Clubs listings

Edinburgh Saturdays continued

I Subway Lottery at Sulixxay \Vest lind. 7pm 3am. £3 (H i. Weekly. ('luhhing's often like a lottery. in that you‘re nex er quite sure it you‘ll get a winner or a shit nigltt ottt. 'l‘his eluh leatures a lottery numbers gatne xx ith hig. hig pri/es tip for grabs.

Edinburgh Sundays


I Anthropology at Bath Bott.

()pm lam. Free. Weekly. .'\ seientilie study ot‘ human beings and their xx a) ol lite plus a relaxed seleetion lrom DJRedo’s ja/l eolleetion at this opulent ()riental st_\ le har. Seleeted drinks promos.

I Immersed in Music at l’ixo (‘at‘te 0pm 3am. Free. Weekly l-‘rom ehilled- out to xx haeked-out. Skyxxalker and Solo span the musieal speetrum at this all-nexx Sun soeial.

I Libre at .\ladogs. l()pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly loll} l)':\titot'e prox ides the Latin _ia//. lunk and sotil.

I Motherfunk Evening Sessions at l’opRokit. 0pm lam. l-‘ree. Weekly Solid soul and lrisky t'unk from (iino. l’ry er and Speetrum t.\lothert'unk i.

I Smokey and the Bandit at (‘itx ('ale. 9pm lam. Free. Weekly .-\ll-nexx pre-eluh session leaturing dirt} house and eheeky breaks and heats xx ith Smokey and his trusty Bandit.

I Yo! Below at Yo? Beloxx.

8pm midnight. liree. Weekly 'l'he stishi st} le har pla_x s host to a seleetion ol liresh l-'.\l‘s tinest.


I Bass D Funk at the Venue. l().3(lpm 3am. £3. 3| Jtll. Fortnightly. l)a lunk hases are xx ell and truly eoxered at this nexx xx eekly shindig that's part diseotheque. part soeial eluh. Smokey and The Bandit play tunk. hreakheat and ltotise xx hile (ieorge 'l‘iaeks the traeks.

I Chocolate Sundae at Peppermint Lounge. l()pm 3am. £3 het'ore midnight: £4 alter. Weekly (‘ommereial Rtli and hip hop xxitli DJ Paul ‘l’oxx‘ l-‘ox. l)ress sl_\'li\lt.

I Deebo at l’o .\'a \a. l()pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly l)J WaI/o supplies a spaneg seleetion ol sex}. diseo liotise and uplilting l'S garage.

I DKY at Sttidio 2-1. llpm 3am. £3 (£1.50). \VL'L‘lx'l}. “KY \lt'itlL‘s L‘tiltlitlt‘ltll} into its third year xx ith resident l)Js Jot'di. (iareth and l)ax e pla_x ing roek. goth. metal. industrial and punk. 'l‘heme nights and tree git'ts eomhine to keep things interesting. xx eek in. xx eek otit.

I FRESH at lloneyeomh. l()pm 3am. £6. Weekly. l‘RliSll or l‘ree. Raxx. liuphot'ie. Soull'ul. House a nexx night

xx ith a huge residents roster t Yogi llaugliton. \eil ('rook'ston. l)J l’la\. l)J Ilarxey. Stuart l’urdie and the Pink Ladies RM and Lou that promises to change your Stilt night lorex er.

I I Love Music at ()pal Lounge. .\'oon 3am. l‘ree helore l()pm; £3 alter. Weekly (‘olin (‘ook tl'ltragrooxei hosts an all-day session that erosses the middle ground hetxxeen elulihing and ehilling. leaturing guest I).ls and a plethora ol musieal styles ineluding house. l.atin. jazzy grooxes. diseo and Rtx'B.

I Pimp at ('axendisli. l lpm 3am. £3 (£3). \Veelx'ly :\ll—nexx ttigltt ol hip hop and R&B. serx ed up a treat h} Big lil and a supporting east ol' thousands.

O Tackno at (‘luh \lereado.

ll)..‘~l)pm 3am. £4 £(i. ZS Jul. .\lonthl_x. Party anthems all night long as queen ol k‘itseh. 'l‘rendy Wendy. hosts a 007 'l‘aekno to mark their sex enth birthday. so dust doxxttt those cool suits and lets make sure this night is shaken not stirred.

