

I Holyrood Road. Large

1I1111I1I1'111.1111 '1 11i1.'1: \11111', 111

i111.I.'111.l11II‘ Itn11txi‘1'1. I.'1I11 11111 tI.1t. to \I1.11.' :ti: \11~t1.1I1.-11.1111|1|.' \1111.1~'111I.' 1:1.111.111(.'1111.1iI1..1111111. \'.11I.1I1'.'.‘I1i1\111‘~'\l I1'I I 1.1 111:1 xv '1111' IStudent flatmate wanted 11 \.111\|1.11.--1:111 1'.1\‘ 1'11111" i11!‘.'.11|1't1-..I1‘~ I§1._~'i‘.t 11.. 1.111-I'III*- I1'II.1'.‘11'III\.: ill {I (1117‘ 3‘11;

I Sociable, easy-going


1'.'11111I111\:11:".‘ -'.=1.: 1111111\.'1I

11-1111.1..1I'11 .I '1» I11 ‘I‘\II1 I I111: 1.1.11 um: 11‘.\111t~t.1,‘l1 I Friendly, easy—going I1‘111.1I1’ “113. I111 I' I 1I1‘ \I.1..I11 '1-1.' 1.11'.1\'. I11w.‘\ .1II1111I 1111' \I‘11I.1I'\i'=1i‘ t“‘1.111 i11iI-- I13'1I'I H" 1'111‘ INewiugton. Room available 1.: £11.. 111.4...b I|.11 ~11..111.-y '- 1'11 -' .1'..II.1I1I.'!!11£1I\‘1.1I'\1‘:"'\' 1‘11111‘.111-( -I1'II~- Iv: 11] :1 i111' \11‘11 Festival Lets IFeslival fun. Large 11.1111. .-1I.1I1I.‘ 111 .'I' ‘1‘..111"~» . .‘11'1.-I 11.' IN 111 I1, \11~\1“‘I1I1~1 1.1111I1111I'1 111w 11

I Festival short lets.

.;'I.1I‘~Iv 111 11V. 71

I\)1 1|1‘» 1'1

I11.‘1‘ 1.11'1.'I1.‘11|t.. I1.‘ I111.:-


How to place a Flatshare advert

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for

1. ‘1’1,111'11;11n(1, addiuss. ta’mICtitIC and daytime number, including dialling code

2. Up to 30 words 111 dcscnptton about the 11111111. 11:11! and type ol 1112-15011 sought

3. A1.onla1;l llIllllIJUt' lo1 ‘.‘1’()ltI(I-I1(:~II£III1111IL:$It) 11111;

tauli IuitiletNtt: (LilII '.'.'1II I11: chained at Hip pet 11111111113 £1111ISI1()|II(IIdSI 111111111 3 1111111111213.

(Jails Itoin 111111 I'5I'11111I11111I'11I1: [bones may 11111.1 1110111. If you 111.1.(l help or an: «(11111311011 ahot it anything. “11,111.13 call our Helpline on 08/0 1201501.

You are advised not to 1111/13: out personal deli-1111:; 1.1111011 recieving enquiries 3190111 your flat. Alan-.1311; ensure you have someone with you when Showing people your property.

4611“: LIST


V I \.1'.1. 1.1111 tlnx 11111111111111'1 11' t.' 1 111\ 1!.'111.1111 I11'1111'ux1'1n1'nt I111..'| I 11".‘I

V I saw you 1I.11k I1.111 .1111I j.‘I.1\\1‘\I.1tt'.‘It|111‘it1tltII} 1.1111‘} .1 1I11ni. I I I i .‘3

V I saw you looking I).'\1111' \I1xx I 1111i}. Innkin' ll 1111111 tI11' \11'I1.'\ \11'1'11111"I I’S. \Innll. \IIIIIII ‘\'\. I .‘I

VI saw you }on I111.1'|} gingci III.1.‘klii.11\. I -I I” I I V I saw you:1-11111.~\1111111\1111} 1111i11'I'Iot.1111.\ I'Innk }.oui‘ 11.11111‘ ‘.‘..1\ \t‘IIt It1l\1111lII. \1111 Ii11.111111. I111.1t I'.1n.'}. i11'1111' n1} I‘11I.I|I1I.t‘.’I I I _“'

