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42 THE LIST ‘8 ..JtiI—l Aug 2002

Charlotte Gray i ISi GOO i(‘iitlian :\I'm\trong. l'K. 2002i (‘ate Blaiiehett. Bill} (‘rudup. .\liehael (iambon. lllmin. 'lltere'x a fundamental l‘lau in this adaptation oi Sebastian liaulkx‘ nou‘l about a )ouug Seotx \xoman \\ ho is trained as a \p} b} the British Arm) during World War ll and dropped into oeeupied l-‘ranee to \\ot’k \\ ith the Resistance mo\ ement: it's about as tense ;t\ tttt L'pivttlc Ul‘ 'xl/IU. I'll/U. [lillL‘ llltll t'oeusex too mueh on the eharaeterx and not enough on the aetion. ln eontenting himself \\ ith eharaeter are and rites of ptixxage nar- ratiie. \ereenuriter Jerem) lii‘oek and .»\rin\trong ha\ e abandoned the height- ened drama oi the story. line [M'l'lltl'lllilllk'k". though. l'(‘l. (‘l}debauk.

Chop Suey i 18) CO. iBruee Weber. l'S. 200th 08min. Photographer Weber ere- ates a kaleidoseopie homage to “"110 ol' his laxourite things. among them the lesbian iii/I singer l‘raneex la} and Peter loltttxott. a sixteen war-old \xi‘estler ll‘ttllt \ltttnexota. .'\l\tt l'eatui'ex lootage ol the great Robert .\litehum \lllg'lltg the blues. Adam Smith. Kirkeald}.

Christine 1 lSi 0.. I:\l;ltt (‘lark. l‘K. 1087i Viek) .\lurdoeh. 52min. ('larke\ t}p- ieall) hard-hitting film about addietion sees a thirteen )r‘ai’ old girl walk the l.ondoii suburbs xer\ ieiitg the needs oi school age heroine addietx. Double billed \\ ith (‘larke\ RIHHI. (il‘i'l’. (ilaxgou.

The Closet i 1M 00. it"raiieoix Veber. liranee. Zilllli Daniel .-\utieul. (ierard Depardieu. \liehelle l.aroque. 85min. l‘raneoix t.-\utieuli is a eompan} man per- eei\ ed as bland and otte-ditttenxiottttl. But he's seen dit't'ereiitl) \\ hen a touehed tip photograph suggests that the straight l‘raneoi\ frequents some risque ga} night-- elubs. li\t‘i‘}btkl} at the eondoin laetot’} “here he \xorkx il)epardieu. l.aroque. ltoxs Jean Roehel'orti sees a neu man. as it lind— iiig something ot their o\\tt possibilities

\\ ithiii liraneoix' apparentl) libertine beha\ - iour. The (law! does a surprixingl} \kill'ul job of suggexting that ga} nexs can be a health) it. \ irtual mode of being. \thile also. in l-‘i‘aneois' emi‘lo} meiit aii\ietie\. attaeh- ing itsell' to the uorkplaee film that M) prev oeeupiex l’reneh einema at the moment. ('ameo. l-Ldinburgh.

Comment j’ai tue mon pere l ISi .0. t.-\une l’ontaine. l‘ranee/Spam. 2001 i (‘harles Berling. \atadta Regiiier. .-\mira K;I\;tl'. 08min. 'l‘he lite ol .leaii-lue lliL‘t‘llttg'l. it \lICCL'thll \L‘I'\;ttlle\ gerontolo- gist Will] a beautilul )ottttg \xite lxa tRegnieri and a lo}a| mistress 1K;t\.ll'l. l\ disrupted b) the sudden reappearanee ol ltl\ \e\ent} «omething lather .\lauriee i.\liehel Bouquet i. \\ ho deeadex earlier had thlkt‘kl out on lll\ liiiiiil} to beeome a doetor in .-\lriea. .-\‘.oiding \llttpll\llc px} ehologteal ‘explanationx‘ l'or ll\ eharaeterx' aetions. the lilm \erutini/ex the lather—wit eoulliet \\ ith ie) assuranee. and elima\e\ tn an emotional eottl‘rontation ol' \enomoux lltlL‘lhll). l’ilmhouxe. lidinburgh.

