Rok pop

Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:


Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. (132 4400

Credit card bookings from: TICkOl Link: 287 5:31 1.

Way Ahead: (33‘) 8383.


Virgin Princes Street. 220 (1234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 434‘)

Way Ahead (1141 33‘) 8383


I Haywire, Locosea, Rococo, Richard Anderson and Serotonin 'I'hc ('athouxc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 343 66(16. 7.15pm. £4.50. ()\cr- 14.x \hou. Rock and pop night.

I Heffer and Barefoot \cht 13th. 1.3 Kchinhaugh Strcct. 576 5(113. 3pm. limo rock.

I Embryo, B-Movie Sidekicks and Eleven Mile Creek 'l‘hc 13111 Notc ('itlc. 5(1 6() King Stt'cct. 55.3 1653. ‘)ptn.

I Scooby Snax Studio ()nc. (iroxxcnor Hotcl. (it‘o\\c11()t' 'l'crt‘acc. 341 6516. 9pm. lircc. (‘mcrx hand.

I The Waltzers .\lc('httill\.4(1 High Strcct. 553 3135. 10pm. l'rcc.

I Paul Dickson 'l‘inilcrhm. 13‘) Byrcx Road. 33‘) 3103. ‘)pm. l'rcc. :\cou\tic \cl.

I The Vagabonds 'l'hc Scotia.

113 114 Sloc‘ku L‘ll Strcct. .553 3631. 9pm. I‘rcc. l’opulat' co\'cr\.

I Open Mic 'l‘chai ()\na. 43 ()tago |.anc. 357 4534. 3pm. l-‘rcc.

I Jam Session Santucl l)o\\\,

67 ‘)l \itlixdalc Road. 43.3 (11(17. 3.3(1pttl. l'il'L‘L‘.

I Live MUSiC .\1ac3o1‘1c_\\. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 343 3531. 9pm. I‘rcc. 'I‘hrcc local handx.


I Dawn of the Replicants and Virgil Kanes 'l‘hc .\1crcat. 33 \VLKl .\lait1and Strcct. 335 3361. 3pm. £4. Altcrnatix'c. pt‘ogl'c‘xxh c punk rock. “1111 anothcr act to hc conlirmcd.


GMiss Kittin and Golden Boy, Jolly Music and Midnight Mike Midi Hi—li. (iltt\g()\\ School ol'.-\i‘t. I63 chl'rcu Strcct. 35.3 453(1. 10pm. £‘). lilcctro-clash do} cnnc Mixx Kittin docx hcr dcadpan \ogucing thing hackcd h) ironic mullctx and \tccl} hcatx. Scc

prc\ icu in cluhx.

I Left Hand Element, Co-Exist, Godplayer and Second Skin King 'l‘ut’x “ah “ah llut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 3.30pm. £5 pith hooking l'cc. Rock and mctal linc—up.

I Kinetic, Episode and Northern Remedy Barll} (lorincrh lhc 13th .\’otc ('luh). 36(1 ('l}dc Slt'cct, (137(19l17 (199‘). 3.15pm. £4.

22THE LIST .. ,'~.;.

I The Bus Drivers, Shootin’ Goon and Misled Youth lltL‘ ('atliouxc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 343 6606. 7.30pm. £5.50. ()\ct‘-14\ \ll(1\\.

I Reno, the Snow Petrels and The Underclass \icc'n‘Slczv). 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm. I Spleen, Big Hand, TWofireherb and Michael Hargan 'I'hc l-"c-r‘r‘). (‘hdc l’lacc. 43‘) 10“). 9pm. £4 (ad\ancc1. £5 (door).

I Senile Delinquents, Hollow Point and Remmus l’ur} .\iurr) \. ‘16 .\la\\\c|1 Strcct. 331 6511. 9pm. £4. including cntr} lo poxt-gig cltih.

