The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 8


I Hot Charanga Sauce til Barrio. Ill—1 \\'e\tport. 33‘) SSU5. the startling l.atirr mice of ('arlox l’ena lr'ontx a rte“ group pla_\rng Bra/ilian \on rrtuxic - \xith ('arrie McKenna rfluter. l)a\ e l’atrick rpianor. and Mario (‘ar‘ihe ll‘ll\\l.

I John Burgess Quartet the Bridge .la// Bar. 83 South Bridge. 4"S 25“). "pm. l‘ree. 'l‘enor ~a\ophoni~t Burgexx frontx thix rnno\ati\ e fourxome.

I Beat Root Juice the Beat Ja/l Baxernent. l (‘lramherx Street. in.“ 35.“). ‘lpm. [3 L5 Il-ree hefore lllpmr. l.i\e \et from l.r\e Science\ and their ltrand of ran}. \oulful hip hop featuring Rouena on \ocalx. tlte lttcorporeal .\l(\ and 1)] Redo. I Valery Ponomarev Quintet the Bridge .la// Bar. SD South Bridge. 473 35th. llpm. ES. li\ Blake} trumpet \tar \aler} l’onomar'e\ tra\el\ from Ne“ York to link up u ith a \tr'ortg hand of Scottixh tlttlxleldltx including Ste\e llarrriltorr on piano.


I Clyde Quartet Srlx er 'l'axxie. Almada Street. Spin. l‘r'ee. Straight up ran with \pecral guextx at the Hamilton .la// (‘luh


I The BackBeat Band the Bridge .la// Bar. S3 South Bridge. 45S 35“). "rpm. l ree. l’our-piece electric ja/l nigltt featuring the hext in local talent. GTrouble at Blue Note the Beat .la// Baxernent. l (lramherx Street. lo" 253‘). ‘lpm. L)". Li rl‘r'ee heforc lllpmr. .lmeph Mahk \r. ith (icr'rnam \ (‘ompoxt recording ar‘uxt in an e\clu\r\e dehut

per torrnance of hi\ all \inging. all l)Jing \‘SSlrtll.

I Valery Ponomarev Quintet 'l'lre Brrdge .la// Bar. S2 South Bridge. VS 35“). llpm. L‘S. See ‘l‘hu S.

Saturday 1 O

G asgow

I John Burgess Quartet Brel. 3‘) ~13 Axhton l.ane. 113 l‘JNr. 3 (rpm. l‘ree. See llru \.


I Kantaro lil Barrio. llll \\'e\tpor't. 32‘) \Sll5. £5 1131 r. l'plteat l atirr \oundx in tlrix li\e \L'l.

I Jazz Brunch the Bridge .la// Bar. 82 Sotrth Bridge. VS .75 Ill. lfitlpm. \Vlrilc amt} )Utlt' \xeekend \trth thexe regular Saturda). hr'unch xexxionx. Kidx welcome. I The Bridge House Band the Bridge .la/l Bar. S} South Bridge. PS 351”. “pm. l'lree. .\ regular lixe piece with a \ariahle line tip playing \peciall} comrrrixxioned arrangementx.

I Valery Ponomarev Quintet the Bridge .la// Bar. S2 South Bridge. VS 35]“. llpm. LN, See lhu S.

Sunday 1 1 »


I Sexteto D’Oro l~.l Barrio. tut \\'e\tport. 33‘) SSll5. An e\citing neu l.atirr inllrrenced hand comprrxing wine of Scotland\ leadrrrg \\orld |a// ttltt\lct;ltt\.

I Jazz Brunch 't lie Bridge .la// Bar. S3 South Bridge. -l"\ .75lll, l5tlpm. l'r‘ee. \arrorrx ra/x duox prox rde lard hack \ound\


to accompan) thoxe la/_\ Sunda} hrtmchex. I The Flaming Nerve the Bridge Jan Bar. 82 South Bridge. 47S 25H). 7pm. Free. ()rigirral funk} sourrdx.

I Head2Head The Bridge Ja// Bar. S3 South Bridge. J78 2510. llpm. lr‘r'ee. (iraham Rohh and Bill K)'le'\ ja/I quintet \\ ho errrerged from the ttSlle of their highl} \ttccexxful jaI/ roek lthltttt outfit llead.


I Johnny T’s Big City Blues Band Studio l. (it'tt\\ettot' llolel. B}re\ Road. 5-11 (r5l(r. 9pm. l‘ree. Roof-raking hluex from thix loeal act.