The Crocodile Hunter - Collision Course ll’(ii .0. iJohit Staiitton. :\ti\tralia/l'S. letlli Stex e lruin. Bro/lie l)re\\ett. Sam l‘l'\im. .\lm\ tbe. John Stainton‘x eomed} ad\ettture pl't‘\t‘l‘\t‘\ the straight«to-eamera teehnitiue from the .-\u~traliaii\ highl) \ueeexslul \inall-sereen doeutttetttat'} series. This enables the lar- i'ikiii star to de|i\ er his ll\tl;tl 'erike) '-\tre\\n lt‘t‘lllt'tN UH lltt‘ llkL‘\ Uli lllL' l‘ll'tl-L‘illlllg \pi- ilel‘x and the lieree \ttttkL'\ [\lL'I. “bile deal- ing plausibl} W ith a sketeh} dramatie plot in\ol\ mg a (‘l.-\ lttl\\lttll to reeo\ er a eraxhed .'\lltt‘l‘lL';tll satellite in North Queensland and Ir“ m's attempt. along \\ ith \\ ile lent. to reloeate a eattle-dexouring eroeodile. Worth the moire) llhl to see Ir“ in do llt\ thing. Fair dinkum. See re\ ieu. (iL'ItCI'ttl l'k‘lt‘iISC.

Devdas tl’( i) Asian einema pl‘t‘xclllillittll. l.( i(‘ RL‘llll'L'“ Sll‘c‘t‘l. (ilttxg‘tml l-( i( ‘. lidinburgh.

Dinner Rush i ISi I... tBob (iiraldi. l‘S. lellli l);tltlt} :\tc‘llo. \'i\'ian Wu. lidoardo liallerini. 03min. \eu York restaurateur Bob (iiraldi has made a mouth- \\atei'ing mm ie about one night ol' business and pleasure tn a popular Italian eater} in .\'e\\ York (ill). .'\lltl lltix will-\l} lc‘tl \\ iw—

gu_\ has set the “hole drama lreminixeent ot :\iithoit) B‘tllt‘dain's restaurant memoir Kin/m1 ('wt/it/wiliiili in his oun dounto“ ii extablithettt in 'I'rilie('a. It‘s to (iiraldi\ credit. and his \xriterx Riek Shaughnev} and Brian Kalata. that the} \\ ea\ e a number ol' plot \ti‘atidx together like a big. l;t\l_\ bo\\l oi spaghetti. Their lilm l\ lull} \atixl'} - tttg'. Seleeted I'L‘lL‘;t\L‘.

Dog Soldiers i tSi 0000 i,\'eil ,\I;i[\h;ill, ['K, 3002) Sean l’L‘t'lW ee. Kex tlt .\lel\'idd. limma (leash). lll—lllllll. 'l'hix lil‘llhlt \xerenoll mo\ ie deh\er\ flesh-tilt- ping gore. edge-ot-the-seat suspense and

\\ ieked blaek humour. lea\ ing one drained btit thoroughl} entertained. Yet it ne\ei' short-ehangex tl\ deltl) tll'qul eharaeterx. a squad oi British soldiers on iiianoein res m the Seottixh Highlands \\ ho tall pre_\ to some lauk) l_\eanthrope\. l’itting domt-to- earth \tlltllL‘l'S against donn-and dirt_\ \xere- \\o|\e\. director .\'eil \larxhall \tripx aua} an} \uperlluoux supernatural dressing. Ironieall). the waiter the lilm get\. the lun- niei' it beeoine~ _\ou laugh out Iotid just to release the lettxiott. ()deon (’it} (‘entre. (ilaxgou; ('ameo. lzdinburgh.