I Tommy Truesdale and the Sundowners (irand ()lc ()pt'}. l’aixlc) Road 'l‘oll. 43‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£3 mcmhcrxi. lilxix night with 1111\ rock‘n’roll-inl’lucnccd comho.

I Robbie Williams Tribute Bourhon Stl‘ccl. 1(13 (icot'gc Strcct. 553 0141. 7pm. £5 (£14.50 \(ith dinncrt.

I Remedy .\1;tc'3oi‘|c}\. 43 Jamaica Slrccl. 343 3531. 9pm. l‘rcc. .\1c1odic rootx inl'lucnccd pop.

I Sex Godz Samucl l)o\\\~ 67 ‘)| .\'itlm1alc Road. 43.3 (11(17. 3.30pm. l’rcc. (ilatn \hcnaniganx.


I Jiva, Bar 9 and Big Man 'l‘lic .\Icrcat. 33 \cht .\1ait|and Strccl. 335 3361. 3pm. £4. .\ grcat mix ol‘ l'unk. rock. pop and \ka from thix triplc hill.


I Mac Floyd Magnum ’l‘hcatrc. llill‘11(1lll'\iLlC. (11394 373331. 7.3(1ptn. £10. lntcrnationall} acclaitncd trihutc comho to Pink I‘loyd. \kho rccrcatc (on a \lightI} \Inallcr \calci thc \tagc cl‘l'cctx thc prog rockcrx \xct‘c rcnou ncd lor.


GBunkdada l'caturing the Magnificents, Dogs Die in Hot Cars, My Legendary Girlfriend, lndafusion, Panzer G-Man, Micronesia, Nuclear Family and Blind Pew Nicc‘ii‘SIcaI}. 43! Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 9637. 3pm. £5. All—da} c\cnt lcaturing local httlldx and \liort lilmx madc h) local dircctorx.

I Kinetic, Episode, Northern Remedy, Transaudio and Ives Bart'l} (lormcrl'\ (hc 13th .\'otc ('Iuh). 36(1(‘|ylc 3lt‘cct. (1370 (M)? (1mm. 3.3(1pm. £4.

I Chuckwagon and the Ponies (Brand ()lc ()pr}. l’aixlc} Road To”. 43‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£3 nicmhcrsi. (’ountr).

I Robbie Williams Tribute Bourhon Strcct. 103 (icorgc Strcct. 553 (1141. 7pm. £5 (£16.50 “ith dinncri.

I Open Stage The Hall Bar. 16(1 Woodlandx Road. 564 1537. 4 3pm. l'il‘L‘L'. \VCL‘hl} \L‘\\i()lt liot‘ local lllllxiciillh. I Captain Howdy .\1c('huill\.4(1 High Strcct. 553 3135. 1(1pm. l‘rcc.

I Backstreet Samttcl l)()\\ ‘x. (17 ‘)l \ithxdalc Road. 433 0107. 3.30pm. l'rcc. I Jamie Barnes 8: Cochise .\1ac3orlc_\ ‘x. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 343 3531. 6pm. l'rcc. chidcncy l'or thc R&B \ctcran.


I Hugh Reed and the Velvet Underpants, State of Bliss and Mutterfly 'l‘hc Mct'cat. 23 \cht .\laitland Strcct. 335 3361. 3pm. £4.'1‘hc cnigmatic .\1l' Rccd hcadlincx [his triplc hill. hackcd up h} indic t)pc\ Statc ol Blixx and thc angxt rock of Muttcrtl).


I Newmilns and Galston Band 1)cati ('axtlc ('ountr) l’at‘k. I)can Road. (11563 5337(13. 3.30 4pm. (‘omc along and hcar a \clcction of classical and tnodcrn lllll\1t‘.


I Rock@Rothes Rolltcx Halls. Rothcx Squarc. (115‘13 61 1 I01.

6pm midnight. ()riginal mlisic from (our of l'il‘c'x )oung handx.

Sunday 18 .