I The Jam Session the Bridge .la// Bar. SI South Bridge. VS 35“). "pm. free. Regular ja/l jam xevion a\ \arioux guextx drop in toioin the l)a\id l’atrick 'lrio.

I The Flip The Beat Jan Baxemeut. l ('hamherx Street. 407 255‘). 0pm. £3 tl‘ree hefore L'lllami. ‘liquinm': A 'l‘rihute to (‘oltrane \\ ith the Paul lo“ rtdro“ Quartet. I Los Tres Fenomenos the Bridge Jan Bar. SD South Bridge. 4'3 3510.

l lprn. l’ree. Wild and wonderful trio featuring l)a\ id l’att'ick on piano. Mario ('arihe on ha“ and Stuart Bro“ n on drumx.

St Andrews

0Contemporary Saxophone and Piano DUO 'l‘he Seot’m llitlel. “(r The Scorex. S30 lllfitlpm. £3. .ld/l \tandardx and original\ from lan Millar on tenor \a\ and Dominic Spencer on prano.

Tuesday 13


I Sexteto D’Oro t~.l Barrio. Int \Veqpm‘t. 23‘) S305. SL‘L‘ Slllt l l.

I Stuart Gorman Quartet lhe Bridge .lal/ Bar. S2 South Bridge. 47S 35“). "pm. l‘ree. .la// lunk from thix _\oung quartet.

I It’s Not Over... The Beat lal/ Baxement. l (‘hamherx Street. MC 253‘). ‘lpm. [I tl‘ree hefore lllpm and alter larrrr. Se\_\ Bra/ilian and ia/x \tandardx from the l.o\ e 'l‘r'iangle.

Wednesday 1 4


I Joz Tenuto Allstars the Bridge .la// Bar. SD South Bridge. 47S 25“). "pm. l’ree lo-piece hand fronted h} (ilaxgow haxed trumpeter Rym ()uigle}.

I Food for Thought llte Beat Ja// Baxemettt. l (‘ltdtttltelS Street. 40-." 255‘). ‘lpm. £3 ll-‘ree before It) ptttl. Straight outa' l.eed\. tlrexe ho} \ mi\ ftmk. rap. hip hop and electronica. Supported h} Scott} Bo}.

Thursday" 15


I Hot Charanga Sauce til Bat‘t‘io. lll-l \Vexlpol'l. 22‘) $305. See 'l‘lttt S.

I Keith Edwards ‘Boptomism’ the Bridge Ja// Bar. S2 South Bridge. VS 251”. 7pm. l’ree. llighl} tuneful \e\tet fronted h} Keitlr liduardx on \a\.

I Beat Root Juice the Beat .la// Baxement. l (‘hamherx Street. ~16." 353‘). “Pm. £3 £3 tl‘ree hefore llll‘ttll. A head) rni\ ol ja//. \xorld and l.atirr heatx. featuring 'loh} Shippe} on trumpet. Barne} Barnett on \a\ and (‘hrix (irie\e on trombone.

I Graeme Scott Trio the Bridge .lal/ Bar. SI South Bridge. 473 35]”. llfitlpm. l‘ree. Young guitarixt Scott ix ioirred on haw and drum\ tor a ia/l \election.


I The Cauld Blast Orchestra {lttlltoollt ’l‘lreatre. .litll \V) tttl. (ll “'30 flout), 7.30pm. £3 lf5.5(lt. 'l'hix \ ihrant ninepiece take ran and lolk ax a launching pad into their oun llltl\ ter'rrtor}.

Hamilton I Clyde Quartet Sil\er {l';r\\ie. Almada Street. Spin. l’ree. See 'l'hu S.


Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk and World listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 8

Glasgow I Star Club Ri\er\ide (‘lulx l-‘o\ Street. 5(i‘) 73S”. “fillpm. Ur r f-lr. Act _\et to he

confirmed at time of going to pre\\.