O Dogtown and Z-Boys i tfii .0... tStae) l’et’lata. l'S. lelll l 30mm. What makes Dog/on II (“Ill [Hm \ \o des- peratel} e\eiting'.’ It is a doeumentar} lea lllt'L‘. UltL‘ lltttl lt';tL‘l\\ lltL‘ ke_\ L'\Clll\ lltttl led to the birth ol' the mm ubiquitou~ ‘modern \et‘tieal‘ oi' ‘\ert' st) le ol' skateboarding. \la}bc‘ it‘s the \xa} that dii'eetor atid origi- nal Z—Bo}. l’eralta eutx together still plio- lographx \iittage tilm footage and ne\\ inter\ ieu material to hunt a llttid and \ibi'ant narrati\ e. \la}be it's the kiek-asx punk rock soundtraek leatut‘mg the lll’xt‘x ol' lgg} and The Stoogex. .limi ileiidri\ and led /.eppeliii that punetuatex the slot}. gi\~ itig energ} and ran poxx er to the lo“ «lung \kttlc \l} lL‘ til the X—lio} \. it Could. lttm L‘H‘l'. be that Due/min pet‘leetl) eapturex the l'ttc‘k-oll-and-die attitude that propelled

t\\ el\ e kids t'rom the u rong \ide ot' lUWll into the publie eonxeiouxnexx. Seleeted I'L'lCRISL'.

Dolphins il‘i il'S. Zillilli tbeinm. lhe l‘l‘UcltlL‘t‘IN Ul' lllL' ltttt\l \llt‘et‘\\lilll l.\l.'\.\ ttto\ ie e\ er. Iz'i't'n'xl. take us undersea mto the aquatie home ol tlulplttth. With narra- tion b} l’ieree liroxnan and ltllhle b_\ Sting. l.\l.'\.\. (il;t\g‘0\\.

Dr 2 ll)( il ... ISILWC (‘l'. l‘S. Still] I liddie \ltii‘ph}. Kl‘hlL‘tt W ll\Ull. \oiee ol l.l\.t Kudro“. .\'"mm. .\ \latimo raeooii turns tip at the doe\ home and demands that he \ t\ll Beawr. (iodtather ol the l'oi'ext ereatures. liemer'x problem is that l\\o naxt} humans “ant to ‘de\elop‘ their home. It onl} [)olittle ean tnate endan- gct'c‘tl \peeiex bear .-\\;t (\ttteetl ll} l,l\;l Kudroxx l \\ ith eireux dtide bear :\i‘ehie. then b} Ian the t'oi'ext “Ill be proteeted. Simple. eheex} and eeo-liiendl}. (‘menorld l‘alkirk; l)i\eo\et'} lltLttll'L‘. l\le ()l Hute.

ET - the Extra-Terrestrial it. C... tStex en Spielberg. l'S. PISS/3002i Dee Wallaee-Stone. llc‘ttt’} Thomas. l’eter ('o}ote. l_‘l)min. l‘oi' the mentieth ttltltl\L‘I'\;tt'} ot llll\ table about a peaeet’ul alien marooned on liarth. Spielberg has dusted otl his be|o\ ed original and re l't‘lL‘iI\L‘tl ll m a MC“ and iinpro\ ed toim tea turing digital tinkering il-.'l"\ e)e\. loi' example. ha\ e been ‘enhaneed‘ to make him appear more alieni and ne\ er l‘L‘lUt'c‘ \ereened \eenex such as li'l‘ ha\ mg a bath. But most interesting is the C\t‘l\lt\ll ot all the lirearmx the American .tlllllttl'lllt‘\ ehasing li’l‘ and his human triend lilliot are no“ armed “Illl nothing more threatening than mobile phones. 'lliere'x something a bit preeioux about this kind ol eleanxing ot' the film. Still. as a l'antas} adxeuture tor kltl\ and ‘adult kids' alike. 12”!" remains some kind oi modern elaxxie. ()deon (at) ('enti'e. (ilaxgon.

Everest it'i it's. 2003i tbetttttt. t.\t..\.\ big screen presentation. l.\l.'\.\. (ilaxgon. The Evil Dead t lh‘i iSam Riami. IS. 1083! Bruee Campbell. lillen Saiiduei“, Bets} Baker. 85min. in e unsuspecting )oungxterx head oil tor a health} \\ eekend in a mountain eabin. old} to tall l‘otil ol' \xieked demons “hose purpose ix “ail tor it Wholesale slaughter. li\ei‘) horror eliehe