V I saw you 1' I)11.11111'1\ .1 '..'.11 .11'11 I I.'II 111 I11\.1' \1.1lI1 _\on .1111I..1:1'1I1111!- .111111I11'11‘11I "11ia111'ti1:12k11:.'111 I\..11.'1‘ \.111.:II‘." \I'1.1..1\.\'.‘.'.II 1.111 11' "

V I saw you }.1~11 111111;.- ~11'I1:;>'111I"13.1. k111.11\1I.11k 1..311'11.1111I1I1'I11'II1II\.I _‘-\ V I saw you I (‘1 - I.~11 I1111I~.1111'1111c”\1111.1:.'1I1.'I1.'\1 I II' “I

V I saw you 111:, 1: 11.111111;-

I‘.tl I‘I 1‘. I"

:111\\11I11'. I1'1..1I1111,I II 1'1 V I saw you \I1 I think I1.111 ~..'1i11..' .111} 1.1.111111'11 I 1.1.1111 .II \

211111111’1'111\I..1'1111}11111 111.1t.'\ \\.1t.‘I111111 .1..' 111.1} 1.1111 11‘.1'1 I|111'.' }.11111 .'.1I1i1' 11m 1111k1' \\1111I.I II" 1I V I saw you :11 11:; 111111

1'.'tti1‘1;' 1111111I., 11h \11111 I.'\111.:11

IU‘.1‘!. '.I I\llil‘.‘. '.‘.I111 I I I“ V I saw you ( .11.- ( "1.111.111;11 i1111.i111111.' ‘5 I11} \1111'.'.11i1

511.11.» 11'.'11'.1 (1111 111.'f .1\I

1.'.1'.11:- I.111.‘ 11.1'..11;'11111.11

HI: 11..' 11.'~.t tnn.‘ 'I II' 4'

V I saw you. 1i1.~ 111111.11111.111.'1I-'11‘. '1.11!I.111:'

i1.'I1.11.11\11I1.. \:1' 1.111:


1:1I11I11-x1111qu 1i1.11111-111.11111‘.1 1!1I11'.'.11 I If I‘1

V I saw you 11111- Itl1‘\1I.1}

Itli‘III 11111.11112' i1.111111|} .1Ion1'

.ZI ‘.11I' I‘I1I1'.‘\

\.111\I‘.i.'I‘1.1Ii\II1‘1'I.1II\‘I \‘.11|i\ \1121'.'..-1.-1'.111'.1111'.11111111i111'II.1 .'1; Iito LL'i‘: 11 1.1..1x11't 1.1111:11;' I .-.:\111,.111.11I1I..\|1I111 .1I111\ti1.1l Iunxw I .111'. \I.1j.?'.' nuxt '1111.' III I1.1'..'1I'..' I111.1. 151121.11' I H.711 V I saw you:11111.-11.111111.1.1


IuI} \11111'1111'1'11t1x I1111111'11c .1111I 111.’ 111}. I111o}. 1111111.I..\(111I1I1'~.1.i1.'11I11~11'11111. I 1't\ 1:1.‘1'1 \111111' I Ii I\ V I saw you 111 I1..- II1'1.1I1I .1111! I1.'}11111.1..1111I.1;,'.1111.1t (1111111111.1111I 11I1."..'1}1111'I11‘.1.I11'11I _.'oto\I.'.'|1 II11‘.1. 111111I1 I1111j,'.'1 1.111 1I11\I.1\1" II'

V I saw you II.11I.,I\.1\.1. 1.1111 \Ii I.1111I1.'11.11k, 111\1I111I.'~.. I1‘1..'111}.I’11[1I1I11I \1111 .11.' \.'i‘ .'I} \1111111ti1 .1111I I1.1‘..' .1 1.11111'1i111I11II1oiix ('111121' and '1‘I11'ili 111‘. I11." I III I11

V I saw you 1. .1111111' 1111-11; 1; did 1111.1\.".1. ‘1111I. |111‘

I11ii‘-.".11111 I1.1.k\11‘.11‘..'1.'1I I11'1‘1‘I1'.‘.1I\ I‘

V I saw you .1111x111. l1..\111.1~~.(‘111'.'11\t ‘11111. I.1.1|11.‘I111.'1111111\1111I1\\.1I1'\ \I.'.I'Iii..11!1'.111:'111I)11i1I111 \11111

.11111.'1I.I11|1\ '1111~111I.'11-j.11.'.111 I1'7.\1I11Ii.1‘ .11111111'11..1i tI-111_~,'.1:'.;111. 1111511' 1.111111: 'I Iii Ii

