

How litany straight women have had a lesbian relationship? An affair or even a fantasy? For women. sampling satee- sex relationships is a great deal n‘ore accepted than it is for men attd is prob ably done by a higher percentage. A" exalitple of this is two won‘e't 530M“


t it ' '5‘ W 'r. (b )’i‘. hat . kissing, l a Glasgo ba N) (t I M Me led an eye. but imagine if 't had bee" two n‘en: uproar. Is it because co" "‘a'r: (Jo-line:

Ll()ll‘tltl£tlll society gleefully rubs it ("It/:I‘S at such a fantasy or more ll‘l)()f§£tl‘iily because the natural intimacy bet ween ‘.'.’()'ll(3lt can so easily becolie sexual? But t'xhy is it that many won‘en who after being straight for most of their lives. decide that the lesbian lil(3 is for them?

According to TEIIl‘Sll‘. V‘Jilton. author of Unexpected P/easures. an an‘a/inq (I()(Ztllt‘(3.’ll£tl”y book a'rltich inteix'tex'xed 7.1 ‘.‘.’()lll(}lt who have experienced eater lite lt3f3l)l£tl‘.253t‘.‘. there are several reasons. Her research has shot-7n that there are '.'.o"‘elt ‘.'."t() belteve they have been ll‘. denial of Her sexualin and others t'r'no have "ever exert thought about ;t until they had their first relationship Willi a unlon‘an. After that they clatn‘ed they. would never turn back.

Many- of the ‘.'.’()lll(3li interx’te‘.‘/ed felt that "()1 col, .mas the sex better but y'xon‘en ‘.'.'ere also better at intimacy and closeness. 53()"‘(}illlll(; that had been lacking wrtl‘ their past n‘ale partners. Wilton also thinks ‘.'.'e should stop laughing} at lesbiaitlsltt being the biggest threat to married '.'.'o"‘er‘ ai‘d accept that Here and more y'xc'ner‘ are choosith same sex relationships as a form of release and freedoll‘ how the)" socially, acceptable lives.

Continuing this IllOtt‘O is the none: lucky .‘lte Corner by £l‘.'.’£tt‘(l manning; Clticaot author Carol Anshay'r. ‘.'.’Ill()Il has been a huge hit stateside. It is a delightful stop. looking at the relationship between fern aw: her 'l‘()ill()t‘ Nora. after Nora (:()lt‘.(}S out as a lesbian. It focuses on the affect :t has ()t‘ Fern's development and life direction as well as how she deals With her nes.’ ‘associate il‘ull“. .Jeatlite. Fern soon sees the same faults appearing in her lttother's new reéat'onsltip as she did lit the one With her father. All this happens at the saw:- lll“(} as net t)‘.'.~". "l‘otlter' relationship ‘.'.’lill l‘er friend's baby develops

Both of these books are an ilt‘etgtu‘atr.e and col‘ten‘porat‘, ioo‘x at lltodern IWllKJ u'xhere it is lllll)()SfSll)l(} to define ourselves. (ESINECIZtIl‘, to a society. '.'.'ltere there is no 'onger such a thing as ‘the noun. lJane llan‘iltont I Lucky in the Corner (Virago) 575.95): Ueexnecfed Pleasures Diva) 5‘ 72.95).

i; a W”

beginning of tlte week and ftiltk. disco alld requests nearer the weekend. Revolver 6a John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Free. Weekly. Popular bar which hosts arcade gante attd tlllil. ltigltts on Sat afternoons. ltas l)Js on tlte first l‘ri of the month and boasts a free juke- box cralttttted with (Her 5000 top tunes. Sadie Frosts 3 l0 \Vest (ieorge Street. 332 8005. North Midltigltt. I'lree. l)Js (I‘ri. Sat aitd Molt). karaoke (Tlttl altd Stilt) altd qui/ (Wed). Tue combines the lot and comes up with qui/oke. while Stilt is women ottly iii the Bltie Room. Waterloo Waterloo Street. 22‘) 5801. .\'oott Midnight. Well known gay bar.



Bennet’s 9t) (llasst'ortl Street. 552 576l. Ilpitt 3.30am. £3 £6t£2 £5). lixcelleitt daltce action Wed to Stilt atld a student night on Thu.

Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8900. ll.30pttt 3am. £3 (£2 with flyer). ('Itcesy cltart gay nights on Mon (I’assioitality ) altd Ttle (I".I'..\'. ).

