Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

51.111'111‘ 81111441111111.0141 419 0722. £5 1£31.


1501‘ 1111s \\ cclx'x [11‘11g1‘111111111‘ limcx. 1111‘11xc co11111c1 1111‘1‘1111‘1111111110141 419 0722 1111‘ 11L‘1‘1111\.

CCA: Glasgow

350 811111‘1111‘111111 811‘1‘1‘1. 0141 352 4900. £4 1£2.501.

SATURDAY 13 AUG 24 Hour Party People 1 181 11.00.

Glasgow Film Theatre

12R1181‘ 511'1‘1'1.0141 332 3123. (1111711111: All 111‘1'1'111'11111111‘1‘8 11111111110112 [1)l. |1i|.1i\1‘11i11g\: £4.751£3.501. Klilillic‘c‘v 1.3.751122.50).“1‘11113C1111'L‘ 5111111: £3.751£21.1)o111111'11111 £5 1£3.501. (1171\1n1‘1‘x: £191£141 li\c lickclx 1111‘ 1111' pricc 1114 1\111111 1111‘ 1111‘1‘1‘ 11111111110.

THURSDAY 1 AUG 1. Sunshine State 1 151 Spider-Man 1 121 5.311. 2. Made in Britain 1 181 Tape 1 151 (1.45. 8.45.

F r>31DAY 2 AUG

1. Lovely and Amazing 1151 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. 9.00.

2. Sunshine State 1 151 1.15. Tape 1 151 4.1111. 8.45


1. SCOObV-00011’(i1 1.1111.

Lovely and Amazing 1 151 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. 9.00.

2.Tape1151 1.30. (1.15. Sunshine State1151 3.30. 8.15.


1. Three Colours: Blue 1 151 300 Three Colours: White 1 151 5.00. Lovely and Amazing 1 151 7.00. 9.00. 2. Tape 1 151 4.00. 8.45.

Sunshine State 1 151 11.00.


1. Lovely and Amazing 1 151 3.00. 5.00. 9.1111.

Tape 1 151 7.00.

2. Sunshine State 1 151 1.15. Tape 1 151 4.00.

Ignorant Fairies (le iate lgnoranti) 1 181 (1.00.

2.30. 8.15.





1.1’ape1151 1.15. 5.1111.

Lovely and Amazing 1 151 3.00. 9.00. Three Colours: Bed 1151 7.00.

2. Ignorant Fairies (Ie fate lgnoranti) 1181 1.00. 8.45.

Sunshine State1151 3.15. (1.00.


1. Lovely and Amazing 1 151 3.00. 7.00. 9.00.

Scooby-Doo11’(i1 5.00. 2. Sunshine State 1 151 Tape 1 151 4.00. 8.45.


1. Lovely and Amazing 1 151 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. 9.00.

2.Tape1151 1.30. (1.15.

Sunshine State1151 3.30. 8.15.

Imax Theatre: Glasgow

(1111\g1m Scicncc ('1‘1111‘1‘. 50 Pacific ()1111}; 11141 42115000. 1‘5 113.501. [)11111111‘ 11‘111111'1‘ lickcls £9 1£(1.501.

1.15. (1.00.


Dolphins 111 11111111. 4.30. Everest11'1 11001111. 3.30. 8.00. Human Body11'1 1.00. 5.30. Into the Deep11'1 2.30. 7.00.


Dolphins 11‘1

1511. S111&'1'1111: 11111111. 4.30. 81111 \Vcd: 11111111. (1.00. Everest1l'1

1)1111_\: 11.0011111. 3.30. 1511 1& 8111. 11111: 8.00. Human Body 111

1511. S1111k'1‘1111: 1.00. 5.30. 81111 “1‘11: 2.30.

Into the Deep 11'1

1‘1‘1. 81111‘1'11111: 2.30, 7.00. 81111 “1‘11: 1.30. 5.00.

Ddeon at the Quay: Glasgow

()1‘1'1’111811'} R111111 11111111811C 111111} R11111s11c11‘s. 0141 418 ()1 1 1. 11110111111(‘(' hooking: 0870 50 50 007. ID]. llil. A1101! £4.50. 1'1140/xcniorcili/cn: £3.50. Studcmxz £2.50.\1o11-'1‘11u: £3.50 1511-81111. (‘111111 under 12: £3.50 311111511111. \\'11cc1 c1111ir 11xc1‘x 111111 1‘111'1‘1'82 £3.50. 151111111} lickcl: £14. 1’1‘1‘18 prior to 12 1101111 £3.


Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121 11111111. 12.30. 1.30. 2.15. 2.45. 3.45. 4.30. 5.011. (1.00. (1.45. 7.15. 8.15 9.00. 9.30.

Big FatLlar1P(11 1.15. 3.15. 5.15. The Crocodile llunter11’(‘11 1.15. 3. 5.15. 7.15. 9.15.


(1.00. (1.30. 7.00. 8.15. 10.30.

Minority Beport1121 113011111. 2.30. (1.00. 8.30. 9.00.

