Farrell. .\lareel lurex. l25min. (‘onl'ined \\ ttliiii a (iermari l’()\\' eainp touardx the ettd of WW”. a l'S eolonel o\ erxeex the eourt martial of a fellow Ameriean xoldier

aeeuxed ot~ murder. The looming prexenee ot'

.\'a/i oeeupatioii l'urther eomplieatex an alread} preearioux xituatioii. ('onl'lieting eharaeter motiurtion addx an e\tra drmen» xioii and re\ealx line aeting. partreularl} lrotn lurex. B} hlurring the xtereot}piea| \xar lilm linex ol'(ierman x\\ rue/Arneriean llero. Ilur'r'x llirr' prm ex a xatixl} ing drama. (‘iiie\\or‘ld. l-‘alkir'k.

Hen: Girls Shorts t l5) i\'ariouxi (itlmin. l"i\ e lexhiari xhort lilmx running the “hole gariitrt ot' genrex and xt_\ lex. ()riginal. erotie. oeeaxionall} pretentioux. l’art ol' the l,exhran and (Ba) l‘ilm l‘extixal on Tour. the l‘ilmhouxe. lidinhurgh.

The Hidden Fortress it’( it .000 t.-\kira Kuroxa“ a. Japan. 1058! 'onhir‘o .\Iil'une. min. During the eiin uarx ol' ltith eentur) Japan. \lil'une'x xamurai exeortx a prineexx and [no peaxantx through enem} territor}. Ktii'oxit\\a\ elaxxie mi\ex Noh the- atre with elementx ol Shakexpeare arid the \\e\let‘ttx ol John Ford. (il'wl‘. (ilaxgon. Human Body it: «[8. Jill] I theniin. Simulation ride hringing _\ou the l‘ull-hloxxn uonder ol' all tlioxe reall}. reall) xiiiall plaeex inxide ux. l.‘\l:\.\. (ilaxgou.

Human Traffic l 1M... tJtixltn Kerrigan. Britixh. I‘N‘H John Simm. l);tlllt} 1)} er. Lorraine l’ilkinglon. min. Kerr'igan'x lilm lolloix x a group of l'riendx around (‘ardill'x nightlight. ax the kidx eraxli out ot their dull \\eekda} iohx and into the eluhx to xeore drugx. ()ne ot' the ten eluhhing lilmx \\ ith an} In el ol autheritieit}. and the inter- pla} between the eaxt ix \er_\ \xateliahle. ('ameo. lidinhurgh.

Ice Age rt; 0. t(‘hrix \Vedge & ('arlox Saldanha. l‘S. lellll Voieex ol' John l.egui/amo. (iorari \ixnire. Jaek Blaek. 81min. 'l‘here‘x a taint air ol' e}nieixm in thix xtor} ot' a moroxe mammoth. a bum- hling xloth and a \\ll} tiger \\ ho iom l’oreex. dexpite all their hetter inxtinetx. to return a human hah} to hix lather. .-\x the planet getx eolder. the) head in the oppoxite direetion ot' the animal migration. to battle xnoxx - driltx. \oleanoex. tee an ex and predatorx. e\enttiall} delhering their eharge. ’l‘he ani- matorx tr} dexperatel} to make )ou tall in lo\ e \Hll] thix unlikel} hand ol ereaturex. to make _\ou xee the good heartx heneath the l'roxt) exteriorx. but the) don't deli\ er that all important eharm. \xit. flair and imagina- tittlt. Seleeletl i‘eleaxe.

Ignorant Fairies (le fate ignoranti) tlxi tl‘er/ari ()/petek. ltal_\/l‘ranee. Itltll I .\largherita Bit}. Stelano .v\eeorxi. lilSinm. .-\ man diex in a ear aeerdent. The \\ idon realixex xhe ix not alone in her griel'; there ix a grim ing man \\ ho had been eonduetirig a long-term al't'air \\ ith her huxhand. the too are drann together h} eurioxit} and attrae- tion. See re\ ieu. l‘ihiihouxe. lidinhurgh. Ikingut tl‘r l( iiin Snaer lirlmgxxon. leeland. :lllllll 87mm. leeland. hundredon _\earx ago. Hoax ix a little ho} uhoxe \ illage getx \ ixited h} a monxter uho lloatx aeroxx the xea on a hloek ol tee. lioax triex to lind out about thix demon and in the proeexx lindx himxell a ne\\ triend. Superior kiddiex mm ie. liilmhouxe. lidinhtrrgli.

In the Mood for Love rl’(ii moo i\\'ong Kar-Wai. llorig Kong. liltltli Maggie (’heuiig. 'l‘ong l,eung. ()7riiiii. In Kar-Wai‘x new lilm. xet iii (iilx llorig Kong. an adulter- oux romanee ix happening elxeuliere hetueen the huxharid ol' xeeretar} (‘heung and the v. il'e ol l.eung'x journalixt. Kar- Wai'x interext liex \\ ith the euekolded. and the “21) that xoinething e\ en more intenxe. perxonal and lortuitoux de\elopx otit til then xliared ‘adulteree' xtatux. \Vitli Nat King ('ole on the xoundtraek. regular ('hrix Do} Ie behind the eamera and hegurliiig uardrohe dexign. Kar-War ollerx a xeduetn e xur'laee te\ture that'x undereut h} the drreetor'x trademark emphaxix ol the aeeidental o\ er the elearl} intentional. Suhtl} xtunmiig lilm making. l(o_\al .\luxeum l.eeture 'l‘heati'e. lidinhurgh.