I The National Folk Festival ()\\\;tltl llall. .Attchirrcrune. Ticket hotline and information ()l5(i3 55l4().\'. I‘rom Sat .5—Stltt l l. and haxed in the Adam tttztnxion and ri\er\ide campux. the first of \\ hat ix to become the major annual traditional muxic exent in Scotland :tlxo \telcomex gltL‘xh llt'ttttt lllC l.S.‘\. itlltl features lean Redpath. Jock 'littttxttttS Bairnx. Norman Kenned). Bob Blair. Alixon McMor'land. the .\lc(‘alman\. Maggie Maclnnex. l’ete ('lark. Margaret Bennett. lili/aheth Stewart of l’etterangux . Bla/in' l‘iddlex. (iL‘Ul‘die Me‘lttl} t'L‘. llL‘dlltet' lie} \Httttl. l)onal Magttire. Keith MeKenr‘). Jerry lipxtein. \Valt Michael .& (’ompan}. Si Kalm. Bola /.ent/. Rick littt'l White. l.ea (iilmore. Jarnex l.e\'a. l)a\e \Vehher .k Anni l-'entiman. Bobh} Rohh. 'l‘ao Rodrigue/ Seeger'. Darin) ek Jo} ce Mcl.eod. limit} Smith. Shell) Iinxor & Alice Horse}. ('hrix Jonex. ('olum Sand\ tk Sharon A\ i\. Jack Bethel. John Wheeler. lillen lilmex. Margaret Steu art A Allan MacDonald and other\. Also \\ot'k\ltop\. \pecialit} e\ent\. e\lrihition\. talk and ceilidhs. \Veltxite


I National Folk Festival ()matd llall. .-\uehincrui\ e. Titlpm. 'l‘icket llotline and inforrrration (H505 55 l-ltlS. "l'lte Singerx ('luh’ \xith Boh Blair. Jerr) lipxtein. lili/aheth Steuart of l"eter‘;rrtgtr\ and lock Duncan. See 'l‘hu S.


I Blazin’ Fiddles 'l‘olhooth 'l'lieatre. Jail \\'}itd. (lITS’o 2740M). 7.30pm. {S «£5.5tli. lop qualit} llighland music “ith humour. energ). and tlxltttttxltlttg \kill. l‘iddlerx ('atr'iona MacDonald. Aidan ()‘ Rourke. Allan llenderxon. lain Macl‘arlane

Edinburgh International Youth orchestra play RSAMD, GI

and Bruce Mae(}regor. “llll Rod (’lementx. guitar. and Andy 'l’horhurn. keyboards.

Saturday 10


I World Pipe Band Championships (ilitxgow (ireen. (ireendyke Street. 353 .S’tllltl 0am (rpm. £3.50 L'l5. The most prestigioux exent in the annual piping calendar. attracting \tttltL‘ 3()() hands from around the \Htl'ltl. l’lllx llighlarrd dancing dixpla} \. a craft lair and funfair.

I Blazin’ Fiddles (‘ouier ’t'heatre. ll_\nd|and Street. 357 RSOS. .S’pm. L'S (£5.50). See Hi 0. Stirling.


I National Folk Festival ()xnald llall. Auchincrtm e. 7.30pm. Ticket llotline and information ()l5tr3 55 I408. The National Weekend ('oncert ‘We're A' Jock 'l'amxonx Bairns'. \\ ith Jock 'llttttxtrttx Bairns. Norman Kennedy. Si Kalm. llL‘dlltet‘ lie} \Hltlll. See 'l‘lttl B.


I The McCalmans \\'_\nd 'l‘lieaire. Btrccleuch Street. ()IS’Wr 33385-1. Spin. {S tfamil} ticket film. The) '\ e been performing \ince WM. and recorded o\‘et' txtent} albums. The three-part Mac ltat'ttton} \ocalx change again with rte“ man Stephen ()trigg.


I Salsa Party Evening lit)“ den l’ark ('entre. llon'den. (ll5ll(r 4.55654.

.S’pm midnight. {8. Dance to l.atirr American \oundx at tlrix fun exerting with \alxa maxter Joel Rojax.


I Cliar Ro)al (‘oncert llall. Sauehiehall Street. 355 Siltltl. liiddle. guitar. clarxach. keyhoar‘dx and claw} four-part (iaelic \ocal harmon}. .\'e\\ album juxt out on Skye'x Macneamnrna label.

I From Russia with Lev ('afe (’oxxachok. Rtrsxian ('ultural ('entre. King Street. 555 0733. 8.30pm. Free. Rtt\\tiltl. Armenian and g}p\} fiddle from In :\ll;t\. I The Scottish Tattoo Ro}al ('oncer‘t llall. Sattclriehall Street. 353 S(l(l().

fl l.5(l U550. Scotx and lt‘ixlt muxic and \ong. including l’ipe Bandx. l‘iddlex. ('larxach and more.


I National Folk Festival ()xxt'ald llall. Auehiner'uiw. 7.30pm. Ticket llotline and information (H503 55 HOS. "I'he litre“ ell (‘oncert‘ \Valt Michael & (‘ompany Maggie Maclnnex. Spark) &

asgow, Sun 151 Aug