Film index

Kissing Jessica Stein 1 151 0.. 1(‘harIex Ilet'tnan-\\'ur1nl'eld. IS. 20021 lleather .luergenxen. Jennil'er \Vextteldt. Uhntin. \Vexll'eldt pla} x .lexxiea. a nettrnIie jntit'nalixt \1. hn‘x led 11p \\Ill1 the xtrtng 111 Iner' datex xhe‘x had in the paxl. ()11 a “hint. xhe anxuerx art intrigtnng “(1111.111 xeeking “0111;111 perxnnal ad and nteeIx llelent.l11ergenxen1.a xe\uaII_\

eurinux art galler} 11\\11C1' intending tn einhark nn her 11er lexhian attair.

'l‘he pei'l‘nrtnaneex are xuperh \\ ith .1 \et‘} xtt'nttg xttppnt‘l eaxl \xtlh x11nte great Manhattan lneatinn \xnrk Innt an eax} aehie\e1nent 111 xueh a \ ixuaII) 1.11111I1ar

C11} 1. llIIx I1;t\ t111tllL‘\ t1l' tlltll'lx} llttlL‘pCIIdL‘lll tlppL‘ul. RL‘UIIIIIIICIMICtI. SL‘IL‘L‘IL‘tl I'L‘IL‘axC. The Lighthouse t 1510.. 1811111111 Ilunter. I'K. 21111111 Kirxt} .\Iel.end. l.en Rnnlx.‘)21nin. Ilunter 11111k1~x hix du'eeting dehttt \\lll1ll1l\ Senttixh hnrrer Iilin. uhteh like 1111111} Ul' 11x 1IIII\II'11111\[H‘L‘tlt‘u‘xxttt‘x Ix an e\ere1xe in elauxtrnphnhie Ienxinn. When a prixnn xhip runx agrnund. the inniatex exeape intn the Iigltthnuxe. Hut tlie}'11~ 1ar l'rnnt I'ree: nne 111' the prixnnerx 1x a pxyehnt ie \\itl1 a penchant 1111' head hunt1ng. l'( i(~ RL‘IIII'C\\ SIICL‘I. (ilaxgnu.

The Lord of the Rings 11’( 11 00000 tl’etei Jaekxnn. \eu /.ea|an1I.'l’S. 2111111 Ian \IL‘KL‘IIL‘II. luliiah \Vnnd. l.l\ I}Ie1‘. ('ale Blanehett. Viggn .\Inrtenxen. I".\111111..v\t Inng Iaxt. a xunrd and xnreer} ad\enture lltttl 1'L‘1tll} tIL‘lt\L'1'\ IllL‘ guutlx .l.l{.l{.

'I‘nllxten'x great aehte\etnent \\.1x In ereate an Izngltxhtn}thnlng). Inealed111.11.1ntax11 1‘.1|}1‘I l\e|1e\.1hle \\Ull1l. Jaekxnn‘x gteat .teI11e\ entent 1x In hrtng the .1111hnr'x I111 111 page tnnte tn hle. nnI tnerel} reaItxtng the l1111l.1\l1e ClL'lllClll\ \\Ill1\IIL'L'IJICIIt‘eh \[11‘1‘ taeIe Ithnttgh the} are 2111. xpeetaeulat 1. hut Ihrntighxtnr}1eII1ng II111t'.1111I111.11"11'II1111\ perInt'tn.1neex 1rn111lttx eaxt. \"1xeet.1|.1nd ht‘e.1tI11.1Ix111j._'I} dratnatte. /1’11 /1//11'.-.\/11/111' 1/11 /\’111;' ix an tttxpited Iahntn 111 Ime and .1 ittnnuinenIaIaehte\e1nent. I' III ('111e111a. I'alktrk.