I Taste at the liquid Room.

llpm 3am. £8 t£(ii. Weekly The eapital‘s inlamous Sun night session eontinues apaee. l‘isher and l’riee supply a progressixe mix ol house and garage in the tnain room xxhile .\lartin Valentine

94 THE LIST "'1 ,. ' A L/ .1

Michael Kilkie resident at Atomic Baby, Sat 27 Jul

and Stex e Waneless xxoxx the mixed/gay eroxx d xx ith his lunky l‘S house gems through the haek. Speeial guest and Miss Money penny 's tnain tnan .lim ‘Shal't’ Ryan drops in tor l).l duties on It .lul tentrx £lt) or £0 l'or memhers on this night only i. l'iu' 2/ ./ll/ only '.vl-I.1'xl' t‘tll't/ huh/(Ty gel {'3 NH l/(H‘I'I’I'ltt' (1H Hie/II.

QTummy Touch Records Night at the Venue. |().3l)pm 3am. £5. ZS .lltl only The ’l‘ouehes 'l‘ones lour to eelehrate the release ol their ttexx alliuitt. 'Iii/i .Vulr/t (‘u/tlrtt-I’up. lllltllll} 'I‘oueh are hitting the road and tor their lidihurgh date loeal lad Dolphin Boy is heading the line-up xx ith 'l'onx Global and (‘ra/x (iirl on xoeals.

I UFO at Bongo (‘luh. ()pm lam. £4. Zl .lul. .\lonthl_x. Slinkyia/x lunk lrom the Settipiternal lloon and a plethora ol' l).l\.

Chart & Party

I HRT at ('axendish. l()pm 3am. U t£l l. Weekly Mainstream ehart and party elassies at a night xx hose

aerott) mie moniker stands lor ‘.'\leohol Replaeement 'l‘herapy ‘. Whieh xxotild xxork il' ‘aleoltol' started xx ith an ‘h‘.

I Sundazed at Sulixxa} West lind. ‘lpm 3am. £2 (U l. Weekly ('lteap drinks promos and ehart tunes prox ide a dehauehed elimax to the xxeekend.

Edinburgh Mondays


. Hang the til the 'l‘lll'L‘L‘ Sile‘t's. 9pm lam. l-ree. Weekly lnteraetix e qui/ that traxx ls the depths ol' pop. hosted by Harry :\it]\\\t)t'tlt and l)ax e Strong.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. .\'oon l()pm. Weekly. .laI/y groox es and soul starts early. xx ith Boh (‘airns tnoon 5pm) and Raxx .\loxement tSpm l()pm).

I Quality Control at the .\teadoxxs Bar. ()pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly ()l‘llkilter hip hop. breaks and heats xx ith the

inx entix e lot that run the Quality ('ontrol radio shoxx on l'resh Air l".\l. I Yo! Below at Yo! Beloxx.

Spin midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly See Sttn.


I CC Blooms at ('(' Blooms. l().3()p1n 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. 'l'hings melloxx out tor so the} elaimi at this gay eluh. xx ith an upbeat diseo seleetion.

I Metro at l’o .\'a .\'a. l lptn .‘xam. Free. Weekly l).l Roddy .\Iae mixes tip Slls classics. liltli) diseo and house.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly Serateh’s Lyle} drops the eool urhan groox es and Rth. I Spanish Pub Night at tit Barrio. l()pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly :\ right old knees-up tor the Spanish atid Spanish- lox ing eommunity hosted by l)Js l-‘elix and lidu and leaturing t‘lamenquito straight through to llispanie ehart hits. I Vod: Bull at the l.iquid Room. l()pm 3am. £4. Weekly Students loxe this all-nexx hip hop hootenanny. hosted by l._x ley tSeralehi and hoasting absurdly eheap drinks promos all night long.

Chart & Party

I Decadence at Rexolutiott. l()fiUptn 3am. £4 t£2t. Weekly

l)epra\ ed daneel‘loor deeadenee at this eapaeitx student night.

I Funny Farm at Suhxxa} West lind. 7pm 3am. £| tlree xxitli llyeri. Weekly l)r Shoek .loek administers his musie therapy to the lreaks. l‘tmny leatures also inelude eleetrie shoek ehairs and a giant ()peration game.