Scooby-Doo11’(‘11 11111111. 12.30. 2.00. 2.30. 4.00. 4.30. (1.00. (1.30. 8.00.


StuartLittle211'1 12.30. 1.15. 2.30. 3.15. 4.30. 5.15. (1.30. 7.15. 9.15.


Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121 [)1111)‘: 11111111. 12.30. 1.30. 2.15. 2.45. 3.45. 4.30. 5.00. (1.00. (1.45. 7.15. 8.15. 9.00. 9.30. Also 1111c 1511 & 8111: 10.30. 111i11111g111.

The Crocodile Hunter 1 P111 D1111}? 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. Men in Black II mm [)1111)‘: 11.3011111. 11111111. 2.15. 3.00. 4.00. 4.30. 5.1 (1.45. 7.30. 8.30. 9.00. 9.45. :\1\11 11110 ['11 1Q 5111: 10.45. 1 111111111g111.

Minority Beport1l21 D1111}: 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. 9.00. Scooby-Doo 1P( 11



12.45. 5. (1.15.


D1111}: 11.301101. 1.00. 1.30. 3.0()_ 3.30. 5.00. 5.30. 7.00111111'1‘111‘1. 7.30. 9.30.

Spider-Man 1 121

Daily: 9.00.

Stuart Little211'1

01111}: 12.15. 1.15. 2.15. 4.45. (1.30. 7.00. 9.00.

Ddeon City Centre: Glasgow

50 chticld 811'1‘1‘1.()141 332 3413. 111111 111111 (’(' hooking: 0870 5050007. [1)] \ci'ccnx 5. (1. 7111111 8. .-\111111: £4.50. SI11111‘111/l'1340: £3.50 11511-811111. £3 1.\1o11-'I‘11111. ('111111 11111111 15/\1‘lil11l'c‘111- /c11: £3.501151'1-811111.£2.50131on- 111111. \Vl1cclcl1111r 11x1'1'x 111111 c111‘c1‘x: 123.50. l'iillilll) Ilc‘kc‘l L12. 1’1‘1'1~ prior [11 1211111111: £3.

3.00. 4.15.


Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121

11111111. 1.15. 1.45. 2.15. 3.30. 4.00. 4.30. 5.45. (1.15. (1.45. 8.00. 8.30. 9.00.

The Crocodile Hunter mm 1.45. 4.00. (1.15. 8.30.

Men in Blackll11’(i1 12.15. 1.45. 2.30. 4.00. 4.45. (1.15. 7.00. 8.30. 9.15. 10.45.

Minority Report1121 1.15. 4.30. 7.45.

Scooby-Doowm 12.15. 2.15. 4.15. (1.15. 8.15.

Spider-Man1121 8.30.

Stuart Little211‘1 1.15. 3.15. 5.00.



Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 1 121 D1111}: 12.15. 1.15. 1.45. 2.30. 3.30. 4.00. 4.45. 5.45. (1.15. 7.011. 8.00. 8.30. 9.15.

:\1\o 11111‘ 1'11 1& 8111: 10.45.


listings Film

Lost in La Mancha FaSCInatIng but 13:11'11111 to 1.'./a11:'n GOCUmentary 813011: Tern. G1i11an1's 10111xot1c1 fariure to realrse 111$ dream to 111111 Cervantes Don 0111110119. See feature and renew. F1/m/101/se. Ear/1.0111911.

Vivre sa vie Re-rssue of Jean- Luc Godar'd's olassm: about the declrne and fail of a proshtote 1p|ayed by Anna Kama. the (MCC- tor's then \.-.11fe1. See rev: F1/1711'1o11se. Ed1'111'311/‘gr'1.

Lovely and Amazing N1oore Hoiofoener's 1.211.111, observed study of x-romen's 11e11roS1s. featorrng 1 s1e11ar performance from the 131011- derfol Gatherrne Keener. See revrex'x. Selected r'e/ease.

Sunshine State Deftlg. 1o111 tale 1111: of humour about 1111‘; redeverooment of a Honda 1112;11:11- front CO1‘11‘111131f‘1 from Jonn Sayles. Amer-1211‘s greatest 111111:- penoent 11111111111Ker. GFT? (311189017: Cameo. 1.501111111111111.

Dogtown and Z-boys Super- cool. ultra-o'yrranuc 1‘1o1:11n1e11tar:.' about a gang of (31131111111 11 street oonks wno snapped 111e1r s11!"- boards for skaIeboaros and rew- vented a lame 11113“ craze. Go. See. 11. Cameo. 51111111111911.

Nine Queens Sn‘an. fast- 1‘501'1119 COP P1811 1111‘11191‘ 9'01“. Argentrna. 121111011 11181) 1110'1111'es s11, C 1111110111110. 01‘. a somet; Current; 111 econornro free—1111?. Fri/1117111138. Ear/10111917.

Spider-Man He 11 Superman. r1111 ine does 110 11111— ever a sorrier can. COLHCl be toe greatest 0011111; 11111111 movre ever 1111.11 3. General rex’ease.

. .. (THE LIST 17