Lost in La Mancha 1 151.00 IKCIIIIl‘llll1111.1111II.t\ltl\l’t'l‘t‘. l R. 201121 ‘Hnnn.'Ihedtteetnrx.u‘e1ntnedh§ their prndueei In ptexent Ihtx pre\ ten xereentng nt their dnetttnentar) ahnut lllt'111.1l\111L‘.1111I untnaktng nl 'I'err} (itIItatn‘x attempt In 101th III\ \1\111I] HI II11‘\IHI'_\ "I l)1111 (‘)111\11IL‘. See Ruttgltelllx.(il'l.(il11\g11\\. I'tlnihnuxe. Itdtnhtngh.

Made in Britain 1 151.... 1 \l.1tt ('I.1rl\e. l'l\'. l‘1.\31'I1111I{11tl1."5111111. Snured l1_\ hitter raetxtnandIheennxer\.111\e \‘-Ul’l\ Il.lltl. tltl \\ _‘_'t‘l .1 |Hl‘ Iiereel} nttelhgenl I11 _\e.1r nId xktnhead ‘l't'e\nr xttt'kx tun tingerx up .11 the x_\x1e111 .11 met} 11[\|\t11'll|llll_\,l 11111111111.111'I}.II11'x}x1e111 ttxexitxnun\1nlent111et|1111lx1111Ie.1I\\11h the (‘)I11111I1f_'.111( I. (il'll. (il.t\}'11\‘..

Minority Report 1 131 00. mien-11 Spielberg. I'S. 2111121'lnin('1utxe. 511111.111lI111 \l111'11111. .\I.1\ \nn S}dn\\_ I-Hnun,


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Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins play spies in Bad Company


Suhtnerged heneath SpieIherg‘x patented I.1_\e1 111 xentnnental \eIIIIMIl/.111\I.ttttlll1t‘1' \1;,:n1nuxI_\ er1 indulgent pettnintanee I'rnin ("1111xe1x.1h.1I1 .Ieeent lttttnixtte IIntIIet. lhe xt'ithex yet the eiedtt Inr thix: xeteetmrttet Sentt l‘1.111I\ and the late utttei Philip K. lhek lit the _\e.11 211511he1111nde1 rate in \tnettea’x .‘tttneeapttal1\\.1xhtngtnn I)(’1 hax heen tedueed In /e1‘n thinttgh the intrn- 1I11e11nn nt the.nnt1n\erxt.1l pre ettnte pnltee 1I1\ 1x111n. l’x}1‘htex predtet ttttttdet'x |1e1nre the} happen (‘1111xe‘x I)eteett\e .lnltn \ndeitnnatiextxIeInnx1nt'e111nexthe) \\1II 1111 1.1Ihe1 \11111'11 .‘nnuntt. Hut \\IIL'11 \Initnn'x 'pie e115." predtetx .1 tntudet ennt nutted I1} \ndettnn IntnerI. the l)eteett\ e _-_'1\1'xntt the r1111.(iener.1I releax.‘ 1.1 xlthttlled \etxtnn Int the hatan hearing [1I.1}x l'(‘l. (‘hdehankr

Monster’s Ball 1 151 .0. 1X11”.- Intx1e1.l S. 31111.31II.1IIeliett'). Bill} IInh l’Itntntnn. \'e.111('ntnhx. III111111.\\.1lIn\\ 1n the deep Snttth 111111- \\11I1 IInx p.1111111I IaIe nI death. IugnIi} .1111I.1\\I.\\.11d1ede111pt1nn. Ihix 1x xnltleak 1I111.1k.'x Stitndhetg‘x .l/IH ./:1f11 Innk lllu'1l I.1I.e111IInI I.tll;.‘l1111:_'11111|1 l.e_\x 1111.11 pettnttnaneex Ihnugh. ~\eIeeted l\'l\.1l\\-