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. l0pm 3am. £5. Downstairs iii the Polo is the place to be for dancing with club nights I‘l'eslt. I.ush aitd (’al'l'y on Polo. l-ri to Stilt.


Candle Bar 20 ('altdlel‘iggs. 564 I285. 9pm. l‘i'ee. I.i\ely bar with a disco flatour on Wed. l'ri attd Sat. with an intriguing mix of gossip. trix ia altd karaoke with Altgiet) oit Stilt.

Court Bar 6‘) llutelieson Street. 552 2463. 6.30 10pm. lil‘ce. Popular tradi- tional bar where you can cltill all week. listen to li\ e music on a Sat afternoon aitd join iii the karaoke on Stilt. Delmonica’s 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 9pm. l‘ree. l)Js on I'Ti. Sat. Mon. Tue and Wed. mm on Thu and karaoke on Stilt.

LGBT Centre I I Dixon Street. 22l 7203. llailt Midnight. Free. The I.(iBT eztIe/Itat‘ is liot only perfect for coffees. food aitd drink bill also has karaoke front I‘l‘i to Stilt.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. l0pm laitt. liree. Iiittertailtitteitt front Mon to Thu with laid back sottiids aitd lite music from Tom aitd Mari at the


Clone Zone 45 Virginia Street. 553 2666. Mon Sat llam 9pm; Stilt

.\'oolt 9pm. Brand spanking new premis- es stocking a wide range of clotltittg.

\ ideos. maga/iltes attd toys.


Beyond Barriers l.(;li’l‘. l)i.\oll Street. 574 0242. ('halleitgiitg homopho- bia through training. information and edu- cation. More iitforlttatiolt itifti(“l1e_\0tltl- or

w w w .hey t)

Bi-G-Les ('/() I.(iBT. I l Dixon Street. 22l 7203. Support for l.(iBT under 25. Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 50l0. Support for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Sandy ford Place. 2| l 6700. Iltfol'litatiolt for women and specific \et'\ ices for les— biaits.

Glasgow Thursdays


Venom Alaska. 142 Bath Street. 248 I777. llpltt 3am. £3. Weekly. ‘(ilamotir witlt a hammer" is promised at tltis new night.


Gay and Lesbian Badminton Club Kitiglitswood Secondary School. ()0 Ktliglttswootl Road. 7pm. Weekly. All welcotite at tltis friendly club. contact I)otltt on 07985 62] ()57 for more details. Glasgow GOC Swimmers Contact 64‘) 5806. 7.30 9pm. Weekly. Informal.

Glasgow Sundays


Candle Bar 20 ('attdleriggs. 564 I285. l)ptit. I-‘ree. Weekly. Sunday night reyelt'y witlt Angie()‘s unique mix of gossip. triyia aitd karaoke.

Glasgow Mondays


Performance Group l.(iB'l‘ ('elttre. ll l)i.xolt Street. 22l 7203. 7.30pm. I’ree. Weekly. Meeting for anyone inter- ested in tlteatre and itittsic skills. Holistic Healing Group t.(}B'l‘ Centre. It l)i.xolt Street. 221 7203.

7.30 ltlpnt. Free. Weekly. (‘ontact 423 5952 for more information.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Bi-G-Les Youth Group t.(;li’l‘ ('etttre. ll l)i.xott Street. 22l 7203. 7 l0pm. liree. Weekly. Meeting for l.( iBT tip to the age of 25.

Glasgow Wednesdays

Groups Speakeasy LGB'I‘ (‘enlre. ll I)ixolt Street. 22l 7203. 7.30pm. Wed 2] Aug. Monthly.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Claremont I33 I35 liast (‘larelltont

Glasgow Lesbian Line P0 Box 680. (i.3 7Tl.. 55.7. 33.5.5. Adyice and sup- port.

Glasgow Women’s Library lot) 'l'roltgate. 552 8345. Open Tue I-‘ri

I 6pm: Sat 2 5pm. Women's literature altd the lesbian arcltiye.

Phace West 4‘) Bath Street. 332 3838. The main set'\ ice lit the West of Scotland for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Steve Retson Project 2 Sandy ford Place. 2| l 860l. ()peit Tue & Tltti

5.30 8.30pm. Sexual health adyice and counselling for gay men.

Strathclyde Lesbian & Gay Switchboard Pt) Box 38. (i2 2Ql-1. 332 8372. Open 7 l0pm daily. ('oltlidelttial adyice.