GThe Pattern, the Beatings and Har Mar Superstar King 't‘ut‘x with Walt Hut. 373a St \'inccnt Strcct. 331 .5379. 3.3(1ptti. £6 plttx hooking lcc. Scc prc\ ic“ l'or garagc punkcrx thc l’attct'n. 'l'hc Bcatingx arc ttllillldiliolix )olitig Brits \napping at thcir :\mcrican couxinx' lch‘l\.

I The Relatives ’l‘hc ('athotixc. 15 littiott 311cm. 343 6606. 7.30pm. ()\'L‘t‘- 14\ \ll()\\.

I Overhaul, Stump Monkey and People’s Alibi Barl'l} (lormcrl) thc 13th\otc('1uhr.36(1('l}dcStrcct.()37(1 907 (199‘). 33(1an £4.

I Bubblecraft the 13m \otc (Eric. 5(1 6(1 King Strcct. 553 1633. 9pm. ()tialit} indic l'rom thc .\1int Bluc \tahlc.

Counting Crows play Barrowland, Glasgw, T

' s , mm. 4‘ *5 1. L.

hu 22'u

I Runaway (irand ()lc ()pt‘}. l’aixlc} Road Toll. 43‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£3 mcmhcrxi. ('ountr}.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (iroxx‘cnor llotcl. (il‘o\\L‘11(1l' 'lct't‘acc. .341 6516. 6pm. l'rcc. lloxlcd h) thc .\'c\\ Blucs Surlcrs \\ ith contrihutionx lrom Studio ()nc t‘cgtilarx \uch ax Rc\ l)oc and thc \immo Brothcrx.

I Steff’s Sunday Session l'ixgc Bcatha. 333 \Voodlatidx Road. 564 1596. 5pm. l'rcc. Bring _\ollt‘ oun inxtrttmcnt.

Edinburgh I Stigma, Palehorse and Mulk

'l‘hc \chc. 17 31 ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £5. A night of mctal and punk lt‘om thix local triplc hill.

I Sunshine Delay and Richard Anderson 'I‘hc Mcrcat. 33 Wm Maitland Strcct. 335 3361. 3pm. £4. .-\ night of alt.countt‘) and .kntcricana. \\ ith anothcr local act to 110 L‘olllii'tttcd.


I Feed 830k 'l'olhooth 'I‘hcatrc. .lail \\’_\nil, (11736 374000. 3pm. £3. .\ chancc toch ad\ icc and \Uppot'l in thc muxic induxtr) lrom a \clcctiott o1gttC\l spcakcrx.

Monday 19


I Pretty Girls Make Graves, JR Ewing and Haywire King llll‘x \\';ili \Vah Hut. 373a 3t Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 3.30pm. £6 plux hooking lcc.

I The New Blues Surfers Studio ()nc. (il'(1\\ cnor llotcl. (iroxxcnor 'l‘crracc. .341 6.516. ‘1pm. l'lL‘C.

I Acoustic Jam \icc‘ii'Slca/i. 431 Sauchicliall Strcct. 333 963". ‘)pm. With a l'rcc drink ax inccntix c (or participant»

I Live Music 'l‘hc 13111 \otc (are.

5(1 6(1King Strcct. 553 1633. 9an


I Susan McKenzie and Heftor Medboe Thc Mcrcat. 33' \cht Maitland Strcct. 335 3361. 3pm. £4. .v\mmo t‘ccot'd\ \11(1\\L‘;I\L‘ (11. L‘L‘lL‘L‘llL‘ dlll).

Tuesday 20


Olnterpol and Cannon King ‘l‘ur'x \Vah Walt lint. 373a 3t \inccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 3.30pm. £5 pith hooking lcc. Scc pt‘c\ ic\\ tor lntcrpol.

I Stuart’s Session t'ixgc Bcatha. 333 Woodlandx Road. 564 1596. 9pm. l’rcc.