC hcginningx ol .\'a/ixm and xhai'L‘x hcr prctt} linglixh ho} l'ricnd \\ ith a ga} hai‘on. St}lixh and in\ igorating Broadna) inuxical turiicd ()xcar-“inniiig cinematic landmark. l‘ilinhouxc. lidinhurgh. Cats and Dogs ll’(il COO ll.a\\rvncc (ititcrinan. ('8. Still] l .lcl'l (ioldhluni. iili/ahcth l’crkinx. .\liriaiii Margo} lC\. 87min. 'l‘hix rcl'rcxhing approach to cute talking pctx lilmx ix a kind ol' xuhwrxiw [Univ incctx .llixximi: lni/mxxilr/t'. 'l‘hcxc dogx don't juxt talk. thc} lt\L' xtercillancc cqnipmcnt and haw a \UlL‘lltll mixxion to protcct xcicntixt (ioldhlum ax hc inwntx a cure for dog allcrgit‘x. 'l’hc catx arc m il. lik'll‘l‘t‘lil on conquering the world; thcir xpccial agcntx haw dcadly ninja xkillx and \ icioiix \\ caponx. 'l'lic aniiiiatronic cll‘cctx arc of a prctt} high xtandai'd. hut it'x thc animal traiiicrx )Htltt‘ in rcal an L‘ of. The occa- xional wander into xcntiiiicntal tcri‘itor) and \lo“ ing lip ol pace can lw l'orgiwn h} the madl} original idca. li\cl_\ action xcqucncL‘x and knockahout humour. Carlton. Stirling.

56th edinburgh I internationa



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