V I saw you and I11'.111I j.111:1 \I.111. .1. ..'111' \1111 \.1‘.‘. 1111' 1.1.11I1 II1.11I .1 ".11111I.'1111I ‘.'.1'.'k1'111II1nt '.1.1xI1 ‘.111I1II1IIII Il.1‘.1‘ I11 "11 I IIII\\





V I saw you .I,(‘ 111111.11111'

\\ 11h }oui h1'1111I and 1'111111'1111'} \ktII\. I. .11'1‘ I1111Iittj._' 1111 111112 \\1‘ .1II knox'. \'.ho\1' t|11' Iad} }1111 .111' .1111'1.I I-Ifi II

V I saw you 35 ‘}1111\.-\_\ 1I.11k1'i1'I 111I1I.11‘kat tI11' lion. tI11'111h1' I’1'pl1c1'1nint I oungt'. I think 11 1.1..1x }11111'|\i11hd;1}. \'1111‘11';1I1;1I11‘.\\\I' II" ‘5 V I saw you111111111 .111111\.'1\.11}. I I11'.1'}otl 1111111' than \.1|.11I.'1.'.1111 \.1111I\1.i1'I11'\ Io 111.111} 1111114' It.1|1|1\ 111nm. 13113111

V I saw you \1.11'l\. I.11111‘\.111d I'111111.\on _:'11_1.\.111' tI11' I11'\1 .11 I1'1111I1I11‘t1'111111'.1n1l\1\it }.1111.1II tI11'111111'. Id I11' I11\I. I I11\1'}11u

I I \\\\\\. I’St‘h'an up }111111111111'111;.'II.11.I II" V

V I saw you 1.111. 11.111 11111111}. 1th Homo. I1.111. I think }oui' 11.11111'1.1.;1\I1I.1111I}ou1.1.1'11‘1'1111113: I11111Ix\1111.1I\o\.11d‘I‘IIIIIIIIIh Iot I’I.1} 111} I‘111111'11\,I' II" 4N

V I saw you 11111111} 111111 _‘.11III\EII\ \.otti\h. I 11nd1111. ('.111.11I1.111.11'1‘1'111. Iton't I1'.1'.1' I1I111'111111;I1111 1.1111\'.1III1.'1'1.'.1tI} 1111\\.'1I I1} 11\ .1II. \\\ I ii” i‘1 V I saw you-x11111.1111111111- I1.11.\1111.111'1.1II.'1I ‘I 1!." | I1k1'1o \I111'1'.)1111.11I.111111;_'o11.I111111'1!1.1111 k'11111' \11111\‘I'§1§'(1‘ I'II"I'1 V I saw you 111 I III 1111 I11.'\ 11.1111 I ,‘ 111111 II111'1'.1.11'1I1'11.1111I

i1.111 11}..'_\.11‘11111\t\.‘..1k.'doutol

x .1111! I'1.'

111111c \111.'I1'.1n111 \\.

ll“ II

V I saw you I11.1.111 «11.1111: '111.‘ 1111» \111111.'\I.'\.1.'\.' {1| '111;\III.111. \111 1111'\ 11".1'1‘V I1“

1'.'111 I :I' If. V I saw you \.111111I.1j. .‘.\111 \111...\I..'1i111.'1111.1I1;_'I11'.1.11I1 111 111911111111 I 1'11I1\\;1II. l1.1111. I 111.1- 1.11'11 .‘11111111'11 I1.111 and I

‘."..:III I1‘1~.i\\I.1IIII I‘lx'lx'lllf.‘

Z‘.‘ I;

V I saw you. I .1.~111.11|}.

1I1111'I .1ll.111 \‘-.11I1}11tt. ( .11i1.'1111.'. I'§.'Ij..'1.1n11|111\1111I1'nt: \I.'. I'Ionjqo111111111'11' 1.1.I1.1t I1.11111.'11.'1I I11}i1tl I II" II V I saw you1111 '\11o I11111111'1" .1xj1111I.-.:|111111111I11'.111 111} I11'.111 11111111.'1it11o I\II I‘.I1\1"(.111111'II} 111111111; III11111I1." I I I" I"

V I saw you 111} \1'\} \11111133 (11111111 I.'1111.'t.1k1'}11111I1.1111I ..111.-_Ik.1Ion;' 111I111'I1} 111'. \11I.' I1111' 1.1111 Ion}: 111111'.

