
I Old Blind Dogs (‘ommunio (‘Clili'tfi (“333 51 lll8ll. 8pm. The Dogs are hack \\ ith a tie“ percussionist. hut the same contemporar} take on the Scots tradition.

Sunday 18


I Voice of the Violin ('al'c ('ossachok. Rtissian ('ultural (‘entre. 10 King Street. 553 0733. 8.30pm. Free. Russian. .»\rmenian and g}ps) traditions lirolil I.c\ Atlas.


I Festival of Scottish Music and Dance (‘ul/ean (‘astle and (‘ounti‘y Park. 01055 884400.

12.30 4.30pm. £4.50 (£3.50 l'amil} ticket £12.50). Tourist~oriented Scottish music. dancing and song in a spectacular setting.


I Rob McKillop lolhoolh 'l‘hcatt‘e. Jail \Vyid. 01780 274000. 7.30pm. £8 (£5.50). I.ute and guitar music. featuring tunes l'rom Scots maestro McKillop's latest album. The Hui/me.

Monday 19


I Sheena Wellington Stirling l-‘ulk (‘Iuh. 'l'ci‘i‘aces Ilotcl. .\lcl\ illc 'I‘errace. 01780 472208. 8pm. £5 (£4). Scots songs and ballads from the great liite singer.

Tuesday 20


I The Wrigley Sisters lliL‘ Star ('Iuh. Rnerside ('luh. I‘m Street. 50‘) 72s7. 7.30pm. to (£4). Sec Hi 10.


I Radio Tarifa 'l‘olhooili 'I‘heatre. Jail \Vyrd, 01780 274000. 7.30pm. £10 (£0.50). Arabic. Jen iin and Spanish music collide in this entertaining hand from deep in .-\ndalucia.

Isle of Mull

I Catriona MacDonald Trio .v\n 'l‘ohai‘. .v\rg} II 'I‘ci'racc. 'l'oherinor}. 01088 302211. 8.30pm. £0 (£4). lila/iii‘ liddlei‘ MacDonald is joined h)" I)a\'id Milligan on piano and ('oni'ad I\ itsk} on bass.

Wednesday 21


I The Wonderful Songs of Robert Burns The 'l‘ain ()‘8hanter Iixpei‘ience. Murdoch's Loan. 01292 313205. 2pm. £5 (£4 children tree).


I Summer Ceilidh 'l‘ollmuili 'I'heatre. Jail W} nd. ()1780 274000. 7.30pm. £4 (£2.50). ('eilidh/dances for all the laliiil}.


I Session Dunlcrmlinc I‘ollt (‘Itilx 'l‘histle 'Itnern. Baldridgehtirn. 01383 729073. 8pm. lice.


I Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies I‘alkirk 1‘olk('|uh.’l'hc I’olish (‘Itih. .-\l'll()l Street. 01324 013395. Popular cluh performer and song“ riter ll'Ulll lungland's north-east. \\lll1lli\ long term hand.


I Kinrick Iictl) Nicol's. High Street. 01502 200282. 8.30pm. l'i'cc. l‘il‘e-hased. I)ann_\ Auard—uinning hand pla} traditional and original songs.

r I iv

Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Anna Millar.


I Bedfordshire County Youth Wind Band RSAMI). 100 chl'reu Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50

(liree £3.50). The )otlng talent ol lit‘tlltH‘tkllll’t‘ perform a \‘aiict_\ ol' popular tunes li'oni The [in] (if/fund to ('olc I’ortcr's ‘.»\ii)thiiig (ioes'.


I Festival Organ Recitals ('Iun) I’arish ('Iitirch. ('ltin} (iai‘dens. .\1oriiingside. lpiii. lirec. Lunchtime recitals 1)) local organisls pla) ed on the ‘I‘ather \Villis' organ.


I Leipzig Youth Symphony Orchestra, Germany RSAMI). 100 Renlireu Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 (l‘i'ee £3.50). Ron-I)irk lintlctitncr conducts a selection o1 pieces h) Bach. Slolxtmxlxi. Brahms and Grieg.


I Baroque by Candlelight I‘alltirlx 'l'oxsn Hall. West Bridge Street. (11324 500850. 7.30pm. £0 £8. The 18111 ('cntur) ('onccrt ()rchcstra perform music (it the time in l'ull period costume.


I The 18th Century Concert orchestra l’ollok llotisc. l’ollok (‘otintr) Park. 2000 l’ollokshans Road. 010 0410. 7.30pm. £ Ill. The elegant spirit ()1 the 1801 centur} is recreated in a musical exciting tising instruments ol the period and handmade costumes.


I Newmilns and Galston Band I)eaii ('astlc (’oiintr} I’ark. |)ean Road. (H.503 5227112, 2.31) 4pm. :\ selection o1 classical and modern music.

Sunday 18


I RSAMD Junior Academy Orchestra RSAMI). i()() cht‘rext Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 ll’i‘cc £3.50). :\ selection ()1 picL'L‘\ 1)} Shostalxox ich. Ridotit's (Driver/inn. l'eattiring James ('amphcll as \()lt) clai‘inctist and \\t)l'l\\ h} llolst. Iilgai' ttlltl .\lil\\L‘llL'l.


I Magdalen Green Band Concerts Magdalen (irccn. Magdalen Yard Road. 01382 433047. 2 3pm. I-rce. 1.a/_\ Sunda} alteriiooii music courtcs} ol local hrass hands and a local dance orchestra and quintet. Sunday onl}.

St Andrews

I Music for a Summer Afternoon B) i'c ’l'lieatre. Ahhe)‘ Street, 01334 475000. 3pm. £0 (£5). A programme ()1 \aricd classical music l'i'oiii )(itiiig (Itio Nicola l)a\is (\iolin) and :\nna Bull (piano).


I Rob McKillop 'l‘olhooih 'l‘lieatre.

.lail “ind. 0|780 274000. 7.30pm. £8

(£5.50). .\ concert ol historical lute and guitar music li‘oin Scotland during the

1711) and 18th ccntur).

classical & opera listings Music

Radio Tarifa play the Tollbooth Theatre, Stirling, Tue 20 Aug


I Leicestershire Schools Symphony Orchestra RSAMI). 100 Renli‘e“ Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 (Free £3.50). Rtissell Parr} conducts an e\citing modern programme including [no Scottish pi'eiiiieres of Jalhci'g's Iii .'lt’lt‘l’llllll1 and ()\\ en Walton's (This.

Tuesday 20


I Festival Organ Recitals (‘luny l’arish ('hurch. (‘Iun_\ Gardens. Morningside. Ipm. I‘ree. See Thu 15.

Wednesday 21


I Kelvin Ensemble RSAXII). 100 Renli'en Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 (l‘ree £3.50). ('onductcd h) Robert Dick. this local ensemble pcrlorm

Weber's ('luri'nc! (‘mu'erm m) 2. featuring Nicola Long as soloist and Schubert's .S'i'mplimn' m) 4.


I Festival Organ Recitals Cluny Parish Church. (‘luny Gardens. Morningside. 1pm. Free. See Thu 15.


I East Dunbartonshire Secondary Schools Orchestra RSAMI). I00 Renl’rew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50(1-'ree-~£3.50). An eclectic programme conducted by George Kelly including a new commission by Maxwell (icddc‘s. xl (701/1 (MOO/(1. Vaughan Williams’ Slur ll'urs and Glazunov‘s airmplimn' m) 5.

I Festival Organ Recitals Cluny Parish Church. (‘luny Gardens. .\'lorningside. 1pm. Free. See Thu 15.

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if) 22 Aug 2002 THE LIST 25