Monsters, Inc. -I 10.00 11’1-11‘ “nth-Ll S. .TINII1_Inhn(inndntau. Hill} ('11x1.1I, Stew Huxeenu. ‘L‘nnn. lhe Iatext (‘1 II .1111111.1I1nn Iinin I111 \1'1111 111.1k1~1‘x l’1\.11‘ tx er I.1t';:.'l§ 111 \Innxttnpnltx. .1 ell} llilldl‘ll .d h_\ the 1n11Iext nt heaxtx 'l'he tnnnxterx

The Small Wonders

I’rndttetinn .-\\\ard Sehetne

/1111‘111'1/11'/'///11'g1'1‘1'/1 £20001n111aIxe)nur1i|nt? Sttppnrted h} lidinhttrgh .\Iediz1ha.xe IiItntnaker—in—rexidenee: Amy llurtlie Iinenuraging ne\\ talent I)ne111nentar} /anitnatinn/ perh11‘1nanee/I"ietinn Contact: l‘ldinhurgh \letliahase on 0|3l 220 0220 (l ‘2l(lllll(‘: 26 August 2002


p11“ er their e11} h} xending 'xearerx' thrnugh dnnrx \thieh telepnrt them intn eIttI- dren'x rnnntx. ()nee there. the} pttll t‘aeex .11 the Ixtdx. prnduetng xhriekx 111 terrnr. \\ hieh are hnttled hael. 1n .\Innxtrnpnlix attd ttxed .1x a xnttree nl energ}. It‘x a neat idea. but “hat reall} lil'tx the lilnt ix the xenxe 11111111 that penadex the \xhnle 111m ie. .II1111.\I1'1‘\. I111 runx ax \ltltmlltl} ax a Iaii'grntiit1l xlide. [Ital 1111 title I\ 11111 ltig [U enin). Selected I'L'IC.I\L‘.

Murder By Numbers 1 151000 Iliarhet Seht‘nede. 1.8. 201121 Sandra Hullnek. R}an (inxling. Ben ('haplin. 1211111111. 'l‘lux l‘)211x (’hieagn true ltnrrnr \1111'} 1\ haqu 1111 [he l.CUPUl(l and I.neh Ctlw 111 11111111 tun high xehnnl Iau xtttdentx ntur- dered a hn} In detnnnxtrate their intelleetual xttpet'lul'll}. 'l‘he Iilnt npenx xx ith xtudent I'riendx dixeuxxuig their murder 111' a _\nung “1111111112 helnt‘e Inng an aee deteeth e tliullnekt hax linked the eritne tn thein \\lill\l enlleague 1(‘haplin1 xtuhhnrnl} pur- xttex eluex In drug dealer ('hrix l’enn. The main element 111 xurprixe ix ntixxing _\eI

C\ CI} \11 nl'ten Sehrneder [H'U\I(l1.‘\ lttttlaltx- ing glunpxex 111 the ehiller that might hax e heen. (ienet'al releaxe.

0 Nine Queens 111m 0000 11111111111 Iiielinxk}. .v\rgentina. 201121 Rieardn Darin. (iaxtnn I’aulx. lgnaxi :\hadal. I 15min. ‘l‘xxn xntaII titnex\\ind|erx1nee1 xeentingl} h} ehanee in a Buennx :\irex enm enienee xtnre and agree In team 11p Int" the da}. And then an nppnrtunit) tn pull a mainr-Ieague xeatn Iandx 1111 their lapx. ax an e\pert I'nrger enn- laeIx \Iat'enx .thnttt a xet nl t'at‘e xtatttpx lt'nttt \Veitnar (iertnan). tlte xn-ealled ~\'itte ()11ee11x 111' the ItIIe. .\ huge hit in itx natixe .1\1'genttn.1. l311‘liitxk}'x 1.1xt-ntn\ing .\'1'111' (jurrm 1x hnth an engrnxxing enn-artixt )at'n and a xl} enntntentar) nn .1 xneiet} eurrentl} 111 eennnnne tree-tall. (‘atnen 1k I‘ilinhnnxe. Iidinhttrgh.