.1I'.1..1_'\.1111i1111.".1'1.1'1.1'1 }11111\ \1. I I11

V I saw you 111 I'1.1nk11'\. 1I.'1111111.11k1'\\ol\1.1111'111.1 1111111 .11.'1111111‘I11'1. I’I1'.1\1't1'.11‘i1 IIIC. I '.‘..IIII I111‘11I11}t\lll 111111..'1\1t\.'l II" -I‘

V I saw you .11 1111' I1.111-1x.- I‘I.111111 I\'1.I11i} \ou Iook1'1i 1'1.'.1t 111 1.11111 k1It \1111111' und1'1 th.‘11I1111111'1.111I1\,\ou 111ak1'1n1' 11111111! I II" I.\

V I saw you 11.11111111111 .11 I’1//.1 I \1111'\\. \topkhiidgu' ‘11111 ’1 i 1111 I'I1'1'kh.1111\ I1.11n1't' \I1' \ II11111111' 11'i111‘11l 111.'11u. I think 111111'111 .1I1.1n 1111' ()1

1.11. .1 .‘Im; \l1.1\.1' 11h 1111'. I\t\\I\!\\.I II. ‘1‘)

V I saw you 1111111111-11111. _\.'l 1“\1 II.1I‘i1‘ I Ill\I\‘.'

t It \11 i

V I saw you on tI11' 111.11}

1'11 11111111! I.1\l \‘..'1'k1'ud. .1nd ."..'1_\.1I.11. 111111}1|11'.11n\ \ou 111.:111.".1'11.ti1111;' toiii1'.111} 1I..1I1111'1111"I I I '

V I saw you \1'\} gal 11.1111111 1111' I1.11 .11 'I1.11 kholi. \‘1111 111'1'd lI i1..1I.\ I'1-1tI1.'11111'lo;'1\.'11to 1.1111 \t.1II111111' I II "I

V I saw you11111111111\.111.1'o11 111}. \11.‘.'1I \I1' II1.11\}1111111.1

iII\II\I I 11 \I

V I saw you 1111- 11111111111111 111‘1111I1‘ HI. \‘odka \Vttdka. ('IIL‘L‘t‘iU 11111 .\u\\i1' li‘it'nd. \\ 1' \\ ill 11'} to 11111}. on without 11.11111 .11'1'aII dit‘kxl' I.11\1' IIIL‘ .v\Iicn. the (ling and tI11' Hag. 1'1117/53 Vlsawyouinni}liouxc.l1x1k111g \tnn and 11111111111111. 1111' \\ ith a

t\.\ iIIIka' in 111} ow. }ou1'11111‘1'1111‘11ting on M1111 IIII|\IL' 1'111‘1'1'1‘. I 7-1-1753

V I saw you1l11'1111gI1111c \1.1111Io\1 111'}11111‘ I11‘1I1'oo1n. }ou nakcd. 11I1Ii\i11ll\ 111111} L‘\i\lL‘llL‘L‘. 1111'\\11'\1I1ngItn‘iouxl} \\11I1111_\ 111111111} hanana.Ill-1755

V I saw you. Ix1nclt}ou. I taxlcd }ou...\Ia\Ia\Iia1'aII 1111‘ lot" I 'Itl‘l\\;lkt‘\. I IIL't'tI [ti/AU I './-I~I~/5(1 VI saw you limit I.1‘1‘1I\.\\L‘ think \\ 1' had a catt‘cr IX'Iiil't' \\ 1‘ \1111k1'1l \xith}ou...'I11nct111111g1atc. |,11\1'tI1.'(};111111'11'}. I VII-175"

V I saw you;1111111'I|111I11\1-f l\’1111;1\1.a_\ \\11I11111'1118k1‘gn1‘xx. You\'.1'1'1'\1111|i11g.1t1111'111II1'1'an I1'1'111111.1I 1111\\'1'd IIth \\IIIl }11111' Hun ‘11'.I1'11}\. I' -II".5.\ V I saw you .11 (111-1111;: 111111111111 I1.1II1\ \pladnng .1\\a} to.\ ("I11I1" 111 \1lualit.IaI1no\t 1I1o'.'.n.'1i1n}111n I11'.1111}.\\1111Id 111111.1111'} hopping 1111111111} pca :'1.'.'11 I111.1t and \ailing ;1\\;1}'.’ ()1 .11‘1'1111111.111}111g1111'toth1' ['1'1'1111111.1111‘1' 111 II at IIIL' I 1.1\c1'\1',’ I'Ii;.'i111|1|1l.'\ \11\.I7l~l"15‘)

