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A Treasure Of Human Inheritance by Christine Borland

the \hou. plth “01'le b} Scottish-based tll'llxts Keith l’arguhar. l.uc_\ .\IcKen/ie. .\'eil .\lulholland aiid Keith .\laclsaac. The auction takes place on IS August at 7pm.


182 Bath Street. 333 l‘)‘)l. .\loil l‘ri ltl.3()am 5pm: Sat ll)..‘~(lam lpin. Mixed Show t'riiil Sat .‘sl Aug. A selection ot' oils and \Httet'coltlttl‘s h} conternporar}. l‘)th and 30th centur) Ltl'll\l\.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY t'niierxit) ol (ilaxgow. 32 llillhcad Street. 3305—13]. .\lon Sat

9.30am 5pm. Free.

The Alchemy of Light DO Hill in Glasgow t'niil Sat 7 Sep. An exhibition ol ltlsttll‘ic photographs celebrating the hicentenar} ol the birth ol pioneer photographer l)a\ id ()clthltts Hill. The \\()l'l\'\. drawn lrom the (ilasgou l'nixersit} Library's Hill and :\tlttlti\t)tt\ lltiltllttg\. include original paper calotypc negatiies. and Vintage and modern prints.

Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow t'ntil 'l‘ue I Apr. An extenshe exhibition highlighting the t‘nixcrxit) ol (ilasgoii \ important Scottish (‘olourixt collection. leaturing rare|_\ seen \\()l'l\'\ h} ('adell. lierguxson. Hunter and l’eploc.

Mackintosh in France t'iiiil Sat l2 ()ct. \\'atercolour pillllllllg\ ol the landxcape ol the South ol l‘rance. the place \\ here Mackintosh chose to spend the littttl }L‘ttt'\ ill lti\ lile.

THOMAS KINKADE GALLERY Buchanan (ialleriex. K-l. level 4. 332 3080. .\Ion \Ved. l‘ri & Sat 9am ()pm'. ’I'hu ‘)ain 8pm; Sun Ilain 5pm. l)e\crihcd il\ a painter ol light. a galler} dedicated to the American itt'tlsl aiid de\out (‘hrixtian Thomas Kinkade.

THE LIGHTHOUSE I l Mitchell l,ane. Ill 0362. Mon. Wed.

I‘ri & Sat It)..i(larii 5pm; 'I'ue Hall) 5pm;

'l’hii 10.30am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. 9;] (includes cnti'_\ to all exhibitions). Good, Bad, Ugly l'ntil Siiil IS Atig i(‘irculation areal. (ilaxgou schoolchildren document their

en\ ironrncnt iii thix series ol photographic images.

0 Commodity, Firmness 8. Delight l'iitil Sun 35 Atig ((iallei'} 4). A rare insight into the 'lm‘e hotels' lottnd in Japan which provide pri\‘ac_\ and exctipisril lor Japanese couples. I’ound near mainline railwa) stations. these hotels are big llllxltless in Japan and are an intrinsic aild surprising part ol Japanese societ). See llltllSI. Olanic/Hoja Design Consultancy l'ntil Sun 25 Aug l-ltlt l-‘loor ('irculation Space). An e\hibition highlighting the uork ol ()lanic. a conceptual laxhion coinpan) set up h} .\'iki 'l'a} lor \\ hich mixes art. laxhion and music.

Topen Design t’iiiil Sun 25 Aug f-lllt l-"loor Alcoxel. Auard-u inning product designer l’aul 'l'open \houcaxe e\anip|e\ ol his recent \iork.

bd-tank/Emlyn Firth t'niil Thu 2‘) Aug i.‘~rd l‘loor ('irculation). Solution- haxed marketing company hd-tank u ere United to look at tlte design ol corporate identit}. The resulting interactiie approach openl} qtlestltlltx the olten \tandard' lace ol corporate graphic design.

Hidden Gardens Exhibition t'riiil Sun I Sep i2nd l’loor ('irculation Space). Ar) exhibition highlighting the initial tlc‘Slglh ol ma organisation's Hit/(It'll (inn/mix. which \\ ill tramlorm a derelict 5000 square metre lltdttstt'iitl site into one ol (ilit\g()\\ \ tirxt permanent public gardens.