No Man’s Land 1 1510000 ‘l'annue. annia~

ller/egm ina/Slm enia/Ital_\1’151'1111ee/l‘K/Belg 111111. 2111121 Brankn Diurie. Rene Bitanaiae. K.1trin('artlidge. ‘).\’1nin.:\nd the} xa} xatire 1x dt'atl. SCI 111 IIIC tniddle OI. IIIL‘ littxnitm ennl‘het. .\‘11.ll1111'\ [.11111l xeex tun linxnian xnldierx nander intn xaid territnr}. Inrnterl} a rather 1d} IIie pteee 111' 1111111 land. but 1111“ a grim \enue 1111' treneh \xarl'are. The) hick- er like I1ea\1l} armed ehtldren. het'nre a gnnd deal 111' pnlitieal xkttldugger} hringx in the media in the 1111111 111a rthIexx Britixh tele\ 1x1nn enrrexpnndent 1(‘artlidget and a \enal and anthttinux Britixh [CV general 1811111111(‘.1II11\.\1.('anthexituatinnhe t‘L'xttl\L‘1l'.’\\k‘II. nnt h} an} 111' thix Int.


’I‘ann\ 1e xparex nn mic. and the ennied} ix 111'

the kind In make )ntt utnee ax }nti giggle. Ster(‘e111111’}. Izdinhurgh.

Not Another Teen Movie 1 151

O. 1.Inel (iallen. l'S. 201121('hrix l:\.1nx. ('h} Ier l.e1gh. l)enn Riehinnnd. nnn. l1} 111.111) 111g ‘111x grnxx-nut lilllllUllt'\\llI11\'Il\ hrat paek eharnt thix adnlexeent alternath e 111.8'1‘1'111111endx 11p .1x .1 inexx} h_\hrid. .\'11I .111111/111‘ 11101111 x nne teen'x quext tn tranx- 1nr111 the Ingh xehnnl \xeu'dn intn a prntn'.’1. (’ntnplete \\lll1 regur- g1tated and xuhxetiuentl} mangled 811x ehar- .1eterx.1nd theinex tthink [’11le 111 l’111l. and I'1’11 [1'11 111/1111 (711/11. thix lilnt ix entn}ahle nnI) 1131111 ha\ e .1 degree 111 euII elaxxie teen thekx. 'l‘he \Vaterlrnnl. (ireennek. Novocaine11510 1|)a\ 111 :\tI\1nx. [8. 3111131 Stew .\Iartin. llelena Bnnhant ('.1rter. laura I)ern. 05111111. .\I.11'1111 enti- trthuted .1 hriIltant eanten .1x .1 xadixtte den— ttxt 111 the l‘).\'(1Iilnt1,111/1'VIN/111![/111'1'111'1. Here he prn\ 1dex .1 xtthxtanttall} Iexx antux- 111g take nn the x.1nie [Il'nlt‘vlttll 111.-\tk111x' p.1ll1d hlaek ennted} thriller. “hieh t'nllnux .111 annahle dental praetitinner ax he 1x

dt'.1\\ 11 intn nne nl thnxe tangled uehx nt deeetI and murder. 'l‘he Iihn'x 111.1in prnhlent 1x 11x tnne. hetng netthet' ennne nnr thrilling ennttgh. l‘(I(' Renl't‘e“ Street. (ilaxgnu;

l'( i( '. l-.d1nhurgh.

The Officers’ Ward (La Chambre des Officiers) 1 151.. Il‘ranenix “11111-111111, lumen :(IIL‘I lit'ie('.tt'a\.1e.1. lx.1|1elIe lx’enattld. I35nnn. \Vatehtng l)11|11-)11111'x lihn _\nu h.1\e the 1eeIing that \\ni|d \\.u I had nnthing In 1111 “till nattnnal pride ni ntternatinnal peaee. hut xttnpl} \\llll