V I saw you [1111\1} 11111 .111\\1.' 1.111111‘11 1'hihuahua ol 1It'\111'. '.‘.oiking at I’I.1\11'I)u (‘I1111'1~I.1t.\\h} not huttci' tll_\ I111t.‘1‘111\\;111l'.'\11tl(.1111111‘II111} 1‘I1111'11I.1I1‘;tll} 111111'...I ‘Il~ ’I 3 V I saw you 1111|1\I'II$111 1I11111\.'.;1} 1111(it.I11n1'tion.\1111xt .1lt.'1‘11111\Iona.111, 1111'1I11' 1I1o\.1.n1'1I1';1lgt'tl1ng th1'I1ux. \\1111I\ I1'It to 111ak1‘ thix \\ 111}: 11|111I1l I-l’l

V I saw you Iaxl Sunda} at 1I11'11.11111 Ilj_‘IlI\ in \Ioiiiiiigxidc. I1'.1\111;_; ho} \\ 11h IIIL‘ 1'1111' \111111-11 11111 k111'\} 111} 11.11111' IS;11'.1I11 hut I .1111 .11 .1 11m. \\I1o 1111' }1111'.".".’ I 11111xt kno\\... I .IIWIII

V I saw you. )1111 11 crc \\ ith 3 girlx. hut kcpt 1'} cing 1111' up at thc Domc. l tricd thc "humping- into‘}1111~g11ing«to-thC-Ioo" routinc. hut 111ix-ti1ncditl I‘ah tic? V I saw you loph‘xx hluc .\I.\5 at South ()uccnxtcrt’} Sal 37.I11I_\. 'I‘hankx tor Ictting 1111' out. You niadc 111} old enginc 1'111'1' ax }ou \pi‘intcd paxt 1111'1'11 routc to Iidinhui'gh. iciniiiding 1111' 111' 111} }ottlI1 \thcn I too could mo} 1' IthltCt'lI You made 111} ouncr \llliIL‘ too. Old Blue Ih [7447/8

VI saw you .I1'1‘c1n} thc I;1\\}L'1' 1111111 ("him ick out on a dag night at Mt} not'.’on Sat 271I1.Iu|_\ in Iidinhui'gh. \Vc talkcd hut I didnt gt't _\oui'nuinhc1‘. [7’447/(1

V I saw you 7.1111 \1‘. I’l'tWL‘IIIL‘t' I'IL‘\II\iII RLW 111‘ I999. I)id I1‘\1'1'11'II}11uho\\ I‘L'LIIIIIIIII }ou \11'1'1".’I'/1I~I7/5

V I saw you cat on ning. .\I;11‘Ioho1‘ongh I.ight \111oking \kittIIL'ad \1‘1'k\II1L‘I11\L‘I} hlondc lad}. }\ ith thc \c\} acccnl. 1111111 that comm" \hop... I'/-I~l7/~l V I saw you 111(11'1'ggxin St.:\nd1'1'\\ \ Square looking \1'1‘} I11\1‘I_\ hchind thc countcr 1'} 1'1'} 111111‘inng.\\'ould Imctotalk to }1111 111111'1' \\ ithout thc (IllL‘llL‘ oi pvoph‘ hchind 1111'? Thank 11 1111' 111} hi‘cakl'axt 11 makc 1111' \lIIIIL‘ 1'} 1'1} da}I I'/-I~l7/3

V I saw you 111} htnnhlc luv/111g aua} at thc entranu' to 111} honcyonthcl | I11\c}ou\o much. 'I'hank _\1111 lot" 111} 1:111111x111111111111111. Looking Iot'\\at‘d to .1\1n\11'1‘dain. \Vatch IIII\ \[XIL‘L‘I III-Ij/Z

V I saw you 111 Mingin. danccd nut to _\1111 and _\11111‘ paI Sarah taka Snou \Vhitcl tor thc Iaxt hour. .\Ic.1\cid I’unk t-xhirt and aI\\a}\ laughing. )ou d1'1'xxcd all in hIack \\ ith l'unk} head mm m and “UlltIL‘l'IIlI \lllIIL‘. You can I»: on in} gllL‘\IIi\I :111}tintc? I'MJT/l