I Tentastic at (iaia. l()pm 3am. £lt). Weekly l’ay ten pounds on the door and get unlimited drinking at the bar. This tranka insane t'aeility (heating in mind it's the beginning ot' the xx eeki xx ill he eomplemented h_x a suitably erass ehart

and party seleetion.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Guaranteed Pure at Madogs. 't‘ue l()..‘~()pm 3am. liree. Weekly. See Hi.

I Immersed in Music at l’ixo (‘at'te 9pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. Oh and eheeky ‘.\lonkey Boy’ .\lark lidmondson play .-\lro-('arihhean. l'unky phathaek groox es. I Lenny Love at the Bridge Ja// Bar. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. A night of eeleetie and exotic ja/x sounds spun hy \‘egas' l)J (aka Dino Martini).

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. .\'oon l()pm. Weekly (‘hilled tunes until 5pm l'rom Pete (ioddztt'd. then soul. garage and house lrom Dom l'lanagan. I U2uesday at the three Sisters. 8pm lam. l-‘ree. Weekly. Night ol’ [‘3 liased madness tie l't‘ee dt'inkie-poos ol the Irish xariety ex er_x time a ['3 tt'aek is played i.

I Yo! Below at Yo? Beloxx.

Spin midnight. l‘ree. Weekly See Sun.


I Livin it Up at lil Barrio. 0pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. Smooth urhan groox es (for this. read hip hop. R&B and street soul) at this all-nexx session hosted h_x l)J Bayo and guests.

I Motherfunk at the lloneyeomh. 10.30pm 3am. liree. Weekly .\1essrs (iino. layer and Speetrum treak the lunk tantastie at their eonsistently rammed night ol‘ elassies old and nexx.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly l-‘unked tip xoeal house and elassie diseo from Paul l‘ttltlx‘sldt‘.

I Strictly Rythmn at l’o .\'a .\'a. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly l)Js llenriques and lnnoxator supply the Rth. hip hop and lix e pet‘etission. liree mix tapes and pri/es all night throughout the night.

I Vibe at ligo. llpm 3am. £2. Weekly. Nexx gay night xx ith James I.ongxxorth on the deeks. the Daneing Stud Mullins. the Singing llairy Bloke and the Miming .\'un. Don't say xx e didn't xx arn ya.

I Wax Factor at the Liquid Room. 10.30pm 3am. l-tee. Weekly .'\ll nexx

xx eek'ly session .shoxx easing breaks. hip hop and funk xx ith residents Smokey and The Bandit. the Squalor Shoxx and (iax .r\nderson.

Chart & Party

I Jackass at Suhxxay West lind.

7pm 3am. £3 t£l ). Weekly. .\ night ol shameless tint and games. ineluding ‘lind the pri/e it] a bowl ol maggots’.

I Shagtag at (iaia. l()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. .-\leohol-tuelled l'lirting raided and abetted by drinks promos) x ia the inlamous number-based introduetions system.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Beluga at Belttga Bar and ('anteen Restaurant. Spin lam. l’ree. Weekly Boh ('airns and l)om l‘lanagan seleet the best in glohal iii/l grooxes lor the loeal drinking hordes.

I Immersed in Music at l’ixo (‘al'te 0pm lam. l‘t'ee. Weekly With deep liotise masters Lena and Jamie Buehanan.

I Kara-YO!-ke at Yo! Betoxx.

Spm midnight. Free. Weekly. .\'exx karaoke night hosted by lidinhurgh's drag queen extrordinaire l’urdy

I Made in Iguana at iguana.

9pm lam. Weekly. l)rum tk hass. hip hop. house and lunk t'rom ratational residents (i-.\lae t.\Iangai. (iar_x Mae tSuhlimet and Dam tlleadspini.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. Noon l()pm. Weekly A mix ol‘ soul. funk and garage l'rom Bertie tnoon 5pm) and l)axid .\le(ioxx an and (iary .\I.

I Supermild at .\ladogs. l()pm 3am. liree. Weekly Super smooth mix oteasy listening. erooners. sxx ing and ia/I lt‘ottt l).l Sam Bookah.