Art listings

Lillie Art Gallery continued

Flora Wood t'util Sat 17 Aug. l‘iguratiy e paintings and sculpture by I'tht'il \Vood.


73 Robertson Street. Suite (3. Hoot l. 24S 37! |. Tue l‘ri itooit 5pm or by appoirttrrient.

Daniel Baker: Suburian Journals l'iitil Fri 23 Aug. The iii-st solo shoyy l'or London—based artist Daniel Baker in art installation \yhich tlt';l\\\ on historical arid geographical discourses.


23l \Vest (ieorge Street. 248 97.55. Mott l-‘ri l()am 5.30pm: Sat

lltam 2pm.

Mixed Show t'iitil Sat 31 Aug. A selection ol‘ Scottish \yatet'colottt‘s and paintings.


36 Washington Street. 22l 2l23.

Mon l-‘ri 9am 5pm. Free. (’at‘e.

New Generation Show l'iitil Thu 2‘) Attg. A selection of work by graduates from the tour Scottish art colleges.


(i \Vilson Street. Merchant ('ity. .552 0702. Tue. Wed & Hi I laiit (rpm: Tltti llaiit 7pm; Sat Illam (ipm: Stiit

l 5pm. \y it “phoenix

Modernist Living l‘iitil Wed 14 Atig. Abstract paintings by Andy l’euthei'er and Alistair Macleati inspired by modernist liying. music and architecture. LAST CHANCE tO SEE.


t'nit 2. Merchant Square. 552 5627. Tue Sat llant 5.30pm; Sun

llam 5pm.

Gregory Rankine t'ittil Tue 2() Atig.

Oil paintings.


('entre For Developtttental Arts. IS Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon Fri

10am 5pm.

Photogenic t'ntil t‘ri 3() Atig. Photography and digital art by iiieiribers ot 'l'rongate Sttidios.


1 IS Douglas Street. 2-18 (i386. Mon Fri 10.30am 5pm: Sat l().3()am lptii. Tom Hutcheson t'iitil Sat l7 Aug. A retrospective exhibition of paintings by tlte late Tom ltutcheson. R(}l spanning all stages of ltis career including tigur'atiye landscapes painted iii the l‘)-t()s to more abstract landscape \york‘s.


l()() Renti'eyy Street. 332 5057. Mon liri ()am 4.30pm.

Figurative t’iitil Sat 3| Aug tl-‘uyei'i. l-iguratiye metal sculptures by Kathrin Mercer.


(i Bttrnlield Road. (illTlHK‘k. (i3S l2()(). Ttie l-‘ri tlam 5pm; Sat Itlam 5pm: Stm noon 5pm.

Summer Show l'ntil Sat 3! Aug. A mixed shim of paintings at affordable prices by gallery artists. ('heck‘ otit their \yebsite \|andart.coitt


26 King Street. 552 2l5l. Tue Sat l()arn 5.30pm.

GKenny Bean t'iitil Sat 14 Sep. .\'e\y “all-based \york by lidiitbtirgh- based Kenny Bean resulting trom his residency at Street l.e\e|. Dissecting a number ot' domestic appliances. the coiitpoiients liay e been laid on photographic paper to produce a series of photograms. See llitlist.

36 THE LIST 8 1") Aig Wit/2


IS Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon l‘ri Illam 5pm.

Logik (X) pressed t'iitil Fri 30 Aug. A solo slioyy ot' paintings by l’um Dunbar.


l l5 \Vext Regent Street. 22l Ultl‘).

Mon l'it‘i ll.3()am 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'iitil Sat 3| Aug. A selection ol' paintings. drau itigs and sculpture.

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS l3: \Vest Regent Street. 226 .i-ltlh. Mon l‘ri 7am 7pm; Sat lllaiti 7pm. Peter Cotter: Passes of Light t'iitil Sat l7 Aug. Photographs ot' ttndiscoyer'ed (ilasgoyy by (ilasgoyy Scltool ol‘ Art graduate l’eter ('otter'.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow Life, page 38.


Argyle Street. Kehingl'tn e. 237 269‘). Mon Thu (k Sat Illaiii 5pm; l’ri (k Sttii

l lam 5pm. ('al'e. liree.

A Kelvingrove Centenary t‘iitil Spring. A comiitetttoratiy e exhibition marking the centenary ol the Art Gallery arid Museum. Kelyingrme. The \iell-

loy ed sandstone building houses one ot' the linest ciy ic art collections iii litirope. l'eatttring yyorks by Botticelli. Rembrandt. Whistler and the (ilasgoyi Boys arid (iii'ls. arid “as the yenue t'oi' some ot' the linest exhibitions seen in Britain including Picasso-Matisse t l‘)-t(ii. \ati (iogh t l‘)-tSi and Dali's Art In Jeyiels t 1973 4i.



Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, until Sat 14 Sep 0000

The degree show proper can end tip being sOinethiiig of a blur what with the sheer volume of work on display. the hemldering array ot mediums and methods and the relatively tight space it's all crammed into. Which is where the Terra Nova comes in: 2/1 graduates; given room to breathe in the Mackintosh Gallery.

It might he that extra space that makes the painters stand out. Michael Hill Johnston rein/(irks screen-gratis from 80s cinema and television. making innocent scenes uneasy. Gordon Curtis is equally impressive. making a sort of dispassionate survey of a caravan park in oils. while Blair Thompson goes in for abstracts that manage to he contemplative and weighty at the same time. Katri Walker's sculpture and Video vignettes also fare well in a quieter context. satirically apiiig moVie special effects. turning the tricks of the cinema trade into mundane events.

Of the enVironmental arts graduates. two of the most metiiorahle are here George Gray. with his translucent plastic constructions and Kate Brassington's coloured pencil archive and Video piece -— but both sufter slightly Willi their original installations

Endangered Wildlife t'iitil Spring 2003. An exhibition highlighting the endangered \yildlil‘e iii Scotlartd. Spiti: the Forbidden Valley t'iitil Sun I Sep. A series of photographs documenting the li\ es ot‘ Spiti. one of the last remnants of traditional Tibetan society. by pri/e-yy inning pliotoiotirnalist l’ati'ick Sutherland. Alive & Printing - The 3rd Decade t'ntil Stiii l5 Sep. The (ilasgoyy l’rint Studio celebrates 30 years ol' printmaking \\ itli art exhibition ol‘ yyork including tilt/abeth Blackadder. l’eter lloyyson. l)a\ id Mach. l’ltilip Reey es. John Byr'ne arid many others. There is also a programme ot‘ eyents including daily deitionstratiotts ol printmaking techniques. etching. reliel' printing arid screenpr‘intiitg.


The (’ross. Kirkintilloch. 57S ()l-l-t. Tue Sat l()am lpiti x 2 5pm. Double Vision t'iitil Sat 24 Aug. Paintings by husband and \\ il’e team. llamish arid Isabelle Montgomery.


2()(i() l’olloksltayys Road. 287 2550. Mon Thu .c Sat l()aiii 5pm: l‘ri & Stiit llatii 5pm.

Treasures from the Store: 19th Century European Paintings t'ntil further notice. a ne\\ selection of oils is on display highlighting the range ol' Sir William Burrell's taste. l‘eattired \yoi‘ks include paintings by Bonyin. Ribot and Millet and a rarely seen oil by Henri l.e Sidaiter.

Knights & Castles t'iitil Sttii 5 Jan. This exhibition explores the tascinating \yorld ot' knights. castles. and tiiedieyal lite through a \ariety of objects including tapestries. arms and armour arid dress.

Happily Married, Financially Secure by Henry Coombes


t'pper ('olgtihoun Street. 01436 073900. Daily 1.30 5.30pm. Inspirations t'util Sun 27 ()ct. (‘entenary exhibition showcasing Work from some ot‘ the great names irt British dotttestic design. all of whom haye been inspired by (‘harles Rennie Mackintosh. The shows l‘eatures l‘ttrttittire. glass. nietalyyork. textiles and include \Vtil'ks by Sir 'l'ei‘ence (‘onrarr John .‘ylrtkepeace. Danny Lane. Alisoit Kinnaird arid many others.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouston Park. H) l)uitibreck Road. 353 4773. Daily ltlam 5pm. Paul Wunderlich t'iitil Sat 3lAtig. litchings by Paul thnderlich plus a selection ot Scottish contemporary art.

MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelyin Hall. I Burithotise Road. 287 2720. Mon Thu & Sat ltlam 5pm: Fri a Stiit llain 5pm.

Fire! t'iitil Thu 3| Oct. The history ol' lir'elighting iii the west of Scotland is doctiiitettted iit this exhibition featuring a l.ey laitd l"ireiiiaster engine git'ted to the museum by the Strathclyde litre Brigade and objects from the past and present.


High Street. 88‘) 3|5l. Tue Sat

l()am 5pm; Stiit 2 5pm. Free. Royalty - an Exhibition for the Jubilee t‘ntil Mon 3() Sep. In celebration til. the Queen's (iolden Jubilee Year. art exhibition documenting l’aisley’s royal connections.

When Near and Far Become Up and Down t'ittil Sun 25 Aug. Art aitd sculptural work based on Bill Beckinridge and Dan (ieesin's

stripped down to a couple of pieces apiece. Ruth Dawes. meanwhile. makes a greater impression on second Viewing. Without the distraction of her icing and coconut lloor sculpture.

It you took iii the degree show first time round. this is an ideal opportunity to review the cream of the crop. and tor those that didn't make it. news the chance to catch tip. WllltOtll the crowds and cramped conditions to contend Willi.

(Jack Mottraiiii