Where the Heart Is t’niil Sun 3 Sep (Re\ ieu (ialler') ). An e\hihition marking the end ol a tour-)car project chronicling the regeneration ol the Ro} ston. one ol (ilttsgtm ‘s tlitlst neglected areas. The artist-led social project ill\ol\ ed artists 'I'oh) Paterson and (iraliain l-‘ageii. and I\\() new park\ lla\ e been created lor the coiiiinunit) to enjo}. l‘rec litISCx \\ ill be pi‘oVided li'oitt tlte l.iglttllou\e to Ro) slot] to see the parks.

Our Glasgow l'ntil Sun 3 Sep (Young Designers (iallei‘) ). The results ol a series ol \loi‘kxltops which e\plored how people \ ieu (ilaxgou through the medium ol photograph}.

creativescotland t‘riiil Mon 2 Dec (All circulation spaces). Throughout the _\ear. the Lighthouse will he \houcaxing a changing tlispltl} ol the \iork ol Scotland's creati\e entrepreneurs in adiertising. architecture. lashion. design. lilin. \‘ltlL‘tl. music and digital media. Mobile Cinema 'I‘hu .S’ Sun IS Aug i(ialler} 5). The Lighthouse is the lltisl \enue lor the mobile cinema \ihicll toured


listings Art



Glasgow Print Studio, Glasgow, until Sat 14 Sep 0000

Facing the visitor at the entrance to this; exhibition. two small. seemingly innocuous mandrake plants; hang against a hare white wall. Dangling from in); scaffolds; side by side. roots hanging like limhs. the 'gallows man' or ‘dragon doll' contained both medicinal and toxrc properties; and. in the middle ages. was commonly planted underneath a gallovvis where the urine and semen of an

executed man had fallen.

These sinister associations of life and death. cure and poison lay a foundation for Dragon Doll. Barclay's three-pointed image of a crow's head reads; in silhouette as a deadly throwing star. Another image fluctuates hen-veer) rei)resentatioils of a standing stone circle or the tiny. crystallised result of a scientific experiment. A cluster of tiny stainless steel halls attach themselves; to the edge of a huge how like DNA under a microscope while on the floor. liguidr smooth. soft skin is scoured and split by a sharp. pointed instrument.

Where Barclay's work is perhaps; renowned for its uneasy ainhiguity. Borland's recent work has heen characterised hy an interest in researchhased practise often linked to medicine and history. Her Treasury of Human Inheritance is a map-like tr‘iptych of key. famin tree and case notes which trace the history of inherited illness forcing pattern. precision and order on chaos. lvlohiles hang alongside the screenprints and. although colour-coded. the translucent guart/ discs used to denote each family member are irregular in size and shape. ‘.’(}lll()(l and spotted Willi opague colour and cr'\,/sta||ised edges. Like cancerous cells; made beautiful in abstraction. the organic form of the mobiles stands; in contrast to the reductive. graphic appeal of the screenprints. yet hoth contain elements

of same lethal inheritance.

Dragon Doll is serious and sophisticated. eschewulg pop culture and transient concerns; for heavrer. ‘.'.'eightier subject matter and modernism's inseparable comhination of medium and meaning. iSusannah Thornpsonl

lixe Villages in the North ol lingland earlier in the )cttl‘. Designed ll} lc‘t‘kl. the cinema xeatx 2t) and \hou \ a \lttll'l programme ol llllll\ and \ ideo project» Nljlfi.’ S) l()\.".‘.

LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. .\lilnga\ie. 578 8847.

Tue Sat Illarn Ipiii. 2 5pm.

The Lands Between t‘iiiil Sat 17 Aug. Paintings h} ('olin l.;t\\\on and musical ctllllpthltltllh h} .\lati|da Broun. Solas na h-Alba: Light of Scotland l'ntil Sat l7 Aug. Scottish ltllttl\c‘tt[ic‘\ ll} photographer Donald Buchanan.



At the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Gymnasium 12.45pm. Admission free.

Scottish Counter-Culture since the l9605 Monday 5th August Writer Tom McGrath and artist and publisher Alec Finlay talk about recent rebellious cultural activity in Scotland.

Self-Determination and Power Monday IZth August Malcolm Dickson, Director of Street Level Gallery, presents his home movies of Noam Chomsky's

I990 lecture.

Artists Sing Protest Songs Monday 19th August Artists David Harding. Ross Sinclair. Lyn Lowenstein and Ross Birrell talk about influential protest songs and poems.

Counter-Culture Canonised Monday 26th August In what ways does recognition from large galleries and education institutions impact on the survival of counter-culture today?

These talks complement ‘A Library for a lustified Sinner’ display at the Dean Ciallery.

s-1 ‘-:'i Aug :r.)._‘~.‘ THE LIST 35