Indymedia Event r l5i lillmin. l.auriehing lnd_\media Seotlaiid. a \ rdeo prexentation e\ploririg hon the ruedra xhapex puhlie opinion and the attitudex ol

the itttlltttt'llle\ lit [It'ttle\l. ‘l'lle e\ ent .ll\t‘ meludex a drxeuxxion. (il’l. (ilaxgou.

Into the Deep tl't tl'S. Illltl r ll‘elllltl. 31) l.\l.'\.\ pt'exeittalroii. l,\l.v\.\. (ilaxgtm. Italian for Beginners l 15.00.. ll,one Selierlig. Ital}. lelllr lllmin. lhe lir'xt outright eomed} lrom the l)ogme xehool ol lilmriiakmg. Sr\ (‘opettltageti itex tall in lo\ e \\ ith one another and eioxx the harrierx ol elaxx. temperament. exeii Iari guage. lltlltk .\like lergh eroxxed \\rtli larx \ott 'l't'tet'. ll lhal'x poxxil‘le. (‘Itie\\orld tk l’l'li ('mema. l'alkrrk.

Jason X I l5! 0. rJamex lxaae. l'.\'. lellli Kane llodder. l.e\a l)oig. \lar‘ktix l’ar'ilo. lll5min. 'l'hrx ix the tenth ollermg m the I’m/m [lit lA’I/r lranehrxe. 'l'lie lrlm lea llll'e\ .J;t\ttll \‘oorlieex: 'I'he liltxlttmtiil‘le Killing \laeliine. er}ogenrea|l_\ lro/eri rmaeliete in hand: in llllll. and .moken r1735 )earx later ax a xort oi 'l'ermrnator on the xpaeexliip in .l/ri u. l’la}ed L’illi\l\lt‘llll_\ tor laughx. loriiier xpeeial elleetx man turned drr'eetor Jamex Ixaae \xringx ax mueh ax lie ean liom the oh\iouxl_\ modext hudget But he tte\er managex to xuxtam an} real ten xron. and ultimatel} larlx to add .rri}t|irri;: oi mueh interext to an} ol the geniex on drx pla} here. See re\ re“, (ieneral releaxe. Julie Johnston 1 ll. iliolw (mm-.t \. lelll t lilr la} loi. (Minute) l.o\e ‘Hmiii. l’art ol the l.exhran and (ia) lilm textual. Julie liax a xeeret el'l|\ll on (line. hut .lirlre ix a houxenile lrom \eu .lerxe} \\llll a propenxit} lor theoretreal phyxrex. \\ ill xhe lump or \xax xhe puxhed .’ \\ ell rexpeeted indie that eomex \\ ith t\\o lantaxtre lead per lormaiieex. l'tlmhouxe. l'dmhurgli.

Kate 8: Leopold tl’( it Q. iJamex Marigold. l'S. Ziltljr .\leg R)aii. llugh Jaekman. l.ie\ Selirerher. l_‘lmin. leopold iJaekmaiii. an langlixh Duke in lh"(i .\e\\ York. ix hemg loreed to mail} lor moire}. (inmg eliaxe to a lurtne lellov. he liridx at a part} at hrx home. the l\\o men lmall} lall lrom the lir'ooklyi Bridge. Sxxitehing to 3|xt eentur} Manhattan. the man in \IllL'\ tioii. Stuart ISehreiheri. hax dixemered a portal to eroxx trrne and liax lll.ltl\t'llt‘llll_\ taken l.eopold haek \\llll him. Stitar't‘x tlti\\tl\l.tlt'\ nerglihour Iiappenx to he lirx e\ girlli‘rend Kate rlx’}ani. (‘ire lo\ e interext Ior leopold. \\ hat lolloux ix .rii olten trrexome. onl} oeeaxroriall} amtixmg eoriihiiiatton ol tune tra\el. humour and romantie eoriied}. iiiterxperxed \\ ith the elumxil} delnered mexxage that lit modern timex \\ e lia\e lor gotten the important tliirigx iii lile. expeeial l_\ the ar‘tx ol eotirtex} and eourtxhip. l)txeo\ei'} 'lhealte. Me Hi liirte

Mini-Me and me in Austin Powers 3: Goldinember

The King is Dancing (Le Roi Dance) l l.\: 0.. l'r'aiiee. Illlll r Benoit \lagiriiel. Horrx lerial. lilme. \ look at the r‘e|.-.tronx|irp hetueen l outx .\I\ t\l.i_‘.Yllltel' and ltalrari iriuxreal maextro ( iro\.mni liattrxta lull}

n(ietai'd ('oilireu.

l lt‘l'l'dl t. ('atlghl hetueen t‘.\o xtoriex

l.ourx' and l,ull_\’x the lilrii Ilaxliex haek

index Film

trom l,u|l_\ \xailmg about hix airiputated limb to liix arroganee at lotiix'x eourt. ('ozhiatr eapturex \\ ell the pr'etieeupationx oi l'reneli hixtor'ieal emema. hut l'arlx to tellx ux \\lial lie'x getting at |\e_\ond l,u|l_\ ‘x ohxexxion “ith a king \\lttt made hix eaieer. (il’l. (ilaxgon; l‘iliiiliouxe. ladmhurgli.

eyes peeled for . « -' i. ticket otters throughout August only in The List. in every issue there will be great ticket otters, competitions and chances to be part of

all the action in Edinburgh.

' Out weekly from 1 - 22 August for all of your festival pleasures