CC Blooms 23 24 (ireeitside Place. 556 933 l. l0.30pm 3am (bar front 6pm). I’ree. A bar and club with a playlist of ltigli camp and disco classics.


Blue Moon Caté l Barony Street. 557 0‘)I l. Molt l-‘ri llaltt I 1.30pm. Sat Stilt 9pm l2.30am. l-‘ree. Iidittburgh's longest running gay cafe.

Nexus 60 Bt'oughtolt Street. 478 706‘).

I laitt l lpltt. I‘ree. The l.(iB ('elttre‘s cafe. CC Blooms 2.3 24 (ireeltside Place. 556 033 l. l0.30pttt 3am (bar front 6pm). l-‘ree. See ('luhs.

Habana (ireeltside Place. 558 I270. .\'oolt latit. lil‘ee. Popular spot. Flashback l) Ilope Street. 226 (Not. 4pm lam. 70s altd 80s feel.


Street. 5.56 5662. 8pm. Free. Sat I7 Aug. Fortnightly. MSC and the Bears organise the night with the dress code as wild as you like.


Joy Iigo. Picardy Place. 478 7434. l0.3()pitt 3am. £l0 (£8). Sat 17 Aug. Fortnightly. Residents Maggie and Alatt are joined by ('octeatt Lounge residents Trendy Wendy and Sally I5.

Eye Candy ('lub Mercado. 36 3‘) Market Street. 226 4224. l lptlt 3am. £10 (£8); £6 itt fancy dress. Sat l7 Aug. l-‘ortltightly. Residents (iraeme Popstar. Neiat Bartott attd .\'eil (’rookston ltost their infamous. glam house party.

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. llpm- 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. Tasty brew of house and garage with [Ms I-‘isher & Price. Stilt l8 Aug with gtiest Dimitri (Artisterdaltt).


Stonewall Youth Go 4 it Summer Sports Tournament (‘olttact I.(iBT Youthlilte on 0845 I I3 0005 (Tue 7.30 9pm). Stilt 18 Atig. (‘all or entail iltfo(a‘ for more details on this tournaittent rounding off the stttttttter prograittitte.

Edinburgh Mondays


Trendy Wendy Planet ()ttt. (irecltside Place. 524 006l. I0.30pm 3am (bar front 6pm). Free. Fortnightly. l)J’s every week with 'I‘reltdy Wendy eyery fortnight (Molt ll) Aug).

Groups Gay Men’s Swimming Group (‘alt 226 4476. 8pm. Weekly. lttfortital.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Vibe Iigo. Picardy Place. 478 7434.

l lptlt 3am. £2. Weekly. James Longworth prox'ides the sotiltds at this popular. sparkly. cltarty pat'ty.

Frenchies Rose Street. 225 765i

lptlt laitt. l-‘ree. Popular cltill'lt’chat spot. The Gilded Saloon 2.3.3 (‘ow gate. 226 6550. 9pm lam. l‘ree. Iiyet'y Stilt tlte Saloon holds the pre-club session for Taste at the Liquid Room.

The Laughing Duck 24 Ilowe Street. 220 2376. Mon Thu l Ialtt l Ipltt. l-‘ri & Sat llam lattt. Still I l.30ant l lpiit. Stylish. comfy bar.

New Town Bar l)tiltlin Street. 538 7775. Mon Thu Noon latit. I-‘ri Sat .\'ooit 2am. Stilt l2.30pitt laitt. (lay cruise bar.

Planet Out (ireenside Place. .524 00(tl. Molt I’ri 4pm lam. Sat Stlit 2pm lam. I’i'ee. I’ilte bar with l).ls.


Out of the Blue Barony Street. 478 7048. Mon I-‘ri llalit 7pm. Sat

1 lattt 6pm. Stltt .\'oon 6pm. Books. mags. toys altd Videos.

Bobbie’s Bookshop 22t) Morrison Street. 538 706‘). Mott Sat ltlailt 5.30pm. (iay ltlaga/ittes.


A.D. ('otttact 55ft 404‘). l'itll' lesbians ()\'el' 40. Monthly social eyeltts..

Dykes Night Out PO Box Int). lilll 3|.t'. Social eyenittgs for women. Lesbian Line 557 ()75l. Mon & 'l‘hti 7.30 l0pitt. Helpline.

Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 556 404‘). 7.30 lupin eyery day. Helpline.

Stonewall Youth Project ('oittact 622 2266 (Office) or 0845 I I30 005 (Yttlltltlitiel. Social eyeltls.

'1') 1);) Aug 200? THE LIST 27